25 research outputs found

    PENILAIAN KINERJA RETURN PENGELOLAAN ASSET PERBANKAN (Studi Komparasi Pada Bank Umum Swasta Nasional Devisa dan Bank Asing)

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    This study tried to analyse perfomance evaluation of banking asset management returns based on fundamental and macro factors from BUSND and foreign bank. This research also analyse the different of banking asset management Performance on BUSND and Foreign Bank. Multiple regression analysis method, F significance test, coefficient of determination and t significance test was used in This research. In order to find out the difference in asset return management between BUSND and foreign banks, a Chow-test was carried out.This study simultaneously found that fundamental factors proxied by the ratio of CAR, NIM, BOPO, LDR, and macro factors using SBI interest rates and exchange rates had a significant effect on ROA both in BUSND and foreign banks. In BUSND the independent variables for fundamental factors that have a significant effect on ROA are CAR, NIM, BOPO, and macro factors, namely the SBI interest rate, for foreign banks the results of the independent variables for fundamental factors that affect ROA are CAR, BOPO, and LDR . For the results of the Chow test, it was found that there was a significant difference between BUSND and foreign banks in terms of managing returns from the placement of bank assets (Return On Assets)


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    The purpose of this community service activity is to empower Dairy Cattle Breeders in Keji Village, West Ungaran, Semarang Regency in increasing the quantity and quality of facilities needed for dairy cattle and milk products. The problem that exists is that there are several cows that have injuries to their bodies, legs and nails as a result of the floor of the cage that has not been completely given a rubber carpet. In addition, the equipment used for milking and transporting milk is still limited in terms of quantity and quality. The method to achieve this goal is to conduct management 9luminium9g on the manufacture and layout of healthy cowsheds so that each cow feels comfortable and healthy and covers the cowshed with rubber carpets as well as the use of equipment for milking, transporting and storing milk that meets health standards. The realization of the physical outcomes of this program are: (1) procurement of 5 pieces of rubber carpet (2) procurement of 1 unit 9luminium milk tank and bucket and (3) scientific articles. With the addition of rubber carpets, the health of cows will be healthier, and with the addition of 9luminium tanks and buckets, the process of milking, transporting and storing milk will be faster and the quality is more guaranteed, so that milk productivity increases which has an impact on improving the welfare of cattle farmers.Keywords: Rubber Carpets, Counseling, Equipment, Cow Health, Milk Productivit


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    Community Service Activities, namely "Utilizing Batik Patches as Fashion Accessories at the Adhighana Banyumanik Youth Organization, Semarang". Based on the identification, the problem can be formulated, Human Resources (HR) of Karang Taruna Adhighana Banyumanik, are not yet competent in entrepreneurship using batik patchwork accessories; Therefore, community service is needed by carrying out debriefing, counseling, training, practice and mentoring.The output targets of this activity are: (1) Increasing competence in empowering local potential with creative activities in utilizing time with productive activities that can provide social and economic impact. (2) Increasing entrepreneurial competence in managing batik patchwork waste into fashion accessories products. Has an economic value of 60% profit from the selling price. (3) Increasing competence in understanding aspects of economic value, marketing strategies by taking advantage of market opportunities.The results of Community Service activities that have been carried out on June 11, 2021, are as follows: (1) Realization of competence in empowering local potential with creative activities in utilizing time with productive activities that can have social and economic impacts. (2) The realization of entrepreneurial competence in managing batik patchwork waste into Fashion Accessories products (Necklace, Mask Connector, Beautiful Brooch). Has an economic value of 60% profit from the selling price. (3) Realization of competence in understanding aspects of economic value, marketing strategy by taking advantage of market opportunities

    International expert consensus on the management of bleeding during VATS lung surgery

