154 research outputs found

    Prebiotic Milk Shake and Its Health Benefits

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    ABSTRACT Study on the effect of prebiotic consumption to the fecal material volunteer was conducted at Center for Food and Nutrition Studies, Gadjah Mada University. Aim of this study was to investigate the health beneficial effect of prebiotic product directly using volunteers. Prebiotic product used in this study was StefitTM - non fat milk shake which contains dietary fiberantioxidant (vitamin E and C), calcium, and chicory root extract (inulin) as prebiotic. Seven healthy volunteers (5 males and 2 females), 3040 years old, were recruited for this study. During the study (6 weeks), volunteers were asked to avoid antimicrobial drugs and fermented foods containing life microbial cells. The volunteers were divided into two group, group 1 (consist of 2 persons) were asked to consumed original non-fat milk, while group 2 (5 persons) consumed non-fat milk shake prebiotics. Consumption of milk shake was done every day (2 sachets per day, morning and afternoon) during 4 weeks. Twice a week, fecal materials of volunteers were microbiologically analyzed, including a week before and after consumption. Diet of each volunteer was not controlled, they ate as their usual food every day and the menus were recorded. Consumption of milk shake prebiotic by normal healthy volunteer resulted in increased the number of fecal lactic acid producing bacteria (from about 106 to 107 CFU/g fecal material), and decreasedthe population of fecal enterobacteriaceae and coliform. According to the data, fecal lactic acid producing bacteria of volunteers who consumed the original milk shake were mostly constant. Conclusion of this study is the increasing number of lactic acid bacteria induced by prebiotic inulin in the colon has the potential to improve the health and well being of the host. Keywords : prebiotics, inulin, lactic acid bacteria, enterobacteriaceae, colifor

    Analisis Profitabilitas dan Efisiensi Budidaya Kopi di Ptp Nusantara IX (Persero) Kebun Getas Salatiga

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    This study was aimed to determine the amount of revenue and profit of coffee cultivation at PTP Nusantara IX (Persero) Getas Salatiga Plantation, to identify the profitability of coffee cultivation at PTP Nusantara IX (Persero) Getas Salatiga Plantation, and to determine the efficiency of coffee cultivation at PTP Nusantara IX (Persero) Getas Salatiga Plantation. The basic method used in this study was descriptive, analytical method. The research location was determined purposively. The type of data in this study was secondary data. Methods of data analysis used were analyses of total cost, revenue, profit, profitability and efficiency of coffee cultivation. The results of analysis showed that the average total cost of coffee cultivation at PTP Nusantara IX (Persero) Getas Salatiga Plantation was IDR 5.879.062.630,00. The average of revenue obtained was IDR 5.879.076.254,00, so that the average of profit obtained by PTP Nusantara IX (Persero) Getas Salatiga Plantation was IDR 13.624,00. Profitability of coffee cultivation at PTP Nusantara IX (Persero) Getas Salatiga Plantation was IDR 54.495,00 which means that the coffee cultivation was profitable. Coffee cultivation at PTP Nusantara IX (Persero) Getas Salatiga Plantation has more than efficiency value more than one, that is, 1,000002. This means that each IDR 1.00 cost spent in the initial cultivation will provide revenue by 1,000002 times of the cost spent. Keywords: Coffee, Profitability, Efficienc

    Abundance of Pollinator Insect (Forcipomyia Spp .) of Cocoa Under Some Shade Trees

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    Cocoa production is affected by cocoa flowering and fruiting. The factor affects fruit seeting is pollinator agent such as Forcipomyia spp. Until now, information concerning population dynamics of Forcipomyia in some models of cocoa shading trees remains limited. This research was studied to observe the population dynamics of Forcipomyia spp. in some models of cocoa shading trees, namely lamtoro (Leucaena sp.), krete (Cassia surithensis) and areca nut (Areca catechu) in two main season of rainy and dry seasons. The research was conducted in Kaliwining research station of Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI), Jember, by surveying the existing cocoa under different types of shading trees as mentioned above. The insects were observed using modified sticky trap method, whilst micro climate condition was also observed. The highest population was in January (rainy season) under Leucaena spp. shade tress and the lowest population was in October under all type of the shading trees. There was no relationship between microclimate condition under cocoa trees (temperature, RH and light intensity) and Forcipomyia spp. population (r = 0.08 and 0.04)

