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    Gandum di Indonesia merupakan bahan makanan pokok kedua setelah padi. Biji gandum diolahmenjadi tepung terigu. Dari tepung terigu dapat dijadikan mie, roti dan panganan lainnya. Salahsatu faktor yang mempengaruhi produktivitas gandum yaitu terjadinya persaingan antara tanamangandum dengan gulma. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu penyiangangulma terhadap pertumbuhan dan hasil panen tanaman gandum Genotip 10 dan untuk mengetahuiperiode penyiangan gulma yang merupakan periode kritis bebas gulma dari tanaman gandumGenotip 10. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan delapanperlakuan dan lima ulangan. Perlakuan yang dicobakan meliputi empat rentang waktu bebasgulma dan empat rentang waktu bergulma. Data hasil pengamatan dianalisis dengan menggunakanmetode sidik ragam dan uji Beda Nyata Jujur pada taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa: (1) waktu bergulma dan bebas gulma berpengaruh terhadap jumlah anakanper rumpun, bobot biji per malai dan bobot biji per rumpun, serta (2) bobot biji per rumpun yangditanam bebas gulma dari awal penanaman sampai panen lebih tinggi dan berbeda nyata berbedanyata terhadap bobot biji per rumpun yang ditanam bergulma dari awal penanaman sampaipanen. Periode kritis bebas gulma dari tanaman Gandum Genotif 10 adalah pada saat tanamanberumur 14 hari sampai 42 hari.Wheat in Indonesia is the second staple food. Wheat seed are processed to become wheat flour.From wheat flour can be made noodle, bread and other foods. One factor that is affected wheatproductivity is competition between wheat and weeds. The aim of the research were to know theaffect of weeding times toward growth and yield of wheat of Genotype 10, and to know weedingperiods that were critical periods of free weed of Genotype 10 wheat. This research usedRandomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with eight treatments and five replications. Thetreatments tested were four periods of wheat crop without weeds and four periods of wheat cropwith weed. Research result data were analyzed by using analysis of variance (ANNOVA) andhonestly significant different (HSD) at 95% significant level. Research results showed that: (1)both periods with and without weeds affected number of tillers per clump, seed weight perpanicle, and (2) Seed weight per clump in period of weed controlled was highest significantlycompared with seed weight per clump in period with weed. It could be concluded that criticalweed- free periods of Genotype 10 of wheat were between 14 days until 42 days after sowing

    Konsep Keadilan Menurut Thomas Aquinas Terhadap Wabah Korupsi di Indonesia

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    Abstrak Studi ini menaruh perhatian pada negara Indonesia yang terkena wabah korupsi. Korupsi yang terjadi di Indonesia membuat masyarakat tidak percaya dengan penegakan hukum. Indonesia dikatakan sebagai negara hukum yang diatur oleh Pasal 28D (1) UUD NKRI Tahun 1945, namun masih ada korupsi. Dampak yang dilahirkan akibat korupsi sangat berbahaya, salah satunya merosotnya keadilan di Indonesia. Tulisan ini akan meninjau lebih dalam lagi mengenai keadilan dalam hidup bersama. Karya ilmiah ini, menggali lebih dalam lagi tentang konsep keadilan menurut Thomas Aquinas. Penulis menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif dan pemikiran Thomas Aquinas tentang konsep keadilan. Berdasarkan analisis penulis menemukan metode yaitu; memberantas korupsi, penegakan hukum, membangun moral dan nilai hidup manusia. Adanya konsep keadilan Thomas Aquinas membuat manusia sadar betapa pentingnya hidup rukun. Argumen tulisan dapat terwujud adanya pengenalan manusia terhadap fenomena yang terjadi di Indonesia. Pengenalan sebagai manusia tentunya mempunyai relasi yang mendalam terhadap sesama manusia. Maka konsep keadilan yang di gagas oleh Thomas Aquinas ini, akan mengarahkan manusia untuk hidup adil. Kata Kunci: Keadilan Thomas Aquinas, Bangsa Indonesia, Korupsi, Penegakan Hukum.   Abstrak This study pays attention to the country of Indonesia which is affected by an epidemic of corruption. The corruption that occurs in Indonesia makes people distrust law enforcement. Indonesia is said to be a legal state regulated by Article 28D (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, but there is still corruption. The impacts resulting from corruption are very dangerous, one of which is the decline in justice in Indonesia. This article will take a deeper look at justice in living together. This scientific work digs deeper into the concept of justice according to Thomas Aquinas. The author uses descriptive analysis methods and Thomas Aquinas' thoughts about the concept of justice. Based on the analysis the author found a method namely; eradicating corruption, upholding the law, building morals and the value of human life. The existence of Thomas Aquinas' concept of justice makes humans aware of how important it is to live in harmony. Written arguments can create human recognition of phenomena that occur in Indonesia. Recognition as a human certainly has a deep relationship with fellow humans. So the concept of justice, which was initiated by Thomas Aquinas, will direct humans to live justly. Keywords: Justice Thomas Aquinas, Indonesian Nation, Corruption, Law Enforcement

