104 research outputs found

    Galectin-3 and plasma cytokines in patients with acute myocardial infarction

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    WOS: 000343954700009PubMed ID: 25316666Objective: To investigate the concentrations of plasma cytokines and Galectin-3 (Gal-3) as inflammatory markers in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Methods: The study population consisted of 29 patients with AMI and 29 healthy control subjects. We measured Gal-3, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha), and interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels in plasma using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs). We measured levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) via the nephelometric method. Results: Patients with AMI showed significantly higher plasma Gal-3, TNF-alpha, and IL-6 levels compared with controls. Gal-3 levels were positively and significantly correlated with plasma IL-6, TNF-alpha, and CRP levels in the control and patient groups. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that Gal-3 can be a new circulating biomarker of inflammation associated with AMI

    Determination of bisphenol a and phthalate levels in wastewater samples

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    Objective: The use of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) such as bisphenol A (BPA) in plastics manufacturing, agriculture, livestock, and paint manufacturing increas daily. The water treated in wastewater treatment plants is used in many areas such as irrigation of parks and gardens, and reinforcement of underground water resources. However, whether the treatment process eliminates EDCs in wastewater is not exactly known, and determining this as well as the amounts of these chemicals in treated water are important in terms of protecting the environment and human health. The aim of the study was to determine BPA and phthalate concentrations in the influent and effluent flow samples obtained from wastewater treatment plants. Materials and Methods: BPA and phthalate concentrations were measured in influent and effluent flow samples using the enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) method. BPA and phthalate measurements were performed as competitive measurements of BPA and total phthalates in samples using specific monoclonal antibodies. Results: BPA and phthalate levels were measured respectively as 7.69 μg/L and 78.27 μg/L in the influent water samples and 3.17 μg/L and 25.56 μg/L in the effluent water samples. The concentration of BPA and phthalates in the effluent samples decreased significantly compared to the influent water samples. Conclusion: This study is believed to shed light on the importance of monitoring BPA and phthalate concentrations in wastewater treatment plants and inspections for detecting other EDCs in wastewater

    The effect of different storage conditions on the migration of chemicals from polyethylene terephthalate and polycarbonate bottles to water

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    Objective: Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polycarbonate (PC) bottles have been used widely in the last years for the consumption of water and the increased use of these chemicals has raised many concerns regarding their adverse effects on health. Phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA) are the main endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that can migrate from these plastics into potable water. Materials and Methods: The concentrations of phthalate and BPA were measured in water samples that were stored in PET and PC bottles at different storage conditions. The method of ELISA was used for the determination of phthalate and BPA levels. A standard curve is obtained from the standards prepared at known concentrations of phthalate, BPA, according to their absorbance at 450 nm. The BPA levels of the samples were obtained through the calculation of the absorbance values acquired using the standard curve. Results: Different storage and heating processes applied on the samples significantly increased the levels of BPA and phthalate. One year of storage led to a statistically significant increase in phthalate levels when compared to the control group. Both BPA and phthalate levels detected in the water samples were higher than the control group depending on the storage conditions including exposure to high temperatures, sunlight and outdoor conditions. Conclusion: Our results indicate the necessity to establish the environmental conditions that must be ensured during the production, transportation and storage processes of the bottles, on a legal basis with legal regulations

    İnvestigation of the effects of frequent hazelnut consumption on serum Na, K, Cl, Fe, Ca levels and hemostatic parameters

