16 research outputs found

    An enhanced median filter for removing noise from MR images

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    In this paper, a novel decision based median (DBM) filter for enhancing MR images has been proposed. The method is based on eliminating impulse noise from MR images. A median-based method to remove impulse noise from digital MR images has been developed. Each pixel is leveled from black to white like gray-level. The method is adjusted in order to decide whether the median operation can be applied on a pixel. The main deficiency in conventional median filter approaches is that all pixels are filtered with no concern about healthy pixels. In this research, to suppress this deficiency, noisy pixels are initially detected, and then the filtering operation is applied on them. The proposed decision method (DM) is simple and leads to fast filtering. The results are more accurate than other conventional filters. Moreover, DM adjusts itself based on the conditions of local detections. In other words, DM operation on detecting a pixel as a noise depends on the previous decision. As a considerable advantage, some unnecessary median operations are eliminated and the number of median operations reduces drastically by using DM. Decision method leads to more acceptable results in scenarios with high noise density. Furthermore, the proposed method reduces the probability of detecting noise-free pixels as noisy pixels and vice versa

    A Screen of <i>Coxiella burnetii</i> Mutants Reveals Important Roles for Dot/Icm Effectors and Host Autophagy in Vacuole Biogenesis

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    <div><p><i>Coxiella burnetii</i> is an intracellular pathogen that replicates in a lysosome-derived vacuole. The molecular mechanisms used by this bacterium to create a pathogen-occupied vacuole remain largely unknown. Here, we conducted a visual screen on an arrayed library of <i>C. burnetii</i> NMII transposon insertion mutants to identify genes required for biogenesis of a mature <i>Coxiella</i>-containing vacuole (CCV). Mutants defective in Dot/Icm secretion system function or the PmrAB regulatory system were incapable of intracellular replication. Several mutants with intracellular growth defects were found to have insertions in genes encoding effector proteins translocated into host cells by the Dot/Icm system. These included mutants deficient in the effector proteins Cig57, CoxCC8 and Cbu1754. Mutants that had transposon insertions in genes important in central metabolism or encoding tRNA modification enzymes were identified based on the appearance filamentous bacteria intracellularly. Lastly, mutants that displayed a multi-vacuolar phenotype were identified. All of these mutants had a transposon insertion in the gene encoding the effector protein Cig2. Whereas vacuoles containing wild type <i>C. burnetii</i> displayed robust accumulation of the autophagosome protein LC3, the vacuoles formed by the <i>cig2</i> mutant did not contain detectible amounts of LC3. Furthermore, interfering with host autophagy during infection by wild type <i>C. burnetii</i> resulted in a multi-vacuolar phenotype similar to that displayed by the <i>cig2</i> mutant. Thus, a functional Cig2 protein is important for interactions between the CCV and host autophagosomes and this drives a process that enhances the fusogenic properties of this pathogen-occupied organelle.</p></div

    The effector Cig2 is important for CCV fusion with autophagosomes.

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    <p>(A) HeLa cells were infected with <i>C. burnetii</i> NMII, <i>cig2</i>::Tn or <i>cig2</i>::Tn pFLAG:Cig2 for 5 days and stained with anti-LC3 (green) and anti-<i>Coxiella</i> (red) antibodies. (B) The association of LC3 with the CCV was quantified by observing 100 infected cells per sample in 3 independent experiments. (C) LC3 and actin immunoblots from HeLa cells infected with parental <i>C. burnetii</i> NMII, the <i>cig2</i>::Tn mutant, the parental <i>C. burnetii</i> NMII producing either RavZ or RavZ<sub>C258A</sub>, or uninfected cells. Cells were untreated (top image), or treated (bottom image) with bafilomycin A1 and rapamycin for 2 h prior to lysis. (D) J774A.1 cells were infected with <i>C. burnetii</i> NMII, <i>cig2</i>::Tn, or <i>cig2</i>::Tn pFLAG:Cig2 for 36 h before loading with 50 µg/ml DQ Green BSA for 16 h. Micrographs show phase contrast images to reveal vacuoles and the green fluorescence that results from DQ Green BSA degradation by proteases in lysosomal compartments.</p

    Transposon mutants of <i>C. burnetii</i> display different intracellular phenotypes.

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    <p>Transposon mutants were subject to a vacuole formation assay in which 96-well plates of HeLa 229 cells were infected, at an MOI of approximately 500, with individual transposon mutants. Following a 96 h infection period, the infection was fixed and stained with anti-<i>Coxiella</i> (red), anti-LAMP1 (green) and Hoechst dye (blue) and observed with low magnification fluorescence microscopy. (A) The parental strain <i>C. burnetii</i> NMII displayed a large CCV in the majority of HeLa cells. (B) A cohort of mutants showed no intracellular replication as demonstrated by <i>dotA</i>::Tn, (C) another category produced smaller replicative vacuoles such as that seen with <i>cig57</i>::Tn, (D) transposon insertions that disrupted <i>cig2</i> resulted in the appearance of multiple vacuoles in a single cell, and (E) a small proportion of mutants, such as <i>gidA</i>::Tn, displayed CCVs with an abnormal shape due to filamentous replication of the <i>C. burnetii</i>.</p

    Autophagy is required for homotypic fusion of CCVs.

