74 research outputs found

    Riwayat asupan energi dan protein yang kurang bukan faktor risiko stunting pada anak usia 6-23 bulan

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    ABSTRACTBackground: Stunting was a chronic nutrition problem that still be a concern in the developing nations include Indonesia. The direct cause of stunting was infectious disease and inadequate food intake such as energy and protein deficiency. In Indonesia in 2010, the prevalence of stunting was 35.7%, inYogyakarta as much as 22.5%, in Bantul District in 2012 was 18.08% and in Sedayu Subdistrict was 30.51%.Objectives: To know the history of energy and protein intake as the risk factors of stunting in children of 6-23 months.Methods: This was an observational study with case-control design. The population were children aged 6-23 months who lived in Sedayu Subdistrict, Bantul. The measurement energy and protein intake used a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire and determination of stunting used the WHO standard anthro 2005. Samples were selected by total sampling approachment. Data was analyzed by chi-square and logistic regression test.Results: The result of bivariate analysis showed that birth weight and maternal height had significant association with stunting (p<0.05). While energy and protein intake did not associated with stunting. However, there was a tendency that children with less energy and protein intake had higher risk of stunting. Multivariate analysis showed that maternal height was the dominant variable effect on the prevalence of stunting (OR=2.06).Conclusions: Low energy and protein intakes were not risk factors of stunting in children 6-23 months. Maternal height was dominant variable that influenced the stunting incidence.KEYWORDS: energy intake, protein intake, stunting, childABSTRAKLatar belakang: Stunting merupakan masalah gizi kronis yang masih menjadi perhatian di negara berkembang termasuk Indonesia. Penyebab langsung stunting adalah penyakit infeksi dan asupan makanan yang tidak memadai seperti kurang energi dan protein. Di Indonesia pada tahun 2010 prevalensi stunting sebanyak 35,7%, di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta sebanyak 22,5%, di Kabupaten Bantul tahun 2012 sebesar 18,08% dan Kecamatan Sedayu 30,51%.Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui riwayat asupan energi dan protein sebagai faktor risiko stunting pada anak usia 6-23 bulan.Metode: Jenis penelitian observasional dengan rancangan case-control. Populasinya seluruh anak usia 6-23 bulan yang ada di wilayah Kecamatan Sedayu Kabupaten Bantul. Pengukuran asupan energi dan protein dengan menggunakan semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire dan penentuan stunting dengan menggunakan baku standar WHO anthro 2005. Cara pengambilan sampel adalah dengan total sampling. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square dan regresi logistik. Hasil: Berat bayi lahir dan tinggi badan ibu menunjukkan hubungan signifikan dengan kejadian stunting (p<0,05), sedangkan riwayat asupan energi dan protein tidak berhubungan dengan stunting (p>0,05). Secara multivariat, tinggi badan ibu merupakan variabel yang dominan berpengaruh terhadap stunting(OR=2,06).Kesimpulan: Asupan energi dan protein yang kurang bukan merupakan faktor risiko kejadian stunting pada anak usia 6-23 bulan. Tinggi badan ibu merupakan variabel yang dominan berpengaruh terhadap kejadian stunting.KATA KUNCI: asupan energi, asupan protein, stunting, ana

    Intensitas penggunaan gadget dan obesitas anak prasekolah di Kota Yogyakarta

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    Intensity of gadget use among overweighed preschool children in YogyakartaPurposeThe purpose of this paper was to determine the relationship of the gadgets uses intensity among obesity preschool children in Yogyakarta.MethodsThis cross-sectional study was conducted involving all preschool children in playgroup and kindergarten in Yogyakarta who did not attend the full day school program.ResultsPreschool children with high-intensity use of gadgets are 1.3 times more likely to be obese (p= 0.028, RP = 1.25). Preschool children with high-intensity use of gadgets, high education father, high sedentary behavior, adequate social economy, and poor diet are 2.1 times more likely to be obese.ConclusionThe incidence of obesity in preschool children is more common among children with high-intensity use of gadgets.Tujuan: Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan intensitas penggunaan gadget terhadap obesitas anak usia prasekolah di Yogyakarta. Metode: Penelitian cross sectional dilakukan melibatkan semua anak prasekolah yang terdaftar di Playgroup/ Taman Kanak-Kanak di Yogyakarta dengan kriteria tidak mengikuti full day school. Hasil: Anak prasekolah yang intensitas penggunaan tinggi memiliki peluang 1,3 kali lebih banyak mengalami obesitas dibandingkan anak prasekolah yang intensitas penggunaan gadget rendah (p: 0,028, RP = 1,25). Anak prasekolah dengan intensitas penggunaan gadget tinggi dan pendidikan ayah tinggi, perilaku sedentari tinggi, sosial ekonomi cukup, serta pola makan tidak baik berpeluang 2,1 kali lebih besar mengalami obesitas dibandingkan dengan anak prasekolah intensitas penggunaan gadget rendah dan pendidikan ayah rendah, perilaku sedentari rendah, sosial ekonomi rendah, serta pola makan baik. Kesimpulan: Kejadian obesitas anak prasekolah lebih banyak terjadi pada anak yang intensitas penggunaan gadget tinggi dibandingkan yang intensitas penggunaan gadget renda

