226 research outputs found

    Glioblastoma Multiformede Friedelinin Antikanser Aktivitesinin In Vitro İncelenmesi

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    Pek çok kanser hastalığında destek için kullanılan farklı bitkisel yöntemler vardır. Likenler benzersiz bitkisel bileşikler içeren önemli organizmalardır ve farklı antikanser aktivitelerine sahip oldukları bilinmektedir. Bu özelliklerden yola çıkarak, mevcut çalışma, beyin kanseri türleri içerisinde tehlikeli habis özellikler gösteren glioblastoma multiformeye (GBM) karşı bir liken bileşiği olan friedelinin (FRI) antikanser aktivitesini araştırmayı amaçlamıştır. FRI'nın yan etki düzeyini belirlemek için insan U87MGGBM kanser hücre hatları ve Sprague-Dawley sıçanlarından izole edilen primer sıçan serebral korteks (PSSK) kanserli olmayan hücreler kullanılmıştır. Denemelerde, FRI'nın farklı konsantrasyonlarının sitotoksik (3-(4,5-dimetiltiazol-2-il)-2,5-difeniltetrazolyum bromür (MTT) ve laktat dehidrogenaz (LDH) testleri ile), antioksidan (toplam antioksidan kapasite (TAK) testi ile), pro-oksidan (toplam oksidatif stres (TOS) ile) ve genotoksik (8-hidroksi-2′-deoksiguanozin (8-OH-dG) testi ile) aktiviteleri test edilmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda MTT uygulaması, FRI'nın PSSK hücrelerine kıyasla U87MG hücreleri üzerinde daha yüksek sitotoksik aktivite gösterdiğini ortaya koymuştur (sırasıyla medyan inhibitör konsantrasyonu (IC50): 1271.77 ve 46.38 mg/L). U87MG hücreleri temel alındığında, LDH ve TOS aktiviteleri arasında anlamlı bir pozitif korelasyon olduğu saptanmıştır. Sağlıklı PSSK hücrelerinde, TAK ve hücre canlılığı arasındaki yüksek pozitif korelasyon FRI'nın antioksidan kapasitesini sergilemiştir. Sonuç olarak, mevcut çalışmadan elde edilen sonuçlar, GBM'ye karşı antikanser bileşiği kaynağı olarak antioksidan kapasiteye sahip doğal ürün potansiyelini ortaya koymuştur.There are different herbal methods used for support in many cancer diseases. Lichens are important organisms containing unique herbal compounds and it is known that they have different anticancer activities. Starting from these features, the present study was aimed to investigate anticancer activity of friedelin (FRI), a lichen compound against glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) showed dangerous malignant properties within brain cancer species. It was used human U87MG-GBM cancer cell lines and primary rat cerebral cortex (PRCC) non-cancerous cells isolated from Sprague-Dawley rats in order to determine side effect level of FRI. In the experiments, cytotoxic (via 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5- diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) tests), antioxidant (via total antioxidant capacity (TAC) test), pro-oxidant (via total oxidative stress (TOS) test) and genotoxic (via 8- hydroxy-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-OH-dG) test) activities of different concentrations of FRI were tested. As a result of the study, MTT assay revealed that FRI showed higher cytotoxic activity on U87MG cells compared to PRCC cells (median inhibitory concentration (IC50): 46.38 and 1271.77 mg/L, respectively). Based on U87MG cells, it was determined a significant positive correlation between LDH and TOS activities. High positive correlation between TAC and cell viability on healthy PRCC cells exhibited antioxidant capacity of FRI. Consequently, the results obtained from the present study proved the potential of natural product with an antioxidant capacity as a source for anticancer compound against GBM

    Improved reproductive response of sheep in intrauterine insemination program with the use of royal jelly