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    Intraoperative bleeding is the most crucial safety concern of video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) for a major pulmonary resection. Despite the advances in surgical techniques and devices, intraoperative bleeding is still not rare and remains the most common and potentially fatal cause of conversion from VATS to open thoracotomy. Therefore, to guide the clinical practice of VATS lung surgery, we proposed the International Interest Group on Bleeding during VATS Lung Surgery with 65 experts from 10 countries in the field to develop this consensus document. The consensus was developed based on the literature reports and expert experience from different countries. The causes and incidence of intraoperative bleeding were summarised first. Seven situations of intraoperative bleeding were collected based on clinical practice, including the bleeding from massive vessel injuries, bronchial arteries, vessel stumps, and bronchial stumps, lung parenchyma, lymph nodes, incisions, and the chest wall. The technical consensus for the management of intraoperative bleeding was achieved on these seven surgical situations by six rounds of repeated revision. Following expert consensus statements were achieved: (I) Bleeding from major vascular injuries: direct compression with suction, retracted lung, or rolled gauze is useful for bleeding control. The size and location of the vascular laceration are evaluated to decide whether the bleeding can be stopped by direct compression or by ligation. If suturing is needed, the suction-compressing angiorrhaphy technique (SCAT) is recommended. Timely conversion to thoracotomy with direct compression is required if the operator lacks experience in thoracoscopic angiorrhaphy. (II) Bronchial artery bleeding: pre-emptive clipping of bronchial artery before bronchial dissection or lymph node dissection can reduce the incidence of bleeding. Bronchial artery bleeding can be stopped by compression with the suction tip, followed by the handling of the vascular stump with energy devices or clips. (III) Bleeding from large vessel stumps and bronchial stumps: bronchial stump bleeding mostly comes from accompanying bronchial artery, which can be clipped for hemostasis. Compression for hemostasis is usually effective for bleeding at the vascular stump. Otherwise, additional use of hemostatic materials, re-staple or a suture may be necessary. (IV) Bleeding from the lung parenchyma: coagulation hemostasis is the first choice. For wounds with visible air leakage or an insufficient hemostatic effect of coagulation, suturing may be necessary. (V) Bleeding during lymph node dissection: non-grasping en-bloc lymph node dissection is recommended for the nourishing vessels of the lymph node are addressed first with this technique. If bleeding occurs at the site of lymph node dissection, energy devices can be used for hemostasis, sometimes in combination with hemostatic materials. (VI) Bleeding from chest wall incisions: the chest wall incision(s) should always be made along the upper edge of the rib(s), with good hemostasis layer by layer. Recheck the incision for hemostasis before closing the chest is recommended. (VII) Internal chest wall bleeding: it can usually be managed with electrocoagulation. For diffuse capillary bleeding with the undefined bleeding site, compression of the wound with gauze may be helpful

    Kepuasan Siswa pada Petugas Layanan Sirkulasi di Perpustakaan SMA Negeri 2 Pemalang

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    Skripsi ini berjudul “Kepuasan Siswa pada Petugas Layanan Sirkulasi di Perpustakaan SMA Negeri 2 Pemalang''. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sistem pelayanan di Perpustakaan SMA Negeri 2 Pemalang dan untuk mengetahui kepuasan siswa pada petugas layanan sirkulasi di Perpustakaan SMA Negeri 2 Pemalang, sehingga dari hasil penelitian diharapkan dapat membantu meningkatkan mutu layanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode diskriptif kualitatif dalam bentuk studi kasus. Informan dipilih secara purposive esampling, yaitu 15 informan yang berstatus siswa baik anggota maupun bukan anggota. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan model analisis interaktif Miles dan Huberman, yaitu reduksi data, display data dan verifikasi atau penarikan simpulan. Hasil penelitian secara keseluruhan sudah menunjukkan hal positif yaitu pemustaka telah memanfaatkan fasilitas yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan SMA Negeri 2 Pemalang dengan baik dan sesuai fungsinya. Kepuasan pemustaka terhadap proses peminjaman dan pengembalian koleksi secara keseluruhan sudah berjalan dengan baik. Hanya saja pada proses pengembalian kecepatan serta ketepatan masih perlu ditingkatkan. Pemustaka merasa puas terhadap layanan yang diberikan di bagian layanan sirkulasi, baik untuk koleksi perpustakaan maupun sikap pustakawan yang bersikap ramah, murah senyum, merespon dengan baik ketika memberikan layanan kepada mereka. Namun, demikian pemustaka masih mengharapkan layanan yang lebih prima dari sebelumnya karena ada beberapa kekurangan yang harus diperbaiki

    Influence of Chicken EggShell Powder Ratio with Coarse Rice Husk on Methyl Orange Removal From Aqueous Solution

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    Chicken eggshell and rice husk waste have been succesfully used as a potential adsorbent of methyl orange (MO). In this study, after the washing and drying process, chicken eggshells were mashed while the rice husk was left intact. Chicken eggshell powder and coarse rice husk were combined and varied its composition ratio by 3: 1, 2: 1, 1: 1, 1: 2, and 1: 3. The adsorption process of 50 mL MO 20 ppm in aqueous solution with 11 grams of adsorbent was measured using the UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Genesys 20 at 465 nm. Based on the results of the study, the adsorbent with a variation of 1: 1 in ratio was able to adsorb MO from the solution up to 27.70% within 60 minutes