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    <p>(A) HeLa cells in which the indicated genes were silenced using siRNA were infected with <i>C. burnetii</i> and fixed 3 days post-infection before immunostaining with anti-<i>C. burnetii</i> (red) and anti-LAMP1 (green) antibodies. DNA was stained with Hoechst (blue). Shown are representative micrographs for mock-transfected cells and cells transfected with siRNA specific to human ATG5, ATG12, STX17, and STX18. (B) Single-cell quantification of <i>C. burnetii</i> vacuole counts in ATG5, ATG12, and STX17 siRNA-transfected HeLa cells compared to STX18-transfected cells and mock-transfected cells at 3 days post-infection. The percentages of infected cells with two or more <i>C. burnetii</i> vacuoles were counted. Shown is the mean ± SD from 3 independent experiments. (C) HeLa cells infected with <i>C. burnetii</i> expressing the <i>L. pneumophila</i> effector RavZ from a plasmid (3×FL-RavZ) were assayed 3 days after infection and scored for the multi-vacuolar phenotype. As controls, <i>C. burnetii</i> expressing empty vector (3×FL) or a point mutant of RavZ defective in autophagy inhibition (3×FL-RavZ<sub>C258A</sub>) were used. Shown are representative fluorescent images for each <i>C. burnetii</i> infection. (D) Immunoblots from uninfected or <i>C. burnetii</i>-infected HeLa cell lysates showing bands for non-lipidated (LC3-I) and lipidated (LC3-II) forms of LC3 and actin. Cells were untreated (top images) or treated (bottom images) with bafilomycin A1 and rapamycin for 2 h prior to lysis. Cells were infected with a Dot/Icm-deficient strain of <i>C. burnetii</i> (<i>icmL</i>::Tn), infected with parental <i>C. burnetii</i> NMII (no vector), or <i>C. burnetii</i> NMII with vector alone or vectors producing the indicated RavZ proteins. (E) Single-cell quantification of <i>C. burnetii</i> vacuole counts in cells at 3 days post-infection. The percentages of infected cells with two or more <i>C. burnetii</i> vacuoles were counted. Shown is the mean ± SD from three independent experiments.</p

    The Dot/Icm effector Cig57 is required for efficient intracellular replication of <i>C. burnetii</i>.

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    <p>(A) Intracellular replication of <i>C. burnetii</i> NMII (black squares), <i>cig57</i>::Tn (black triangles) and <i>cig57</i>::Tn pFLAG-Cig57 (open circles). The fold-increase in GEs relative to the inoculum was determined by <i>dotA</i>-specific qPCR and is represented here as the mean ± SD of 3 independent infections at days 1, 3, 5 and 7 post-infection. (B,C) Representative micrographs of HeLa cells infected for either 3 days (B) or 5 days (C) with <i>C. burnetii</i> NMII, <i>cig57</i>::Tn or <i>cig57</i>::Tn pFLAG-Cig57. Cell with stained with anti-<i>Coxiella</i> antibody (red), anti-LAMP1 antibody (green) and Hoechst dye (blue). Note that the vacuoles containing <i>cig57</i>::Tn were smaller and contained few bacteria at each time point compared to the control NMII strain or the complemented <i>cig57</i>::Tn pFLAG-Cig57 strain. Scale bars represent 10 µm.</p

    The Dot/Icm system and the PmrAB system are essential for intracellular replication and delivery of <i>C. burnetii</i> effector proteins.

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    <p>(A) Indicated are the locations of transposon insertions in the chromosomal regions encoding the Dot/Icm system from 1559100 bp to 1591800 bp, and (B) the PmrAB two-component regulatory system from 1176500 to 1179500 bp. The site of each transposon insertion is represented by an arrow. The mutants that could not replicate intracellularly were assigned red arrows, mutants that produced normal CCVs were assigned black arrows, and mutants that formed small vacuoles were assigned grey arrows. (C) The plasmids pBlaM and pBlaM-77 were introduced into <i>C burnetii</i> NMII (black bars) and <i>pmrA</i>::Tn (grey bars) to determine whether the PmrAB system was essential for effector translocation. Cleavage of the fluorescent β-lactamase substrate CC4F-AM was determined by calculating the ratio of fluorescence at 460 nm to 535 nm relative to uninfected cells. The graph shows the mean ± SD calculated for three independent samples.</p

    Δ<i>sylC</i> bacteria loose motility during infection.

