8 research outputs found

    Novodijagnosticirani dijabetes kao znak karcinoma gušterače – prikaz slučaja

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    Diabetes is often related to pancreatic cancer and sometimes the only symptom of an underlying pancreatic malignancy. We report a case of new-onset diabetes in a 83-year-old male patient that exposed an unknown pancreatic carcinoma. Patient was treated with chemoradiotherapy and diabetes was regulated by glicazide introduction. Taking into account its late recognition and poor prognosis, in a case of sudden new-onset diabetes, pancreatic cancer should be considered.Dijabetes se često dovodi u vezu s karcinomom gušterače, štoviše, katkad je prvi simptom maligne bolesti gušterače. U ovom radu prikazujemo slučaj novonastalog dijabetesa u 83-godišnjeg bolesnika koji je ukazao na skriveni karcinom gušterače. Bolesnik je liječen primarnom kemoradioterapijom, a dijabetes je reguliran uvođenjem glikazida. Uzimajući u obzir njegovo kasno otkrivanje i lošu prognozu, u slučaju naglog razvoja dijabetesa trebalo bi posumnjati na karcinom gušterače

    Novodijagnosticirani dijabetes kao znak karcinoma gušterače – prikaz slučaja

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    Diabetes is often related to pancreatic cancer and sometimes the only symptom of an underlying pancreatic malignancy. We report a case of new-onset diabetes in a 83-year-old male patient that exposed an unknown pancreatic carcinoma. Patient was treated with chemoradiotherapy and diabetes was regulated by glicazide introduction. Taking into account its late recognition and poor prognosis, in a case of sudden new-onset diabetes, pancreatic cancer should be considered.Dijabetes se često dovodi u vezu s karcinomom gušterače, štoviše, katkad je prvi simptom maligne bolesti gušterače. U ovom radu prikazujemo slučaj novonastalog dijabetesa u 83-godišnjeg bolesnika koji je ukazao na skriveni karcinom gušterače. Bolesnik je liječen primarnom kemoradioterapijom, a dijabetes je reguliran uvođenjem glikazida. Uzimajući u obzir njegovo kasno otkrivanje i lošu prognozu, u slučaju naglog razvoja dijabetesa trebalo bi posumnjati na karcinom gušterače


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    Karcinosarkomi su rijetki maligni tumori s mezenhimalnom i epitelnom diferencijacijom. Najčešće su sijelo glava i vrat, a svega nekoliko slučajeva opisano je u debelom crijevu, s vrlo agresivnim tijekom. Mikropapilarna varijanta karcinoma također vrlo rijetko nastaje u crijevu i povezana je s lošom prognozom. Opisujemo neuobičajeni slučaj karcinosarkoma sigmoidnog kolona s mikropapilarnom diferencijacijom, kod 83-godišnje žene. Tumor je bio promjera do 3,8 cm, mikroskopski se sastojao od žljezdolikih struktura, mikropapilarnih formacija sa psamomskim tjelešcima i solidnih područja koja su uglavnom građena od vretenastih stanica, a žarišno pokazuju hrskavičnu diferencijaciju. Žljezdana i mikropapilarna komponenta imunohistokemijski su pozitivne na epitelni membranski antigen i citokeratin, a mezenhimalna komponenta pozitivna je na vimentin. Tumor je infiltrirao cijelu debljinu stijenke crijeva sa širenjem u okolno masno tkivo. Metastaze u limfnim čvorovima sastojale su se samo od žljezdane komponente. Prema našim saznanjima ovo je prvi takav slučaj opisan u literaturi.Carcinosarcomas are very rare malignant tumors showing both mesenchymal and epithelial differentiation. They most commonly occur in the head and neck region. Few cases were described in the colon associated with very aggressive course. Micropapillary variant is also very rare in the colon and associated with poor prognosis. We report an unusual case of carcinosarcoma of the colon with micropapillary features and psammomatous calcification in an 83-year-old female patient. Tumor was located in the sygmoid colon and measured up to 3.8 cm in the largest diameter. Microscopically it was composed of glandular structures and micropapillary formations with psammomatous calcifications and solid areas built up of spindle cells with focal areas of cartilaginous differentiation. Glandular and micropapillary components immunohistochemically showed positive staining for cytokeratin and EMA while mesenchymal areas were positive for vimentin. The tumor was spreading through the whole thickness of the wall into adjacent fat tissue. Metastases in regional lymph nodes were composed entirely of glandular component. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of carcinosarcoma of the colon showing micropapillary features and psammomatous calcification

