29 research outputs found

    A user friendly geographic information system for soil conservation planners : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Agricultural Science in Soil Science at Massey University

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    Computer disk is unreadable.Soil conservation is an important activity for sustainable, productive landuse. To ensure sound effective soil conservation planning, the people who are involved in this activity - the planners and the decision makers - should know (among other things) how best to use a land resource inventory database, which has been stored in a computer. Using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to analyse such data is a technique which is being widely advocated. Unfortunately, most GIS computer programs are too difficult for the people like soil conservation planners who usually have little knowledge of computers. To help them understand GIS and then use GIS for their planning, a user friendly interface to the GIS was created. Two systems were created for the Pijiharjo sub-watershed, Indonesia; one with a popup menu, the other with a pulldown menu. Both interfaces were created using the SML (Simple Macro Language) command which is available under pc ARC/Info version 3.4D Plus. Although they looked different to the user, both used the same commands to execute the various operations. Once the initial design was completed, an evaluation was held to check whether the design was satisfactory from the user's point of view. The result of the evaluation showed that both systems were simple and easy to understand. However, there were some aspects that should be revised, such as the HELP facility. Similar databases from other areas could be analysed using these interfaces with the only requirement being a modification to the introductory remarks. Ideas for the future development of such systems are also discussed


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    Metacognitive skill is essential for students. One of learning materials which can train metacognitive skillis  worksheet  based  on  metacognitive  strategy.  This  research  aimed  to  produce  an  effective  studentworksheet based on Know-Learned (K-L) strategy on virus material topic to train student’s metacognitiveskill.  This  research  which  had  been  held  in  Biology  Department,  FMIPA,  Unesa.  This  study  was  adevelopmental  research  which  referred  to  3-D  model  namely  define,  design,  and  develop.  The  researchstage  started  with  define  stage  which  conducted  by  analyzing  curriculum  on  virus  material.  Thencontinued  with  design  stage  which  conducted  by  designing  and  developing  student  worksheet.  Studentworksheet consists of know-learned phase, which equipped with self-confidence level column, comparingconcept  column,  and  score  column,  so  it  can  facilitate  students  to  practice  monitoring  and  evaluationskills.  Then  at  the  develop  stage,  student  worksheet  implemented  limitedly  to  fifteen  10thgrade  studentsof  SMAN  4  Sidoarjo.  Finally,  the  effectiveness  of  student  worksheet  evaluated  based  on  studentmetacognitive  skill,  completeness  of  indicators,  and  gain  score.  The  research  result  showed  that  thestudent  worksheet  was  effective  with  the  student’s  metacognitive  score  of  3.93  (very  good  category)  andpositive  sensitivity  in  the  range  of  0.3-1.0.  In  addition,  student  worksheet  was  also  effective  to  gainlearning  outcomes  of  93.33%  students  with  the  high  criteria  and  6.67%  student  with  the  medium  criteria.Therefore,  student  worksheet  based  on  K-L  metacognitive  strategy  was  effective  to  train  studentsmetacognitive skill and gain their learning outcomes at once on virus material.Keywords: worksheet, know-learned, metacognitive skill, virus material

    Analisis Banjir Cimanuk Hulu 2016 (Upper Cimanuk Flood Analysis of 2016)

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    The causes of floods can vary, but they are rarely caused by only one factor. The purpose of this research is to find the cause of flood that hit Garut City on 20 September 2016. The method used is flood water supply analysis and flooded area analysis which is developed by WMTC Solo. The results showed that the water supply in the Upper Cimanuk watershed was very high due to high rainfall the day before (110 to 255 mm /day), high antecedent soil moisture (35 to 44 mm), very vurnerable (52%) land condition on Upper Cimanuk watershed due to land use that was not in accordance with its ability and forest area which only 17.9% of the watershed area. Based on the analysis of flooded areas, which was flat area around the river were identified as prone areas to flood such as Garut, South Tarogong and Cilawu. The flood potential in the Upper Cimanuk watershed can be reduced by changing the land use pattern on the very sloping land from vegetable farming to agroforestry, reforestation, and applying soil conservation practices. For flooded areas the reduction of flooding can be conducted by increasing the drainage channel, building infiltration wells and dykes along the river and managing the riparian


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    Artikel ini berkaitan dengan pemahaman siswa terhadap listening comprehension. Voice of America (VOA) special English broadcast digunakan sebagai materi dalam pengajaran listening comprehension kepada siswa kelas X Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Muhammadiyah Ketapang pada tahun Akademik 2011/2012. Tujuan melakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa efektif penggunaan VOA special English broadcast dalam pengajaran listening comprehension. Metode penelitian artikel ini adalah pra - eksperimental dengan siswa XC sebagai sampel. Sebagai hasilnya, ditemukan bahwa perhitungan dari effect size (ES) adalah 1.27, itu berarti bahwa pengajaran listening comprehension melalui VOA special English broadcast sangat efektif. Kata Kunci : Voice of America, listening comprehension Abstract: This article concerned with the students listening comprehension. Voice of America (VOA) special English broadcast was used as material in teaching listening comprehension to the tenth grade students of sekolah menengah atas (SMA) Muhammadiyah Ketapang in Academic year 2011/2012. The purposed of conducting the research was to know how effective the use of VOA special English broadcast in teaching listening comprehension. The method of this article is a pre experimental research with students of XC as the sample. As the result, it was found that the effect size (ES) calculation is 1.27; it means that teaching listening comprehension through VOA special English broadcast is highly effective. Key words: Voice of America, listening comprehensio


