49 research outputs found

    Konsep masyarakat madani menurut M. Dawam Rahardjo

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    Dawam Rahardjo adalah salah satu diantara sekian banyak intelektual Islam Indoonesia yang secara intens membicarakan masyarakat madani dalam konteks ke Indonesia. Di negara kita, wacana ini masih dalam tahap mencari format yang sesuai disertai landasan teoritis yang belum kokoh. Wacana ini muncul secara terbatas berawal dari kunjungan perdana menteri Malaysia ke Indonesia dalam acara seminar di Istiqlal. Namun setelah redup lebih dari satu dekade,wacana ini kembali mencuat setelah reformasi. Penelitian ini diharapkan bisa menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan seputar masyarakat madani yang dibangun Dawam rahardjo. Bagaimana konsep masyarakat madani yang dibangun Dawam Rahardjo, elemen-elemen apa saja yang membentuk masyarakat madani dan bagaimana peluang dan tantangan masyarakat madani kedepan. Dengan tujuan untuk melihat dan mengetahui konsep Masyarakat Madani Menurut Dawam Rahardjo, serta mengetahui elemen-elemen apa saja yang menjadi faktor pendukung terbentuknya masyarakat madani menurut Dawam Rahardjo. Studi dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Content Analysis, yang di perkuat dengan pembuktian melalui wawancara langsung dengan Dawam Rahardjo, hal ini untuk membuktikan konsisitensi teori-teori yang telah dibanguin sekitar tahun 95/96-an, di masa sekarang. Dan ternyata pemikiran Dawam yang berkaitan dengan masyarakat Madani masih konsisten sampai sekarang. Menurutnya, masyarakat madani berawal dari kontrak sosial (hukum), kemudian dalam perjalanannya mempunyai sikap independensi dan mempunyai perangkat-perangkat dalam menegakan Amar ma’ruf nahyi munkar. Elemen-elemen yang membentuk masyarakat madani tersebut yaitu kaum intelektual, LSM dan organisasi keagamaan, serta masyarakat kelas menengah. Ketiga elemen tersebut menjadi "syarat" berlangsungnya masyarakat madani. Dan yang terpenting dari itu semua adalah sikap independensi dalam segala bidang, sehingga masyarakat madani menjadi penyeimbang dan pengontrol terhadap negara dalam pengertian modern. Dalam pengertian yang paling awal, masyarakat madani telah memberikan andil besar dalam mengantarkan Bangsa Indonesia ke pintu gerbang kemerdekaanya. Dalam proses selanjutnya, peran dan kedudukan masyarakat madani telah bergeser dan mengalami perkembangan. Dalam konteks sekarang ini masyarakat madani menjelma dalam wujud organisasi-organisasi keagamaan dan LSM yang senantiasa konsisten dengan prinsip-prinsip pengontrolan terhadap pemerintah. Akhirnya, masyarakat madani yang dikemukakan oleh dawam semuanya tergantung dan akan ditentukan oleh masyarakat sendiri. Sikap apatis dan masa bodo akan jadi boomerang, terhadap kelangsungan masyarakat madani yang dimaksud. Seperti yang dikemukankan oleh Azyumardi Azra, bahwa masa depan masyarakat madani di Indonesia serba belum pasti. Sambil terus menerus mencari formulasi dan landasan teoritis mengenai masyarakat madani, sikap kritis dan keberpihakan terhadap golongan masyarakat luas adalah bentuk pengokohan masyarakat madani dalam arti yang sebenarnya

    Periodic Comprehensive Forest Inventory on Production Forest Management in Papua Province

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    The Periodic comprehensive forest inventory (Inventarisasi Hutan Menyeluruh Berkala called IHMB) is Indonesian forest stands inventory were based on compartment at forest effective area of forest management unit (FMU). To preserve sustainable forest management, IHMB implementation are used as a benchmark on the determinate of maximum cutting area and large of timber volume that can be produced by FMU to preparing long-term forest planning. The purpose of this study is to assess the suitability and accuracy of the IHMB implementation results to arranging forest management plan that aims to produce sustainable timber. Data gathered with direct observation on FMU (PT. Bts and PT. SMS) in Papua Province. Data analysis using descriptive statistic method and the sampling is using purposive sampling method. The study showed that the data and information collected in accordance with IHMB guidelines have not covered all the necessary data to arranged forest management plans based on the sustainability forest principles to appropriate with the criteria and indicators of sustainability. IHMB Implementation is the important activity on FMU. The sense of word “comprehensive” on IHMB is meaningfully only covered the forest area, without including all components of the data and information on forest ecosystem..

