499 research outputs found

    Cultural and individual influences on foreign policy

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    Kent Mobilyalarının Bulundukları Mekânlara Etkileri: Düzce Örneği

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    Kent mobilyaları kentsel açık alanların vazgeçilmez öğeleridir. Düzce ili önemli ölçüde açık alanlara sahiptir. Bu alanların planlanması, kullanımı, tasarımı konusunda çalışmalar yapılmaktadır. Kentsel mobilyalarda bu tasarım çalışmalarının önemli bir parçasıdır. Kentsel mobilyaların işlevsel, anlamsal, simgesel ve psikolojik etkileri göz önünde bulundurularak çalışmalara yön verilebilir. Bu bağlamda bu çalışmada kent mobilyaları ve yer aldıkları mekânlara etkileri ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. İl genelinde farklı özellikler içeren alanlar (ticari, eğitim, sanayi vb) seçilerekbu mekânlarda bulunan aynı kent mobilyalarının farklı etkileri ve farklı kent mobilyalarının aynı etkileri değerlendirilmiş sonuç olarak kent mobilyaları bulundukları mekânların fonksiyonelliklerini arttırdığı, bulundukları mekânları daha fonksiyonel hale getirdiği ve mekânların estetik kalitesini arttırdığı bulgulanmıştır

    Diabetic Neuropathy and Treatment Strategy – New Challenges and Applications

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    Smart drug delivery systems are very popular drug delivery systems for treatment to common disease such as gene therapy, heart disease, cancer therapy, and neuropathy. Neuropathy is the most common chronic complication of diabetes that is associated with especially loss of peripheral nerve fibers. Hyperglycemia, insulin deficiency and dyslipidemia largely affect the development and progression of diabetic neuropathy. Several metabolic disruptions including altered protein kinase C, elevated polyol pathway activity, oxidative stress, the formation of advanced glycation and lipoxidation end products, and various pro-inflammatory changes directly affect neural tissue and cause neurodegenerative changes in diabetes. The therapeutic interventions of these metabolic pathways have a limited success to relieve the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy. This review emphasizes on the pathogenesis of neurovascular changes, presently available therapeutic approaches future directions for the management of diabetic neuropathy and related new drug delivery systems

    12. Sınıf Öğrencilerinin Biyoloji Sorularını Çözerken Kullandıkları Bilişsel ve Üstbilişsel Stratejiler

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    DergiPark: 613276tredBu araştırmanın amacı Fen Lisesi ve Anadolu Liseleri’ndeöğrenim gören 12. sınıf öğrencilerinin çoktan seçmeli Biyoloji sorularını doğruyanıtlayanların kullandıkları bilişsel ve üstbilişsel stratejileribelirlemektir Araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden biri olan durumçalışması kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu 1 Fen Lisesi ve 6Anadolu Lisesi’nden toplam 14 öğrenci oluşturmuştur. Her bir öğrencinin çoktanseçmeli soruları çözüm süreçlerine ait gözlem kayıtları ile yarıyapılandırılmış görüşmelerden elde edilen verilerin transkriptleri yapılmış veanaliz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda soruları doğru yanıtlayan öğrencilerinsoruları yanlış yanıtlayan öğrencilerden farklı olarak zihinde canlandırma,orantı kurma, kelimeleri kalemi ya da parmağıyla takip ederek okuma, kendinesoru sorma gibi bilişsel stratejiler ile ipuçlarının altını çizme ya dayuvarlak içerisine alma, seçeneklere işaret koyma, tekrar okuma, önemlinoktaları tekrarlama, soru metnindeki şekil, tablo ya da grafikleri tekrar incelemegibi üstbilişsel stratejiler kullandıkları tespit edilmiştir.

    Makrozomik fetuslar 38. gebelik haftasında doğurtulabilir mi?

