1,722 research outputs found

    Metodología para el estudio neurocinemático del cambio de plano por corte a través del electroencefalograma

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    The objective of this paper is to present a methodological approach to develop aneurocinematic study of flm transitions through cuts to the next shot. Specifically, thestudy was carried out by analyzing the event-related desynchronization/synchronizationof the electroencephalogram recorded on spectators. It starts by describing theimplications of applying neurocinematic methodologies to film analysis, and finalizeswith the peculiarities that our research implies. In our case we work from filmfragments extracted from existing feature films, we carry out a recording of neuralactivity with 31 electrodes and apply a statistical analysis based on the permutationstest, the Spearman correlation test and the analysis of slopes on the transformedregistered signal to the frequency domain

    Aplicación informática sobre Android: BLAFA. Aprendizaje y cálculo de rodamientos

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    El presente proyecto consiste en el diseño e implementación de una aplicación para Smartphones con sistema operativo Android capaz de calcular parámetros de rodamientos con el fin de ahorrar tiempo al ingeniero en su diseño y estimar el mantenimiento oportuno. Para ello se ha creado un modelo capaz de interpretar los datos y calcular ciertos parámetros determinados. Para ello se hará uso del “APPINVENTOR”, programa de diseño asistido ordenador para el desarrollo de aplicaciones Java. Para comprobar el correcto funcionamiento y operatividad de la aplicación se ha realizado un conjunto de pruebas con resultado satisfactorio. Para finalizar planteamos posibles mejoras y trabajos futuros para poder optimizar la aplicación en un futuro.This project involves the design and implementation of an application for smartphones with Android operating system capable of calculating bearing parameters in order to save time at engineer’s design. For this we have created a model to interpret the data and calculate certain parameters determined. This will be achieved using the "AppInventor" program computer aided design for the development of Java applications. To check the proper working and operation of the application is a set of tests conducted with satisfactory results. Finally we propose possible improvements and future work to optimize the application in the future.Ingeniería Técnica en Mecánic

    Musicotherapy and personal enrichment

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    Este breve trabajo -de iniciación, como mucho de introducción, al estudio de la musicoterapia- no pretende abordar el tema en su totalidad, sino que únicamente he pretendido demostrar que la musicoterapia tiene unos antecedentes, una existencia y un porvenir. Si las ideas expuestas en este trabajo contribuyen a toma de conciencia de la importancia que la música tiene en la evolución de la persona, el objetivo principal se habrá logrado.This concise piece of word of initiation, a kind of introduction to the study of music therapy, does not try to deal with the theme as a whole, but only | have attempted to prove that music therapy has some background, an existence and a future. If the ideas which are explained in this work help people in the development of man, the main aim will have been achieved

    Testigos de guerra : dos documentos sobre la Guerra de Independencia conservados en el Archivo Histórico Provincial de Álava

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    Con motivo de la conmemoración del bicentenario de la Guerra de Independencia (1808-1814) se presentan el comentario y trascripción de dos documentos conservados en el Archivo Histórico Provincial de Álava relacionados con la invasión francesa y sus protagonistas - Uno de los primeros testamentos otorgados por un joven capitán de fragata, Miguel Ricardo Álava, cuyo nombre quedará grabado posteriormente en la Historia de España como una de las principales figuras militares del conflicto bélico y, posteriormente, del liberalismo español. - El documento de compra del Palacio de Aguirre o de Montehermoso por José I, Rey de España, como su residencia particular para los frecuentes periodos en que la corte intrusa permaneció en Vitoria

    La calidad de vida en el síndrome del túnel del carpo: estudio prospectivo tras cirugía abierta

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    Se ha realizado un estudio prospectivo del grado de afectación funcional en 90 pacientes con síndrome del túnel del carpo intervenidos mediante abordaje corto palmar. Todos los pacientes eran mujeres, con edad entre 20 y 50 años, y fueron revisados con un período de seguimiento mínimo de 12 meses y completaron un cuestionario pre y postoperatoriamente sobre 12 habilidades manuales que comprendían desde el aseo personal, la lectura y escritura y las tareas domésticas. También se registró el grado de satisfacción con la cirugía y la reincorporación laboral. Preoperatoriamente, las actividades más afectadas eran aquellas que precisan fuerza o utilización de la pinza digital. Un 53.3% de los pacientes referían limitación de al menos4 actividades preoperatoriamente; sin embargo, a los 12 mese de la cirugía sólo un 4,4% referían limitación en alguna actividad. El cuestionario utilizado presentó una correlación significativa con la fuerza de la mano afecta (p=0,02) y con el signo de Tinel (p=0,04). El grado de satisfacción subjetiva fue de 9,5 puntos. La actividad laboral previa a la cirugía estaba limitada en un 86,6%. El 95,5% se reincorporó a su actividad laboral en un tiempo medio de 6,1 semanas. En Conclusión, el tratamiento quirúrgico del síndrome del túnel carpiano por cirugía abierta mediante abordaje corto palmar permite al paciente realizar las tareas cotidianas de manera casi completa, mejorando la calidad de vida percibida.A prospective study was made of 90 patients with idiopathic carpal tunnel syndrome before and after open release using a short palmar incision. All women, age between 20 and 50 years, with a postoperative follow-up of one year. They completed a questionnaire regarding preoperative and postoperative 12 activities of daily living from self-care, hygiene tasks, reading, writing and housework. They also refereed the procedure satisfaction and return to work. Preoperative, the most difficult tasks involved some type of labour. A 53.3% of the patients rated limitation in 4 activities at least.; however, 12 months after surgery only 4.4% rated limitation in one activity. The questionnaire showed a significant correlation with the grip strength p=(0.02) and Tinel sign (p=0.04). The average satisfaction with the surgery was 9.5 of 10. Preoperative 86.6% of the patients rated limitation to do their job. Average return to work was 6.1 weeks in 95.5% of the patients. In conclusion, open carpal tunnel release using a short palmar incision allow patients to manage activities of daily living almost completely and to perceive quality of life

