9,628 research outputs found

    HI Structure Observations of Reionization and Dark Energy

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    This proceeding concentrates on the BAO signature of dark energy, and how the SKA dark energy case has been complicated by the emergence of HI structure experiments modeled after the Epoch of Reionization observatories. The purpose of the conference talk was to review the current status of the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA), and show the applications of HI structure observations for both reionization and dark energy measurements. Since the status of the MWA is changing weekly, please see the website www.haystack.mit.edu/ast/arrays/mwa/ for the current status. This proceedings will instead concentrate on HI structure observations, their applicability to reionization and cosmography, and the implications for the SKA and future HI structure observations of dark energy.Comment: Proceeding from The Evolution of Galaxies through the Neutral Hydrogen Window, Arecibo, 2008, AIP Conference Proceedings, Volume 103

    Selective advantage for multicellular replicative strategies: A two-cell example

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    This paper develops a quasispecies model where cells can adopt a two-cell survival strategy. Within this strategy, pairs of cells join together, at which point one of the cells sacrifices its own replicative ability for the sake of the other cell. We develop a simplified model for the evolutionary dynamics of this process, allowing us to solve for the steady-state using standard approaches from quasispecies theory. We find that our model exhibits two distinct regimes of behavior: At low concentrations of limiting resource, the two-cell strategy outcompetes the single-cell survival strategy, while at high concentrations of limiting resource, the single-cell survival strategy dominates. Associated with the two solution regimes of our model is a localization to delocalization transition over the portion of the genome coding for the multicell strategy, analogous to the error catastrophe in standard quasispecies models. The existence of such a transition indicates that multicellularity can emerge because natural selection does not act on specific cells, but rather on replicative strategies. Within this framework, individual cells become the means by which replicative strategies are propagated. Such a framework is therefore consistent with the concept that natural selection does not act on individuals, but rather on populations.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, to be submitted to Physical Review Letter

    An Examination of Spinoza’s Moral Philosophy

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    Spinoza's moral philosopher represents his most concerted attempt to come to terms with the great philosophical questions of the existence and identity of God, the nature and origin of the human mind concerning God, the origin and nature of emotions, the power of emotions as they restrict freedom of choice. His ethics is derived from his metaphysics and psychology. His belief that everything emanates from a perfect and infinite God made him conclude that evil does not exist. Further, he argues that anything that happens could have happened otherwise since it emanated from the unchangeable laws of nature. The surest part of happiness according to Spinoza is the study of philosophy and meditation. Arising from the foregoing, this discourse views Spinoza's doctrine as running contrary to human nature. For maintaining that everything is fated and determined including human disposition implies that all human actions can, therefore, be said to be amoral. The corollary of the above is that institutions such as law court, police, prisons, and judiciary, Christianity and Islam are superfluous, irrational and serving no purpose. Consequently, his postulates smack of a moral lacun

    Prediction of pressure drop in multiphase horizontal pipe flow

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    Empirical correlations were tested against reliable two phase pipe flow data for the prediction of pressure drop. Correlations are recommended for the prediction with stratified and annular type flows. When these correlations were adapted to three phase gaswater-oil pipe flow in general they predicted for intermittent slug type flows. Momentum balance models could not be successfully adapted to the prediction of pipe three phase pressure drop

    Chemical enrichment of Damped Lyman Alpha systems as a direct constraint on Population III star formation

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    Damped Ly-alpha absorbers (DLAs) can be used to measure gas-phase metallicities at large cosmological lookback times with high precision. Relative abundances can still be measured accurately deep into the reionization epoch (z > 6) using transitions redward of Ly-alpha. Here we study chemical evolution of DLAs using a constrained model for evolution of galaxies and IGM to determine the degree to which DLA abundance measurements can probe Population III enrichment. We find that if the critical metallicity of Population III to II transition is < 10^-4 Zsun, the cosmic Population III SFR is zero for z<8. Nevertheless, at high redshift (z ~ 6) Population III chemical signatures are retained in low-mass galaxies (halo mass < 10^9 Msun). This is because photoionization feedback suppresses star formation in these galaxies until relatively low redshift (z ~ 10), and the chemical record of early Population III star formation is retained. We model DLAs as these galaxies by assigning to them a mass-dependent H I absorption cross section and predict distribution of DLA abundance ratios. We find that these distributions are anchored towards abundance ratios set by Population II yields, but exhibit a tail that depends on the Population III IMF for z > 5. Thus, a sample of DLA abundance measurements at high redshift holds the promise to constrain Population III IMF. A sample of just 10 DLAs with relative abundances measured to an accuracy of 0.1 dex is sufficient to constrain the Population III IMF at 4-sigma. These constraints may prove stronger than other probes such as metal-poor stars and individual DLAs. Our results provide a global picture of the cosmic thermal, ionization, and chemical evolution, and can rule out certain Population III scenarios.Comment: 21 pages, 12 figures; this version accepted in Ap

    Chemical constraints on the contribution of Population III stars to cosmic reionization

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    Recent studies have highlighted that galaxies at z = 6-8 fall short of producing enough ionizing photons to reionize the IGM, and suggest that Population III stars could resolve this tension, because their harder spectra can produce ~10x more ionizing photons than Population II. But this argument depends critically on the duration of the Population III era, and because Population III stars form from pristine gas, in turn depends on the rate of galactic enrichment. We use a semi-analytic model of galaxy formation which tracks galactic chemical evolution, to gauge the impact of Population III stars on reionization. Population III SNe produce distinct metal abundances, and we argue that the duration of the Population III era can be constrained by precise relative abundance measurements in high-z damped Ly{\alpha} absorbers (DLAs), which provide a chemical record of past star-formation. We find that a single generation of Population III stars can self-enrich galaxies above the critical metallicity Zcrit=10^-4 Zsun for the Population III-to-II transition, on a very short timescale of ~10^6 yr, owing to the large metal yields and short lifetimes of Population III stars. This subsequently terminates the Population III era, hence they contribute >~ 50% of the ionizing photons only for z >~ 30, and at z=10 contribute <1%. The Population III contribution can be increased by delaying metal mixing into the ISM. However comparing the resulting metal abundance pattern to existing measurements in z <~ 6 DLAs, we show that the fractional contribution of high-mass Population III stars to the ionization rate must be <~ 10% at z = 10. Future abundance measurements of z~7-8 QSOs and GRBs should probe the era when the chemical vestiges of Population III star formation become detectable.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures; Submitted to ApJ; Comments welcom