    Surface Chemical Structure and Morphological Analysis of Fallen Teak Leaves (Tectona Grandis) Powder for Methylene Blue Adsorption

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    In recent year, the research focus has been shifted toward developing of an environmentally friendly system to eliminate any pollutants from Waste. The potential of fallen teak leaves powder for removal of methylene blue has been succesfully carried out by batch adsorption system. The purpose of this study is to characterize an adsorbent obtained from local fallen teak leaves. The characterization focused on the surface of chemical structure analysis obtained from Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and morphological analysis by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) in order to get an idea fuctional group as active site and textural properties. The FTIR results have explaned the presence of some functional groups such as –OH, C=C, COO–, CO, NO2 on FTLP surface that could be potential adsorption sites for interaction with MB molecules. The SEM photographs morphology of FTLP surface has a rough surface with almost more non-uniform

    The roles of ecological fitting, phylogeny and physiological equivalence in understanding realized and fundamental host ranges in endoparasitoid wasps

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    Co-evolutionary theory underpins our understanding of interactions in nature involving plant–herbivore and host–parasite interactions. However, many studies that are published in the empirical literature that have explored life history and development strategies between endoparasitoid wasps and their hosts are based on species that have no evolutionary history with one another. Here, we investigated novel associations involving two closely related solitary endoparasitoids that originate from Europe and North America and several of their natural and factitious hosts from both continents. The natural hosts of both species are also closely related, all being members of the same family. We compared development and survival of both parasitoids on the four host species and predicted that parasitoid performance is better on their own natural hosts. In contrast with this expectation, survival, adult size and development time of both parasitoids were similar on all (with one exception) hosts, irrespective as to their geographic origin. Our results show that phylogenetic affinity among the natural and factitious hosts plays an important role in their nutritional suitability for related parasitoids. Evolved traits in parasitoids, such as immune suppression and development, thus enable them to successfully develop in novel host species with which they have no evolutionary history. Our results show that host suitability for specialized organisms like endoparasitoids is closely linked with phylogenetic history and macro-evolution as well as local adaptation and micro-evolution. We argue that the importance of novel interactions and ‘ecological fitting’ based on phylogeny is a greatly underappreciated concept in many resource–consumer studies.

    Penyuluhan Pembelian Minuman Kunyit Asam terhadap Perubahan Skala Nyeri Disminorea pada Siswa Madrasa Aliyah Kelas VII

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    Latar Belakang : Penyuluhan ini dilaksanakan dalam rangka memberikan informasi terkait tentang manfaat minuman kunyit asam untuk penurunan  skala nyeri dismenorea pada siswa madrasah aliyah kelas VII yang beras di podok pesantrean Al-Barakoah yang bertujuan memberikan informasi untuk menambah pengetahuan siswa kelas VII dan untuk mengurangi dismenorea yang selalu dialami oleh remaja di Madrasah Aliyah Barokah. Dengan kegiatan ini diharapkan siswa Madrasah yang berada di Al-Barokah lebih mengerti cara penanganan nyeri Dismenorea dengan mengkonsumsi minuman kunyit asam.   Team (kami) sudah melakukan survei dilahan dimana terdapat siswa tidak mengerti manfaat dari jamu kunyit asam dan cara pengolahannya serta kami temukan banyaknya siswa yang mengalami dismenorea setiap bulannya. Metode : Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah berupa penyuluhan dengan pemberian konseling pada siswa kelas VII tentang manfaat minuman kunyit asam terhadap Perubahan skala nyeri dismenorea. Hasil: Penyuluhan dilakukan pada hari selasa tanggal 24 Mei 2022 yang dilaksanakan di Pondok Pesantren Al-barokah dengan memanfatkan media direct (tatap muka) sebagai sarana pemaparan materi penyuluhan. Salah satu penerapan penyuluhan yang dilakukan adalah dengan media penyuluhan dan konseling kepada siswa kelas VII. Media ini memiliki keuntungan dan kemudahan dalam hal mengembangkan bahan dan mempermudah dalam memaparkan materi. Hasil yang kami dapatkan sebagian besar siswa madrasah kelas VII sudah paham dan dapat mengerti cara pembuatan jamu kunyit asam untuk mengurangi rasa nyeri saat dismenorea