227 research outputs found

    Implicit memory and cognitive aging

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    It is well documented that explicit (declarative, conscious) memory declines in normal aging. Studies have shown a progressive reduction in this form of memory with age, and healthy older adults (typically aged 65+ years) usually perform worse than younger adults (typically aged 18-30 years) on laboratory tests of explicit memory such as recall and recognition. In contrast, it is less clear whether implicit (procedural, unconscious) memory declines or remains stable in normal aging. Implicit memory is evident when previous experiences affect (e.g., facilitate) performance on tasks that do not require conscious recollection of those experiences. This can manifest in rehearsed motor skills, such as playing a musical instrument, but is typically indexed in the laboratory by the greater ease with which previously studied information is processed relative to non-studied information (e.g., repetition priming). While a vast amount of research has accumulated to suggest that implicit memory remains relatively stable over the adult lifespan, and is similar in samples of young and older adults, other studies have in contrast revealed that implicit memory is subject to age-related decline. Improving methods for determining whether implicit memory declines or remains stable with age is an important goal for future research, as the issue not only has significant implications for an aging society regarding interventions likely to ameliorate the effects of age-related explicit memory decline, but can also inform our theoretical understanding of human memory systems

    Tests of pattern separation and pattern completion in humans - a systematic review

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    OBJECTIVE: To systematically review the characteristics, validity and outcome measures of tasks that have been described in the literature as assessing pattern separation and pattern completion in humans. METHODS: Electronic databases were searched for articles. Parameters for task validity were obtained from two reviews that described optimal task design factors to evaluate pattern separation and pattern completion processes. These were that pattern separation should be tested during an encoding task using abstract, never-before-seen visual stimuli, and pattern completion during a retrieval task using partial cues; parametric alteration of the degree of interference of stimuli or degradation of cues should be used to generate a corresponding gradient in behavioral output; studies should explicitly identify the specific memory domain under investigation (sensory/perceptual, temporal, spatial, affect, response, or language) and account for the contribution of other potential attributes involved in performance of the task. A systematic, qualitative assessment of validity in relation to these parameters was performed, along with a review of general validity and task outcome measures. RESULTS: Sixty-two studies were included. The majority of studies investigated pattern separation and most tasks were performed on young, healthy adults. Pattern separation and pattern completion were most frequently tested during a retrieval task using familiar or recognizable visual stimuli and cues. Not all studies parametrically altered the degree of stimulus interference or cue degradation, or controlled for potential confounding factors. CONCLUSION: This review found evidence that some of the parameters for task validity have been followed in some human studies of pattern separation and pattern completion, but no study was judged to have adequately met all the parameters for task validity. The contribution of these parameters and other task design factors towards an optimal behavioral paradigm is discussed and recommendations for future research are made. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved

    Rhythmic temporal structure at encoding enhances recognition memory

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    Presenting events in a rhythm has been shown to enhance perception and facilitate responses for stimuli that appear in synchrony with the rhythm, but little is known about how rhythm during encoding influences later recognition. In this study, participants were presented with images of everyday objects in an encoding phase prior to a recognition task in which they judged whether or not objects were previously presented. Blockwise, object presentation during encoding followed either a rhythmic (constant, predictable) or arrhythmic (random, unpredictable) temporal structure, of which participants were unaware. Recognition was greater for items presented in a rhythmic relative to an arrhythmic manner. During encoding, there was a Dm effect with larger positivity for rhythmic over arrhythmic stimuli. At recognition, memory specific ERP components were differentially affected by temporal structure: the FN400 old/new effect was unaffected by rhythmic structure, whilst the late positive component (LPC) old/new effect was observed only for rhythmically encoded items. Taken together, this study provides new evidence that memory specific processing at recognition is affected by temporal structure at encoding

    Greater priming for previously distracting information in young than older adults when suppression is ruled out

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    The use of previously distracting information on memory tests with indirect instructions is usually age-equivalent, while young adults typically show greater explicit memory for such information. This could reflect qualitatively distinct initial processing (encoding) of distracting information by younger and older adults, but could also be caused by greater suppression of such information by younger adults on tasks with indirect instructions. In Experiment 1, young and older adults read stories containing distracting words, which they ignored, before studying a list of words containing previously distracting items for a free recall task. Half the participants were informed of the presence of previously distracting items in the study list prior to recall (direct instruction), and half were not (indirect instruction). Recall of previously distracting words was age-equivalent in the indirect condition, but young adults recalled more distracting words in the direct condition. In Experiment 2, participants performed the continuous identification with recognition task, which captures a measure of perceptual priming and recognition on each trial, and is immune to suppression. Priming and recognition of previously distracting words was greater in younger than older adults, suggesting that the young engage in more successful suppression of previously distracting information on tasks in which its relevance is not overtly signaled

    Multicomponent frailty assessment tools for older people with psychiatric disorders: a systematic review

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    Objective: To review evidence evaluating the use of multi-component frailty assessment tools in assessing frailty in older adults with psychiatric disorders. Methods: A systematic literature review was conducted to identify all multi-component frailty assessment tools (i.e. a tool that assesses ≥2 indicators of frailty). The items of each frailty assessment tool were compared to DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for psychiatric disorders to assess construct overlap. Studies conducted in community, inpatient and outpatient clinical settings were considered for inclusion. Participants: Adults aged ≥60 years old. Results: 5,639 studies in total were identified following the removal of duplicates; 97 of which were included for review. Of the 48 multi-component frailty assessment tools identified, no tool had been developed for, or validated in, older adult populations with psychiatric disorder. 24/48 frailty assessment tools contained a psychological assessment domain, with 18/48 tools using presence of depressed mood and/or anxiety as a frailty indicator. Common areas of construct overlap in frailty assessment tools and DSM-5 diagnostic criteria included weight loss (29/48) and fatigue (21/48). Conclusions: Significant construct overlap exists between the indicators of frailty as conceptualised in existing frailty assessment tools and DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for common psychiatric disorders, including Major Depressive Episode and Generalised Anxiety Disorder, which has the potential to confound frailty assessment results. Further research is necessary to establish a reliable and valid tool to assess frailty in this population
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