82 research outputs found

    Crystal structure and conductivity of bismuth-containing complex oxides

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    In the paper, a comprehensive systematic study of different classes of bismuth containing oxide compounds was carried out. The relationship between composition, temperature and concentration regions of existence of stable, specific structure and properties of solid solutions on the basis of vanadates, molybdates, niobates and bismuth was found. The general regularities of synthesis of solid solutions with different variants of solid-phase and soluble methods were determined. On this basis, the optimal conditions for obtaining single-phase materials were formulated. For the first time the temperature and concentration boundaries of the regions of homogeneity and areas of stable existence of polymorphic modifications of solid solutions were defined and/or refined. The structural parameters of the synthesized phases were determined. By the method of electrochemical impedance spectroscopy the nature and features of impedance spectra, the temperature and concentration dependences of electrical conductivity of ceramic materials based on bismuth containing complex oxides were identified

    Mitochondrial Electron Transport Chain in Heavy Metal-Induced Neurotoxicity: Effects of Cadmium, Mercury, and Copper

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    To clarify the role of mitochondrial electron transport chain (mtETC) in heavy-metal-induced neurotoxicity, we studied action of Cd2+, Hg2+, and Cu2+ on cell viability, intracellular reactive oxygen species formation, respiratory function, and mitochondrial membrane potential of rat cell line PC12. As found, the metals produced, although in a different way, dose- and time-dependent changes of all these parameters. Importantly, Cd2+ beginning from 10 [mu]M and already at short incubation time (3 h) significantly inhibited the FCCP-uncoupled cell respiration; besides, practically the complete inhibition of the respiration was reached after 3 h incubation with 50 [mu]M Hg2+ or 500 [mu]M Cd2+, whereas even after 48 h exposure with 500 [mu]M Cu2+, only a 50% inhibition of the respiration occurred. Against the Cd2+-induced cell injury, not only different antioxidants and mitochondrial permeability transition pore inhibitors were protective but also such mtETC effectors as FCCP and stigmatellin (complex III inhibitor). However, all mtETC effectors used did not protect against the Hg2+- or Cu2+-induced cell damage. Notably, stigmatellin was shown to be one of the strongest protectors against the Cd2+-induced cell damage, producing a 15–20% increase in the cell viability. The mechanisms of the mtETC involvement in the heavy-metal-induced mitochondrial membrane permeabilization and cell death are discussed

    Microstructural evolution in ODS-EUROFER steel caused by high-dose He ion implantations with systematic variation of implantation parameters

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    The paper presents a detailed analysis of helium (He) bubble development in ODS-EUROFER steel caused by helium ion implantation in different regimes, with a particular attention to the role of the oxide nanoparticles in promoting the growth of He bubbles, helium accumulation and gas-driven swelling. The Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) characterization of steel samples implanted applying systematic variation of experimental parameters has allowed clarifying the trends of the bubble microstructure evolution depending on the implantation dose, flux, and sample temperature. It was found that in all investigated implantation regimes He bubbles formed both in the grain bulk and on various structural defects (dislocations, grain boundaries, oxide particles and carbide precipitates), but the sizes and densities of bubbles in different bubble populations were sensitive to particular irradiation conditions. In the majority of cases the main traps for implanted helium and the main contributors to the estimated swelling were bubbles associated with grain boundaries, though in some cases (high implantation dose or lower temperature) the bubbles in the grain bulk were competitive with the grain boundary bubble population. Oxide particles in ODS-EUROFER were found to be excellent nucleation sites for He bubbles and practically each observed particle hosted a single relatively large bubble, sometimes as large as the particle itself. However, the contribution of oxide-associated bubbles to the estimated swelling and He inventory was found to be minor as compared to other bubble populations because of a relatively low number density of nano-oxides. Comparison of ODS-EUROFER and EUROFER 97 samples implanted with He ions in identical regimes has demonstrated lower efficiency of ODS-EUROFER for accumulating implanted helium in bubbles and noticeably higher share of helium atoms trapped in the vacancy defects invisible by TEM

    Ferromagnetic resonance with long Josephson junction

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    © 2017 IOP Publishing Ltd.In this work we propose a hybrid device based on a long Josephson junction (JJ) coupled inductively to an external ferromagnetic (FM) layer. The long JJ in a zero-field operation mode induces a localized AC magnetic field in the FM layer and enables a synchronized magnetostatic standing wave. The magnetostatic wave induces additional dissipation for soliton propagation in the junction and also enables a phase locking (resonant soliton synchronization) at a frequency of natural ferromagnetic resonance. The later manifests itself as an additional constant voltage step on the current-voltage characteristics at the corresponding voltage. The proposed device allows to study magnetization dynamics of individual micro-scaled FM samples using just DC technique, and also it provides additional phase locking frequency in the junction, determined exclusively by characteristics of the ferromagnet

    Вплив згодовування хелатних комплексів мікроелементів на морфологі-чні та біохімічні показники крові корів

