Ekspresija hormona rasta i receptora hormona rasta kod fibroadenoma dojke


Fibroadenoma is the most prevalent benign breast tumor. It consists of epithelial and stromal components. In general, breast tumors are highly hormonally dependent and growth hormone by its physiology may have a possible oncogenic potential. Therefore, the aim of this study was to determine the expression of growth hormone and growth hormone receptor in epithelial and stromal components of fibroadenomas. Study group included 30 randomly chosen fibroadenomas from female patients aged between 18 and 69 years. The expression of growth hormone and growth hormone receptor was defined in both histologic components of fibroadenomas. Growth hormone was expressed in 96.7% of both epithelial and stromal components of fibroadenomas, with stronger expression in the stromal component. The same percentage of positive reaction (96.7%) was obtained in the epithelial component of fibroadenomas for growth hormone receptor expression. Only 6.7% of stromal components tested for growth hormone receptor were positive. The high expression of growth hormone and growth hormone receptor in fibroadenoma tissue indicates their possible role in the pathogenesis of this tumor. Follow up of patients with high expression of growth hormone and growth hormone receptor may be suggested.Fibroadenom je najčešća dobroćudna novotvorina dojke, a sastoji se od epitelne i stromalne komponente. Uzimajući u obzir hormonsku osjetljivost tumora dojke, te potencijalni onkogeni potencijal hormona rasta, cilj našega rada bio je utvrditi ekspresiju hormona rasta i receptora hormona rasta u epitelnoj i stromalnoj komponenti fibroadenoma. U studiju je bilo uključeno 30 nasumice odabranih fibroadenoma nastalih u žena u dobi od 18 do 69 godina. Ekspresija hormona rasta i receptora hormona rasta određivana je u obje histološke komponente fibroadenoma. Ekspresija hormona rasta nađena je u 96,7% epitelne i stromalne komponente, uz jaču izraženost ekspresije u stromalnoj komponenti. Ekspresija receptora hormona rasta u epitelnoj je komponenti također iznosila 96,7%, a u stromalnoj samo 6,7%. Visoka ekspresija hormona rasta i receptora hormona rasta u fibroadenomima označava potencijalnu ulogu ovoga hormona u patogenezi ispitivane bolesti, te bi se u bolesnica ove skupine mogle preporučiti češće kliničke kontrole

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