436 research outputs found

    New research findings on 11th-early 13th-century polychrome wood sculpture at the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage, Brussels

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    11th- to early 13th-century medieval polychrome sculptures can be considered as ancestral testimony of knowledge, practices, and the exchange of carving and painting techniques in the Middle Ages. This paper aims to provide an analysis of 50 years of research in Belgium, including recent case studies. New material elements and analysis results will likely resuscitate the debate on the relative chronology that is usually suggested. The identification of materials reveals the circulation of goods and trade. The richness of pictorial effects and techniques demonstrates a knowhow long considered as typical of the late Gothic period, including the use of oil in the binding media. Most of the information collected in the Belgian corpus matches the results of analyses carried out on sculptures from other European regions, both in terms of the evolution of their appearance and of their techniques. These observations make it possible to put forward the hypothesis of a fast and oral transmission not only within local workshops but in the broader European global context.As esculturas policromadas dos séculos XI-início de XIII podem ser consideradas um testemunho ancestral de conhecimento, de práticas bem como das trocas de técnicas de escultura e pintura na Idade Média. O presente artigo visa prover uma análise de 50 anos de pesquisa na Bélgica, incluindo também recentes estudos. Elementos materiais novos e os resultados de análises irão provavelmente relançar o debate sobre a cronologia relativa que por norma se sugere. A identificação de materiais revela a circulação de bens e comércio. A riqueza de efeitos pictóricos e técnicas demonstra um savoir-faire considerado até então como típico do período gótico recente, inclusive o uso de óleo como aglutinante. A maioria da informação reunida no corpus belga corresponde aos resultados de análises realizadas em esculturas de outras regiões europeias, tanto em termos de evolução de aspectos como de evolução técnica. Estas observações permitem avançar a hipótese de uma transmissão rápida e oral não só dentro das oficinas mas no contexto global europeu mais vast

    La polychromie de la sculpture mosane en bois du XIIIe siècle

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    La recherche porte sur l’étude technologique de la polychromie de la sculpture mosane en bois du XIIIe siècle. Elle se base sur l’élaboration d’un catalogue comportant 82 sculptures dont 26 ont été étudiées en atelier, principalement à l’Institut royal du Patrimoine artistique de Bruxelles (IRPA), ou dans des conditions d’atelier. Les résultats de la recherche ont été analysés selon un double point de vue : technologique (les matériaux et leur mise en oeuvre) et historique (l’analyse de l’aspect des sculptures dans leur contexte)

    Respiratory pulse pressure variation fails to predict fluid responsiveness in acute respiratory distress syndrome

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    International audienceIntroduction: Fluid responsiveness prediction is of utmost interest during acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), but the performance of respiratory pulse pressure variation (Δ RESP PP) has scarcely been reported. In patients with ARDS, the pathophysiology of Δ RESP PP may differ from that of healthy lungs because of low tidal volume (Vt), high respiratory rate, decreased lung and sometimes chest wall compliance, which increase alveolar and/or pleural pressure. We aimed to assess Δ RESP PP in a large ARDS population. Methods: Our study population of nonarrhythmic ARDS patients without inspiratory effort were considered responders if their cardiac output increased by >10% after 500-ml volume expansion. Results: Among the 65 included patients (26 responders), the area under the receiver-operating curve (AUC) for Δ RESP PP was 0.75 (95% confidence interval (CI 95): 0.62 to 0.85), and a best cutoff of 5% yielded positive and negative likelihood ratios of 4.8 (CI 95 : 3.6 to 6.2) and 0.32 (CI 95 : 0.1 to 0.8), respectively. Adjusting Δ RESP PP for Vt, airway driving pressure or respiratory variations in pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (ΔPAOP), a surrogate for pleural pressure variations, in 33 Swan-Ganz catheter carriers did not markedly improve its predictive performance. In patients with ΔPAOP above its median value (4 mmHg), AUC for Δ RESP PP was 1 (CI 95 : 0.73 to 1) as compared with 0.79 (CI 95 : 0.52 to 0.94) otherwise (P = 0.07). A 300-ml volume expansion induced a ≥2 mmHg increase of central venous pressure, suggesting a change in cardiac preload, in 40 patients, but none of the 28 of 40 nonresponders responded to an additional 200-ml volume expansion. Conclusions: During protective mechanical ventilation for early ARDS, partly because of insufficient changes in pleural pressure, Δ RESP PP performance was poor. Careful fluid challenges may be a safe alternative

    Helicobacter pylori infection is not associated with an increased hemorrhagic risk in patients in the intensive care unit

