53 research outputs found

    Karakterisasi Kulit Kayu Tingi (Ceriops Tagal) Sebagai Bahan Penyamak Nabati

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    Tingi (Ceriops tagal) bark was highly potential as tanning materials due to high tannin concentration. The aim of the study was to determine the characterization of properties of tanning material made from tingi bark, including the tannin levels, the non-tannin levels, the tannin type, the absorption level of the solution and the FTIR spectrum analysis. The method used in this research was countercurrent system in the extraction process, feed solution preparation process, the thickening process, powder formation process conducted with the aid of Rotavapor- 151 Standard, and testing. The results showed that the tingi bark contains tannin level 70.91% and non-tannin levels 10.63%. Tannins from tingi bark were classified as procyanidin condensed tannins type and the absorption values obtained maximum value at wavelength 490 nm. The FTIR spectral data indicated that tingi tannins contained hydroxyl group (â±± O-H; â±± N-H) in the area (3467.418-3057.025) cm-1, aromatic group (â±± C-H) in the area of 2875,733 cm-1, â±± C=O (ester group in tanned material) in the area (1747.442-1612.422) cm-1, â±±-OH; R-COO-in the area of 1444.626 cm-1 and â±±(SO4)2 -; R-SO3; R-SO3H in the area (1112.823-1062.729) cm-1

    The Effects of Finish Type on Permeability and Organoleptic Properties of Python (Python Reticulatus) Skin Finished Leather

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    In the leather industry, there are many different types of finish, i.e. two-tone, transparent, semi aniline and opaque/solid color. The composition formulation of each finish type is different so each will impact not only on the performance but also on the properties of the finished leather. The objective of this research was to investigate the effects of finish type (natural, aniline, semi-aniline, and two-tone) on permeability and organoleptic properties of python skin finished leather. This research focused on the finishing process with various finish types. The results showed that the effect of semi-aniline (I,II) finish type on water vapor permeability reduction is the highest when compared with natural (I, II); aniline (I,II) and two-tone finish types. Otherwise, the effect of semi-aniline (I,II) finish type on organoleptic properties is the lowest compared with natural (I, II); aniline (I,II) and two-tone finish types. The aniline I finish type has better organoleptic properties

    Optimasi proses finishing kulit ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus) untuk bagian atas sepatu

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    The aims of this study was to get the optimum finishing formulations of tilapia fish skin for shoe upper. The variations of experiment were four factors, namely of the variation of binders (1:2 and 1:3), lacquer water (1:1 and 1:2), plating temperatures (50, 65, 80 and 95°C) and plating time (0.5, 1, and 1.5 seconds). Testing was conducted on tensile strength, elongation at break, tear strength, stitch strength, softness, and colour fastness. Statistical analysis was conducted using the General Linear Model (GLM) followed by Tukey’s Studentized Range Test (TSRT). The results showed that the optimum formula for finishing were performed by a variation of binder 1:2, lacquer water 1:2, temperature of plating 95°C and time of plating 1.5 seconds, and it was characterized by the physical properties of tensile strength 177.32 kg/cm2, elongation at break 62%, tear strength 41.92 kg/cm, stitch strength 113.06 kg/cm, softness 2.33 and generally met the standard requirements of SNI 0253:2009: Footwear upper leather - goat skin.Keywords: tilapia fish skin, aqueous top coat, leather finishing.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan formulasi optimum untuk finishing kulit ikan nila sebagai bagian atas sepatu. Variasi perlakuan dalam percobaan terdiri atas empat faktor yaitu variasi binder (1:2 dan 1:3), lak air (1:1 dan 1:2), suhu plating (50, 65, 80, dan 95oC), dan waktu plating (0,5; 1; dan 1,5 detik). Parameter mutu sampel meliputi uji kekuatan tarik, kemuluran, kekuatan sobek, kekuatan jahit, kelemasan, dan ketahanan gosok cat. Analisis statistik menggunakan General Linier Model (GLM) dilanjutkan dengan uji Tukey’s Studentized Range Test (TSRT). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa formula optimum untuk finishing diperoleh dari perlakuan penggunaan binder 1: 2, lak air 1: 2, suhu plating 95oC dan waktu plating 1,5 detik. Bagian atas sepatu tersebut memiliki kekuatan tarik 177,32 kg/cm2, kemuluran 62%, kekuatan sobek 41,92 kg/cm, kekuatan jahit 113,06 kg/cm, kelemasan 2,33 dan secara umum parameter mutu bagian atas sepatu kulit ikan nila memenuhi persyaratan SNI 0253:2009 Kulit bagian atas alas kaki - kulit kambing.Kata kunci: kulit ikan nila, aqueous top coat, finishing kulit

    Spektroscopi FTIR Dan Sifat Mekanik Nanokomposit Grafting HDPE Dan Nanoprecipitated Calcium Carbonate (NPCC)

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    The purpose of this research based on high density polyethylene (HDPE) and nanoprecipitated calciumcarbonate (NPCC) was to evaluate the effect of nanoprecipitated calcium carbonate (NPCC) on FTIR spectroscopy and mechanical properties. The nanocomposites was prepared with a rheomix 3000 Haake at 180 Âş C and 50 rpm of rotor speed for 10 minutes. The composition of HDPE and additives were permanently, and NPCC content varied 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 and 50 phr (per hundred resin) respectively and control was made inherent NPCC. The nanocomposites were characterized using tensile strength, hardness tester, electro densimeter and Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) spectroscopy techniques. The results of mechanical properties showed that the increasing the amount of NPCC was able increase hardness and density while elongation at break more stable and tensile strength decreased. Analysis functional group on nanocomposites with Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) indicated a new peak on wave band 3472,49 cm-1 (OH stretching)