    A Happy Life in a Different Religious Marriage Experience in Malang City

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    This research focuses on interfaith marriages in Malang City, lived by several families with loyalty. In general, interfaith marriages are often considered a way to indoctrinate people into joining a particular religion. Interfaith marriage amid multiculturalism is an effort to respect each other's differences, not differences. The city of Malang, one of the fertile land areas for the growth of major and world religions since the colonial era, is an example of cultivating tolerance and religious differences. This study aims to show that interfaith marriages foster an attitude of tolerance within the small community (family) to avoid various kinds of social friction in society. The view of interfaith marriage is the basis for appreciating religious values in differences and not differences. Interfaith marriage promotes individual rights and freedoms within the state and upholds the values and spirit of family harmony. This study uses qualitative field research. Data was collected through observation, interviews, and documentation, as well as being analyzed and conclusions drawn. This study found that families who live in interfaith marriages make families respect religious differences seen as guidelines that lead to good, righteous, and holy lives. Interfaith marriages appreciate differences, not differences, so that the seeds of freedom of rights for children emerge in guiding their life journey, especially relations with God in religious values. Happiness can be experienced with fidelity even though the marriage is of different religions

    The Death Penalty In Indonesia: A Theological Perspective of Law

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    This study aims to explore, analyze and describe the theological perspective on the death penalty and God's way of eradicating evil to answer whether the death penalty can be justified theologically. This research used a descriptive qualitative method. Through this literature review, data are collected and analyzed theologically. The study results found that crime and the death penalty are human products. Evil is the output or impact of human sin. God's works are always related to goodness and the best judgment of God's creations. Evil, including the death penalty, could not be justified because God did not want evil for His creation. Therefore, when humans fell into sin, God ceaselessly saved and converted humans as he sent His only begotten son, willing to die to atone for human sins or save them. In addition to the sacrifice of Jesus, God's way of eradicating evil is also: willingness to suffer, application of sank and rules, forgiveness, radical love, and following Jesus. Theologically, the death penalty is evil, so it cannot be accepted because, for Thomas Aquinas, all forms of the law might be placed in the context of the bonum commune, with the principle of “bonum est faciendum et prosequendum et malum vitandum.” God’s sincerity to suffering must be how humans convert and save fellow humans. Likewise, legal products must align with the goals of the common good and welfare. This research uses a qualitative method. The problem limitation in this article is regarding the legal theological perspective on the death penalty in Indonesia. The findings of this study show that the death penalty is undoubtedly contrary to Thomas Aquinas' moral-theological principle in which God seeks to save humanity, not destroy it


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    ABSTRAKTulisan ini fokus membahas tema perkawinan. Topik utama yang diangkat ialah perkawinan dalam adat Dayak Kanayatn dan bagaimana kaitannya dengan perkawinan tradisi Gereja Katolik. Tujuan utama karya tulis ini adalah memperkenalkan adat-istiadat perkawinan orang Dayak Kanayatn. Artikel ini juga bertujuan menemukan apakah perkawinan Dayak Kanayatn sejalan dengan perkawinan Gereja Katolik. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam menyusun tulisan ini antara lain studi pustaka dan wawancara. Ada beberapa temuan yang menjadi hasil karya tulis ini. Pertama, Dayak Kanayatn merupakan salah satu sub suku Dayak Darat yang memiliki beragam keunikan, termasuk soal perkawinan adat. Kedua, perkawinan adat Dayak Kanayatn dilaksanakan dalam empat tahap, yaitu Pinang Tanya, Bakomo Manta’, Bakomo Masak, dan Gawe Penganten. Ketiga, perkawinan Gereja Katolik ialah perkawinan yang berciri satu dan tak terceraikan antara seorang pria dan wanita. Keempat, perkawinan Dayak Kanayatn juga merupakan perkawinan yang satu dan tak terceraikan serta meminta berkat dari Jubata (Allah). Perkawinan Kanayatn dan Katolik sama-sama tidak menyertakan unsur paksaan.Kata kunci: perkawinan, Dayak Kanayatn, satu dan tak terceraikan, persona