    Analisis Pelaksanaan Strategi Distribusi Fisik Produk Handphone Smartfren

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    In an economy that has been advanced, the manufacturers do not sell their products directly to the end user. Many options can be used to distribute goods and also to the buyer. A company may distribute goods directly to consumers though is quite large, while other companies distribute their products through intermediaries. And not a few companies that use some combination of distribution channels to reach different market segments .A competition for the company can be an opportunity to develop the companys business and can be a threat to the company. Therefore, the management company is required to always be responsive in adapting to environmental changes that continue to occur and have an influence on economic enterprise. The company should have a strategy to excel in the market. This research was conducted at PT. Prima Sejahtera Barelang Pekanbaru located at HR.Soebrantas No. 89. This study aims to determine the distribution strategy undertaken by PT. Prima Sejahtera Barelang Pekanbaru to increase sales volume.Keywords: Distribution, Strategy, Sales, Management, Marketin

    Morfologi Usus Ayam Broiler yang Disuplementasi dengan Probiotik Strain Tunggal dan Campuran

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui morfologi usus ayam broiler yang disuplementasi probiotik strain tunggal dan probiotik campuran. Ransum ayam berbasis jagung, bungkil kedelai yang bebas antibiotika disusun sesuai dengan standar kebutuhan ayam broiler, digunakan sebagai pakan dasar pada perlakuan kontrol (Po). Untuk keempat kel- ompok perlakuan lainnya juga digunakan pakan dasar tersebut dengan suplementasi 3 strain probiotik berturut-turut Lactobacillus murinus, Ar3 (P1), Streptococcus thermophillus, Kp2 (P2), Pediococcus acidilactici, Kd6 (P3), dan probiotik campuran dari ketiga strain tersebut (P4) masing-masing dengan konsentrasi 108 sel bakteri/ml. Suplemen- tasi probiotik tersebut melalui tetes mulut 1 ml/ekor/hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa suplementasi probiotik dengan strain tunggal maupun campuran meningkatkan tinggi vili pada duodenum, jejunum, dan ileum. Lebar vili pada duodenum, jejunum, dan ileum memiliki pola yang sama, dipengaruhi oleh suplementasi probiotik strain tunggal dan campuran. Tetapi kedalaman crypta jejunum secara statistik tidak berbeda nyata meskipun pada duodenum dan ileum berbeda secara signifikan (P<0,05)

    Aspergillus proteolitik indigenous dari K0.11 dan kemampuannya mendegradasi aflatoksin B1 = indigenous proteolytic Aspergillus isolated from koji and its ability to degrade aflatoxin BI

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    ABSTRACT Legume and cereals are always exposed to the danger of fungal contamination. Among such fungi, some species of the genus Aspergillus are potential of aflatoxins producer. Aflatoxin BI (AFB1) which is the most carcinogenic mycotoxins , known very stable under cooking condition and other processing factors. The removal of AFB1 by degradation or detoxification is critical to reduce risk to human health. Microbiological degradation is a promising method for AFB1 degradation compared to others. The aim of this research was to isolate the proteolytic Aspergillus strain from "koji" and to determine its ability to degrade AFB). Out of 18 strains of Aspergillus, 16 strains were found proteolytic and only 5 strains had no afiatoxigenic properties, but all of them were able to degrade AFB1. There were no spesific pattern of the rate of AFBI degradation. Strain of KKB4 was identified as Aspergillus oryzae, that possess the highest ability to degrade AFB1. Two kind of substances were formed after degradation which were more polar than AFB1. The rate of AFB) uptake by Aspergillus oryzae KKB4 was similar with that of mycelia! growth. Aflatoxin BI inhibits mycelium growth, vesicle and conidial head formation. Keywords Proteolytic Aspergillus, Aspergillus oryzae, koji, degradation, qflatoxin

    Isolasi, Seleksi, Karakterisasi Dan Identifikasi Bakteri Asam Laktat Penghasil Bakteriosin Dari Berbagai Buah Masak

