114 research outputs found

    Enhanced dendrite nucleation and Li-clustering at vacancies on graphene

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    An ever present challenge for Li-ion batteries is the formation of metallic dendrites on cycling that dramatically reduces cycle life and leads to the untimely failure of the cell. In this work we investigate the modes of Li-cluster formation on pristine and defective graphene. Firstly, we demonstrate that on a defect free surface the cluster formation is impeded by the thermodynamic instability of \ce{Li_2} and \ce{Li_3} clusters. In contrast, the presence of a vacancy dramatically favours clustering. This provides insights into the two modes of Li-growth observed: for the pristine basal plane if the Li-Li repulsion of the small clusters can be overcome then plating type behaviour would be predicted (rate / voltage dependent and at any point on the surface); whilst dendritic growth would be predicted to nucleate from vacancy sites, either pre-existing in the material or formed as a result of processing

    The genes that affect horse’s fertility

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    I dagens avelsarbete anvÀnds sÀllan fruktsamhet som en parameter i valet av avelshÀst. Detta förutom i undantagsfall dÄ hÀstar med mycket dÄlig fruktsamhet vÀljs bort. I avelsarbetet anvÀnds fÀrre hingstar Àn tidigare Är dÄ möjligheten nu finns att inseminera ston med sperma frÄn hingstar som stÄr i andra lÀnder. Om det finns nÄgra ogynnsamma korrelationer mellan de egenskaper vi avlar pÄ idag och fruktsamheten skulle detta kunna leda till att avelsarbetet omedvetet bidrar till försÀmrad fruktsamhet. FörbÀttring av vÄra avelshÀstars fruktsamhet skulle inte bara förhindra att vi fÄr problem med detta i framtiden utan Àven t.ex. hjÀlpa hÀstÀgare att kunna fÄ sitt sto drÀktig redan vid första betÀckningen. Forskning har gjorts dÀr de funnit kandidatgener för pÄverkan av hÀstars fruktsamhet. Ibland dessa har det forskats mer pÄ generna SPATA1, ACE, CRISP(1, 2 och 3), SP17, INHBA, FSHB och PRLR. För dessa har man funnit SNP som kan pÄverka fruktsamhetsförmÄgan hos de hÀstar som bÀr pÄ dem. Mer forskning pÄ de olika kandidatgenernas pÄverkan pÄ fruktsamheten och förekomsten av SNP behövs.In the breeding programs that are used today the fertility of the horses is rarely used as a parameter when breeding horses are chosen. It is only in special circumstances when a stallion is having extremely low fertility that it is being excluded from the breeding program. Fewer stallions are today used for breeding because of the possibility to inseminate the mares with sperm from stallions in other countries. In case there would be unfavorable genetic correlations between traits that are selected for and fertility, the breeding would indirectly contribute to lowering the fertility. Improvement of the fertility of our breeding horses could not only prevent fertility problems in the future, but also for example make it easier for the mare owner to get their mares pregnant at the first mating. In research studies candidate genes have been found for horse fertility. Of these, more research have been made one the genes SPATA1, ACE, CRISP(1, 2 and 3), SP17, INHBA, FSHB and PRLR. SNPs in these genes have been found to affect the fertility of the horses that carry them. More research on the effect of candidate genes on fertility and possible SNPs is needed

    Which traits distinguish a good jumping horse? : analysis of the jumping protocol from Riding Horse Quality Test 1985-2005