    Asupan zat gizi makro dan kepatuhan minum obat antidiabetik terhadap kadar HbA1c pada penyandang diabetes melitus tipe 2

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    Macronutrient intake and adherence to antidiabetic drugs on HbA1c levels in type 2 diabetes mellitusBackground: Diabetes mellitus is a disease whose prevalence continues to increase worldwide, including in Indonesia, due to lifestyle changes; DI Yogyakarta Province has the 2nd highest prevalence in Indonesia, and Sleman Regency is the largest. In the current era, the increasing number of diabetes mellitus and uncontrolled blood sugar levels or HbA1c levels are closely related to lifestyle changes, unhealthy eating patterns, and non-regularly taking medicine. Therefore, controlling blood sugar levels is vital in treating type 2 diabetes mellitus.Objective: This study aims to analyze the relationship between macronutrient intake and antidiabetic medication adherence on HbA1c levels in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus.Methods: A cross-sectional survey of 78 respondents using purposive sampling by filling out the SQ-FFQ and MMAS-8 questionnaires. The analysis used the Chi-Square test and logistic regression test.Results: There was a significant relationship between carbohydrate intake, fat intake, and antidiabetic medication adherence with HbA1c (p0,05). The multivariate test results showed that carbohydrate intake, fat intake, antidiabetic medication adherence, and body mass index were simultaneously associated with HbA1c (p<0,05).Conclusion: Carbohydrate, fat, and antidiabetic medication adherence were significantly associated with HbA1c levels in type 2 diabetes mellitus

    Tekanan darah siswa sekolah dasar obes dan tidak obes

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    Background: In adulthood, obesity is related to the increasing of mortality risk as the effect of cardiovascular diseases~ Adulthood obesity are often started from childhood. Besides obesity causes, risk of cardiovascular is influenced by blood pressure as well. ObJective: The study was proposed to compare blood pressure of obese and non-obese students. Method: The study was conducted among 52 obese and 52 non-obese students aged 9-12 yearls old matched with age and sex. Subjects were obtained through obesity screening among obese students. The criteria of obesity was BMI to age in or over 95 percentage of CDC 2000 standard. Blood pressure was measured three times at three different days with quicksilver sphygmomanometer. Its method was adjusted to Task .Force on Blood Pressure in Children instruction. Results: Meanof systolicblood pressure of obese students was 109.2 (6.0) mmHg, higher than non-obese, 89.4 (6.9) mmHg. The different mean (Cr 95%) of systolic blood pressure of both group was 19.9 (17.3-22.4) mmHg,p < 0.001. Mean of diastolic blood pressure of obese students was 72.4 (4.9).mmHg, while non-obese was 58.1 (8.1) mmHg. The different mean (CI95%) of diastolicblood pressure of both group was 14.3 (11.6-16.9)mmHg, p < 0.001. Obese students had relative risk of systolic blood pressure (CI 95%) 22.5 (5.8-88.0) times higher than non-obese students. Relative risk of diastolic blood pressure of obese students (CI 95%) was 3.7 (2.4-5.8)timeshigherthanthat of non-obesestudents. Conclusion: Systolic and diastolic blood pressures of obese students were higher than that of non-obese students

    Stunting dan Perkembangan pada Anak Usia 12-60 Bulan di Kalasan

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    PurposeThis study determine the relationship between stunting incidence with development in children aged 12-60 months.MethodsThe type of research used was observational with cross sectional study design. This research will be conducted in the working area of Puskesmas Kalasan Sleman regency Yogyakarta with subject children aged 12 to 60 months as many as 106 children. Data analysis with univariable, bivariable with chi-square test with significance level of p <0,05 and CI 95% and multivariable by using statistical test of logistic regression.ResultsBivariable analysis between stunting status and child development showed significant relationship (p <0,05) and OR 3,9 (95% CI; 1,8-8,9). The result of the multivariable analysis is the relationship between stunting status and the development of children aged 12-60 months who consider the energy intake.ConclusionsThere is a relationship between stunting and the development of children aged 12-60 months but between maternal education, infectious diseases, parenting, energy intake, long-term birth, and parental income, energy intake most closely related to child development when jointly considered