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    Objective: Numerous articles have been written on macrosomic fetuses, including the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists practice bulletin. However, there is no clear consensus about the time of birth. The aim of this study was to compare the maternal and fetal outcomes of women giving birth at 38+0-38+6 weeks and those with deliveries at ≥39 weeks in pregnancies complicated by fetal macrosomia, and to determine the effect on morbidity and mortality of delivery in the 38th gestational week.Material and Methods: Data of women and their infants born in Kayseri Training and Research Hospital between 01 May 2018 and 31 March 2020 were analyzed retrospectively. The patients included were those with a singleton pregnancy delivered at ≥38 weeks with a birthweight of ≥4000 gr. Demographic data and medical history and birth outcomes of the patients were recorded from the hospital data system. Multiple pregnancies, those with fetal anomalies and births <38 weeks were excluded from the study. The patients were separated into two groups as those who gave birth at 38+0-38+6 gestational weeks (Group 1) and those who gave birth at ≥39 weeks (Group 2).Results: Maternal and/or fetal trauma was found to be statistically significantly higher in nulliparous women with vaginal delivery ≥39 weeks compared to those with vaginal delivery at 38+0-38+6 weeks (p=0.017). No significant difference was observed between the groups in respect of fetal morbidity and mortality.Conclusion: When fetal macrosomia is determined antenatally, rates of fetal and/or maternal trauma can be reduced with delivery planned for the 38th week without increasing fetal morbidity and mortality.Amaç: Makrozomik fetüsler hakkında, Amerikan Obstetrik ve Jinekoloji Derneğinin bültenleri de dahil olmak üzere çok sayıda makale yazılmıştır. Ancak doğum zamanı konusunda net bir fikir birliği yoktur. Bu çalışmanın amacı fetal makrozomi ile komplike gebeliklerde 38+0-38+6 hafta arasında doğum yapan kadınlar ile ≥39 hafta sonrasında doğum yapan kadınların maternal ve fetal sonuçlarını karşılaştırmak ve doğum haftasının 38. haftaya çekilmesinin yenidoğanın morbidite ve mortalitesini etkileme düzeyini belirlemektir.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Bu retrospektif çalışmada, 01 Mayıs 2018-31 Mart 2020 tarihleri arasında Kayseri Eğitim ve Araştırma Hastanesinde doğum yapan kadınların ve bebeklerinin verileri geriye dönük olarak tarandı. Doğum ağırlığı ≥4000 gram, tekil, ≥38 hafta üzerinde doğum yapan hastalar çalışmaya dâhil edildi. Hastaların demografik ve medikal öyküleri ve doğum sonuçları hastane veri sisteminden kayıt edildi. Çoğul gebelikler, fetal anomaliler ve <38 gebelik haftasındaki doğumlar çalışma haricinde tutuldu. Hastalar 38+0- 38+6 hafta arasında doğum yapanlar (Grup 1) ve ≥39 haftada doğum yapanlar (Grup 2) olarak iki gruba ayrıldı.Bulgular: ≥39 haftadan sonra vajinal doğum yapan (grup 2) nullipar kadınlarda maternal veya fetal travma 38+0 - 38+6 (grup 1) hafta arasında vajinal doğum yapan nullipar kadınlara oranla istatistiksel anlamlı olarak yüksek bulundu (p=0.017). İki grup arasında fetal morbidite ve mortalite incelendiğinde gruplar arasında anlamlı farklılık izlenmedi.Sonuç: Doğum öncesi değerlendirmede fetal makrozomi saptanan gebelerde fetal ve/veya maternal travma oranları, fetal morbidite ve mortalite arttırılmadan 38. haftada planlanacak bir doğum ile azaltılabilir

    Computational Study of Radiopharmaceuticals

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    Radiopharmaceuticals contain radionuclides and pharmaceuticals. Research on radiopharmaceuticals has been increasing in recent years by increasing the importance of early diagnosis in diseases. It is generally accepted that investigation and development of new radiopharmaceuticals are time and resource consuming. Computational methods have provided exciting contributions to pharmaceutical research and development. The need for designing new radiopharmaceutical drugs enhances the importance of computational programs. At this point, the structure, chemical, physical and physicochemical properties of molecules should be predicted/evaluated by using computational methods. While these methods obtain useful estimates, they make it easier for researchers and clinicians to make the right choices. Also, by providing accurate and effective results, they contribute to reduce the cost of research and can be used to simulate complex biochemical situations before research helping us to avoid harmful effects of drugs. In this study, authors emphasis about radiopharmaceuticals and the computational tools related to the development of new radiopharmaceuticals