    Periodic Comprehensive Forest Inventory on Production Forest Management in Papua Province

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    The Periodic comprehensive forest inventory (Inventarisasi Hutan Menyeluruh Berkala called IHMB) is Indonesian forest stands inventory were based on compartment at forest effective area of forest management unit (FMU). To preserve sustainable forest management, IHMB implementation are used as a benchmark on the determinate of maximum cutting area and large of timber volume that can be produced by FMU to preparing long-term forest planning. The purpose of this study is to assess the suitability and accuracy of the IHMB implementation results to arranging forest management plan that aims to produce sustainable timber. Data gathered with direct observation on FMU (PT. Bts and PT. SMS) in Papua Province. Data analysis using descriptive statistic method and the sampling is using purposive sampling method. The study showed that the data and information collected in accordance with IHMB guidelines have not covered all the necessary data to arranged forest management plans based on the sustainability forest principles to appropriate with the criteria and indicators of sustainability. IHMB Implementation is the important activity on FMU. The sense of word “comprehensive” on IHMB is meaningfully only covered the forest area, without including all components of the data and information on forest ecosystem..

    Penggunaan Analisis Regresi Terboboti dalam Penyusunan Model Pertumbuhan Peninggi Acacia mangium Willd.

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    The compilation of growth stand model usually uses the regression analysis. Homoscedasticity or residual kind homogeneity is one assumption which underlying the use of this regression analysis.  Breaking this assumption causes the low of model accuracy which is shown by the low of determination coefficient and the height of error standard. The problem of heteroscedasticity can be solved by using weighted regression analysis.The Selected Raiser Growth Model equation in this research was transformed into a model equation: ln P = a + b/A, where there was a significant correlation between the growth and the age (R2  = 55.04%, sb0 = 0.041, and sb1 = 0.171).  From the use of weighted regression analysis with weightier wi = 1/”Xi, it can be concluded that there was no real correlation between the growth and the age (R2 = 0.55%, sb0 = 0.572, and sb1 = 2.560).  The use of weightier shows much lower accuracy than without weightier.  However, from the use of weighted regression analysis with weightier: wi = 1/si2, where si2 = residual kinds at free variable group to I (X1) shows that there was significant correlation between the growth and the age (R2 = 45.46%; sb0 = 0.084, and sb1 = 0.205).  There fore it can be said that the accuracy was much better than regression without weightier.  Furthermore,  the use of weighted regression analysis with weightier wi = 1/si2, where  si2 is residual kind at free variable to i (X) which is estimated through second orde polynomial regression model shows a very significant correlation between the growth and the age (where R2 = 87.22%, sb0 = 0.029, and sb1 = 0.072). The last result shows a better accuracy than the preceding treatments.  From this research, it can be concluded that by using a suitable weightier, the use of weighted regression analysis in compiling raiser growth model can improve the model accuracy

    Penggunaan Analisis Regresi Terboboti dalam Penyusunan Model Pertumbuhan Peninggi Acacia mangium Willd.

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    The compilation of growth stand model usually uses the regression analysis. Homoscedasticity or residual kind homogeneity is one assumption which underlying the use of this regression analysis.  Breaking this assumption causes the low of model accuracy which is shown by the low of determination coefficient and the height of error standard. The problem of heteroscedasticity can be solved by using weighted regression analysis.The Selected Raiser Growth Model equation in this research was transformed into a model equation: ln P = a + b/A, where there was a significant correlation between the growth and the age (R2  = 55.04%, sb0 = 0.041, and sb1 = 0.171).  From the use of weighted regression analysis with weightier wi = 1/”Xi, it can be concluded that there was no real correlation between the growth and the age (R2 = 0.55%, sb0 = 0.572, and sb1 = 2.560).  The use of weightier shows much lower accuracy than without weightier.  However, from the use of weighted regression analysis with weightier: wi = 1/si2, where si2 = residual kinds at free variable group to I (X1) shows that there was significant correlation between the growth and the age (R2 = 45.46%; sb0 = 0.084, and sb1 = 0.205).  There fore it can be said that the accuracy was much better than regression without weightier.  Furthermore,  the use of weighted regression analysis with weightier wi = 1/si2, where  si2 is residual kind at free variable to i (X) which is estimated through second orde polynomial regression model shows a very significant correlation between the growth and the age (where R2 = 87.22%, sb0 = 0.029, and sb1 = 0.072). The last result shows a better accuracy than the preceding treatments.  From this research, it can be concluded that by using a suitable weightier, the use of weighted regression analysis in compiling raiser growth model can improve the model accuracy