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    Det svenska varmblodet (SWB) avlas för att kunna vara konkurrenskraftig pĂ„ internationella tĂ€vlingsbanor i hoppning, dressyr eller fĂ€lttĂ€vlan. Det Ă€r dĂ€rför av hög vikt att rasen fortsĂ€tter att utvecklas för att kunna nĂ„ upp till denna nivĂ„. UnghĂ€star kan bedömas i tvĂ„ unghĂ€sttester, 3-Ă„rstest och kvalitetbedömning. Det finns inga tidigare studier gjorda pĂ„ hur olika delegenskaper i kvalitetbedömningens hoppmoment pĂ„verkar det slutliga hoppbetyget. Syftet med det hĂ€r arbetet var att analysera hopprotokoll frĂ„n kvalitetbedömningar 1983-2005 och skatta arvbarheter för ingĂ„ende egenskaper och genetiska korrelationer mellan dessa egenskaper och hĂ€stens totalbetyg i hoppning. Totalt ingick 7812 hĂ€stars resultat i studien. Protokollen fanns digitaliserade sedan Jönssons (2013) studie av hĂ€lso- och exteriördelarna av kvalitetsbedömningen. Det fanns 18 delegenskaper uppdelade i ”förtjĂ€nst” och ”brist” samt betyg för ’Teknik och hoppförmĂ„ga’ och ’Temperament och allmĂ€nt intryck’. De tvĂ„ betygen gavs pĂ„ en skala 1-10 i relation till avelsmĂ„let. Delegenskaperna analyserades som 0/1-egenskaper men Ă€ven omvandlat till mer linjĂ€ra egenskaper pĂ„ en tregradig skala. Materialet bearbetades och analyserades med SAS och DMU. I djurmodellen som anvĂ€ndes ingick fixa effekter för egenskaperna kön, Ă„lder, kombination av bedömningsplats och bedömningsĂ„r samt typ av hoppning (löshoppning eller uppsutten hoppning). Resultatet frĂ„n studien tydde pĂ„ att en egenskap oftare bedömdes som en förtjĂ€nst Ă€n en brist, vanligast var dock att egenskapen inte kryssades i för att vara nĂ„got av dem. För de flesta förtjĂ€nstegenskaper och bristegenskaper var arvbarheten lĂ„g, Ă€ven omvandlat till den underliggande skalan. Medelhög arvbarhet skattades för egenskaperna ’kapacitet stor’, ’kapacitet svag’, ’ benteknik fram god’ och ’benteknik god’. För de linjĂ€rt omvandlade egenskaperna nĂ„dde endast ’kapacitet’ medelhög arvbarhet. Betyget för hopptemperament uppvisade lĂ„g arvbarhet och för hoppteknik skattades medelhög arvbarhet vilket stĂ€mmer överens med tidigare studier pĂ„ omrĂ„det. Alla linjĂ€rt omvandlande egenskaper uppvisade starka genetiska korrelationer med betygen hopptemperament eller hoppteknik utom egenskapen ’sansad/hetsig’ dĂ€r korrelationen inte var signifikant. Den egenskap som hade starkast korrelation till hoppteknikbetyget var hĂ€stens ’balans’ vid hoppning. För hĂ€stens hopptemperament visade sig hĂ€stens ’förtroende’ ha starkast korrelation. Dessa resultat antyder att den nyligen införda linjĂ€ra beskrivningen i kvalitetsbedömningen frĂ„n och med Ă„r 2014 bör fungera bra som ett komplement till den vanliga bedömningen.The Swedish warmblood is bred to be internationally competitive in the Olympic equestrian disciplines showjumping, dressage or eventing. It is therefore important that the breed continues to develop to reach this level. Young horses can be evaluated in two field tests, a test for 3-year-olds and the Riding Horse Quality Test (RHQT). There are no previous studies on how the assessed traits in the show jumping part of the RHQT affect the final show jumping score. The aim of this study was to analyse the show jumping protocol from the RHQT from year 1983-2005 and estimate the heritabilities for included traits and genetic correlation between these traits and the horse’s score for jumping technique and temperament for jumping. Results from 7812 horses evaluated in RHQT were used in the study. The material was digitalised in connection to Jönssons (2013) study on the health- and conformation parts of the RHQT. There were 18 traits divided into ”strengths” and ”weaknesses” related to the scores for ‘Technique and jumping ability’ or ‘Temperament and general impression’. The two latter scores were rated on a scale of 1-10 in relation to the breeding goal. The traits were analysed as 0/1 traits but also transformed into more linear traits on a scale from 1 to 3. The material was edited and analysed using SAS and DMU. The animal model that was used included the fixed effects of sex, age, combination of location and evaluation year and the type of jumping (lose jumping or under rider).The result from the study showed that strengths were more often recorded than weaknesses for the traits, but most often neither strengths nor weaknesses were marked. For most strengths and weakness traits the heritabilities were low, even on the underlying scale. The traits ‘capacity big’, ‘capacity week’, ‘technique leg good’ and ‘technique front leg good’ reached moderate high heritabilities. For the linear evaluated traits only the trait ‘capacity’ reached a moderate high heritability. The jumping temperament score had low heritability and the jumping technique had moderate high heritability, which is in good agreement with previous studies. The genetic correlations between all the traits transformed into linear traits and the score for jumping temperament or jumping technique were high, except for the trait ‘well balanced/heated’ that was not significant. Considering this all of the traits should have a high effect on the final jumping score. The trait that had the highest correlation with jumping technique was the horse’s ‘balance in jumping’. For the jumping temperament the horse’s trust in the rider was strongest correlated. These results indicate that the new linear evaluation now included in the RHQT from 2014 should be a good compliment to the ordinary evaluation

