31 research outputs found

    Nutritional Changes of Sour Cherry (Prunus cerasus) Kernel Subjected to Aspergillus niger Solid-state Fermentation

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    This study was carried out to investigate the effects of Aspergillus niger solid-state fermentation on main nutritional content of cherry (Prunus cerasus) kernel. Three Aspergillus niger strains (ATCC 52172, ATCC 200345, ATCC 9142) were used in this study. Cherry kernels were analyzed for crude protein (CP), total ash (TA), total fat (TF), crude fiber (CF), nitrogen free extract (NFE), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) before and after fermentation to see nutritional change. CP level of the sour cherry increased by 14.1% and reached up to 41.66% from 27.56%. Fungal fermentation changed also TA, TF, CF, NFE, NDF, ADF contents of cherry kernel. These results suggest that solid-state fermentation with Aspergillus niger can be used for utilization nutritional properties of cherry kernels to make having potential in animal nutrition

    The Relationship Between Strategic Decision-Making and Leadership Styles: An Application in 4 and 5-Star Hotels in Istanbul

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    The aim of this study is to define the relationship between leadership styles and strategic decision-making in hotel businesses. Datas are obtained by using questionnaire technique. The questionnaire is applied to general managers or executives who are effective in making decisions in hotel businesses. This study comprises four and five star hotel businesses that have tourism establishment certificates. Since the number of population used is not excrescence in the research, complete enumeration sampling method is used and data is obtained from 87 hotel businesses. Results reveal that four and five star hotel businesses in Istanbul have executives showing transformational leadership, paternalistic leadership, autocratic leadership and charismatic leadership styles. Leaders who have these leadership styles make strategic decisions aimed at innovation and change basic business strategies, intervene in conflict and risk taking. The existence of meaningful relavence among leadership styles with strategic decisionmaking is determined

    Effect of Initial pH on the Microbial Growth, Final pH Value, Crude Protein and Ash Level of Agaricus bisporus Cap and Stem in Submerged Fermentation

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of submerged fermentation with Lactobacillus spp. on the nutritional composition of Agaricus bisporus cap and stem. Fresh A. bisporus was provided, and the cap and stem parts were separated and cut into small pieces. Afterward, distilled water (400 ml) and urea (8.4 g) were added to the mushroom parts (100 g) and placed in different fermentation flasks. The fermentation flasks containing mushroom caps or stems were divided into two groups, and the pH levels of the fermentation medium were adjusted to 6 and 7. Fermentation flasks were autoclaved at 121°C for 15 minutes and Lactobacillus spp. was inoculated to each flask at 1 ml (108 CFU/ml). A positive control group was formed by allocating one uninoculated flask for each replicate of each pH value. Fermentation flasks were incubated for 48 hours at 30°C. After fermentation, fermented and inoculated mushroom cap and stem were analyzed to determine the crude protein, ash content, Lactobacillus spp. count and pH value. Lactobacillus spp. count was higher (P=0.028) in the pH 6 group of mushroom cap and tended to be higher (P=0.078) in the pH 6 group of mushroom stems compared with the pH 7 group. Submerged fermentation decreased (P<0.001) the ash content of the mushroom cap and stem in both pH values except the cap with pH 7 compared with the uninoculated mushroom. Similarly, the fermented mushroom cap and stem had lower (P<0.01) final pH values in both initial pH values. Lactobacillus spp. increased (P<0.001) the crude protein content of the mushroom cap with pH 6 but did not alter the crude protein content with pH 7. Besides, submerged fermentation decreased (P<0.001) the crude protein content of mushroom stem with both pH values. The results indicate that submerged fermentation using Lactobacillus spp. can be used to improve the nutritional composition of mushroom caps with pH 6