    Penelitian Penggunaan Minarex Sebagai Bahan Pelunak Dalam Pembuatan Kompon Karet Sol Karet Cetak

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    The objective of this research is to use Minarex oil as a softener in making rubber sole compound and to know the optimal of formulation. The research applied Minarex type 3 with four kinds of A, B, C, D and with variation 5 parts, 6 parts, and 7 parts. Data analysed using Statistic Method with Compleetely Randomized Design and Split Plot Design. The result of this study showed that all kind of Minarex oils could be used to softener in making rubber sole compound and fullfilled the spesification of SNI 0778-89-A, "Sol Karet Cetak". The optimal of formulation to Minarex type 3 was Minarex C with application 7 parts. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memanfaatkan Minarex sebagai bahan untuk pelunak dalam pembuatan kompon karet untuk sol karet cetak dan untuk mengetahui foemula yang optimal. DAlam penelitian ini digunakan Minarex tipe 3 dengan jenis A, B, C, D dan dengan variasi jumlah 5 bagian, 6 bagian, dan 7 bagian. Analisa data menggunakan Metode Statistik Compleetely Randomized Design (CRD) dan Split Plot Design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua jenis Minarex A, B, C, dan D dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pelunakpada pembuatan kompon sol karet cetak dan semua kombinasi memenuhi persyaratan SNI 0778-89-A, "Sol Karet Cetak". Formula optimal dicapai oleh Minarex C tipe 3 dengan variasi jumlah Minarex 7 bagian

    Peningkatan Ketahanan Suhu Dingin Kulit Atasan Sepatu Melalui Pengurangan Daya Penyerapan Air Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Sifat Fisik Dan Morfologi

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    A research has been undertaken to increase the cold resistance of upper leather by decreasing its water absorption ability. Fluorinated acrylic polymer, a water repellent substance, was added at fatliquoring and finishing stages of upper leather with different concentrations levels. Research findings showed that an increase in the water-repellent concentration, i.e. by 5; 7.5; 10; 12.5; and 15%, result in increases in tensile strength, tearing strength, and elongation at break, whereas decreases in water absorption ability. No significant differences for the other physical properties such as water vapor absorption, water vapor permeability, and flexing resistance and they met the standard for shoe leather. Results of scanning electron microscopy indicated an increased thin layer of water repellent on leather fibers as the water-repellent concentration increased. The leather fibers looked smoother, glistened, and thicker. This indicates the penetration of water repellent onto leather fibers

    Peningkatan ketahanan suhu dingin kulit atasan sepatu melalui pengurangan daya penyerapan air dan pengaruhnya terhadap sifat fisik dan morfologi

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    A research has been undertaken to increase the cold resistance of upper leather by decreasing its water absorption ability. Fluorinated acrylic polymer, a water repellent substance, was added at fatliquoring and finishing stages of upper leather with different concentrations levels. Research findings showed that an increase in the water-repellent concentration, i.e. by 5; 7.5; 10; 12.5; and 15%, result in increases in tensile strength, tearing strength, and elongation at break, whereas decreases in water absorption ability. No significant differences for the other physical properties such as water vapor absorption, water vapor permeability, and flexing resistance and they met the standard for shoe leather. Results of scanning electron microscopy indicated an increased thin layer of water repellent on leather fibers as the water-repellent concentration increased. The leather fibers looked smoother, glistened, and thicker. This indicates the penetration of water repellent onto leather fibers.Keywords: water absorption, water repellent, cold resistance, upper leather

    Spektroscopi FTIR dan sifat mekanik nanokomposit grafting HDPE dan nanoprecipitated calcium carbonate (NPCC)

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    ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research based on high density polyethylene (HDPE) and nanoprecipitated calciumcarbonate (NPCC) was to evaluate the effect of nanoprecipitated calcium carbonate (NPCC) on FTIR spectroscopy and mechanical properties. The nanocomposites was prepared with a rheomix 3000 Haake at 180 º C and 50 rpm of rotor speed for 10 minutes. The composition of HDPE and additives were permanently, and NPCC content varied 10, 15, 20, 30, 40 and 50 phr (per hundred resin) respectively and control was made inherent NPCC. The nanocomposites were characterized using tensile strength, hardness tester, electro densimeter and Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) spectroscopy techniques. The results of mechanical properties showed that the increasing the amount of NPCC was able increase hardness and density while elongation at break more stable and tensile strength decreased. Analysis functional group on nanocomposites with Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) indicated a new peak on wave band 3472,49 cm-1 (OH stretching).ABSTRAKPenelitian tentang pembuatan nanokomposit dari bahan high density polyethylene(HDPE) dan nanoprecipitated calciumcarbonate (NPCC) bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan filler NPCC terhadap sifat mekanik dan spektroscopi. Nanokomposit dibuat dengan Rheomix 3000 Haake pada suhu 180oC dan kecepatan 50 rpm selama 10 menit. Komposisi HDPE dan bahan aditif dibuat tetap, dan kandungan NPCC divariasi berturut-turut 10 ; 20 ; 30; 40 dan 50 phr (per hundred resin) dan dibuat kontrol tanpa ditambah NPCC. Sifat mekanik diuji dengan alat ujitensile strength, hardness, densimeter dan karakterisasi gugus fungsi ditentukan menggunakan Fourier Transform Infra Red (FTIR). Hasil uji sifat mekanik menunjukkan semakin tinggi jumlah NPCC kekerasan dan densitas naik, kemuluran tetap sedangkan kuat tarik cenderung turun. Spektrum nanokomposit HDPE/NPCC menunjukkan terjadinya puncak baru pada bilangan gelombang 3472,49 cm-1 (OH stretching)
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