872 research outputs found

    From relativistic to quantum universe: Observation of a spatially-discontinuous particle dynamics beyond relativity

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    We perform an experimental test where we directly observe light-induced electron transitions with a macroscopic spatial discontinuity. The effect is related to the fundamental indivisibility of macroscopic orbit-like quantum states reminiscent of so-called extended states in the integer quantum Hall system. The test has become realizable due to the discovering of a quantum phase with spontaneous pervasive quantum ordering reminiscent of that of a single atom. The observed transitions may be regarded as a peculiar quantum dynamics beyond relativity, which implies that the current relativistic model of universe should be replaced by a deeper quantum model. It is the Bohm's model of undivided universe, which now should involve a deeper-than-classical concept of absolute simultaneity and a deeper-than-relativistic concept of space and time. Ultimately, our test thus establishes a new hierarchy of fundamental physical theories where the de Broglie-Bohm realistic quantum theory is the deepest theory which does not contradict either classical physics or relativity but rather is beyond both. This is because the fact that quantum theory is dealing with a deeper reality where physical objects are not self-sufficient entities and therefore their discontinuous transitions are possible within an overall quantum system which may well be macroscopic

    Order convergence in infinite-dimensional vector lattices is not topological

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    In this note, we show that the order convergence in a vector lattice XX is not topological unless dimX<\dim X<\infty. Furthermore, we show that, in atomic order continuous Banach lattices, the order convergence is topological on order intervals

    On free fall of fermions and antifermions

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    We propose a model describing spin-half quantum particles in curved spacetime in the framework of quantum field theory. Our model is based on embodying Einstein’s equivalence principle and general covariance in the definition of quantum-particle states. With this model at hand, we compute several observables which characterise spin-half quantum particles in a gravitational field. In particular, we find that spin precesses in a normal Fermi frame, even in the absence of torsion. The effect appears to be complementary to free-fall non-universality we have recently reported about for spinless quantum particles. Furthermore, we find that quantum-particle gravitational-potential energy is insensitive to wave-packet spreading in the Earth’s gravitational field, that is responsible for the non-universality of free fall in quantum theory. This theoretical result provides another channel for the experimental study of our quantum-particle model by using gravitational spectrometers. Finally, we also find that (elementary) fermions and antifermions are indistinguishable in gravity

    On quantum corrections to geodesics in de-Sitter spacetime

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    We find a coordinate-independent wave-packet solution of the massive Klein–Gordon equation with the conformal coupling to gravity in the de-Sitter universe. This solution can locally be represented through the superposition of positive-frequency plane waves at any space-time point, assuming that the scalar-field mass M is much bigger than the de-Sitter Hubble constant H. The solution is also shown to be related to the two-point function in the de-Sitter quantum vacuum. Moreover, we study the wave-packet propagation over cosmological times, depending on the ratio of M and H. In doing so, we find that this wave packet propagates like a point-like particle of the same mass if M\mathbb{M}H\mathbb{H} , but, if otherwise, the wave packet behaves highly non-classically