    Rehabilitering i staden

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    Dagens stÀder blir allt tÀtare i takt med att befolkningen ökar. Samtidigt avbefolkas vÄr landsbygd. Samtidigt avlÀgsnar sig staden mer och mer frÄn omgivande natur och lantbruk. Samtidigt mÄr vÄr befolkning sÀmre och sÀmre. Sjukdomar som utmattning, stress och depression ökar. Denna studie undersöker hur man kan arbeta med att rehabilitera de som Àr sjuka inom den allt tÀtare urbana miljön. Det finns mÄnga uppslag och mycket forskning kring hur sjuka kan rehabiliteras i privata rehab-trÀdgÄrdar. Jag vill med denna studie se om det Àr möjligt att integrera rehabiliteringsprocessen direkt i offentlig urban miljö. Försvinner den vÀlgörande funktionen nÀr trÀdgÄrden öppnas upp och blir offentlig eller Àr det utformningen och innehÄllet som Àr essentiellt för funktionen? Genom en studie av PTST-center i Malmö, en grupp som arbetar med rehabilitering av patienter som lider av post-traumatisk stress, och deras arbete med natur-rehabilitering undersöker jag vilka element; vegetation, rumslighet, ljud, ljus, doft, som verkar ge högst resultat i processen. Insikterna frÄn studierna ska bidra till en ny förstÄelse för den mÄngfald av funktioner som kan planeras in i staden minskande mellanrum. Efter undersökningarna presenterar jag de komponenter vilka lyfts fram som de mest essentiella för rehabiliterande miljöer och möjliga sÀtt att integrera dessa i urbana miljöer.The cities today are getting denser as the population is growing bigger and bigger. At the same time the countryside is depopulated. The urban population and structure is distancing itself more and more from surrounding nature and farming. Alongside this our population is getting sicker and sicker. Deceases such as exhaustion, stress and depression are increasing the most. This study is exploring how it is possible to work with rehabilitating those who are sick in the increasingly denser urban environment. There are many theories and research regarding how the sick can rehabilitate in private gardens, such as the Rehab-Garden in Alnarp. With this study I want to investigate if it is possible to integrate the rehabilitation process directly in a public urban environment. Will the beneficial development disappear when the garden becomes open and public or is it the design and the content that is essential for the beneficial effect. Through a study of PTST-center in Malmö, a group working with rehabilitating patients suffering from post-traumatic stress, and their work with nature rehabilitation I am investigating which elements; vegetation, .space, sound, light, smell, that appear to contribute the most to the results in the beneficial process. The insights from the studies will contribute to a new understanding of the diversity of functions which can be and should be designed into the cities decreasing public spaces. After my literary studies I present the components that appear to have the greatest importance in rehabilitating environments and some ways in which you can integrate them in the urban environment

    Side Streams of Broccoli Leaves: A Climate Smart and Healthy Food Ingredient

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    Human consumption of fruits and vegetables are generally below recommended levels. Waste from the production, e.g., of un-used parts such as broccoli leaves and stem when producing broccoli florets for food, is a sustainability issue. In this study, broccoli leaves were analyzed for the content of various dietary fibre and phenolics, applying the Uppsala method and HPLC analyses, respectively. The results showed that broccoli leaves had comparable levels of dietary fibre (26%-32% of dry weight (DW)) and phenolic compounds (6.3-15.2 mg/g DW) to many other food and vegetables considered valuable in the human diet from a health perspective. A significant positive correlation was found among soluble dietary fibre and phenolic acids indicating possible bindings between these components. Seasonal variations affected mainly the content of conjugated phenolics, and the content of insoluble dietary fibre. This study verified the importance of the use of broccoli production side streams (leaves) as they may contribute with health promoting components to the human diet and also socio-economic and environmental benefits to the bioeconomic development in the society

    Operationssjuksköterskans erfarenheter av kommunikation och samarbete inom operationsteamet - En kvalitativ intervjustudie