    Diagnostic Prevalence of Celiac Disease by Routine Duodenum Biopsy in Adult Patients with Iron Deficiency

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    Objective:Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) frequently emerges as a consequence of Celiac disease (CeD), and in some cases, it can be the sole clinical manifestation of the condition, especially among patients with subclinical or atypical forms. Histological analysis plays a pivotal role in the diagnostic process. Our study aimed to assess the significance of duodenal biopsies in diagnosing CeD among patients with IDA of unknown origin and to determine the prevalence of CeD within the group of patients with unexplained IDA.Method:Between June 2019 and December 2022, we enrolled 248 consecutive patients aged 18 and above who underwent duodenal biopsies during esophagogastroduodenoscopy procedures for evaluating unexplained IDA in our endoscopy unit. A retrospective analysis of CeD prevalence was performed. Patients with abnormal duodenal histology were tested for anti-endomysium antibody and tissue transglutaminase antibody levels. A positive serological test along with abnormal duodenal histology confirmed the diagnosis of CeD. Histopathological changes were categorized according to the Marsh classification.Results:A total of 248 patients, including 171 women, meeting the study criteria were included. CeD was identified in 8 (3.2%) patients who underwent duodenum biopsies. The average age of celiac patients was 36±14 years, and the female-to-male ratio was 1.3:1. Histopathology revealed Marsh III in 5 (62.5%) patients, Marsh II in 2 (25%), and Marsh I with lesions in 1 (12.5%) patient. All patients with pathological changes in duodenal biopsies (Marsh I, II & III) tested positive serologically. No significant differences were observed in mean hemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume, and ferritin levels between patients with and without CeD accompanied by IDA.Conclusion:Routine duodenum biopsies performed during upper endoscopic examinations of IDA patients contribute to a diagnostic yield of 3.2% for CeD. Thus, even in cases where the endoscopic appearance of the mucosa seems normal, this procedure should be routinely integrated into the diagnostic evaluation of patients with IDA

    Effective Hamiltonian for non-minimally coupled scalar fields

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    Performing a relativistic approximation as the generalization to a curved spacetime of the flat space Klein-Gordon equation, an effective Hamiltonian which includes non-minimial coupling between gravity and scalar field and also quartic self-interaction of scalar field term is obtained.Comment: 4 page

    The protective effect of astaxanthin on cisplatin-induced ototoxicity

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    Background. Promising studies have been conducted with many substances to reduce the ototoxic effects of cisplatin, but there is no treatment that completely eliminates the ototoxic effect. Objectives. To determine the effectiveness of astaxanthin (ASX) as a protective agent against cisplatin-induced ototoxicity. Materials and methods. Thirty-six rats were randomly divided into 6 groups. Group 1 received no drug injections except for anesthetics; group 2 received intraperitoneal (IP) olive oil only for 8 days; group 3 received only IP ASX 75 mg/kg dissolved in olive oil for 8 days; group 4 received a single dose of only IP 16 mg/kg cisplatin on the 5th day; group 5 received 25 mg/kg ASX IP daily for 8 days and a single 16 mg/kg dose of cisplatin on the 5th day; group 6 received 75 mg/kg ASX IP daily for 8 days and a single 16 mg/kg dose of cisplatin on the 5th day. The animals were tested for distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE) before and 3 days after cisplatin treatment. The animals in all groups were sacrificed under anesthesia on the 10th day. Before sacrifice, inferior vena cava blood samples were drawn into commercial tubes for biochemical analysis and their cochlea were prepared for histological analysis. Results. The ASX+cisplatin groups demonstrated significantly higher DPOAE thresholds when compared to the cisplatin-only group (p < 0.05). The ASX 25 mg/kg/day+cisplatin group showed a significant increase in total antioxidant capacity compared to the cisplatin-only group, whereas the ASX 75 mg/kg/day+cisplatin group had significantly lower total oxidative stress and oxidative stress index. Histologic results showed that the cortical organ was better preserved in the ASX+cisplatin groups compared to the cisplatin-only group, and the degeneration in the spiral ganglion and inner and outer hair cells was less visible in the ASX groups. Conclusions. Astaxanthin can protect hearing from cisplatin-induced ototoxicity, prevent cellular degeneration and significantly reduce oxidative stress