    The Effectiveness of the Information, Communication, and Education Model for Balance Diet and Against Stunting in the First 1000 Days of Life: A Literature Review

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    BACKGROUND: The important reason why the first 1000 days are a vulnerable period is that this is a time of very rapid growth and development for a child. One of the efforts to increase this awareness concerning child growth and development is information, communication, and education (ICE). AIM: This study was performed to determine the effectiveness of the ICE model for nutritional against stunting in the first 1000 days of life. METHODS: This study used a literature review of published research articles on the effectiveness of the ICE model for nutritional against stunting in the first 1000 days of life published between December 2010 and December 2018 in PubMed and Proquest online article database. Data collection techniques by entering keywords in the database, keywords used: Intervention AND Model OR Media AND health promotion*health-promoting OR health education OR health information OR health communication*health communicating AND golden age OR first 2 years AND infant OR child AND maternal AND parenting AND diet OR nutritional status AND stunting. RESULTS: This study investigated 682 articles. There were six articles included in the literature review. The results showed that to design or develop the ICE model, it is important to pay attention and consider several elements of communication such as promoters (mediators of message delivery); the content of messages, medias or model of message deliveries, message delivery techniques, and the session or frequency of message deliveries. CONCLUSION: This study confirmed an effectiveness of the ICE model for nutritional against stunting in the first 1000 days of life

    Usia ibu dan jumlah anak berhubungan dengan kejadian beban gizi ganda pada tingkat rumah tangga di desa dan kota di Indonesia

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    Maternal age and number of children are associated with the incidence of a double burden of malnutrition at the household level in rural and urban areas in IndonesiaBackground:  Double burden of malnutrition is a nutritional problem where two nutritional problems occur at the same time and this can happen at the household level. The diversity of community characteristics causes differences in the incidence of the double burden of malnutrition at the household level in people living in rural and urban areas in Indonesia.Objective: To determine the associated factors with the incidence of double burden malnutrition at the household level in rural and urban areas in Indonesia.Methods: This study with a cross-sectional design used secondary data from the fifth wave of the Indonesia Family Life Survey (IFLS). The sample in this study was 6,468 households. The double burden of malnutrition at the household level is defined as a household in which there is at least one pair of mother and child aged 2-18 years that has underweight and or overweight/obese. Maternal factors, household economic status, number of children, and regional area are independent variables in this study. A logistic regression test was used to perform statistical analysis.Results: The prevalence of double burden malnutrition at the household level in urban areas was higher than in rural areas (8.70%) and 7.77%). Factors that were significantly (p<0.05) associated with the incidence of double burden malnutrition at the household level in rural areas were maternal age, mother's education, economic level, number of children, and regional living of the household, while in urban areas were maternal age and number of children.Conclusions: Maternal age and the number of children are two significant factors associated with the incidence of double burden malnutrition at the household level in rural and urban areas in Indonesia

    Physical activity, eating patterns, and insulin resistance in obesity

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    Background Unhealthy eating patterns and physical inactivity are associated with obesity. Insulin resistance, an early sign of type 2 diabetes mellitus, is common in obese individuals. Objective To assess for an association between physical activity and eating patterns to insulin resistance in obese female adolescents. Methods Subjects were 77 obese female adolescents aged 13-15 years. Peripheral blood specimens were obtained for measurements of fasting blood glucose, insulin, and the homeostatic model assessment (HOMA) index. Subjects were considered to be in a state of insulin resistance for HOMA index 2::3. 16. Physical activity recalls for 7 x 24h were performed to obtain information on subjects' energy expenditure, as well as intensity and duration of physical activity. Data on nutrients intake was also obtained using 7 x 24h food recalls. Fat intake was categorized into saturated fatty acid (SAFA), unsaturated fatty acid (UNSAF A), monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), and polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA). Results Subjects spent most of their time on light activities, 23 .5 (SD 2.0) hours/day. Those with insulin resistance spent slightly more time doing light activities. Conversely, they spent less time in vigorous activities, a mean difference of 4.96 (95%CI 0.61 to 9.31) minutes/ day (P=o 0.01). Subjects who spent less than 1 minute/day in heavy activities had higher odds for insulin resistance, (OR 3. 14; 95%CI 1.20 to 8.50; P=o0.02). There were no relationships found between nutrients intake, such as energy, protein, fats (SAFA, UNSAFA, MUFA, and PUFA), or carbohydrates, and insulin resistance. Conclusion In obese female adolescents, physical inactivity is associated with insulin resistance, while nutrients intake is not associated with insulin resistance