    Cinematographic continuity edits across shot scales and camera angles:An ERP analysis

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    Film editing has attracted great theoretical and practical interest since the beginnings of cinematography. In recent times, the neural correlates of visual transitions at edit cuts have been at the focus of attention in neurocinematics. Many Event Related Potential (ERP) studies studies have reported the consequences of cuts involving narrative discontinuities, and violations of standard montage rules. However, less is known about edits that are meant to induce continuity. Here, we addressed the neural correlates of continuity editing involving scale, and angle variations across the cut within the same scene, two of the most popular devices used for continuity editing. We recorded the electroencephalographic signal obtained from 20 viewers as they watched four different cinematographic excerpts to extract ERPs at edit points. First, we were able to reproduce the general time and scalp distribution of the typical ERPs to filmic cuts in prior studies. Second, we found significant ERP modulations triggered by scale changes (scale out, scale in, or maintaining the same scale). Edits involving an increase in scale (scale out) led to amplification of the ERP deflection, and scale reduction (scale in) led to decreases, compared to edits that kept scale across the cut. These modulations coincide with the time window of the N300 and N400 components and, according to previous findings, their amplitude has been associated with the likelihood of consciously detecting the edit. Third, we did not detect similar modulations as a function of angle variations across the cut. Based on these findings, we suggest that cuts involving reduction of scale are more likely to go unnoticed, than ones that scale out. This relationship between scale in/out and visibility is documented in film edition manuals. Specifically, in order to achieve fluidity in a scene, the edition is designed from the most opened shots to the most closed ones

    Neotipificación de Thalictrum maritimum Dufour (Ranunculaceae), planta endémica y amenazada del este peninsular ibérico

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    Se designa un neótipo para Thalictrum maritimum Dufour (Ranunculaceae), especie descrita para la Albufera de Valencia (España). El espécimen seleccionado como tipo procede de la localidad clásica de la especie.A neotypus of Thalictrum maritimum Dufour (Ranunculaceae), species from the Albufera of Valencia (Spain) is designated here. The specimen selected as type has been collected in the classical locality of this species

    Aspectos sintéticos sobre la flora vascular del Sistema Ibérico

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    Se presentan y comentan los datos sintéticos sobre las plantas vas-culares de las que se dispone de datos sobre su presencia en el Sistema Ibérico, afectando al número de especies total y sus sinónimos, a géneros y familias mejor representados, autores más implicados en las propuestas de los taxones, países de las localidades clásicas (y provincias en España), publicaciones más implicadas en los nombres y producción taxonómica por décadas, por países y ciudades.Several synthetic data about of the vascular flora of the Iberian System (NE Spain) are presented and commented. This information concerns to the total number of species and their synonyms, to the genera and families better represented, authors most involved in the proposed taxa, the classic localities countries and provinces in Spain, publications more involved in the names and taxonomic production for decades by countries and cities

    3D Multi-pass finite element welding modelling of butt-welded plate specimen

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    Congreso celebrado en la Escuela de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Sevilla desde el 24 hasta el 26 de junio de 2015.A multi-pass welding of a thin rectangular (dog-bone shaped) butt joint plate is numerically simulated as a coupled thermo-mechanical transient problem. The simulation uses an “element-birth” technique to simplify the complexity of the problem. The paper discusses the challenges of the simulation of a multi-pass weld problem and the utility of the results for practical applications. The final solution shows crucial stress distributions in a challenging geometry where large thermal transients and gradients are created by the welding procedure. The results also indicate the plastic yielding of the weld-joint after extensive cooling of the joined plate. The displacements from the results can be used to estimate the extent of distortions qualitatively. Despite minimal resources (2 CPUs on a standard Intel desktop architecture and 2 GB RAM over duration of 4 days) the procedure is able to provide adequate details in predicting residual stresses for multi-pass welded components