5,117 research outputs found

    Problemas y perspectivas en la política científica

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    Ética y valores en la investigación y en la docencia universitarias

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    Cambios en el sistema educativo: una crisis sin antecedentes

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    Treball Final de Grau en Mestre o Mestra d'Educació Primària. Codi:  MP1040. Curs: 2015/2016Este trabajo de final de grado nos muestra algunos de los cambios sufridos en el sistema educativo español desde la década de los cincuenta del pasado siglo XX hasta el día de hoy en nuestro país. Para realizar esta investigación se ha utilizado una metodología cualitativa plasmada en una historia de vida de una maestra ya jubilada que ha vivido esos cambios en primera persona. Partiendo de sus propias memorias, este trabajo de carácter bibliográfico-narrativo pretende mostrar los distintos hechos que han desencadenado una evolución muy pausada en la educación de nuestro país. Para poder entender de la mejor manera posible este trabajo, se explica cuáles eran las características de la educación en un país sometido a la dictadura franquista. Más tarde, se habla de los cambios e innovaciones aportadas por los diferentes gobiernos que hubo hasta llegar al presente, caracterizado por una gran crisis económica que ha supuesto que muchos de los grandes esfuerzos realizados anteriormente se hayan visto derogados. Hay que tener en cuenta que la persona entrevistada nos habla de los cambios sufridos en primera persona en las zonas comprendidas entre Cataluña (donde empezó su andadura como maestra) y la Vall d’Uixó, localidad de la provincia de Castellón, donde pasó su infancia y sus últimos años ejerciendo su profesión. El trabajo finaliza con un análisis de la información obtenida en dicha entrevista. Por último, hemos sacado nuestras propias conclusiones al respecto de lo que está aconteciendo en el sistema educativo de nuestro país

    Inclusiones de flores de Podopterus (Polygonaceae) del ámbar del Mioceno de Simojovel de Allende, Chiapas, México

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    Background and Aims: The Miocene amber from Chiapas, Mexico, shows high diversity of biological inclusions such as plants, fungi, arthropods, and vertebrates, being one of the most important amber-bearing areas worldwide. The aim of this work is to describe a new record based on four bisexual flowers belonging to the fossil species Podopterus mijangosae, that has been described recently based on its winged fruits only.Methods: The morphological and anatomical characteristics of the four fossil flowers were observed using a binocular stereoscopic microscope. The taxonomic affinity was decided by consulting specialized literature, as well as the review of herbarium material of the genera Podopterus, Fallopia, and Neomillspaughia of Polygonaceae.Key results: The four fossil specimens are bisexual, small, and have actinomorphic flowers, with differentiated perianth, three petals and three sepals per series, stamens are free and with thread-like filaments, anthers are dithecal and basifixed, the ovary is superior, syncarpous, 3-angular, with three free styles, and capitate stigmas. Conclusions: This new report of flowers of Podopterus adds more evidence that the family Polygonaceae was an important component of the tropical forest of Simojovel de Allende, Chiapas, Mexico, during the Miocene.Antecedentes y Objetivos: El ámbar del Mioceno de Chiapas, México, presenta una alta diversidad de inclusiones biológicas como plantas, hongos, artrópodos y vertebrados, siendo una de las áreas productoras de ámbar más importantes a nivel mundial. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir un nuevo registro basado en cuatro flores bisexuales pertenecientes a la especie fósil Podopterus mijangosae, que ha sido descrito recientemente con base solo en sus frutos alados. Métodos: Las características morfológicas y anatómicas de cuatro flores fósiles fueron observadas utilizando un microscopio estereoscópico. La afinidad taxonómica se realizó consultando literatura especializada, así como la revisión de material de herbario de los géneros Podopterus, Fallopia y Neomillspaughia de Polygonaceae.Resultados clave: Los cuatro especímenes fósiles están representadas por flores bisexuales, pequeñas, actinomorfas, con perianto diferenciado, tres pétalos y tres sépalos por serie, estambres libres con filamentos filiformes, anteras ditecas, basifijas, ovario súpero, sincarpo, tri-angular, con tres estilos libres y estigmas capitados. Conclusiones: Este nuevo reporte de flores de Podopterus agrega más evidencia de que la familia Polygonaceae fue un componente importante del bosque tropical de Simojovel de Allende, Chiapas, México, durante el Mioceno

