207 research outputs found


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    The world economy registered within the last decades a series of transformations which had as a result astounding economic growth, yet also violent crises, a maturing of the international cooperation with positive effects, yet also negative aspects as a cinternational financial institutions, multilateral development institutions, globalization, international capital flows


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    A sustainable rate of real GDP growth is one of the best ways to promote the rise of living standards. From a neoclassical point of view the underlying factors that affect economic growth are saving, population growth and technological progress. UnemploymEconomic growth, Natural rate of unemployment, Okuns's law

    Using the Multivariate Data Analysis Techniques on the Insurance Market

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    In the present financial theory, we confront with complex economic phenomena and activities which cannot be studied or analyzed profoundly because of the plurality of existing variables, ratios and information. The economic, financial and social activity carried on under crisis or economic growth conditions registered year by year a development of the products and instruments in use. The complexity of the economic area may be simplified through techniques of multi-dimensional analysis. Such a method is the analysis of the principal components which allows the decreasing of the initial causal space dimension generated by the functional links which are established among the initial explanatory variables. The dimension of this space is determined by the number of explanatory variables identified as causes of the economic phenomenon and the higher their number, the more difficult it is to analyze the initial causal space because the information volume, the complexity of calculations, the risk not to identify the contribution of each variable to the creation of the initial causal space variability and the decrease in the initial variables significance in case they would be inter-correlated grow. The simplification of the initial causal space means the determination of a change which consists in transition from a space with a large number of variables to another one of fewer dimensions, equivalent but on the conditions of keeping maximum information from the initial space and maximizing the variability of the new space (called principal space). Variables from the principal space represent the principal components, they are un-correlated and the vectors which define them have a unitary length.original variables, covariance matrix, eigenvalue, eigenvector, principal components, total variance, generalized variance, factor matrix, factor loadings, factor scores, classification

    105 Years Since the Establishment of the Great Union The Stages of the Return of Bessarabia Within the Romanian Unitary National State

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    Dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the Great Union of 1918, the present study traces the main stages of Bessarabia’s return to the Romanian cultural and civilization space, from which it had been illegally and abusively snatched in 1812, as a result of a transaction concluded between two colonial empires on account of the territorial integrity of the Romanian Countries. At a distance of 105 years from those historical events, the truth appears as indisputable that any other way than the union of Bessarabia with the Old Kingdom of Romania was doomed to inevitable failure, and it is the great merit of the Council of the Country and the Bessarabian politicians of that period – Constantin Stere, Pantelimon Halippa, Vasile Stroescu, Ion Inculeț, Ion Pelivan et al. – to have found the only solution that led to the harbor long-awaited by the entire population. Beyond all the insinuations and slander circulated during that period, with echoes to this day, the alternative of the union of Bessarabia with Romania can be traced to the example of the Moldavian SSR from 1924–1940, with the forced collectivization of agriculture and the disastrous famine, with deportations and Stalinist repressions, with the territorial dismemberment of Bessarabia in 1940, etc

    Spintronic devices based on graphene nanoribbons with transition metal impurities. Towards space applications

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    Very recent publications draw the attention to a possible revolution that nanotechnology can cause in aviation. The effervescence in the peak field of nanomaterials is remarkable, as evidenced by the number of Nobel prizes recently awarded. A class of nanomaterials, the nanosensors, whose object of study is the present work, represents a special interest in space applications. More specifically, this article proposes the synthesis of a nanosensor based on active control and manipulation of spin degrees of freedom in the graphene nanoribbons (GNR), the strongest known substance. Thus, the physical model, a GNR, is electrically connected to two electrodes. Different variations of Mn (Manganese) impurities in graphene, with the spins having preset configurations, are considered. When a magnetic field is detected, their spin change causing changes in the total energy and hence the variation of transmission function. Therefore, the concept of active control, which originated in the flight control and structural vibration problems, is naturally extended herein to the nanosensors synthesis. The used physico-mathematical model to determine the spin transport and the transmission function is based on density functional theory, Kohn-Sham equations and the SIESTA package. The differences between distinct GNR excited states were determined and it was established that the energy range overlaps the mid-infrared wavelengths. Therefore, structures of this kind may serve in spatial applications which exploit the infrared atmospheric window

    Qualification of PWAS-Based SHM Technology for Space Applications

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    The chapter refers to the results obtained in the framework of a national research project whose novelty was that concomitant outer space constraints, namely extreme temperature variations, radiations and vacuum, were applied to structures specimens to study their effect on the structural health monitoring (SHM) technology based on piezoelectric wafer active sensors (PWAS) and electromechanical impedance spectroscopy (EMIS) method of damages detection and identification. The results, in short, concern (a) the survivability and sustainability of EMIS technique, in fact the PWAS transducers survival, in these harsh conditions and (b) the developing of a methodology to distinguish between the damages of mechanical origin, and the false ones, caused by environmental conditions, which are, basically, harmless. This has resulted by observing that the splitting phenomenon of resonance peaks on EMIS signature can be associated with the occurrence of mechanical damage, making so possible the clear dissociation of the changes determined by the harsh environmental conditions