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    INTRODUCTION: The potential role of Helicobacter pylori in acute stress ulcer in patients in an intensive care unit (ICU) is controversial. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of H. pylori infection in ICU patients by antigen detection on rectal swabs, and to analyze the potential relationship between the presence of H. pylori and the risk of digestive gastrointestinal bleeding. METHODS: In this prospective, multicenter, epidemiological study, the inclusion criteria were as follows: patients admitted to the 12 participating ICU for at least two days, who were free of hemorrhagic shock and did not receive more than four units of red blood cells during the day before or the first 48 hours after admission to the ICU. Rectal swabs were obtained within the first 24 hours of admission to the ICU and were tested for H. pylori antigens with the ImmunoCard STAT! HpSA kit. The following events were analyzed according to H. pylori status: gastrointestinal bleeding, unexplained decline in hematocrit, and the number of red cell transfusions. RESULTS: The study involved 1,776 patients. Forty-nine patients (2.8%) had clinical evidence of upper digestive bleeding. Esophagogastroduodenoscopy was performed in 7.6% of patients. Five hundred patients (28.2%) required blood transfusion. H. pylori antigen was detected in 6.3% of patients (95% confidence interval 5.2 to 7.5). H. pylori antigen positivity was associated with female sex (p < 0.05) and with a higher Simplified Acute Physiology Score II (SAPS II; p < 0.05). H. pylori antigen status was not associated with the use of fiber-optic gastroscopy, the need for red cell transfusions, or the number of red cell units infused. CONCLUSION: This large study reported a small percentage of H. pylori infection detected with rectal swab sampling in ICU patients and showed that the patients infected with H. pylori had no additional risk of gastrointestinal bleeding. Thus H. pylori does not seem to have a major role in the pathogenesis of acute stress ulcer in ICU patients

    Relation between mean arterial pressure and renal function in the early phase of shock: a prospective, explorative cohort study

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    International audienceIntroduction: Because of disturbed renal autoregulation, patients experiencing hypotension-induced renal insult might need higher levels of mean arterial pressure (MAP) than the 65 mmHg recommended level in order to avoid the progression of acute kidney insufficiency (AKI)

    Regard sur la pratique ergothérapique en déficience intellectuelle au Québec : une enquête exploratoire

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    Introduction : Au Québec, le développement de la pratique de l’ergothérapie en déficience intellectuelle est en pleine émergence au regard du nombre d’ergothérapeutes engagés dans l’offre de services destinée à cette clientèle. Néanmoins, les écrits et les outils liés à l’ergothérapie au Québec dans ce domaine restent limités pour soutenir les ergothérapeutes dans l’accomplissement de leur plein potentiel professionnel. Objectif : Cette étude vise à brosser le portrait de la pratique de l’ergothérapie auprès des personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle au Québec. Méthode : L’enquête utilisant un questionnaire en ligne, diffusé aux ergothérapeutes par le biais de leur association professionnelle, comprenait des questions liées aux motifs de référence en ergothérapie, aux stratégies d’évaluation et aux méthodes d’intervention utilisées, ainsi qu’aux défis rencontrés dans la pratique. Résultats : Un total de 53 ergothérapeutes a rempli le questionnaire. Les participants travaillent dans divers contextes de pratique et répondent à une variété de demandes de consultation, principalement en lien avec le soutien à l’autonomie. Les ergothérapeutes utilisent plusieurs outils d’évaluation, mais notent un défi concernant la standardisation et l’utilisation des valeurs normatives. Les ergothérapeutes agissent majoritairement à titre de consultants et constatent un accès limité à des formations pour soutenir leur développement professionnel. Conclusion : Bien que les rôles de l’ergothérapeute soient multiples, il semble qu’une faible implication de ces professionnels soit observée dans plusieurs sphères de vie des personnes ayant une déficience intellectuelle. Divers champs d’exercices de l’ergothérapie resteraient à développer au Québec, notamment dans le soutien aux transitions de vie, auprès des personnes présentant des incapacités significatives, et dans l’inclusion socioprofessionnelle. ----- Introduction: In Quebec, the occupational therapy practice in intellectual disability is in full development with regard to the number of occupational therapists involved in services intended for people with an intellectual disability. Nevertheless, scientific literature and professional tools related to occupational therapy specific to this context remains limited to support occupational therapist in achieving their full potential. Aim: This study aims to explore the occupational therapy practice amongst people with an intellectual disability in Quebec. Method: This survey using an online questionnaire, distributed to occupational therapists through their professional association, included closed and open-ended questions related to reasons for referral in occupational therapy services, currently used assessment strategies and intervention methods, as well as challenges encountered by occupational therapists. Results: A total of 53 occupational therapists completed the survey. Participants work in many practice settings and respond to a variety of consultation requests, primarily related to support of autonomy in daily activities. Occupational therapists use several assessment tools, but identify a challenge regarding the standardization and the use of normative values. Occupational therapists mostly act as consultants and report limited access to training supporting their professional development. Conclusion: Although the roles of occupational therapist are multiple, a limited involvement of these professionals is noted in several life domains of people with an intellectual disability. Various fields of expertise still need to be developed in Quebec, notably in the support during life transitions, in interventions with people with significant disabilities, and in socioprofessional inclusion

    Randomized trial evaluating serial protein C levels in severe sepsis patients treated with variable doses of drotrecogin alfa (activated)

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    Serial alterations in protein C levels appear to correlate with disease severity in patients with severe sepsis, and it may be possible to tailor severe sepsis therapy with the use of this biomarker. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the dose and duration of drotrecogin alfa (activated) treatment using serial measurements of protein C compared to standard therapy in patients with severe sepsis.Clinical Trial, Phase IIComparative StudyJournal ArticleMulticenter StudyRandomized Controlled TrialResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tSCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe
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