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    <p>GFP-expressing WT and Δ<i>sylC</i> bacteria were monitored by confocal microscopy before infiltration (A), after infiltration (B), in the exudate of infected leaves (C), and after co-infiltration with or without SylA (D). All motile bacteria are marked with a star. The percentages of motile bacteria over a 2 s timeframe are indicated on the bottom, with standard deviations for n = 5. See supplemental data for the movies and details. Bacteria are 1–2 µm long. These results are representative of three independent experiments. *, motile bacterium.</p

    SylA blocks SA-mediated immunity.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) SA signaling is blocked by SylA but not SylAsat. <i>N. benthamiana</i> leaves were infiltrated with 50 µM SylA or SylAsat and sprayed with 300 µM BTH. RNA was isolated from infiltrated tissues 6 h after BTH treatment and used as a template for semi-quantitative RT-PCR with gene-specific primers for <i>PR1a</i> and <i>Actin</i>. (<b>B</b>) Dose-dependent inhibition of BTH-induced <i>NbPR1a</i> expression by SylA. Leaves were infiltrated with various concentrations of SylA and sprayed 6 h later with 300 µM BTH. RNA was isolated from infiltrated tissues 6 h after BTH treatment and used as a template for semi-quantitative RT-PCR with gene-specific primers for <i>PR1a</i> (30 cycles) and <i>Actin</i> (24 cycles). (<b>C</b>) SylA blocks BTH-induced acquired resistance. <i>N. benthamiana</i> leaves were infiltrated with or without SylA and immediately sprayed with BTH. The Δ<i>sylC</i> mutant bacteria were infiltrated with 2×10<sup>5</sup> bacteria/mL 6 h after SylA/BTH treatment, and bacterial populations were determined at 0 and 3 d after inoculation. Error bars represent SEM of four independent bacterial counts. This experiment was repeated three times with similar results. (<b>D</b>) SylA-producing bacteria grow better in BTH-treated tissues than Δ<i>sylC</i> bacteria. WT and Δ<i>sylC</i> bacteria were infiltrated into <i>N. benthamiana</i> leaves at 2×10<sup>5</sup> bacteria/mL, and plants were sprayed with 300 µM BTH 6 h later. Bacterial populations were determined at 0, 3, and 7 dpi. Error bars represent SEM of four independent bacterial counts. This experiment was repeated two times with similar results. (<b>E</b>) SylA promotes wound entry in BTH-treated tissue. Leaves of <i>N. benthamiana</i> plants were infiltrated with 50 µM SylA or 0.025% DMSO. After 1 h, the infiltrated area was wound-inoculated with GFP-expressing WT or Δ<i>sylC</i> bacteria and sprayed with 300 µM BTH or water. Wound entry was scored at 5 dpi by fluorescence microscopy. Error bars represent SEM of four independent experiments. P-values determined using the Student's <i>t</i>-test are indicated.</p

    SylA-deficiency triggers immune responses at primary infection sites.

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    <p>(<b>A</b>) Time course of cell death induced by WT and Δ<i>sylC</i> strains. Leaves were stained with trypan blue at various days after infiltration. Scale bar, 10 mm. (<b>B</b>) Cell death spreads from zones infected with WT but not Δ<i>sylC</i> bacteria. Leaves were infiltrated and stained with trypan blue at 7 dpi. (<b>C</b>) Cell death induced by Δ<i>sylC</i> is blocked by the calcium transport inhibitor lanthanum chloride and the ATPase inhibitor sodium vanadate. Leaves were co-infiltrated with 1×10<sup>8</sup> bacteria/mL with 50 µM lanthanum chloride or 1 µM sodium vanadate, and pictures were taken at 24 hpi. (<b>D</b>) Early host cell death induced by SylA-deficient Δ<i>sylC</i> bacteria is preceded by callose deposition. Leaves were stained for callose at 24 hpi, examined by fluorescence microscopy, and depicted with equal settings. The callose spots per 0.56 mm<sup>2</sup> were quantified and printed below the picture with the SEM (n = 3). Scale bar, 0.1 mm. (<b>E</b>) Early host cell death induced by SylA-deficient Δ<i>sylC</i> bacteria is preceded by SA accumulation. <i>N. benthamiana</i> plants were infiltrated with 10<sup>5</sup> bacteria/mL of WT and Δ<i>sylC</i> bacteria, and SA concentrations were measured at 3 and 24 hpi. Error bars represent SEM of three technical replicates. Student's t-test: P = 0.21 (3 hpi) and P = 0.096 (24 hpi). The experiment was repeated twice with similar results. (<b>F</b>) Early host cell death induced by SylA-deficient Δ<i>sylC</i> bacteria is preceded by upregulated transcript levels of the hypersensitive cell death marker <i>Hin1</i>. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR was performed on mRNA isolated at 24 hpi. (<b>A–F</b>) Bacteria were infiltrated with 2×10<sup>5</sup> bacteria/mL into mature leaves of <i>N. benthamiana</i> and analyzed at 24 hpi unless stated otherwise.</p