20 research outputs found

    Exploring governance mechanisms, collaborative processes and main challenges in short food supply chains: the case of Turkey

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    There is a growing scientific interest and public debate on the potential con-tributions that Local Food Systems (LFS) and Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs) can make towards overcoming sustainability challenges and creating societal impact. In the case of Turkey, where local agricultural systems are particularly vulnerable, lacking of resilience and innovative capacity, understanding the governance mechanisms of SFSCs would have strong implications for policy making. To this end, our aim in this study is to explore the mechanisms through which civil society driven SFSCs are governed in the city of Izmir (Turkey), referring to the actors involved in the process, institutional frameworks that are adopted and challenges experienced, that could inform policy dis-cussions towards establishing more sustainable local food systems. In this direction, the questions we aim to answer are: (1) what are the mechanisms through which commu-nity level SFSCs are initiated and governed, (2) how collaboration takes place within these groups and through which processes, and finally (3) what the outcomes of these processes are, with respect to individual, community and local impacts experienced on the ground, and challenges associated with them. We use a descriptive case study methodology, to study seven SFSC initiatives (four food community networks, two farmers’ markets and a local shop) in the city of Izmir; and collect data through quali-tative semi-structured in-depth interviews (41 with producers, 32 with consumers, 11 with coordinators and 5 with experts). Our findings suggest that different mechanisms are at play within our cases, depending on aspects including their governing structures and their way and purpose of operation. While farmers had difficulties relying solely on their income from these initiatives for their livelihoods, organizational challenges experienced by food communities were mainly related to difficulties associated to man-aging tasks on a voluntary basis. Moreover, arriving at a shared understanding about mutual goals, in addition to finding a way to include stakeholders in the process, were among the most prevalent challenges of all initiatives

    Nadir Bir Acil Hemodiyaliz Endikasyonu; Ciddi Metabolik Alkaloz

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    ÖzAkut böbrek yetersizliğinde acil hemodiyaliz (HD) endikasyonları arasında hiperkalemi, hipervolemi, metabolik asidoz, üremik, hiperkalsemi, hiperürisemi, hiperfosfatemi, metabolik alkaloz, hiponatremi ve zehirlenmeler sayılabilir. Metabolik alkalozda plazma HCO3- düzeyindeki yükselme genellikle gastrointestinal sistem veya idrarla hidrojen kaybı nedeniyle ortaya çıkmaktadır. Bu yazıda ciddi metabolik alkalozun HD ile tedavi edildiği bir olgu sunulmuştur. 40 yaşında kadın halsizlik nedeniyle acil servise başvurdu. Hastanın ağır metabolik alkalozu mevcuttu. Hastaya öncelikle izotonik infüzyonu 120 cc/saatten başlandı.Ekokardiyografi ve idrar bulguları ile hastada klorür tedavisine dirençli (volüm açığı olmayan) metabolik alkaloz düşünüldü. Hasta asetozolamid tedavisiyle birlikte HD’e alındı. Takibinde hastanın kan gazı kısmen düzeldi. Sonuç olarak; Metabolik alkaloz tedavisinin temelini altta yatan hastalığın tedavisi ile sıvı elektrolit dengesinin sağlanması oluşturur. Konservatif önlemler ile metabolik alkaloz kontrol altına alınamazsa hemodiyaliz etkin bir tedavi yöntemi olarak kullanılabilir

    Sixth-Month Perinatal Outcomes of Anemic Pregnancies

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    OBJECTIVE: In this study, we retrospectively compare the outcomes of anemia in 3rd trimester pregnant women who applied to our clinic, in terms of maternal factors and its fetal effects, in 0 and 6th months. STUDY DESIGN: 139 cases admitted to our clinic during December 2010 - May 2012 due to pregnancy in their 3rd trimester and were diagnosed with anemia and whose records were available were included in the study. The pregnant women were divided into two groups according to their hemoglobin (Hb) levels; hemoglobin levels below 11 g/dL formed the anemia group (AG Hb<11 g/dL) and those above were the non-anemia group (NAG Hb ›11 g/dL). Maternal age, occupation, number of live births, Hb and hematocrit (Hct) levels, mode of delivery, labor time, and head circumference, weight and height of infants at birth and 6th month were compared. RESULTS: Anemia was determined in 69 pregnant women (49.6%). No significant difference among the groups in terms of age and parity was detected. Anemia was found to be higher in housewife mothers (p=0.0001). No difference in terms of birth weight and height was detected among the babies of mothers of the two groups, but the head circumference of the babies from anemic mothers were determined to be significantly lower (p= 0.0001). In terms of the 6th month outcomes; weight, height and head circumference of babies from anemic mothers were found to be significantly lower (p=0.0001). Risk analysis has determined a negative correlation between anemia and fetal development at 6th month. CONCLUSION: There is a negative correlation between anemia and preterm delivery week, fetal development and small head circumference at birth. Therefore maternal candidates with high rates of anemia such as housewives should be closely monitored during pregnancy and in the postpartum period for fetal development