173 research outputs found

    Elearning Technologies

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    When blogging tools first arrived in 1998, people asked “What’s a blog?” The word “blog” is a contraction of “Web log” and is used both as a noun as well as a verb. To blog is to write content to a blog. By design, blogs are best suited for the spontaneous thoughts and observations of an individual or team. They are not designed to facilitate rapid-fire back-and-forth discussion on a particular issue. Blogging tools are available as free or moderately priced services and as products you purchase and install on your own server. You may have noticed recently that many of websites now contain little graphical buttons with the word XML on them. When you click on the button, all you see is some jumbled text and computer code [ed: unless you have a newer web browser or an aggregator]. What's this all about? It's an RSS feed, and it's changing the way people access the Internet.Weblog, RSS, e-learning, RSS, blogging tools

    Integrating Data Mining Into Business Intelligence

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    Data Mining is a broad term often used to describe the process of using database technology, modeling techniques, statistical analysis, and machine learning to analyze large amounts of data in an automated fashion to discover hidden patterns and predictive information in the data. By building highly complex and sophisticated statistical and mathematical models, organizations can gain new insight into their activities. The purpose of this document is to provide users with a background of a few key data mining concepts and business intelligence and about benefits of integrating business intelligence and data mining.Business Intelligence, platform, data mining

    Installing, Configuring and Implementing an SMF in Joomla

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    This paper’s goal is to show how an asynchronous communication component which can also be used in teaching activities was installed, configured and implemented on the website of the Department of Accounting and Economic Informatics of the Economics Faculty within the Dunarea de Jos University in Galati. This component is known under the name of forum or discussion board.Web 2.0, forum, CMS

    Learning Waves from Google

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    IThe purpose of this paper is to report on emerging technologies, especially those who are considering collaboration technologies. In 2009, there were a number of technologies with special implications on the educational environment. Such technology was launched in 2009 by Google and it is called Google Wave. Google Wave is a much hyped new Internet-based communications and collaboration platform.e-learning, collaboration, technologies, API

    Learning Waves from Google

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    The purpose of this paper is to report on emerging technologies, especially those who are considering collaboration technologies. In 2009, there were a number of technologies with special implications on the educational environment. Such technology was launched in 2009 by Google and it is called Google Wave. Google Wave is a much hypednew Internet-based communications and collaboration platform


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    The more profound world economic crisis has strongly marked the evolution of the Romanian financial system. The size of current account deficit, the relatively high external financing needs and the dependence of the banks on it, the high ratio between loans in foreign currency and deposits in foreign currency made of the Romanian economy, a risky destination for investors. In these conditions, since the end of 2008 and throughout 2009, the government's economic program was focused on reducing the external deficit in both public and private sector, on minimizing the effects of recession, on avoiding a crisis of the exchange rate and on cooling the inflationary pressures.monetary policy, exchange rate, external financing, budget deficit

    Collaborative Technologies in Education

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    You may have noticed recently that many of websites now contain little graphical buttons with the word XML on them. For example:  or  or . When you click on the button, all you see is some jumbled text and computer code [for ex: unless you have a newer web browser or an aggregator]. What's this all about? It's an RSS feed, and it's changing the way people access the Internet. The first version, RSS 0.90, has appeared in 1999 and it was used for to update the news posted on the net. Currently used RSS version 2.0.11

    Individualized consideration, innovative organizational climate and proactive personality as antecedents of change-oriented and altruist organizational citizenship behaviors

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    El concepto de comportamiento de ciudadanía organizativa (CCO) ha adquirido un creciente interés en la literatura, materializándose en una amplia variedad de estudios teóricos y empíricos. No obstante, se ha señalado la necesidad de profundizar en los antecedentes propios de cada una de las dimensiones que integran dicho constructo, dado que pocos autores se han centrado en esos aspectos (Podsakoff et al., 2000). En consecuencia, el presente estudio pretende analizar la consideración individualizada del liderazgo transformacional, el clima organizativo innovador y la personalidad proactiva del individuo como posibles antecedentes de dos de las dimensiones que integran los comportamientos de ciudadanía organizativa: los comportamientos orientados al cambio y los altruistas, en base a una revisión y extensión de los principales estudios que han abarcado dichos constructos. En este sentido, se desarrolla un modelo conceptual cuyo objetivo es profundizar sobre estos antecedentes para que investigaciones futuras puedan probar desde un punto de vista empírico, las proposiciones señaladas utilizando métodos cuantitativos o cualitativos.The concept of organizational citizen behaviour (OCB) has grown in popularity in the literature, and has received a great deal of theoretical and empirical study. However, various authors have emphasized the need of gaining a greater understanding of the antecedents of each dimension that makes up this construct, as few authors have focused on these aspects (Podsakoff et al., 2000). Hence, this study aims at analyzing the individualized consideration of leadership, the innovative organizational climate and the proactive personality, as possible antecedents of change-oriented and altruist organizational citizenship behaviors, by means of a revision and extension of the main studies that have dealt with such constructs. In this sense, the present study develops various propositions, derived from a conceptual model, whose aim is to advance the understanding related with OCB antecedents, so that future research can test them from an empirical point of view, using qualitative or quantitative methods.Peer Reviewe