    Faktor risiko kejadian stunting pada anak umur 6-36 bulan di Wilayah Pedalaman Kecamatan Silat Hulu, Kapuas Hulu, Kalimantan Barat

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    ABSTRACTBackground: Stunting in children under five is an indicator of nutritional status that can reflect problem of overall social economic condition in the past. Stunting that occurs in childhood is a risk factor of increasing in mortality rate, low cognitive capability and motoric development, and improper physical function. The incidence of stunting is associated with many factors such as family environment (education, occupation, income, rearing pattern, eating pattern, and number of family members), nutritional factors (exclusivebreastfeeding and duration of breastfeeding), genetic factor, infection disease, and the incidence of low birth weight. The scope of stunting in 2010 were 35,6% and 39,7% in Indonesia and Province of Kalimantan Barat.Objectives: To identify the risk factors associated with the incidence of stunting in children of 6-36 months in Silat Hulu District of Kapuas Hulu, Province of Kalimantan Barat.Methods: This was an analytic observational study with cross sectional design. Population of the study were all of underfi ves children at remote area of Subdistrict of Silat Hulu, District of Kapuas Hulu, Province of Kalimantan Barat. Data analysis used chi-square test and logistic regression analysis to identify themost dominantly determinant stunting variable.Results: The incidence of stunting was significantly associated with occupation of mother, height of father, height of mother, income, number of family members, rearing pattern, and exclusive breastfeeding supplementation (p&lt;0.05). The incidence of stunting was not associated with occupation of father, eating pattern, duration of breastfeeding, infection disease, and education of mother (p&gt;0.05).Conclusions: Factors associated with the incidence of stunting were the work of mothers, rearing pattern, family income, number of household members, father’s height, maternal height, and exclusive breastfeeding. The most dominant determinant of risk factors on the incidence of stunting were exclusivebreastfeeding, number of household members, maternal height, income, and father’s height.KEYWORDS: exclusive breastfeeding, height of father, height of mother, income, stuntingABSTRAKLatar belakang: Stunting pada anak balita merupakan indikator status gizi yang dapat memberikan gambaran gangguan keadaan sosial ekonomi secara keseluruhan di masa lampau. Stunting yang terjadi pada masa anak merupakan faktor risiko meningkatnya angka kematian, kemampuan kognitif dan perkembangan motorik yang rendah, dan fungsi tubuh yang tidak seimbang. Kejadian stunting berhubungan dengan berbagai macam faktor antara lain lingkungan keluarga (pendidikan, pekerjaan, pendapatan, pola asuh, pola makan dan jumlah anggota rumah tangga), faktor gizi (ASI eksklusif danlama pemberian ASI), faktor genetik, penyakit infeksi, dan kejadian BBLR. Menurut hasil riset kesehatan dasar, prevalensi anak balita yang menderita stunting di Indonesia pada tahun 2010 masih tinggi sebesar 35,6%, dan 39,7% di Provinsi Kalimantan Barat.Tujuan: Mengetahui faktor risiko yang berhubungan dengan kejadian stunting pada anak umur 6-36 bulan di pedalaman Kecamatan Silat Hulu, Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu, Provinsi Kalimantan Barat.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasinya adalah seluruh balita yang ada di wilayah pedalaman Kecamatan Silat Hulu Kabupaten Kapuas Hulu Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi-square dan untuk mengetahui variabel paling determinan terhadap stunting dilakukan analisis regresi logistik.Hasil: Kejadian stunting berhubungan signifi kan dengan pekerjaan ibu, tinggi badan ayah, tinggi badan ibu, pendapatan, jumlah anggota rumah tangga, pola asuh, dan pemberian ASI eksklusif (p&lt;0,05). Kejadian stunting tidak berhubungan dengan, pekerjaan ayah, pola makan, lama pemberian ASI, penyakit infeksi, dan pendidikan ibu (p&gt;0,05).Kesimpulan: Faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian stunting adalah pekerjaan ibu, pola asuh, pendapatan keluarga, jumlah anggota rumah tangga, tinggi badan ayah, tinggi badan ibu, dan pemberian ASI eksklusif. Faktor risiko determinan terhadap kejadian stunting adalah pendapatan, jumlah anggotarumah tangga, tinggi badan ayah, tinggi badan ibu, dan pemberian ASI eksklusif.KATA KUNCI: stunting, pendapatan, jumlah anggota rumah tangga, tinggi badan, ayah, tinggi badan ibu, pemberian ASI eksklusi