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    Artikel ini berkaitan dengan pemahaman siswa terhadap listening comprehension. Voice of America (VOA) special English broadcast digunakan sebagai materi dalam pengajaran listening comprehension kepada siswa kelas X Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) Muhammadiyah Ketapang pada tahun Akademik 2011/2012. Tujuan melakukan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa efektif penggunaan VOA special English broadcast dalam pengajaran listening comprehension. Metode penelitian artikel ini adalah pra - eksperimental dengan siswa XC sebagai sampel. Sebagai hasilnya, ditemukan bahwa perhitungan dari effect size (ES) adalah 1.27, itu berarti bahwa pengajaran listening comprehension melalui VOA special English broadcast sangat efektif. Kata Kunci : Voice of America, listening comprehension Abstract: This article concerned with the students listening comprehension. Voice of America (VOA) special English broadcast was used as material in teaching listening comprehension to the tenth grade students of sekolah menengah atas (SMA) Muhammadiyah Ketapang in Academic year 2011/2012. The purposed of conducting the research was to know how effective the use of VOA special English broadcast in teaching listening comprehension. The method of this article is a pre experimental research with students of XC as the sample. As the result, it was found that the effect size (ES) calculation is 1.27; it means that teaching listening comprehension through VOA special English broadcast is highly effective. Key words: Voice of America, listening comprehensio

    Peran Modal Sosial Dalam Pengembangan Wisata Berkelanjutan: Studi Kasus di Kawasan Wisata Lumbung Stroberi-Kota Batu

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    With Pandanrejo Tourism Village in Bumiaji District, Batu City serving as the focal point of this investigation, the study's overarching objective is to ascertain what part social capital plays in the process of transforming Lumbung Stroberi into a sustainable tourism destination. The concepts of social capital, collaboration, and sustainable development are investigated through the lens of this study, which employs qualitative research methods and a participatory rural appraisal approach to research. Observations of participants and conversations within focus groups are going to be used to collect data. Informants for this study came from local stakeholders who were active in the development of Lumbung Stroberi tourism in Pandanrejo village, which is located in Batu City. The results of this research make a significant contribution to the development of laboratory-based science, in particular the sociology of development. In order to foster more sustainable tourism and community development in Indonesia, local governments and other stakeholders can make use of the practical benefits provided by research

    Reklasifikasi Peta Penutupan Lahan untuk Meningkatkan Akurasi Kerentanan Lahan

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    Land vulnerability is an important information to formulate land rehabilitation activities since it indicates the response of that particular land to erosion. It was determined by several factors such as slope, soil types, rainfall, and land cover. The land cover could be managed to maintain the land vulnerability. Inaccuracies of land cover classification would produce different vulnerabilities, which can cause miscalculation in land rehabilitation planning and implementation. This research is to adjust the existing land cover classification in order to detect land vulnerabilities. The analysis is done by comparing the classification of the existing land cover map with land cover criteria for land vulnerability analysis. The classification result then overlayed with land system map to determine the land vulnerability. The result of a study in Cisadane watershed shows that inaccuracy in determining unirrigated farming into shrub land or moor/open field could affect the shifting of vulnerable class to very vulnerable. Differences in determining plantations and unplanted estate areas with open field could also raise the extent of land vulnerability to 12.3%. Settlement in an urban area that turned into buildings would reduce the level of land vulnerability to 2.1%. Buildings could reduce the land vulnerability due to the impermeable layer would decrease erosion. However, from the hydrological point of view, the impermeable layers would increase the hydrological vulnerability due to the increased runoff and reduced ability to absorb water. Land cover data selection as input to determine the land vulnerability is very important and sensitive. For that reason, in the Cisadane Watershed, dryland farming should be classified as open field and settlement in urban areas should classify as buildings


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    Promosi Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat (PHBS) dalam rumah tangga melalui peran ibu masih menjadi strategi efektif untuk mewujudkan masyarakat Indonesia sehat dan bebas penyakit. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sikap ibu terhadap rumah tangga PHBS (Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat), dengan menggunakan pendekatan metode kualitatif, penelitian ini melibatkan 32 ibu yang merupakan orang tua dari anak-anak di sekolah Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD). Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara mengacu pada sembilan indikator pedoman PHBS dari Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Analisis data menggunakan teknik intepretatif-kritis mengacu pada hasil penelitian terdahulu. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sikap ibu yang positif terhadap 9 indikator PHBS. Namun sayangnya, ada satu sikap negatif terhadap PHBS rumah tangga, yaitu perilaku merokok sang ayah. Fenomena ini disebabkan oleh ketimpangan relasi gender dalam ranah keluarga-rumah tangga karena kurangnya strategi promosi dan partisipasi ayah dalam program kesehatan. Studi ini dapat digunakan sebagai strategi promosi PHBS rumah tangga melalui promosi PHBS sekolah. Hasil penelitian ini juga dapat dijadikan rujukan bagi pemerintah untuk memperbaharui program kesehatan berbasis pasangan