    Note on KKM maps and applıcatıons

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    Bu tez çalışmasında topolojik vektör uzaylarda ve soyut konveks uzaylarda KKM dönüşümleri ve bazı uygulamaları incelendi. Öncelikle ön bilgiler, bazı temel tanım ve teoremler verildi. Genel hatlarıyla tek değerli ve çoğul değerli dönüşümlerde yarı süreklilik ele alındı. Topolojik vektör uzaylarda KKM dönüşümü ve bazı uygulamaları verilerek sabit nokta incelendi. Genel hatlarıyla soyut konveks uzaylar tanıtıldı ve KKM uzay ile olan ilişkisi vurgulandı. Ayrıca soyut konveks uzaylardaki KKM dönüşümünün bazı uygulamaları verilerek denklikleri gösterildi. Son olarak normlu uzaylarda KKM dönüşümünün bazı uygulamaları verilerek sabit ve çakışık nokta ele alındı.In this thesis, KKM mappings and some applications in topological vector and abstract convex spaces have been studied. At first, background information, some basic definitions and theorems were given. Then semi-continuous on single valued and multivalued mappings were given fundamentally. In topological vector spaces, KKM mapping and some applications were given and fixed point has been studied. In general, abstract convex spaces were introduced and the relation between KKM spaces and abstract convex spaces has been emphasized.Also equivalents of some applications of KKM mappings in abstract convex spaces were shown. Lastly fixed point and coincidence point on some applications of KKM mappings in normed spaces have been studied

    Mantarların (Basidiomycota) Kanatlı Hayvanlarda Performans, Ürün Kalitesi, Antioksidan Aktivite, Bağırsak Mikrobiyotası ve Bağışıklık Üzerine Etkileri

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    Mantarların kanatlı hayvan beslenmesinde gelişimi artırıcı, et ve yumurta kalitesini iyileştirici, sağlık koruma ve tedavi edici olarak kullanılma potansiyeli son yıllarda tartışılmaya başlanmıştır. Mantarlar antimikrobiyal, antioksidan ve bağışıklık güçlendirici özellikte polisakkarit, lektin ve terpen vb. bileşikler içermektedir. Yapılan çalışmalar, mantarların sahip oldukları aktif bileşenlerle kanatlı hayvanların gelişimini artırdığı, et ve yumurta kalitesini iyileştirdiği, antioksidan savunma sistemi ve bağışıklığı desteklediğini göstermiştir. Bu makalede Basidiomycota mantarlarının kanatlı hayvanlar üzerindeki etkileri incelenmeye çalışılmıştır

    The Threat of Ochratoxin A in Poultry Nutrition

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    Ochratoxin A is a toxic substance coming up with growing up of some species of Aspergillus and Penicillium at feedstuffs. Diseases and deaths can occur if this toxic substance is consumed by animals. Ochratoxin A can contaminate easily feedstuffs of mixed feeds while producing, harvesting and storing period and pose a serious threat for world and Turkey considering existing rate in feed and feedstuffs. Moreover taking account of passing to animal tissues, ochratoxin A pose a serious risk for human health. Regarding this, ochratoxin A has negative effects on human such as disorders of kidney and reproductive organs. In addition there is various methods to eliminate this damages made by ochratoxin A. In this review, existing of ochratoxin A in poultry feeds, the negative effects on poultry, transition to tissues and practices that can ease the negative effects were summarized

    Empirical analysis of the relationship between purchasing managers index and bist industrial index under structural breaks

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    The purpose of the study is to put forward the long-term and causality relationship between the BIST Industrial Index and the Purchasing Managers Index (PMI) for the period January 2008-December 2018 in Turkey. First of all,the existence of a long-run relationship between variables has been investigated with cointegration test. It has been determined that there is a long-run relationship between series. For this reason, the coefficient estimation for the long-run relationship between the series has been made a prediction with the Fully Modified Ordinary Least Squares cointegration coefficient estimator. Finally, the existence of causality relationship between the series has been investigated with theasymmetric causality test in the study and it has been determined that there is a unidirectional causality relationship from PMI to BIST Sinai index in terms of positive and negative shocks. Therefore,with this study it can be said that the PMI is a predictor of stock prices

