6 research outputs found

    Use of Land Gravity Data in Small Areas to Support Structural Geology, a Case Study in Eskişehir Basin, Turkey

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    Various researchers have contributed to the literature on the locations and lengths of existing faults in the Eskişehir Basin, Turkey. However, the majority of the literature on the subject bases its results on fault indications observed on the surface, for example, surface ruptures. In addition, studies using geophysical methods in order to reveal buried faults have also fallen short regarding depth compared to gravity. In order to have a better understanding, the gravity method was applied with a total of 448 gravity measurements on five parallel lines in the north–south direction of the study area, which also includes the urban area of the Eskişehir Basin. Considering the neotectonics of the Eskişehir basin, the measurement lines were chosen to perpendicularly cut the east–west extending faults of the Eskişehir fault zone. For the first time in the literature, a detailed Bouguer gravity anomaly map has been obtained for the Eskişehir Basin using land gravity measurements. The edge detection Horizontal Gradient Magnitude (HGM) and Euler Deconvolution (ED) methods were applied to obtained Bouguer anomaly data. Both of these use spatial analysis of Bouguer gravity anomalies. An HGM map shows the presence of maximum amplitude areas in the south and north of the study, and these areas were found to be compatible with the known faults in the literature. ED solutions also support HGM maximums. The relationship between the lineaments obtained from the edge detections and the seismicity of the region were examined. It can be seen that the results obtained from both the HGM and ED edge detection methods are highly compatible with each other, and highly related to the structural geology of the region. Although great agreement with the faults in the literature was determined by both methods, only the ED method showed a number of newly found faults in the area. In addition, the locations of the known faults in the region were supported by the geo-physical gravity method for the first time

    The effect of robotic surgery on intraocular pressure and optic nerve sheath diameter: a prospective study

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    AbstractBackground and objectives: To investigate the effect of the steep Trendelenburg position (35◦to 45◦) and carbon dioxide (CO2) insufflation on optic nerve sheath diameter (ONSD), intraocularpressure (IOP), and hemodynamic parameters in patients undergoing robot-assisted laparo-scopic prostatectomy (RALP), and to evaluate possible correlations between these parameters.Methods: A total of 34 patients were included in this study. ONSD was measured using ultra-sonography and IOP was measured using a tonometer at four time points: T1 (5 minutes afterintubation in the supine position); T2 (30 minutes after CO2 insufflation); T3 (120 minutes insteep Trendelenburg position); and T4 (in the supine position, after abdominal exsufflation).Systolic and diastolic arterial pressure, heart rate, and end-tidal CO2 (etCO2) were also evalu-ated.Results: The mean IOP was 12.4 mmHg at T1, 20 mmHg at T2, 21.8 mmHg at T3, and 15.6 mmHgat T4. The mean ONSD was 4.87 mm at T1, 5.21 mm at T2, 5.30 mm at T3, and 5.08 at T4. Therewas a statistically significant increase and decrease in IOP and ONSD between measurements atT1 and T4, respectively. However, no significant correlation was found between IOP and ONSD.A significant positive correlation was found only between ONSD and diastolic arterial pressure.Mean arterial pressure, heart rate, and etCO2 were not correlated with IOP or ONSD.Conclusions: A significant increase in IOP and ONSD were evident during RALP; however, therewas no significant correlation between the two parameters

    Cardiac Arrest Developing Linked to Hydatid Cyst Rupture During Operation of a Pediatric Patient

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    Hydatid cysts are parasitic infections caused by echinococcus granulosus and echinococcus alveolaris. These infections are characterized by cystic formations most commonly localized in the liver and lungs. These cysts demonstrate widespread hepatic, and pulmonary involvement. Rupture of the cyst due to trauma, spontaneously or during surgical intervention may lead to anaphylactic shock or even death. During hydatid cyst operations, suddenly developing desaturation, tachycardia and hypotension should lead to the consideration of anaphylaxis. These complications should remind us that patients being operated for hydatid cysts may develop anaphylaxis and preparations should be made for this complication, and dialogue with the surgical team may reduce mortality and morbidity rates. In this case report we present a patient undergoing surgical excision of hepatic hydatid cyst who developed anaphylactic shock and resulting cardiac arrest due to rupture of the cyst and traumatization of the hepatic vein

    Tarım Traktörlerinde Kullanılan Ön Yükleyicinin Hidrolik Sisteminin Modellenmesi ve Simülasyonu

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    ZET Bu çalışmada, tarım traktörlerinde kullanılan bir ön yükleyicinin hidrolik tahrik sistemi Matlab/Simulink platformunda SimHydraulics modülü kullanılarak modellenmiştir. Model sistemin tüm hidrolik komponentlerini içermektedir. Ön yükleyicinin mekanik kısmı da SimMechanics modülü kullanılarak modellendikten sonra, hidrolik ve mekanik alt sistemler birleştirilmiştir. Bu bildiride hidrolik sistemin, özel bir monoblok kontrol birimini de kapsayan, modelleme süreci anlatılmaktadır. Model hidrolik sistemin işleyişinin, sistem gereksinimlerinin, enerji kayıplarının ve tasarım hedeflerine ulaşmak için gerekli değişiklik ve eklerin simülasyonlarla incelenmesine olanak sağlamaktadır. Model kullanılarak, çeşitli ön yükleyici operasyonları görsel ve sayısal olarak incelenmiş ve her komponentin davranışı ayrıntılı olarak belirlenmiştir. Simülasyonlardan elde edilen sonuçlarla, traktör üzerinde yapılan ölçümler doğrulanmıştır.In this study, a model of the hydraulic drive system, used to operate a front loader attachment (FLA) for agricultural tractors, is developed on Matlab/Simulink platform using SimHydraulics toolbox. The model includes all the hydraulic components of the system which are integrated with the mechanical part of the FLA model developed using SimMechanics. Here the modeling procedure of the hydraulic system, containing a nonconventional monoblock control unit, is described. The model allows the examination of the operation of the system, evaluation of system requirements, energy losses, and the necessary modifications to achieve the design goals through simulations. The complete model has been used in detailed investigations of the front loader operations visually as well as quantitatively, and system responses have been examined for each component of the whole system. Results from simulations using the model are justified by on tractor test measurements

    Case Reports Presentations

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