    Machine Learning for Signal Reconstruction from Streaming Time-series Data

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    Papers I and II are extracted as separate files to meet IEEE publication policy for accepted manuscripts.Paper IV is extracted from the dissertation pending publication.Nowadays, deploying cyber-physical networked systems generates tremendous streams of data, with data rates increasing as time goes by. This trend is especially noticeable in several fairly automated sectors, such as energy or telecommunications. Compared to the last decades, this represents not only an additional large volume of data to explore and the need for more efficient and scalable data analysis methods but also raises additional challenges in the design and analysis of real-time streaming data processing algorithms. In many applications of interest, it is required to process a sequence of samples from multiple, possibly correlated, data time series that are acquired at different sampling rates and which may be quantized in amplitude at different resolutions. A commonly sought goal is to obtain a low-error signal reconstruction that can be uniformly resampled with a temporal resolution as fine as desired, hence facilitating subsequent data analyses. This Ph.D. thesis consists of a compendium of four papers that incrementally investigate the task of sequentially reconstructing a signal from a stream of multivariate time series of quantization intervals under several requirements encountered in practice and detailed next. First, we investigate how to track signals from streams of quantization intervals while enforcing low model complexity in the function estimation. Specifically, we explore the use of reproducing kernel Hilbert space-based online regression techniques expressly tailored for such a task. More specifically, the core techniques we devise and employ are influenced by the abundant theoretical and practical benefits in the literature about proximal operators and multiple kernel approaches. Second, we require the signal to be sequentially reconstructed, subject to smoothness constraints, and as soon as a data sample is available (zero-delay response). These well-motivated requirements appear in many practical problems, including online trajectory planning, real-time control systems, and high-speed digital-to-analog conversion. We address this challenge through a novel spline-based approach underpinned by a sequential decision-making framework and assisted with deep learning techniques. Specifically, we use recurrent neural networks to capture the temporal dependencies among data, helping to reduce the roughness of the reconstruction on average. Finally, we analyze the requirement of consistency, which amounts to exploiting all available information about the signal source and acquisition system to optimize some figure of reconstruction merit. In our context, consistency means guaranteeing that the reconstruction lies within the acquired quantization intervals. Consistency has been proven to entail a profitable-in-practice asymptotic error-rate decay as the sampling rate increases. Particularly, we investigate the impact of consistency on zero-delay reconstruction and also incorporate the idea of exploiting the spatiotemporal dependencies among multivariate signals.publishedVersio

    Analogue-digital theaching application of new technologies to learning and continous evaluation in technical subjects in engineering and architecture higher education

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    Teaching technical subjects on Architecture and Engineering has been developed traditionally using lecture and master class methodology. During them, the professor presented the content using the resolution of practical problems as a complement for theoretical reasoning. This sessions were generally support by an analogic resource: the blackboard. In recent years, despite the introduction of new technologies in the classroom, this methodology has become more static. In most cases, explanations have been supported only by slides created with the assistance of computer programs, making into minority the use of the blackboard. This has produced the generalization of “death by PowerPoint” phaenomenon. With regard to evaluation systems, there have been no substantial changes between these two different teaching methods despite the widespread implementation of competency-based learning system introduced by European Higher Education Area (EHEA) since 1999. Learning of students continues being verified by the realization of a final exam about the theoretical and practical contents of the subject. This paper presents a teaching methodology focused on encouraging active student participation both during the course of the class and outside. The application of learning for information and communications technology (ICT) makes its essential basis. Simultaneously, a continuous evaluation system capable of maintaining the attention on the subject has been implemented. The static attendance combined with traditional evaluation systems by a final exam produces an accumulation of information by the student revised and learned just to pass the final exam. This scheme has been changed getting a higher motivation of students to the continuous learning process. This system has been applied since the 2012/2013 academic year in technical subjects of Bachelor in Architecture in the Universities of Malaga and Seville through an Educational Innovation Project financed by University of Malaga. Results obtained by this experience show an increasing involvement of students during the course of the classes as well as a better engagement during the whole semester. In addition the using of this methodology has had a positive impact on the pass rate of subjects being involved usually lower than the average of Bachelor and University degree.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Description of a new species of the genus Aleuropleurocelus Drews & Sampson (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) and a new country record for a species of the genus from Mexico

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    In this study a new species of whitefly is described, Aleuropleurocelus mixtecus Carapia-Ruiz. The species was found on Hyptis capitata Jacq. in the Mexican states of Oaxaca and Puebla. Microphotographs of morphological structures of the puparium are provided and separation from related species of Aleuropleurocelus is briefly discussed. Additionally, the species Aleuropleurocelus cecropiae (Bondar) is herein reported for the first time from Mexico (Oaxaca, Tamaulipas). The previous report for the species is from Brazil.En el presente estudio se describe una nueva especie mosca blanca, Aleuropleurocelus mixtecus Carapia-Ruiz. La especie fue encontrada sobre Hyptis capitata Jacq. en los estados mexicanos de Oaxaca y Puebla. Se proporcionan microfotografías de estructuras morfológicas de puparios y se discute brevemente la separación con otras especies cercanas de Aleuropleurocelus. Además, la especie Aleuropleurocelus cecropiae (Bondar) se reporta por primera vez para México (Oaxaca, Tamaulipas). El reporte previo para la especie es de Brasil

    The reliquaries of saints Eusebio, Columbino, Bonifacia and Lucencia of the House of Medina Sidonia

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    A principios del siglo XVI el culto a Santa Úrsula y la posesión de reliquias de las once mil vírgenes tiene un importante florecimiento entre los miembros del círculo cortesano del joven emperador Carlos V. Partiendo de la combinación de estudios técnicos y constructivos, documentación histórica y análisis estilístico e iconográfico se ha podido establecer la conexión entre cuatro bustos relicario, hoy desvinculados y separados por miles de kilómetros, que pertenecieron originalmente a don Juan Alonso Pérez de Guzmán y Zúñiga, VI duque de Medina Sidonia. Este enfoque pluridisciplinar ha permitido relacionar estas obras con un reducido grupo de relicarios, de excelente calidad, producidos en el taller de los Borman en Bruselas.At the beginning of the 16th century the cult of Saint Ursula and the possession of relics of the eleven thousand virgins has an important flourishing between members of the courtier circle of the young emperor Charles V. On the basis of the combination of constructive and technical studies, historical documentation and stylistic and iconographical analysis, it has been established the connection between four reliquary busts, today unlinked and separated by thousands of kilometers, which originally belonged to don Juan Alonso Pérez de Guzmán y Zúñiga, VI Duke of Medina Sidonia. This multidisciplinary approach has made it possible to relate these works with a small group of reliquaries, of excellent quality, produced by the Borman workshop in Brussels