    Становление и развитие источников иннервации и нервной сети надкостницы костей автоподиев у крупного рогатого скота

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    Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, Republica Moldova, Chişinău, Conferinţa Știinţifică Internaţională ”Probleme actuale ale morfologiei” dedicată сentenarului profesorului B.Z. Perlin, Chişinău, 20-22 septembrie 2012This article presents the sources of innervated periosteum bones of thoracic and pelvic аutopodium ofcattle in prenatale and postnatale оntogeneses. Using macro-microscopicale methods, it is established that periostium nervous elements have the greatest density in the epiphysis area, round places of an attachment of tendons, ligaments, in zones of growth of bones and in sites adjoining the articular capsules. The periosteum receptor devices of investigated bones are presented by the free and non-free nervous terminations, and also incapsulated smaller bodies with various degrees of complexity. В работе представлены результаты исследования источников иннервации надкостницы костей грудного и тазового автоподиев у крупного рогатого скота в пренатальном и постнатальном онтогенезе. Макро-микроскопическими методами установлено, что нервные элементы надкостницы имеют наибольшую плотность в области эпифизов, вокруг мест прикрепления сухожилий, связок, в зонах роста костей и в участках прилегающие к суставным капсулам. Рецепторный аппарат надкостницы исследованных костей представлен свободными и несвободными нервными окончаниями, а также инкапсулированными тельцами различной степени сложности

    Architectonics of the neorovascular elements of the metapodium fibros strustures of bovines

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    Catedra anatomia și igiena animalelor, Universitatea Agrară de Stat din Moldova, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, Conferința Ştiinţifică Internaţională ”Probleme actuale ale morfologiei” dedicată celor 70 de ani de la fondarea Universității de Stat de Medicină și Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, 15-16 octombrie 2015Abstract Background: The autopodium diseases at cattle remain a very little researched area in the veterinary medicine. The decrease of productive capacity and the treatment of the acropodium diseases increase the cost price of products. Knowing the sources of innervation, vascularization and the distribution areas of nerves, and the vessels which belong to the autopodium fibrous formations at cattle, has got an important role in their good functioning. These things have determined us, to realize a comprehensive study of the neuro-vascular units of fibrous formations at the metapodes of the cattles. Material and methods: Were used the cattle breeds, like the “Red of Steppe” and the “Spotted Black”, of different sex and age, wich were received from the enterprise “CARMEZ” Ltd, from Chisinau. The animals’ age was determined, based on the documents who are accompanying the cattles, from the farms which they were delivered. The anatomic study has been done by the macro-microscopic method; wich was developed by Mr. V. Vorobyov. The total periosteum preparates were stained with Shiff reagent. Results: The periosteum bones of metapodes at bovines present a well-developed nervous apparatus. To periosteum nerve branches come directly from regional nerves. In periosteum, the nerves have a oblique orientated traject, relative to the longitudinal axis of metapodes. Into the adventiceal layer the nerves are forming a polygonal wide network, and the blood vessels – small nettings. Other nervous trunks provide small nervous branches for the adventiceal plexuses and then they penetrate deeply the fibroelastic layer. A third part of nerves, which penetrate the superficial and deep layers of the periosteum, and therefore, penetrate the bone. Conclusions: The periosteum of the metacarpal and metatarsal bones has a specific innervation. The abundance of neurovascular elements indicate a functional importance of these autopodium segments wich support a major physical load and provide synchronization of the thoracic and pelvic limbs activity

    A Global Optimization Approach Integrating Low Frequency Switching Harmonics Standard for Electric Actuators Design in Aircraft Electrical Networks: Harmonics/Weight Optimization

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    International audienceIn aircraft applications, ensuring the power quality of the electrical system is one of the critical constraints during network equipment design. This task must be done in accordance with additional constraints like the global weight, cost and volume. In order to prevent high level disturbances in aircraft networks, international standards have fixed the conducted EMI levels that power converters are allowed to emit. On the other hand, respecting these standards at the design step requires analytical and semi-analytical models that are able to achieve a real system analysis and to develop optimized equipments adapted to the network requirements. In this paper we paved the way towards an anticipatory estimation of low frequency harmonics in a typical electrical actuator topology (Filter+Converter+Motor+Reductor). Several models (Three-phase PMW inverter, passive filter, gear reducers and a permanent magnet synchronous machine) were implemented in CADES software in order to find an optimal harmonics/weight Pareto solution using a deterministic or hybrid optimization approach allowing fast optimizations with a high number of parameters and constraints