    Ekspresija hormona rasta i receptora hormona rasta kod fibroadenoma dojke

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    Fibroadenoma is the most prevalent benign breast tumor. It consists of epithelial and stromal components. In general, breast tumors are highly hormonally dependent and growth hormone by its physiology may have a possible oncogenic potential. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the expression of growth hormone and growth hormone receptor in epithelial and stromal components of fibroadenomas. Study group included 30 randomly chosen fibroadenomas from female patients aged between 18 and 69 years. The expression of growth hormone and growth hormone receptor was defined in both histologic components of fibroadenomas. Growth hormone was expressed in 96.7% of both epithelial and stromal components of fibroadenomas, with stronger expression in the stromal component. The same percentage of positive reaction (96.7%) was obtained in the epithelial component of fibroadenomas for growth hormone receptor expression. Only 6.7% of stromal components tested for growth hormone receptor were positive. The high expression of growth hormone and growth hormone receptor in fibroadenoma tissue indicates their possible role in the pathogenesis of this tumor. Follow up of patients with high expression of growth hormone and growth hormone receptor may be suggested.Fibroadenom je najčešća dobroćudna novotvorina dojke, a sastoji se od epitelne i stromalne komponente. Uzimajući u obzir hormonsku osjetljivost tumora dojke, te potencijalni onkogeni potencijal hormona rasta, cilj našega rada bio je utvrditi ekspresiju hormona rasta i receptora hormona rasta u epitelnoj i stromalnoj komponenti fibroadenoma. U studiju je bilo uključeno 30 nasumice odabranih fibroadenoma nastalih u žena u dobi od 18 do 69 godina. Ekspresija hormona rasta i receptora hormona rasta određivana je u obje histološke komponente fibroadenoma. Ekspresija hormona rasta nađena je u 96,7% epitelne i stromalne komponente, uz jaču izraženost ekspresije u stromalnoj komponenti. Ekspresija receptora hormona rasta u epitelnoj je komponenti također iznosila 96,7%, a u stromalnoj samo 6,7%. Visoka ekspresija hormona rasta i receptora hormona rasta u fibroadenomima označava potencijalnu ulogu ovoga hormona u patogenezi ispitivane bolesti, te bi se u bolesnica ove skupine mogle preporučiti češće kliničke kontrole

    Ekspresija autokrinog hormona rasta, receptora hormona rasta, plakoglobina i NEDD9 u duktalnom invazivnom karcinomu dojke s i bez metastaza

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    Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women. Mammographic screening for an early detection of breast cancer has been performed in Croatia for the last few years. The samples used in this study mostly belong to the patients that went to routine mammographic screening at the Clinical Hospital Center Sisters of Charity. The thesis hypothesis was: the expression of autocrine growth hormone (GH), its receptor (GHR), and NEED9 are increased, while the expression of plakoglobin expression is decreased in metastasing breast cancer. All analyzed samples were of G2 histologycal grade. Immunochistochemistry was performed for studying the expression of GH, GHR, NEDD9 and plakoglobin in both 40 non-metastatic, and 40 metastastatic breast cancer. Additionally, 40 lymph node metastases were analyzed in the same way. Study parameters were correlated with with ER, PR and HER2 expression. Age of patients and tumor size were analyzed, too. Experimental results have been analyzed with appropriate statistical methods. Plakoglobin and NEDD9 expression is significantly increased in epitelial tumor component of both tumor groups, also in epithelial component of metastases in lymph nodes. In the stromal component expression is decreased. GH expression is decreased in epithelial and stromal tumor component of both tumor groups, also of lymph node metastases. GHR expression is increased in stromal component of both tumor groups, also of metastases, while in epithelial component is very weak. GHR and NEDD9 antagonists may be of high clinical and therapeutic value by reducing chemotherapy side effects in breast cancer patients

    Karcinosarkom sigmoidnoga debelog crijeva s mikropapilarnom slikom: prikaz bolesnice [Carcinosarcoma of the sigmoid colon with micropapillary pattern: a case report]

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    Carcinosarcomas are very rare malignant tumors showing both mesenchymal and epithelial differentiation. They most commonly occur in the head and neck region. Few cases were described in the colon associated with very aggressive course. Micropapillary variant is also very rare in the colon and associated with poor prognosis. We report an unusual case of carcinosarcoma of the colon with micropapillary features and psammomatous calcification in an 83-year-old female patient. Tumor was located in the sygmoid colon and measured up to 3.8 cm in the largest diameter. Microscopically it was composed of glandular structures and micropapillary formations with psammomatous calcifications and solid areas built up of spindle cells with focal areas of cartilaginous differentiation. Glandular and micropapillary components immunohistochemically showed positive staining for cytokeratin and EMA while mesenchymal areas were positive for vimentin. The tumor was spreading through the whole thickness of the wall into adjacent fat tissue. Metastases in regional lymph nodes were composed entirely of glandular component. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case of carcinosarcoma of the colon showing micropapillary features and psammomatous calcification

    Expression of growth hormone receptor, plakoglobin and NEDD9 protein in association with tumour progression and metastasis in human breast cancer

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    Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer-related deaths among female population worldwide. Metastases are the common cause of morbidity and mortality in breast cancer and can remain latent for several years after surgical removal of the primary tumour. Thus, the identification and functional characterisation of molecular factors that promote oncogenic signalling in mammary tumour development and progression could provide new entry points for designing targeted therapeutic strategies for metastatic breast cancer. In the present study, we investigated the expression of proteins involved in cell signalling (growth hormone receptor (GHR) and NEDD9) and cell-cell adhesion (plakoglobin) in epithelial and stromal compartments of primary ductal invasive breast carcinomas and their axillary lymph node metastases versus non-metastatic tumours. Obtained data revealed remarkable increase in the expression levels of GHR and NEDD9 proteins in both epithelial and stromal components of axillary lymph node metastases in comparison with those of non-metastatic tumours, suggesting that the expression of these two proteins may provide biomarkers for tumour aggressiveness