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate estrus and conception rates obtained with the use of progesterone (P4) cream in intravaginal sponges in conjunction with equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG) or eCG plus royal jelly (RJ) given at the time of sponge withdrawal. A total of 365 fat tailed ewes were assigned randomly to two treatment groups: insertion of intravaginal sponge containing 30 mg (LNP; n = 188) or 60 mg (HNP; n = 177) progesterone for 12 days. For each treatment, 300 or 600 IU of eCG were compared with 100 or 300 IU of eCG plus 500 mg of RJ to assess the effect on reproductive parameters of ewes inseminated laparoscopically in the anoestrus season. Ewes in each group were inseminated with fresh diluted semen (10 × 107 sperm per insemination dose). Inseminations were carried out 11 to 18 h after the first detection of estrus. Pregnancy diagnosis was done at approximately 55 days after insemination. For the 30 and 60 mg natural progesterone treated groups, estrous (22.3 versus 30.5%) and conception rates (50.0% for both treatments) did not differ significantly. Ewes that received 300 IU eCG plus 500 mg RJ had higher (P>0.05) conception rates (66.7 versus 47.6 and 40.0%) than those treated with only eCG (300 or 600 IU) at sponge removal. There was a significant (P≤0.05) delay in onset of estrus in ewes treated with 100 IU eCG plus 500 mg RJ when compared with the other treatment groups.Keywords: Royal jelly, equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG), natural progesterone, artificial insemination, ew

    Role of investment incentives in removal of regional imbalances and convergence analysis as success criteria: The Turkish case

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    Gerni, Cevat (Dogus Author)Together with starting to observe the situations like the development differences seen between the countries after industrial revolution between the cities and regions of the countries. This situation leads some of the cities to emigrate and some other cities to become more crowded. The negative externalities emerging in migrationreceiving cities make the life in those cities intolerable, whilst the decreasing population of emigrant cities triggers the decrease in both of demand and supply that is a production factor. The reflection of this situation shows itself as the cycle of “migration-revenue decrease-migration”. Through the investment incentives given to underdeveloped regions in order to prevent the migration that is a reflection of regional imbalances, it is aimed to decrease the imbalances by increasing the employment and revenue. The incentives applied in the year after statistical region classification in Turkey consist of incentives in periods of 2004-2008 and 2009-2012. In this study, it has been examined if there is any convergence between the income per capita in city and region axes, and if the incentives have any influence on this convergence. The investment incentives prepared in accordance with the realities of the cities eliminate the development differences by creating more efficient results. As a policy argument, it can be asserted that the incentive implementations considering the comparative superiorities of the cities will play more important roles in both of ensuring the efficient use of the resources and closing the development differences

    Activities of two Major Lichen Compounds, Diffractaic Acid and Usnic Acid against Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say, 1824 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)

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    Two major lichen compounds (diffractaic and usnic acids), isolated from Usnea longissima Ach. were tested against 4th instar larvae and adults of the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say for 24, 48, 72 and 96 h under laboratory conditions. Durations and mortalities were recorded at various concentrations (1.25, 2.5, 5, and 10 mg. ml-1). Results showed that secondary metabolites of U. longissima had a significant insecticidal potential against larvae and adults of L. decemlineata. Mortality rates after 96 h of treatment, with the highest concentration (10 mg. ml-1) of diffractaic and usnic acids, were 100 and 70% for adults and 100 and 80% for larvae, respectively. No mortality was observed in the control treatment. Bioassay tests with diffractaic and usnic acids revealed that the 96 h median lethal concentration (LC50) values were 1.783 and 4.048 mg. ml-1 for adults and 1.509 and 2.759 mg. ml-1, for larvae of L. decemlineata, respectively. The present results suggest that the lichen secondary metabolites may have a potential action for control of L. decemlineata 4th instar larvae and adults


