230 research outputs found

    The Association of Prothrombin Gene Mutations and Cytomegalovirus Infection with Abortion Among Iraqi Women

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    يُصنف الإجهاض على أنه إنهاء الحمل الناجم عن فشل أو إزالة الجنين من الرحم قبل إتمام الحمل. هناك عوامل مختلفة ترتبط بالإجهاض منها الكائنات الحية الدقيقة والعوامل الوراثية. ان الفيروس المضخم للخلايا هو أحد مسببات العدوى الفيروسية الخلقية التي تصيب مجموعة واسعة من الأشخاص. يعتبر جين البروثرومبين (معرف الجين: 14061 في NCBI) أحد الأسباب الأساسية التي تؤدي إلى تخثر الدم ووظيفة الإجهاض، وبالتالي فإن الهدف من الدراسة هو اكتشاف وربط الفيروس المضخم للخلايا وطفرة جين البروثرومبين بالإجهاض من خلال الأساليب الجينية والمناعية.  تم جمع 5 مل من حجم الدم الكامل من خلال وخز الوريد وتم تقسيمها إلى أنبوبتين، أحداهما تحتوي على EDTA والأخرى دون (أنبوب عادي) من 74 امرأة لديهن تاريخ إجهاض كمجموعة مريضات و74 امرأة بدون سجل إجهاض مع واحد على الأقل من الخصوبة الناجحة كمجموعة تحكم. تُستخدم PCRs الخاصة بأليل لتضخيم مناطق الجينات باستخدام بادئات جينية تحتوي على تعدد أشكال جينات البروثرومبين.أظهرت النتائج الحالية أن أكبر خطر للإجهاض لوحظ في النساء المصابات بتفاعلية مصلية IgG في 65 امرأة مع تردد (87.8٪) وكان أقل معدل للإجهاض في إيجابية مصلية IgM في 3 نساء بمعدل تكرار (4.1٪) و6 (8.1٪).) كانت إيجابية لـ IgM-وIgG يشير إلى امتلاكهم عدوى قديمة وحديثة. علاوة على ذلك، تُستخدم PCRs الخاصة بالأليل لتضخيم تعدد الأشكال البروثرومبين G20201A. أظهرت نتيجة هذه الدراسة عدم وجود علاقة بين تكرار مستوى النمط الجيني للبروثرومبين والإجهاض في النساء المصابات بفيروس CMV. في حين أن هناك علاقة ارتباط ذات دلالة إحصائية بين مجموعات الأليلات A وG والإجهاض في النساء المصابات بفيروس CMV.Abortion is categorized as the termination of conception caused by the failure or removal of the embryo from the uterus before the conclusion of pregnancy. Microorganisms and genetic factors are two of the many factors associated with abortion. Cytomegalovirus is a widespread congenital virus infection pathogen that affects a wide variety of people. The prothrombin gene is one of the essential causes that trigger blood clotting and the function of abortion women, therefore the aim of the study is to detect and associate Cytomegalovirus and prothrombin gene mutation (Gene ID: 14061 in NCBI) with abortion through genetic and immunological methods. Five ml of whole blood was collected from an intravenous puncture and divided into two tubes, one with EDTA and one without (plain tube) from 74 women with an abortion history as a patient group and 74 women without an abortion record who had at least one successful fertility as a control group. Allele-specific PCRs are used to amplify gene regions with genetic primers containing prothrombin gene polymorphisms. Current results have shown the greatest risk of abortion was observed in women patients with IgG seropositivity in 65 women with frequency (87.8%) and the lowest rate of abortion was in IgM seropositivity in 3 women with frequency (4.1%) and 6 (8.1%) were positive for IgM-and IgG indicating they have both an old and recent infections. Furthermore, allele-specific PCRs are used to amplify prothrombin G20201A polymorphism. The result of this study demonstrated there is no association between prothrombin genotype level frequency and abortion in CMV-infected women. While, there is a highly significant association between A and G Alleles combinations and abortion in CMV-infected women

    Reduction of secondary lobes in joint angle and delay estimation in angle of arrival localization to detect MAC address spoofing in wireless networks

