8 research outputs found

    Diversité végétale et usages des plantes dans une zone de savane soudanienne : Cas de la localité de Ferkessédougou (Nord, Côte d'Ivoire)

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    En CĂ´te d’Ivoire, principalement dans le nord, on observe la prĂ©sence de plusieurs formations vĂ©gĂ©tales très variĂ©es allant des forĂŞts claires et aux diffĂ©rents faciès de savanes. Dans la localitĂ© de FerkessĂ©dougou, une Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e dans le but de connaĂ®tre la flore, la vĂ©gĂ©tation et de l’usage des plantes. Cette Ă©tude a permis de recenser 192 espèces de vĂ©gĂ©tales. Elles se rĂ©partissent en 148 genres et 64 familles. Parmi ces espèces, certaines ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es comme alimentaires, mĂ©dicinales ou Ă  divers autres usages. Aussi, vingt sont considĂ©rĂ©es comme des espèces ayant un statut particulier et qui nĂ©cessite une attention particulière en vue de leur protection ainsi que les habitats oĂą elles se rencontrent. La prĂ©sence de ces espèces peut constituer des indicateurs clĂ©s pour le suivi environnemental de la zone d’étude.Mots clĂ©s : DiversitĂ© vĂ©gĂ©tale, Services Ă©cosystĂ©miques, savane soudanienne, FerkessĂ©dougou, CĂ´te d’Ivoire.   English Title: Plant diversity and plant uses in a Sudanese savannah area: Case of the locality of FerkessĂ©dougou (North, CĂ´te d'Ivoire)In Ivory Coast, mainly in the north, we observe the presence of several very varied plant vegetations anging from open forests to different facies of savannah. In the locality of FerkessĂ©dougou, a study was carried out to learn about the flora, vegetation and the use of plants. This study identified 192 species of plants. They are divided into 148 genera and 64 families. Among these species, some have been identified as food, medicinal or various other uses. Also, twenty are considered to be species with a special status and which requires very special attention for their protection as well as the habitats where they occur. The presence of these species can constitute key indicators for the environmental monitoring of the study area. Keywords: Plant diversity, Ecosystem services, Sudanese savannah, FerkessĂ©dougou, Ivory Coast

    Etude Ethnobotanique des Plantes Utilisées en Médecine Traditionnelle dans le Traitement de l’Hypertension Artérielle chez les Peuples du Département de Divo, (Centre-ouest, Côted’Ivoire)

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    In order to know the medicinal plants and their traditional uses on arterial hypertension, an Ethnobotanical study was carried out in the department of Divo (Central West Forestry Region). Ethnobotanical surveys made it possible to visit 21 villages and to meet, during semi-structured interviews, 105 traditional healers, regardless of age, sex and level of education. Thisstudy showed that the surveyed populations employed 52 plant species belonging to 30 botanical families, to treat arterial hypertension. Among these families, the Fabaceae with 17.31% of the plants surveyed were the most represented. These taxa, dominated by trees (50%), belong mainly to both the Guineo-Congolese region and the Sudano-Zambézienne region (GCSZ) with 36.54% of the species collected. The medicinal plants identified were used to prepare 154 medicinal recipts, of which 151 or 98.05% are monospecific receipts. The leaf (33%) was the most used plant organ and the decoction (69%) was the most popular method of preparation. The oral route (93%) was the most used route of administration. Phytochemical characterization of plant species revealed the presence of alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, saponosides, sterols and polyterpenes. This study showed traditional therapists in Divo department knew that arterial hypertension.Dans le but de connaître les plantes médicinales et leurs usages traditionnels sur l’hypertension artérielle, une étude ethnobotanique a été réalisée dans le département de Divo (région du Centre-Ouest forestier). Les enquêtes ethnobotaniques ont permis de visiter 21 villages et de rencontrer, lors des entretiens semi-structurés, 105 tradithérapeutes, sans distinction d’âge, de sexe et de niveau d’instruction. Cette étude a montré que les populations enquêtées emploient 52 espèces de plantes appartenant à 30 familles botaniques, pour combattre l’hypertension artérielle. Parmi ces familles, les Fabaceae avec 17,31% des plantes prospectées ont été les plus représentées. Ces taxons, dominés par les arbres (50%), appartiennent majoritairement à la fois à la région Guinéo-Congolaise et à la région Soudano-Zambézienne (GC-SZ) avec 36,54% des espèces collectées. Les plantes médicinales identifiées ont servi à la préparation de 154 recettes médicamenteuses dont 151 soit 98,05 % sont monospécifiques. La feuille (33%) a été l’organe végétal le plus utilisé et la décoction (69%) le mode de préparation le plus pratiqué. La voie orale (93%) a été la voie d’administration la plus employée. La caractérisation phytochimique des espèces végétales a révélé la présence des alcaloïdes, des tanins, des flavonoïdes, des saponosides, des stérols et des polyterpènes. Cette étude a permis de montrer que l’hypertension artérielle est connue des tradithérapeutes du département de Divo

    Déterminismes De La Dynamique De La Forêt Des Marais Tanoé-Ehy (Sud-Est, Côte d'Ivoire)v

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    Objective: The Tanoé-Ehy Forest (FMTE) has been identified as a top priority site for primate conservation in West Africa. Pending the completion of the measures of its final classification in protected area, anthropic pressures are constantly nibbling the types of habitat that the FMTE contains. The objective of the present study was to analyze the spatial and temporal evolution of this forest from 1986 to 2016. The study consisted in mapping and following through Landsat satellite images from 1986, 2000, and 2016 the dynamics of the land use that constitute the FMTE. To better understand the underpinnings of this evolution, based on anthropogenic threats, surveys were carried out in the five villages closest to the forest. Treatments show a 10% degradation of swamp forest area to degraded forests in 30 years. The habitats temporarily flooded forests remained intact during this 30 years period, reflecting efforts to maintain the integrity of the FMTE. Surveys have shown that the types of pressure and their intensity vary from peripheral villages. Overall, this involves wood harvesting and hunting. In view of the importance of the FMTE in terms of a particular ecosystem and the conservation of biodiversity, it is desirable and urgent that, in addition to awareness-raising campaigns for local populations, the process of its final ranking be accelerated to end its degradation