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    In general, there are strong and meaningful relationships between risks and uncertainties, and economic activities. In this context, geopolitical risks (GPR) and global economic and political uncertainties (WUI) can significantly affect financial markets and investor behavior. In this study, the effects of GPR and WUI on stock markets for 10 developing Asian countries were investigated for 2001:M07-2020:M12 period. Cross-section dependency was examined with LM, and tests, series stationarity with Hadri and Kurozumi (2012) test, cointegration relations with Westerlund (2006) cointegration with multiple structural breaks method, and regression analyzes with Eberhardt and Bond (2009) method. It was determined that high GPR decreases the stock market index in Turkey, Korea, Russia, Indonesia and Malaysia, whereas it increases in India, Thailand and Philippines. It was found that high WUI decreases the stock market index in Korea, China, Indonesia and Thailand, whereas it increases in Turkey, India and Malaysia. On the other hand, while the stock market returns of the change in GPR decreases the stock market returns in Turkey, Korea, Russia, Indonesia and Malaysia, it increases in India, Thailand and Philippines. It has been determined that change in WUI decreases the stock return in Korea, China, Indonesia and Thailand, and it increases in Turkey, India and Malaysia. It was also observed that changes in GPR increases the volatility of the stock markets in India, Thailand and Philippines, and it decreases in Turkey, S. Korea, Russia, Indonesia and Malaysia. While the effects of change in WUI increases stock market volatility in Turkey and Malaysia, it decreases in Korea, China, Indonesia and Thailand. As the results achieved are heterogeneous, investors should avoid a basket trading strategy in these countries. Country-specific causality test was carried out with the Konya (2006) method, and it was observed that there are causal relationships between high WUI and stock market index, high WUI and stock market return in Turkey. Similarly, causal relationships were determined between high WUI and stock market index in India, between change in WUI and stock market index volatility in Philippines, between high GPR and stock market index, change in GPR and stock market return in Hong Kong. Causal relationships for all countries in the panel were examined using the Dumitrescu and Hurlin (2012) method, and causality was only found between high WUI and stock market index


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    Faizin belirlemesine yönelik olarak geliştirilen Taylor kuralı, iç ve dış unsurlardan hareketle yurtiçi faiz oranlarının hangi düzeyde olacağını ortaya koyan bir mekanizmadır. Taylor kuralında enflasyon ve gelir iç unsur iken, döviz kuru dış unsurdur. Faiz açısından bu mekanizmanın güçlü işlerliği dikkate alındığında, borsanın da benzeri bir yol izleyebileceği düşünülebilir. Dolayısıyla buradan hareketle Taylor kuralında sayılan değişkenlere ilaveten, faiz oranı, altın fiyatları ve dış borsa değerleri modele dâhil edilmiştir. Böylece iç unsur olarak enflasyon (EA), faiz (FA) ve gelir (YA) alınmış; dış unsur olarak da döviz kuru (DA), altın (AA) ve dış borsa (SA) değeri modellenmiştir. Taylor kuralı kapsamında oluşturulan modellerdeki tüm değişkenler Hodrick-Prescot filtrelemesine tabi tutularak açık cinsinden tanımlanmıştır. 1998:Q1-2019:Q3 arası dönem için doğrusal ve doğrusal olmayan sırasıyla L-ARDL ve NL-ARDL yöntemleri ile modeller tahmin edilmiştir. Elde edilen bulgularda, EA değişkeni L-ARDL sonuçlarında anlamlı ve buna karşılık NL-ARDL sonuçlarında ise anlamsız çıkmıştır. Bunun dışında modelde yer alan tüm değişkenler ise istatistiki açıdan anlamlı çıkmıştır. Buna göre borsa üzerine YA, FA ve AA değişkenlerinin etkileri negatif; SA ve DA değişkenleri ise pozitif bulunmuştur. Elde edilen bulgulardan hareketle, Türkiye ekonomisinde borsanın Taylor kuralı mekanizması mantığı çerçevesinde içsel ve dışsal değişkenlerden etkilendiği görülmüştür. Bu değişkenler içerisinde borsanın üretimden, yani ekonomik büyümeden olumsuz yönde etkilenmesi, Türkiye ekonomisinde reel ekonomik boyuttan ziyade, parasal ve dolayısıyla spekülatif boyutun güçlü bir şekilde işlediğini ortaya koymuştur. Buna karşılık diğer değişkenlerin genel eğilimi yansıtacak şekilde oluştuğu dikkat çekmiştir. Jel Kodları: B40, C51, G17.Taylor's rule that is developed for the determination of interest rate, is a mechanism which determines the level of domestic interest rates based on internal and external factors. In the Taylor rule, while inflation and income are internal factors, exchange rate is external factor. Considering the strong functioning of this mechanism in terms of interest, it can be thought that the stock market may follow a similar path. Therefore, in addition to the variables listed in the Taylor rule, interest rate, gold prices and foreign exchange values were included in the model. Thus, while inflation (EA), interest (FA) and income (YA) were taken as internal factors, exchange rate (DA), gold (AA) and foreign stock exchange value (SA) are modeled as foreign element. All variables in models created under the Taylor rule are defined in open terms by subjecting them to Hodrick-Prescot Filtering. For the period between 1998: Q1-2019: Q3, linear and nonlinear models were estimated by L-ARDL and NL-ARDL methods, respectively. In the obtained results, EA variable was significant in L-ARDL results, whereas it was not significant in NL-ARDL results. In addition, all variables in the model were statistically significant. Accordingly, YA, FA and AA variables have negative effects on the stock market; SA and DA variables have positive effects on the stock market. From the obtained findings, stock in the framework of Taylor rule logic mechanisms in Turkey’s economy is seen to be influenced by internal and external variables. The fact that stock exchange has been effected by production that is by the economic growth among other variables put forward that monetary and thus speculative actions rather than real economic facts were more dominant. Oh the other hand it has been seen that all the other variables reflected general tendencies. Jel Codes: B40, C51, G17