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    In the article was discusses the questions about the effect of feeding chelate complexes of trace elements of copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn) on morphological and biochemical blood indicators of cows of Ukrainian black mottled dairy breed on the second month of lactation. For the experiment, 40 cows were selected and formed four groups: one control and three experimental. The cows in the control group fed a premix of sulfate salts of Cu, Zn and Mn in doses that are 100% covered their lack in a forage. Experimental animals from I, II and III groups were fed premixes with chelate complexes of Cu, Zn and Mn, which offset the deficiency of trace elements in the feed ration for 100, 50 and 25% (calculated on pure element), respectively. In animal blood examined the number of red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin, phagocytic activity of neutrophils, and in serum – total protein, albumin, globulin, glucose, total calcium, inorganic phosphorus, carotene, creatinine, urea, cholesterol, activity of AST, ALT and alkaline phosphatase. As a result studies, have shown that blood indicators of the animals were within physiological fluctuations. Found that in the serum of animals of III experimental group the contents of total protein was lowered by 4.1% (P < 0.05) than in the first, and by 3.6% (P < 0.1) relative to the second group. It was determined that the concentration of albumin and total calcium in serum of II experimental group of cows was higher by 4.6% and by 6.0% (P < 0.1), respectively, relative to the third group. Content of inorganic phosphorus in the blood serum of animals of II group was higher at trends over the indicator in the serum of animals of the control and first experimental groups by 8.1% and by 6.9%, respectively. According to other indicators of animals blood does not have significant difference.У статті розглянуто питання щодо впливу згодовування хелатних комплексів мікроелементів Купруму (Сu), Цинку (Zn), Мангану (Mn) на морфологічні та біохімічні показники крові корів української чорно-рябої молочної породи на другому місяці лактації. Для експерименту було відібрано 40 корів і сформовано 4 групи: одну контрольну та три дослідні. В контрольній групі коровам згодовували премікс з сірчанокислими солями Cu, Zn і Mn у дозі, що на 100% покривала їх нестачу в кормах. Дослідним тваринам І, ІІ і ІІІ груп згодовували премікси з хелатними комплексами Cu, Zn і Mn, які компенсували дефіцит мікроелементів в кормах раціону на 100, 50 і 25% (у перерахунку на чистий елемент) відповідно. В крові тварин досліджували кількість еритроцитів, лейкоцитів, вміст гемоглобіну, фагоцитарну активність нейтрофілів, а в сироватці – загальний вміст білка, альбумінів, глобулінів, глюкози, загального Кальцію, неорганічного Фосфору, каротину, креатиніну, сечовини, холестерину, активність АсАТ, АлАТ та лужної фосфатази. В результаті досліджень показано, що показники крові всіх піддослідних тварин перебували у межах фізіологічних коливань. Встановлено, що в сироватці крові тварин ІІІ дослідної групи вміст загального білка був нижчим на 4,1% (Р < 0,05) порівняно з І, та на 3,6% (Р < 0,1) відносно ІІ групи. Визначено, що концентрація альбумінів і Кальцію загального в сироватці крові корів ІІ дослідної групи була вищою на 4,6% та 6,0% (Р < 0,1) відповідно, відносно ІІІ групи. Вміст Фосфору неорганічного в сироватці крові тварин ІІ групи був вищим на рівні тенденції за даний показник у сироватці тварин контрольної і І дослідної групах на 8,1% та на 6,9%, відповідно. За іншими показниками крові тварин не встановлено вірогідної різниці

    The current consensus for the diagnostic and treatment of extramammary Paget’s disease

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    Extramammary Paget's disease is a slow-growing cutaneous intraepithelial adenocarcinoma of the apocrine glands in the anogenital and axillary regions. The disease is extremely rare, affects predominantly postmenopausal women, and has nonspecific clinical caracteristics, so that it can take 210 years from the first clinical signs to diagnosis. The vulva and the perianal region are the most affected zones. Extramammary Pagets disease is clinically manifested as well-defined erythematous plaques with secondary changes, such as scaling, ulceration and even bleeding. Differential diagnosis is made between primary and secondary forms of Extramammary Pagets disease, candidiasis, contact dermatitis, Crohn's disease, eczema, erosive lichen planus, hydradenitis suppurativa, Langerhans cell histiocytosis, sclerosing lichen, psoriasis, squamous cell carcinoma in situ, amelanotic melanoma and mycosis fungoide. Treatment mainly includes the surgical component, as well as the use of photodynamic therapy, cytostatic agents, and, depending on the stage, systemic chemotherapy

    Synthesis of multi-loop automatic control systems by the nonlinear programming method

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    The article deals with the problem of calculation of the multi-loop control systems optimal tuning parameters by numerical methods and nonlinear programming methods. For this purpose, in the paper the Optimization Toolbox of Matlab is used

    Magnetic resonances in EuSn2_2As2_2 single crystal

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    In this work, we report the broad-band ferromagnetic resonance spectroscopy of EuSn2_2As2_2 single crystals at different temperatures in combination with magnetization measurements and structural characterization. We observe conventional collective acoustic resonance mode of the A-type antiferromagnetic spin-flop phase in the Eu sub-lattice, and its transition to the paramagnetic resonance above the ordering temperature. Furthermore, we observe reproducibly additional well-defined spectral line. The origin of the additional line remains unclear. However, its temperature dependence attributes it to magnetism in the Eu sub-lattice.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, 34 reference

    Characteristics of patients with interstitial lung diseases according to the register of the specialized department of the regional clinical hospital

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    Interstitial lung diseases (ISL) unite a large number of nosological units. The analysis of the clinical characteristics of patients that were hospitalized to the specialized department of the regional hospital with this pathology identified similar clinical symptoms: respiratory function disorders, gas exchange disorders, and radiological changes. The leading clinical symptom – dyspnea - is accompanied by respiratory function disorders of the restrictive type, and in some patients of the obstructive type, hypoxemia, the development of pulmonary hypertension and chronic pulmonary heart diseaseИнтерстициальные заболевания легких (ИЗЛ) объединяют большое количество нозологических единиц. Анализ клинической характеристики пациентов, госпитализированных в специализированное отделение областной больницы с этой патологией, на основании составленного регистра выявил сходные клинические симптомы: нарушения дыхательной функции, газообмена, рентгенологические изменения. Ведущий клинический симптом – одышка – сопровождается нарушениями дыхательной функции по рестриктивному, а у ряда пациентов и по обструктивному типу, гипоксемией, развитием легочной гипертензии и хронического легочного сердц