    Theoretical analysis of the antecedents and the consequences of students’ identification with their university and their perception of quality

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    Objecte: L'objectiu d’aquest article és desenvolupar un model conceptual centrat en els antecedents de la identificació de l'alumnat amb la universitat i la seva percepció de la qualitat universitària, perquè investigacions futures puguin provar des d’un punt de vista empíric les proposicions assenyalades. Disseny/metodologia: La metodologia consisteix en una anàlisi de la literatura empírica existent i del models teòrics actuals enfocats en el màrqueting a nivell universitari. Resultats: La identificació de l’estudiant amb la universitat i la seva percepció de qualitat de la institució són dos variables claus per a la captació i la retenció de l’alumnat. Aquest article proposa que la identificació depèn del suport institucional percebut per l'estudiant, que al seu torn està positivament relacionat amb: la comunicació corporativa, la relació universitat-alumne i la relació alumne-alumne. D’altra banda, l’ocupabilitat d’una institució educativa és relaciona positivament amb la percepció de qualitat universitària per part de l’estudiant i aquesta percepció ve determinada per la bona reputació de la universitat i per la percepció de l’estudiant que la universitat fomenta l’ocupabilitat en la seva formació. Limitacions: El model presentat es fonamenta des d’un punt de vista teòric i per tant és un punt de partida de línies futures de caràcter empíric. Implicacions pràctiques: Aquest article teòric pretén donar un punt de sortida i nou enfocament al màrqueting universitari. Esperem que aquest article ajudi a accelerar el progrés en l’àmbit del màrqueting universitari, posant de relleu qüestions fonamentals que necessiten investigació futura. Implicacions socials: La confirmació del model conceptual donaria les eines necessàries perquè les universitats desenvolupin les seves estratègies de captació i retenció d'estudiants basant-se en el màrqueting i en la segmentació, fet que també es relaciona amb un millor servei per part de les universitats publiques i una major satisfacció de l’alumnat. Valor afegit: La principal contribució teòrica es la de proposar incorporar variables clàssicament estudiades en el comportament organitzatiu com antecedent de les variables típicament estudiades en el comportament del consumidor. Purpose: This paper is aimed at developing a conceptual model centered on the antecedents of students’ identification with their university and their perception of the institution’s quality. Design/methodology/approach: This model is based on the analysis of the existing empirical literature and theoretical models focused on marketing at university level. Findings: Students’ identification with their university and the perceived quality of the institution are two key variables for attracting and retaining students. This paper proposes that identification depends on the institutional support received by the student, which in turn is positively related to: corporate communication, the university- student relationship and the student-student relationship. Moreover, the employability is positively related to the perceived quality of the university and this perception is determined by the university reputation and students’ perception that the university encourages employability in their training. Research limitations/implications: This model is informed from a theoretical perspective and therefore it constitutes a starting point for future empirical studies. Practical implications: The present study aims to provide new approaches to university marketing. We hope that this paper will help accelerate progress in the field of university marketing, by emphasizing fundamental issues that deserve future research. Social implications: The confirmation of this conceptual model would provide the necessary tools for universities to develop their strategies of student recruitment and retention based on marketing and segmentation. This can lead to a better service delivered by public universities and a higher student satisfaction. Originality/value: The main theoretical contribution is to include the variables traditionally studied as antecedents in organizational behavior in the variables typically studied in consumer behavior.Peer Reviewe

    Landscape Consumerism vs Social Sustainability. Recovering social connection within the urban landscape. A DANUrb Innitiative

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    The social networks, the digital photo and the smartphone are, no doubt, essential tools of the beginning of the 21st century. Their effects on the society’s structure are more and more complex, while superficiality becomes the main feature of the individual. The ease of swapping from one frame to the next, the slalom between virtual social networks and screens, the excessive accessibility and the duality of the two complementary and partially overlapping worlds have now visibly impacted social connections and even the individual’s capacity of recognizing the physical space he spends time in - working, moving around. The landscape has been gradually losing its transformative and multidimensional role in becoming a commodity. Instagram, Facebook, Twitter are the go to places to prove oneself, to live, to connect, all the while floating randomly within a space lacking both dimension and identity. This paper aims to explore the way in which the landscape metamorphosis can determine social cohesion, in a vision of temporal, spatial and identity continuity. In this context, DANUrB Project is an experimental approach, regarding the landscape heritage and its potential for a more responsive society. Consuming the landscape as cultural and identity space could be an instrument to bring people together, to encourage the social interaction and re-activate lost or forgotten places