    Role of protective Pelargonium Sidoides root extract and Curcumin on Mushroom poisoning: An Experimental study in rats

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    Phalloidin is a cyclic heptapeptide containing cysteine amino acids. The toxicity of phallodin is attributed to the sulfur atom of the sulfur in the indole ring of the molecule and it is responsible for acute gastroenteritis occurring during the initial period of poisoning. Pelargonium sidoides, reinforcing the immune system, antiviral, has antibacterial properties as well as antioxidant properties.The aim of this study is to investigate the protective role of Pelargonium sidoides and Curcumin against mushroom poisoning.28 Wistar albino rats were divided into four groups. Group I; Along the study, 0.2  ml saline was administered intraperitoneally to the rats .Group II (phalloidin, 0.5 mg / kg) were administered for 5 days of study. Group III : From the beginning to the end of the study, 0.5  mg / kg phalloidin i.p.,0,2 ml/kg pelargonium sidoides were administered orally. Group IV : From the beginning to the end of the study, 0.5 mg / kg phalloidin intraperitoneally,0.2 ml/kg Curcumin were administered orally.At the end of the study, the rats were sacrificed. The blood of the rats was taken. İn serum Superoxide dismutase (SOD), Glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), Paraxonase (PON), Arylesterase (ARE) ,Adenosine Deaminase (ADA) , Xhanthine oxidase (XO),Protein Karbonyl (PC), Malondialdehyde(MDA), Nitric oxide (NO),  were measured by spectrophotometry.In Group II, MDA, , PC levels and XO activity increased significantly compared to Group I. (p&lt;0.05).PS and Curcumin treatment ameliorated some enzyme levels (SOD, GSH-px, PON, ADA ) in serum with  phalloidin induced rats. Values of Group III approached Group I.Phalloidin increases toxic ROS. Pelargonium sidoides and Curcumin  are  antioxidant, antitoxic. And They such as silibin  can protective against mushroom poisoning.

    Effects of essential oils on egg production and feed efficiency as influenced by laying hen breed: A meta-analysis

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    Background and Aim: Successful rearing of laying hens to achieve optimal egg production is an endeavor that often faces various constraints and challenges, such as infectious diseases, environmental stressors, and fluctuations in feed quality. The incorporation of essential oils (EOs) into the diet of laying hens has attracted considerable attention in recent years. Therefore, our study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of EO inclusion in laying hen diets by considering the effects of production phase and breed on performance, egg quality, serum biochemistry, gut health, and antioxidant activity. Materials and Methods: The articles were obtained from the Web of Science, Scopus, Science Direct, and PubMed using the search terms “essential oils,” “laying hens,” and “phytobiotics.” Data from 27 articles and 71 experiments were grouped according to laying hen production phase and breed in the database. The EO levels ranged from 0 to 1000 mg/kg, with thymol and carvacrol being the major EOs. A mixed model was used to analyze the data. Random effects were applied to the treatment, and fixed effects were applied to EO level, production phase, and breed. Results: Egg production, feed intake, feed efficiency, eggshell quality, villus height, crypt depth, superoxide dismutase, and glutathione peroxidase levels increased linearly (p = 0.05) and egg weight and mass increased quadratically (p < 0.05) with increasing EO concentrations. An interaction was observed between the EO level egg production and feed conversion ratio (p = 0.05). Serum glucose, cholesterol, and malondialdehyde levels decreased with increasing EO concentrations (p < 0.05). Conclusion: The inclusion of EOs effectively increased egg production, feed efficiency, egg weight, egg mass, eggshell quality, oxidative enzymes, and intestinal health. In addition, the proportion of dietary EOs in lightweight laying hens was higher than that in semi-heavy-weight laying hens in improving egg production and feeding efficiency