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    ABSTRACT Fruits are indicates as a habitat of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) because their chemical composition and micro environtment which needed to their life. The aim of this research was to study the diversity of lactic acid bacteria on some ripe fruits, to obtain lactic acid bacterial isolate which capable to produce bacteriocin, to know their phenothypic characteristic, classify an identify the isolates phenetically. Lactic acid bacteria were isolated from papaya, banana, pineapple and salak by using pour plate method and then purified by using streak plate method. All isolates were screened their potency to onhibit the growth of some pathogenic bacteria. The capacity to produce bacteriocin were determined by heating the cultural medium at 100°C up to 60 minutes and treating with the proteolytic enzyme (Proteinase K) at room temperature. The result of this experiment indicated that cultural medium from twelve isolates able to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus FNCC 0047. the best two of isolates (PE6 and PE9) also active to some pathogenic bacteria such as Eschericia coli FNCC 0091, Bacillus cereus FNCC 0057 and Salmonella tiphymurium FNCC 0050. the inhibitory compounds produce by the isolates... Keyword: Latic acid bacteria (LAB), bacteriocin, staphylococcus aureus FNCC 004

    Lactic acid bacteria in fermented foods of Indonesian origin

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    In this study, about 194 lactic acid bacteria strains have been isolated from 21 kinds of fermented foods (plant materials and fish origin). These fermented foods were salted-fermented fruits, vegetables & fishfermented raw cassava (gatot & growol)tape (cassava & glutinous rice)microbial starter cultures (ragi)and fermented soybean (tempe & moromi). Among these strains, 109 belong to genus Lactobacillus, which dominated by homofermentative Lactobacillus plantarum pentosus, 25 strains belong to Pediococcus (mostly P. pentosaceus acidilactici), 45 strains Streptococcus which mostly identified as Streptococcus thermophilus, 7 strains belong to Enterococcus, which further identified as E. faecium and 8 strains Leuconostos (Weisella) as Weisella paramesenteroides. Lactobacilli have been found in all fermented foods, pediococci in 11 kind of fermented foods both plant material and fish origin, while streptococci mostly found in fermented fish, as well as enterococci and Leuconostoc. Nine strains belong to Lactobacillus plantarum - pentosus complex from different fermented food samples have been determined their DNA-DNA homology to L. plantarum NRIC 1067 and L. pentosus NRIC 1069. Result of their homology to these strains shown that all these nine strains are identified as L. plantarum. Lactic acid bacteria from Indonesian fermented foods are dominated by Lactobacillus plantarum, followed by Pediococcus pentosaceus, and Streptococcus thermophilus. Key-word : Lactic acid bacteria and Indonesian fermented food

    Aplikasi Peta Kendali P sebagai Pengendalian Kualitas Karet di PTPN IX Batujamus/Kerjoarum

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    The increasing of global rubber consumption is an opportunity as well as a challenge for Indonesian rubber produsers to increase the quantity and the quality of production. Faced the competition between countries, the quality of rubber products should be enhanced adapted to consumer demand. This study aims to determine whether the quality of the rubber produced in PTPN IX (Persero) Garden Batujamus/Kerjoarum still within the control or not. This study uses time series data, in the form of rubber production data during March 2012 - February 201, that were analyzed descriptively using Control p Chart Analysis. Control p Chart describe the proportion of production damage that can be tolerated as a tool for statistical Control p Chart Application as Quality Control Tools for Rubber Production in PTPN IX Batujamus/Kerjoarum process control. This study shows that the quality of the rubber produced by PTPN IX (Persero) Garden Batujamus/ Kerjoarum is out of the control. The Control p Chart proves that there are still many points that are outside the production control line. The production domination of the third RSS type (RSS 3) cause this problem, so that the profit and the efficiency of the company can be increased if the RSS 3 product can be controlled and be changed with the production of RSS 1

    The Major Problems of English Teachers in Implemnting Scientific Method

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    The purpose of this research was to describe what the major problems are faced by English teachers in implementing scientific method in their classrooms. The method used was case study. The participants of this research were three English teachers of SMAN 3 Pontianak. The writer used questionnaire, class observation, and interview to collect the data. The result showed that the teachers faced problems in implementing scientific method with the average of the implementation was only 64,8% was able be implemented. The most problematic stage was in questioning which was only 60% implemented. Moreover, experimenting stage was only 63% implemented. Another stage with the same percentage of implementation, networking stage which was only 63% can be implemented. Furthermore, in observing stage it was only 67%. Associating stage was the highest stage that can be implemented by the teachers with the percentage was only 70%. In conclusion, the major problem in implementing scientific method for English teachers was in questioning stage
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