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    Syfte: Syftet Àr att belysa operationssjuksköterskans erfarenhet av kommunikation och samarbete inom operationsteamet. Bakgrund: Kommunikationsmissar Àr vanligt förekommande inom operationsteamet. FÀrre operationssjuksköterskor Àn andra personalkategorier, tyckte att alla delade ett gemensamt mÄl för patienterna. Det krÀvs ett gott samarbete mellan de olika professionerna för att minska riskerna för misstag dÄ en operationsavdelning Àr en komplex arbetsmiljö, dÀr alla har sin specifika uppgift. Metod: Datainsamlingen genomfördes med tio kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer. InnehÄllsanalys anvÀndes för bearbetning av data och ledde till en huvudkategori och sex subkategorier. Resultat: Studien visar att informanterna upplevde oförstÄelse mellan yrkeskategorierna, hierarki inom teamet samt en avskild miljö. Faktorer som kunde leda till försvÄrat samarbete. Diskussion: Samarbetet prÀglas av oförstÄelse för varandras roller. En ökad insikt i hur de olika yrkeskategorierna inom operationsteamet tÀnker och en förbÀttrad förstÄelse för varandras ansvarsomrÄde kan lÀttare bevara effektiviteten och dÀrmed öka patientsÀkerheten pÄ salen

    A DFT+U study of the structural, electronic, magnetic, and mechanical properties of cubic and orthorhombic SmCoO3

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    SmCoO3 is a perovskite material that has gained attention as a potential substitute for La1−xSrxMnO3−d as a solid oxide fuel cell cathode. However, a number of properties have remained unknown due to the complexity of the material. For example, we know from experimental evidence that this perovskite exists in two different crystal structures, cubic and orthorhombic, and that the cobalt ion changes its spin state at high temperatures, leading to a semiconductor-to-metal transition. However, little is known about the precise magnetic structure that causes the metallic behavior or the spin state of the Co centers at high temperature. Here, we therefore present a systematic DFT+U study of the magnetic properties of SmCoO3 in order to determine what magnetic ordering is the one exhibited by the metallic phase at different temperatures. Similarly, mechanical properties are difficult to measure experimentally, which is why there is a lack of data for the two different phases of SmCoO3. Taking advantage of our DFT calculations, we have determined the mechanical properties from our calculated elastic constants, finding that both polymorphs exhibit similar ductility and brittleness, but that the cubic structure is harder than the orthorhombic phase

    Ab initio study of vacancy formation in cubic LaMnO3 and SmCoO3 as cathode materials in solid oxide fuel cells

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    © 2016 Author(s). Doped LaMnO3 and SmCoO3 are important solid oxide fuel cell cathode materials. The main difference between these two perovskites is that SmCoO3 has proven to be a more efficient cathode material than LaMnO3 at lower temperatures. In order to explain the difference in efficiency, we need to gain insight into the materials' properties at the atomic level. However, while LaMnO3 has been widely studied, ab initio studies on SmCoO3 are rare. Hence, in this paper, we perform a comparative DFT + U study of the structural, electronic, and magnetic properties of these two perovskites. To that end, we first determined a suitable Hubbard parameter for the Co d-electrons to obtain a proper description of SmCoO3 that fully agrees with the available experimental data. We next evaluated the impact of oxygen and cation vacancies on the geometry, electronic, and magnetic properties. Oxygen vacancies strongly alter the electronic and magnetic structures of SmCoO3, but barely affect LaMnO3. However, due to their high formation energy, their concentrations in the material are very low and need to be induced by doping. Studying the cation vacancy concentration showed that the formation of cation vacancies is less energetically favorable than oxygen vacancies and would thus not markedly influence the performance of the cathode

    Reduced insulin secretion correlates with decreased expression of exocytotic genes in pancreatic islets from patients with type 2 diabetes.

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    Reduced insulin release has been linked to defect exocytosis in ÎČ-cells. However, whether expression of genes suggested to be involved in the exocytotic process (exocytotic genes) is altered in pancreatic islets from patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D), and correlate to insulin secretion, needs to be further investigated. Analysing expression levels of 23 exocytotic genes using microarray revealed reduced expression of five genes in human T2D islets (χ(2)=13.25; p<0.001). Gene expression of STX1A, SYT4, SYT7, SYT11, SYT13, SNAP25 and STXBP1 correlated negatively to in vivo measurements of HbA1c levels and positively to glucose stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) in vitro in human islets. STX1A, SYT4 and SYT11 protein levels correspondingly decreased in human T2D islets. Moreover, silencing of SYT4 and SYT13 reduced GSIS in INS1-832/13 cells. Our data support that reduced expression of exocytotic genes contributes to impaired insulin secretion, and suggest decreased expression of these genes as part of T2D pathogenesis
