163 research outputs found

    The use of epigenetic phenomena for the improvement of sheep and cattle

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    This review considers the evidence for inheritance across generations of epigenetic marks and how this phenomenon could be exploited in the cattle and sheep industries. Epigenetic marks are chemical changes in the chromosomes that affect the expression of genes and hence the phenotype of the cell and are passed on during mitosis so that the daughter cells have the same chemical changes or epigenetic marks as the parent cell. Although most epigenetic marks are wiped clean in the process of forming a new zygote, some epigenetic marks (epimutations) may be passed on from parent to offspring. The inheritance of epigenetic marks across generations is difficult to prove as there are usually alternative explanations possible. There are few well documented cases, mainly using inbred strains of mice. The epimutations are unstable and revert to wild type after a few generations. Although, there are no known cases in sheep or cattle, it is likely that inherited epimutations occur in these species but it is unlikely that they explain a large part of the inherited or genetic variation. There is limited evidence in mice and rats that an environmental treatment can cause a change in the epigenetic marks of an animal and that this change can be passed on the next generation. If inherited epimutations occur in sheep and cattle, they will already be utilized to some extent by existing genetic improvement programs. It would be possible to modify the statistical models used in the calculation of estimated breeding values to better recognize the variance controlled by epimutations, but it would probably have, at best, a small effect on the rate on genetic (inherited) gain achieved. Although not a genetic improvement, the inheritance of epigenetic marks caused by the environment experienced by the sire offers a new opportunity in sheep and cattle breeding. However, at present we do not know if this occurs or, if it does, what environmental treatment might have a beneficial effect

    Addressing negative attitudes, developing knowledge: the design and evaluation of a bespoke substance misuse module.

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    Recent calls for the inclusion of substance misuse into social work curricula appear to have been met with a piecemeal and rather sporadic approach from many Higher Education establishments. The research described in this article set out to determine if a bespoke module, delivered to a group of social work students (n=57), might influence their attitudes and values towards substance misuse and working with substance misusers. A mixed methods approach was used, employing an attitudinal Likert scale and a series of semi-structured interviews (n=10). Analysis of the quantitative data indicated that there was no significant change in the students’ established attitudes over the course of the module, but there was a substantial increase in the number of students (35%) who agreed with the Likert statement ‘working with drug users is a rewarding role’. The qualitative element of the research suggested that students felt more prepared for working with substance misusers and had increased their level of substance misuse knowledge since starting training. Whilst it is prudent to remain cautious when reporting the findings of a small scale research study, the results of the study support the effectiveness of the bespoke module in preparing the students to work with substance users/misusers.Undergraduate research scholarship scheme from the University of Derb

    Dietary intake and diet quality in children receiving treatment for cancer

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    This narrative synthesis aims to examine the dietary intake, diet quality, and dietary preferences of pediatric cancer patients during cancer treatment. Thirteen studies were eligible for review. Studies mostly investigated nutrient intake, with 7 reporting on children\u27s food intake. There was consensus among studies, which reported suboptimal fruit and vegetable intake and a preference for savory, carbohydrate-based foods. Results suggest that pediatric cancer patients consume a limited variety of foods, with a high intake of noncore foods. Future research should aim to examine dietary food data against dietary guidelines to assess adequacy and variety within core food groups

    Power assisted exercise for people with complex neurological impairment : a feasibility study

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    Background/Aims: Participation in physical activity and exercise presents a challenge for adults with complex neurological impairment. Power assisted exercise facilitates combined limb and trunk movement and may be a feasible exercise option for people with movement impairment. The aim of this study was to determine whether power assisted exercise is a feasible activity option for people with complex neurological impairment. Methods: Seven adults with complex neurological impairment were recruited to take part in a four week programme of twice weekly power assisted exercise. Programme attendance and completion was recorded and adverse events or effects documented. Mobility was monitored using the Timed Up and Go test (TUG). Upon completion of the programme, participants were interviewed regarding their experience of using the equipment. Findings: All seven participants completed the programme and the overall attendance was 96%. No adverse events occurred; two participants reported minor adverse effects which were temporary. The TUG scores improved and participants enjoyed the programme, reporting perceived benefits in physical function and wellbeing. Conclusions: The findings of this study demonstrate that people with complex neurological impairment can participate in a programme of power assisted exercise. Reported improvements in physical mobility suggest that further research in this area is indicated. Key words: Power Assisted Exercise, Neurology, Feasibility, Mobilit

    Effects of storage time and temperature on thromboelastographic analysis in dogs and horses

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    Please read abstract in the article.Department of Companion Animal Clinical Studies, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria.http://www.wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/vcphj2022Companion Animal Clinical Studie

    The landscape of DNA repeat elements in human heart failure.