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    AMAÇ: Yurdumuzda yaygın olarak yetiştirilen, 'Corylus avellana' cinsinden olan fındık; E vitamini, niasin, kalsiyum (Ca), magnezyum (Mg) ve potasyum (K) gibi mineralleri içeren önemli bir besin olup son yıllarda fındığın kalp damar hastalıkları açısından olumlu etkileri çesitli çalısmalarda gösterilmistir. Amacımız literatürde sık fındık tüketimi olarak belirtilen miktardaki fındığın 7 gün boyunca tüketiminin serum sodyum (Na), klor (Cl), demir (Fe), K ve Ca düzeylerine ve lökosit, eritrosit, hemoglobin, hematokrit, fibrinojen gibi hematolojik parametreler üzerine etkisini incelemekti. GEREÇ ve YÖNTEMLER: 25 sağlıklı bireyin gönüllü olarak 7 gün boyunca günde ortalama 20 g fındık yemesi sağlandı. Diyet kısıtlaması yapılmadı. Fındık tüketme alışkanlığı olan ve olmayan kişiler ayrı ayrı değerlerlendirildi. Fındık tüketimi öncesi ve sonrasında sabah açlık kan örnekleri alındı. Serum parametreleri 747 Hitachi otoanalizöründe Roche kitleri, hematolojik testler ise BCS tam otomatik koagulometre ve Dade- Behring kitleri kullanılarak tayin edildi. BULGULAR: Fındık tüketme alışkanlığı olan ve olmayan kişilerde, 7 günlük düzenli fındık tüketiminden sonra serum Na, Cl, Ca değerleri anlamlı derecede azalırken, total demir bağlama kapasitesi (TDBK) anlamlı derecede arttı. Yedi günlük düzenli fındık tüketimi sonucu, fındık tüketme alışkanlığı olmayanlarda hemoglobin ve hematokrit değerleri azalırken, fındık tüketme alışkanlığı olanlarda fibrinojen değerlerinde anlamlı artış götürüldü.Ancak bütün bu değişimler normal sınırlar içindeydi. SONUÇ: Fındığın, kan lipidleri dışında, hemostatik sistem ve mineral dengesi üzerine etkilerini inceleyen uzun dönemli çalışmalar, ülkemizde yaygın olarak yetişen ve tüketilen bu besin maddesinin etkilerinin açığa çıkmasını sağlayacaktır.OBJECTIVE: Hazelnut (Corylus avellana) widely raised and used in Turkey, is an important source of vitamin E, niacin, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K). Recently, beneficial effects of hazelnut consumption in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases have been shown in several studies. Our aim was to investigate the effects of frequent hazelnut consumption on serum sodium (Na), K, chloride (Cl), iron (Fe) and Ca levels and hematological parameters such as leucocyte, eritrocyte, hemoglobin, hematocrit and fibrinogen levels. MATERIAL and METHODS: 25 volunteer healthy subjects were advised to eat 20 g/day hazelnut for 7 days without diet restriction. Subjects that consume nut habitually and non-consumers were evaluated separately. Fasting blood samples prior and after hazelnut consumption were taken. Blood parameters were analyzed using Roche kits in 747 Hitachi autoanalyzer, and hematological analysis were determined using Dade-Behring kits in BCSautomatic coagulometer. RESULTS: Hazelnut consumption, decreased serum Na, Cl, Ca and increased total iron binding capacity in hazelnut consumers and non-consumers. At the end of 7 days, hemoglobin and hematocrit levels decreased in non-consumers and fibrinogen levels were increased in hazelnut consumers. However all these changes were in normal limits. CONCLUSION: Studies on the effects of hazelnut consumption on hematological parameters and mineral balance may enlighten the effects this nutrient widely raised and consumed inTurkey

    Chard extract increased gastric sialic acid and ameliorated oxidative stress in valproic acid-administered rats

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    Valproic acid, one of the most used drugs for epilepsy patients, has some known side effects. Chard extract has many pharmacological activities. The study aims to evaluate whether valproic acid might interfere with oxidative metabolism in gastric tissue and whether chard ameliorates these effects. The Sprague Dawley rats were divided into four groups (n=8); control, chard-given control, valproic acid, and chard-given valproic acid. The aqueous extracts of chard leaves were given 1 h before the administration of valproic acid for 7 days. On the 8th day, the animals were sacrificed under anesthesia and gastric tissues were homogenized. When compared to the control group, valproic acid significantly increased malondialdehyde and catalase activity, while superoxide dis- mutase activity decreased. Chard administration increased glutathione and, sialic acid levels and decreased malondialdehyde levels and superoxide dismutase activity in the valproic acid group. Based on these findings, since chard increased gastric sialic acid levels, we may suggest that chard may protect gastric mucosa may be through its antioxidant effects

    Ankaferd blood stopper ve celox’un varfarin verilmiş sıçan derisinde glutatyon ve lipid peroksidasyon üzerine etkilerinin incelenmesi

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    Amaç: Çalışmamızın amacı, varfarin verilen deney hayvanlarında iki yeni nesil farklı lokal hemostatik ajanın kısa dönemde yumuşak doku iyileşmesi üzerine olan etkisinin biyokimyasal olarak incelenmesi ve karşılaştırılmasıdır. Yöntem: 24 adet Wistar cinsi albino sıçanların 12 tanesine sistemik olarak varfarin verilmiş (Varfarin grubu), diğer sıçanlar ise kontrol grubu olarak kullanılmıştır. 3 adet bistüri yarası oluşturularak birine 40 mg kitozan granülleri (Celox®), diğerine 25 µl kurutulmuş folklorik bitki ekstresi (Ankaferd Blood Stopper®) uygulanırken diğer bir tanesine de herhangi bir hemostatik ajan uygulanmamıştır. Cerrahi işlemin yapıldığı gün, postoperatif 4. gün ve postoperatif 8. günde alınan doku örneklerinde antioksidan parametrelerden glutatyon ve oksidan parametrelerden lipid peroksidasyon tayini yapılmıştır. Bulgular: Kullanılan lokal hemostatik ajanların intraoperatif ve postoperatif kanama kontrolünde çok iyi olduğu ve güvenle kullanılabileceği; varfarin uygulaması ve lokal hemostatik ajanların antioksidan etkiyi zayıflattığı; ABS’nin klinik gözlemler neticesinde iyileşme potansiyeline etkisinin diğer ajana kıyasla daha fazla olduğu tesbit edilmiştir. Sonuç: Ankaferd Blood Stopper ve Celox’un etki mekanizmalarının tam olarak aydınlatılması ve potansiyel yararlarının geliştirilmesi için konunun farklı yönleriyle de ele alınması gerekmektedir