    Système agroforestier à cacaoyers en Côte d’Ivoire: Connaissances existantes et besoins de recherche pour une production durable

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    This study has assessed the ecological sustainability of cocoa production systems in Côte d'Ivoire. The litterature has shown that cocoa crop has been introduced in 1988 and this crop has been suitable with various pedoclimatic and vegetation factors in Côte d’Ivoire. This suitability has involved a move of the cocoa boom area and some changing practices from the South-east to the South-west of the country. The study has shown the existence of some divergences between farmers and scientists about the choice of associated tree species in cocoa agrosystems. Also, none adequate scientific research have been achieved in order to suggest to the farmers the most sustainable cocoa agroforest system. Future research should be focused on finding a trade-off about the choice of associated tree species which can be profitable to the farmers and ecological sustainable. These research will approve or deny some empirical perceptions from traditional practices. These research will also demonstrated to the farmers, the political decision-maker and management structures the need of a synergy between cocoa production and the economic value from of the ecosystem services produced in the farms. Key words: Shade trees, Agroforest, cocoa pioneer front, Traditional agricultural practices, Ecosystem servicesLa présente étude a fait un diagnostic écologique de la durabilité des systèmes de production de cacao en Côte d’Ivoire. L’analyse de la bibliographie a montré que cette culture introduite en 1988, a été compatible à divers facteurs pédoclimatiques et de végétation de la Côte d’Ivoire. Cette comptabilité se traduit par l’évolution de la boucle de cacao et des pratiques culturales du Sud-est au Sud-ouest du pays. L’étude a fait le constat de l’existence de divergences entre les paysans et les scientifiques au sujet des espèces d’arbres à associer aux cacaoyers. Elle soulève également le manque de preuves suffisantes et scientifiques pouvant guider le choix d’un système agroforestier à cacao, à la fois profitable aux producteurs et écologiquement soutenable. Des recherches futures devront être orientées vers la recherche de compromis sur le choix des espèces à associer aux cacaoyers ; ce qui nécessitera la confirmation ou l’infirmation scientifique des perceptions empiriques issues de pratiques traditionnelles. Il faudra également éclairer le producteur, le décideur politique et les structures d’encadrement de paysans, sur la nécessité d’une complémentarité entre la production de cacao et la valeur économique des services écosystémiques produits dans les cacaoyères. Mots-clés: Arbres d’ombrage, Agroforêt, Front pionnier du cacao, Pratiques agricoles traditionnelles, Services écosystémique

    A targeted door-to-door strategy for sleeping sickness detection in low-prevalence settings in Côte d’Ivoire

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    Significant efforts to control human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) over the three past decades have resulted in drastic reductions of disease prevalence in Côte d’Ivoire. In this context, the costly and labor-intensive active mass screening strategy is no longer efficient. In addition to a more cost-effective passive surveillance system being implemented in this low-prevalence context, our aim was to develop an alternative targeted active screening strategy. In 2012, we carried out a targeted door-to-door (TDD) survey focused on the immediate vicinities of former HAT patients detected in the HAT focus of Bonon and compared the results to those obtained during classical active mass screening (AMS) surveys conducted from 2000 to 2012 in the same area. The TDD that provides a friendlier environment, inviting inhabitants to participate and gain awareness of the disease, detected significantly more HAT cases than the AMS. These results suggest that the TDD is an efficient and useful strategy in low-prevalence settings where very localized transmission cycles may persist and, in combination with passive surveillance, could help in eliminating HAT

    A targeted door-to-door strategy for sleeping sickness detection in low-prevalence settings in Côte d’Ivoire

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    Significant efforts to control human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) over the three past decades have resulted in drastic reductions of disease prevalence in Côte d’Ivoire. In this context, the costly and labor-intensive active mass screening strategy is no longer efficient. In addition to a more cost-effective passive surveillance system being implemented in this low-prevalence context, our aim was to develop an alternative targeted active screening strategy. In 2012, we carried out a targeted door-to-door (TDD) survey focused on the immediate vicinities of former HAT patients detected in the HAT focus of Bonon and compared the results to those obtained during classical active mass screening (AMS) surveys conducted from 2000 to 2012 in the same area. The TDD that provides a friendlier environment, inviting inhabitants to participate and gain awareness of the disease, detected significantly more HAT cases than the AMS. These results suggest that the TDD is an efficient and useful strategy in low-prevalence settings where very localized transmission cycles may persist and, in combination with passive surveillance, could help in eliminating HAT

    Immune trypanolysis test as a promising bioassay to monitor the elimination of

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) has set the goal of gambiense-Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) elimination as a public health problem for 2020 and interruption of transmission in humans for 2030. In this context, it is crucial to monitor progress towards these targets using accurate tools to assess the level of transmission in a given area. The aim of this study was to investigate the relevance of the immune trypanolysis test (TL) as a population-based bioassay to evaluate Trypanosoma brucei gambiense transmission in various epidemiological contexts. Significant correlations were observed between HAT endemicity levels and the percentage of TL-positive individuals in the population. TL therefore appears to be a suitable population-based biomarker of the intensity of transmission. In addition to being used as a tool to assess the HAT status at an individual level, assessing the proportion of TL positive individuals in the population appears as a promising and easy alternative to monitor the elimination of gambiense HAT in a given area