    Correlation Analysis Between Seawater Intrusion And Mangrove Greenbelt

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    Seawater intrusion is an entry process of seawater to land. Many factors have caused seawater intrusion from freshwater exploitation until mangrove degradation. Mangrove ecosystem is a type of forest ecosystem which has an ability to reduce seawater intrusion. This paper analyzes the estimation and prediction of seawater intrusion and correlation between widths of mangrove with seawater intrusion. The relation analysis between the width of mangrove greenbelt with seawater intrusion used an equation model to predict seawater intrusion. The research method used sampling technique, system analysis with powersim software, correlation analysis and mathematical method with trend line analysis. Results show that (1) the mangrove density in the coastal area is approximately 50 – 109 trees/ha. (2) Simulation results showed seawater intrusion rate was about 0.20 km year (with mangrove as a component system), but reached 0.3 – 0.4 km/year (without mangrove as a component system). (3) The simulation result also showed that freshwater salinity was estimated to increase from 1.92 ppt to 4.86 ppt. (4) The relation model between seawater intrusion and mangrove greenbelt showed that correlation coefficient was 0.97 with the equation seawater intrusion (m) = 2264.9 * exp (-0.009 * the width of mangrove greenbelt (m)), the correlation of mangrove width with seawater intrusion was 0.97. (5) Avicennia marina, Avicennia alba, Rhizophora styllosa, Sonneratia alba and Sonneratia caseolaris were the mangrove species that had the best ability to reduce seawater intrusion

    Enhancing the Role of the District Government in Decentralized Forest Management

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    Following the enactment of Law Number 23 of 2014 on the Regional Government, which superseded Law Number 22 of 1999 and Law Number 32 of 2004, now the local government has no longer holds an authority to manage state forest areas, except “grand forest park” (Taman Hutan Raya) located in their respective administrative areas. The management of production forests and protected forests (located at state forest areas) is the authority and responsibility of the provincial government, while the management of conservation forests is the authority of the central government. The success of forest management and management program activities is determined, among others, by government and local government policies and their implementation at the site level. By considering ntthe complexity of forest management, the context of decentralization, and available resources as well as constrained authority, this study aims to identify the level of importance, priorities, and main roles of district governments in forest management by applying the analytic network process (ANP) method.  This study suggests that the district government could play a significant role in building social capital, which serves as a first step in developing collaborative forest management by promoting the optimization of multipurpose forests to preserve forests

    Morphological Characteristics of Ectomycorrhizas on Merbau [Intsia bijuga (Colebr.) O. Kuntze]

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    Merbau [Intsia bijuga (Colebr.) O. Kuntze] is one of valuable timber tree in south-east Asia which has been known having ectomycorrhizae (EcM) though being ignored. Identification of the ectomycorrizae is prime important for being basis of further studies. This study investigated the EcM fungi associated with Merbau by using both sporocarp morphology and EcM morphotypes. Morphological characters of sporocarps and basidiocarps of the fungi and EcM morphotypes obtained from seedlings and trees from natural and plantation stands of merbau, as well as from nurseries were compared to the description of those resulted from baiting method. Only one species of ectomycorrhizal fungus was found associated with merbau [Intsia bijuga (Colebr.) Kuntze] which has not been described yet. The fungus formed mycorrhizae with monopodial pinnate branching. The fungus was identified belonging to the genus of Scleroderma. The fungus was more common to occur beneath merbau seedlings than trees. The sporocarps may be yielded under greenhouse condition and could be cultured in MMN agar media, thus it facilitates to the production of inoculums used for further studies

    The Carbon Conservation of Mangrove Ecosystem in Indonesia

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    The carbon conservation program in mangrove ecosystem shows the carbon sequestration and sinker which gives a positive impact for mangrove sustainability. The carbon conservation of mangrove ecosystem supports the growth of mangrove vegetation based on the carbon percent of mangrove stage consisting of mangrove seedling, sapling and mangrove trees. This paper aimed to analyze carbon percentage of mangrove ecosystem which is SNI 06 – 3730 – 1995 and TAPPI T 211 om 85 methods and to analysis mangrove clustering based on carbon percentage. The results showed that (1) Avicennia spp, Sonneratia spp, Bruguiera spp, Rhizophora spp, Aegiceras spp, Lumnitzera spp, Ceriop spp, Exoecaria agallocha and Xylocarpus granatum had carbon percentage between 45.01% - 55.54%; (2) the carbon percentage of the mangrove growth were seedling (16.3-21.2%), sapling (19.0 – 28.1%), trees with diameter 10 – 20 (38.1 – 46.3%), trees with diameter 20 – 30 cm (40.2 – 51.1 %) and trees with diameter 30 – 40 cm (49,1 – 55,2 %). The carbon conservation has a positive correlation with the ability of carbon sequestration and mangrove growth. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to UNSOED grant that supported this research