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    BACKGROUND: The epigenomes of healthy and diseased human hearts were recently examined by genome-wide DNA methylation profiling. Repetitive elements, heavily methylated in post-natal tissue, have variable methylation profiles in cancer but methylation of repetitive elements in the heart has never been examined. RESULTS: We analyzed repetitive elements from all repeat families in human myocardial samples, and found that satellite repeat elements were significantly hypomethylated in end-stage cardiomyopathic hearts relative to healthy normal controls. Satellite repeat elements are almost always centromeric or juxtacentromeric, and their overexpression correlates with disease aggressiveness in cancer. Similarly, we found that hypomethylation of satellite repeat elements correlated with up to 27-fold upregulation of the corresponding transcripts in end-stage cardiomyopathic hearts. No other repeat family exhibited differential methylation between healthy and cardiomyopathic hearts, with the exception of the Alu element SINE1/7SL, for which a modestly consistent trend of increased methylation was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Satellite repeat element transcripts, a form of non-coding RNA, have putative functions in maintaining genomic stability and chromosomal integrity. Further studies will be needed to establish the functional significance of these non-coding RNAs in the context of heart failure

    Analytic and quality control validation and assessment of field performance of a point-of-care chemistry analyzer for use in the white rhinoceros

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    BACKGROUND : A chemistry point-of-care analyzer would be useful for evaluating injured wildlife, particularly white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) that survive poaching attempts. The IDEXX VetTest® could be suitable, but species-specific validation, development of a statistical quality control (QC) strategy and evaluation under field conditions is necessary. OBJECTIVES : The objectives were to 1) validate the VetTest for the white rhinoceros, 2) perform QC validation on the VetTest and generate a statistical QC strategy and 3) apply this QC strategy to monitor performance under typical field conditions. METHODS : Differences between white rhinoceros heparin plasma and serum, short-term imprecision and reportable range using rhinoceros plasma and long-term imprecision using commercial quality control material (QCM) was assessed against prescribed total allowable error (TEa) for up to 15 analytes. QC validation was performed using data from the long-term imprecision study and TEa. A QC strategy using QCM was developed and used to monitor performance under field conditions. RESULTS : Imprecision was acceptable for all analytes except for ALP, ALT and AST at low activities. The reportable range for AST and LDH differed from the manufacturer’s specifications. Eleven analytes were suitable for statistical QC using the 13s rule, three using the 2s rule; ALP was not suitable. In the field, observed error was less than TEa for all fifteen analytes and the sigma metric was >3.0 for twelve analytes. CONCLUSIONS : The VetTest is suitable for use in the white rhinoceros. Statistical QC is possible for most analytes and useful for evaluation of field performance.The South African Veterinary Foundation, the Department of Companion Animal Clinical Studies of the University of Pretoria and Saving the Survivors.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1939-165X2018-03-31hb2017Companion Animal Clinical Studie

    Thromboelastographic platelet mapping in dogs with complicated Babesia rossi infection

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    Please read abstract in the article.Department of Companion Animal Clinical Studies of the University of Pretoria; South African National Research Foundation; IDEXX Laboratories (Pty) Ltd.http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/vcp2020-03-01hj2019Companion Animal Clinical Studie

    Comparison of canine urine specific gravity measurements between various refractometers in a clinical setting

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    BACKGROUND : Veterinary facilities might use multiple refractometers and individuals to measure urine specific gravity (USG). Previous comparison studies show conflicting results. Furthermore, the clinical significance of measurement differences and interobserver variabilities has not been assessed. OBJECTIVES : We aimed to determine statistically and clinically significant differences between four refractometers in measuring canine USG and subsequent categorization of urine concentrations and azotemia and determine the variability between different observers performing USG measurements. METHODS : Fifty‐nine specimens were included for the USG measurements with four refractometers by different observers. Each refractometer pair was compared using Spearman's rank correlation, Bland‐Altman difference plots, and Deming regression analyses. Calculated bias was compared to set performance goals. Interobserver agreement was evaluated, and intraclass correlation coefficients were used to determine differences in the categorization of urine concentrations and azotemia (prerenal or renal). RESULTS : There was excellent correlation (rs = .99‐1.00) between refractometers. All comparisons involving R4 showed significant constant and proportional biases. Mean bias met the clinical performance goals for all refractometers, except for comparisons with R4, where up to 17 results were outside the allowable bias. There was almost perfect agreement (rs = .999) between observers and excellent agreement (ICC = .96‐.99) for the classification of urine concentrations. In azotemic patients (22%), there was perfect agreement (ICC = 1.00) for the categorization of azotemia. CONCLUSIONS : In most cases, three of the refractometers evaluated in this study can be used interchangeably at all USG values, without affecting clinical decision‐making. Multiple observers did not significantly affect decision‐making.http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/vcp2021-08-31hj2020Companion Animal Clinical Studie
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