    Insecticidal Effect of the Extracts of Cladonia foliacea (Huds.) Willd. and Flavoparmelia caperata (L.) Hale AgainstAdults of the Grain Weevil, Sitophilus granarius (L.) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)

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    Four different concentrations of extracts, obtained from the two lichen species (Cladonia foliacea (Huds.) Willd. and Flavoparmelia caperata (L.) Hale), were tested against the grain weevil, Sitophilus granaries (L.) under laboratory conditions. Mortality rate of adults was determined at 24, 48, and 96 h. Obtained results showed that the extracts of C. foliacea and F. caperata had insecticidal effects on the adults of S. granarius in comparison with control. The insecticidal effect was influenced by the concentration of the extract and the exposure time. Higher concentrations and longer exposure time resulted to highest toxicity levels on S. granarius. Mortality rates after 96 h of treatment with highest concentration (20 mg.ml-1) of the extracts of F. caperata and C. foliacea were determined as 91 and 83%, respectively. Bioassay revealed that 96 h LC50 values were 0.107 and 0.354 mg.ml-1, respectively. The results suggest that lichen compounds could be useful as alternatives of pesticides

    Laparoscopic artificial insemination in dairy sheep with chilled semen stored for up to 26 h

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    Adult East Freisan crossbred (n = 220) and Chios ewes (n = 105) were divided into four groups and inseminated with chilled semen, which had been stored for 7, 13, 20 or 26 h at 5°C. Unilateral intrauterine insemination (50 x 106 spermatozoa in 0.25 ml) was performed with the aid of a laparoscope. Inseminations were carried out 48 – 52 h after pessary removal (30 mg FGA) without detecting estrus. The lambing rates after intrauterine insemination with chilled semen were found to be similar in East Fresian crossbred (40%) and Chios ewes (30%). Intrauterine insemination with chilled semen stored up to 26 h resulted in similar lambing rates; whereas, fertility of Chios ewes tended to decline with increased holding time of chilled semen. From this study, it is concluded that decreasing the storage time of chilled semen at 5°C improves pregnancy in Chios ewes and that East Fresian crossbred ewe’s conception rates to intrauterine insemination with chilled semen was relatively higher than Chios ewes.Key words: Dairy sheep, chilled semen, time of insemination, lambing rate