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    in this paper, we solve the problem of  secondary lobes that are due to noise that comes from constructive and destructive multipath interference that are resulted in received signal strength (RSS) variation over time. This is to develop a very efficient localization algorithm that uses a unique fingerprint angle of arrivals (AOAs), in a specified range, with associated time delays (TDs), in the surrounded sparsity design promoting multipath parameter (i.e:RSS). We solve this problem to detect physical identity spoofing of nodes in radio wireless networks, and localize adversaries and jammers of wireless networks. All radio waves are vulnerable to many types of attacks due to the ability to capture them and sniff or eavesdropping on them in the open space. Physical identity spoofing is used to launch many types of attacks against wireless networks like Denial of Service (DOS), Man-In-The-Middle and Session Hijacking and eavesdropping. Eavesdropping is a human-based social engineering attack. Active adversaries are able to jam and eavesdrop simultaneously, while passive adversaries can only eavesdrop on passed signals. In TCP/IP protocol for example, Media Access Card (MAC) Address is transferred in 802.11 frames. Detection process was carried out by analyzing electromagnetic radio waves that are used to transfer data, in the form of radio wave signals that are formed by the modulation process which mixes the electromagnetic wave, with another one of different frequency or amplitude to produce the signal with a specified pattern of frequency and amplitude. We depended on the angle of arrival of vectors and time delay across scattered areas in the surrounded space to solve the problem of co-location in detection and localization of jammers. We used Maximum Likelihood (ML) angle of arrival determination because ML approaches, known to their higher accuracy and enhanced resolution capabilities. And we assessed their computational complexity that was considered as the major drawback for designers to their implementation in practice.   Our solution was tested on a jammer that changed the signal strength of received signal at the receiver at an angle of arrival 30 degree. And we used scatterers density to determine the angle of arrival of the sender. The simulation has observed that the power of the received signal has changed from the range of angles 20 to 40 degrees. We used scatterers because they describe the density of the signal power, and also enhance the signal to noise ratio, that resulted from the multipath fading of the signal strength. And also overcoming the problem of secondary lobes that are due to signal propagation, while determining the angle of arrival of a signal sender. So, we developed a new passive technique to detect MAC address spoofing based on angle of arrival localization. And assessed the computation complexity of the localization technique through depending on a range angle to estimate the angle of arrival of the adversary within it. And we reduced number of secondary lobes, and their peaks, in the importance function, while determining the angle of arrival, and so increasing the accuracy of angle of arrival measurement. We compared our work to other techniques and find that our technique is better than these techniques

    Effect of Adding Nitrogen Mixed With The Radon Gas Line and ‎Roasting The Mixture For Production The Final Interactive Positive ‎Results

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    تم تصميم نموذج تصميمي  للتقليل الحاد من تركيز غاز الرادون المشع بالاعتماد على طريقة الخلط النسبي الدقيق لمنظومة من الغازات التفاعلية كغاز الهيدروجين الشديد الانفجار عند الخلط مع الاوكسجين بنسبة 2:1 وغاز النتروجين والاوكسجين وثاني اوكسيد الكاربون مع وجود احد الهيدروكربونات المصنعة من خلال وحدة التوليد الذاتي باستخدام عملية الهاضم اللاهوائي .تم استخدام الصاعق الإلكتروني لغرض الحصول على الانفجار الجزئي الشديد داخل حجرة الاحتراق المصممة لهذا الغرض, تم استخدام الافران الحرارية المزدوجة لغرض الحصول على درجات حرارية تفوق ال (650 م o) للوصول الى مستوى طاقة التأين الاول (1037 كيلو جول/مول), وهذا يساعد على التحول من الحالة الخاملة الى الحالة التفاعلية مع محتويات الأسطوانات الافقية المعبأة بهيدروكسيد البوتاسيوم ودقائق الكاربون النقي. تم استخدام منظومة من المقاييس الدقيقة لقياس الفولتية  والحرارة والتيار اضافة الى اظهار شكل موجة الصدمة الحرارية الناتجة اثناء عملية الانفجار الجزئي. تم استخدام المقاييس الحرارية الإلكترونية الدقيقة في كل مرحله من مراحل الاختبار . نظام التبريد الفعال لتبريد الاجزاء المعرضة للتلف بسبب درجات الحرارة العالية تم استخدامه في كل مرحلة من مراحل الاستخدام كأجراء من اجراءات السلامة المهنية. بعد اجراء المعالجات الحرارية كافه يمرر الخليط الغازي المحمص المكربن من خلال احدى غرف التأين بتسليط جهد كهربائي يفوق ال (1500 فولت) .ان غرفة التأين تتكون من قطبين مصنوعين من مادة الخارصين والمصممة لغرض اجراء عملية التحلل الأيوني الى ايونات موجبة واخرى سالبة , حيث ان غاز الرادون اثناء عملية التأين يتجمع عند القطب الموجب ومن ثم التحول من  غاز مؤين الى غاز تفاعلي لتكوين مركب كاربونيل الرادون وهو مادة را تنجية راسبة وغير مؤثره صحيا. نتائج اختبار فريق الفحص البيئي المتخصص التابع الى شعبة الوقاية من الاشعاع اثبتت ان هناك انخفاضا حادا فى تركيز الغاز بعد عمليات المعالجة المختلفة بنسبة تفوق (52 %) كانحراف معياري كذلك اثبتت التجارب انخفاض تركيز الغاز في المحتوى الهوائي تحت الأرضي بنسبة  تفوق ( 40%)  كانحراف معياري. النتائج اثبتت كفاءة النموذج المصمم والجدوى الاقتصادية الجيدة لهذا البحث بالمقارنة مع كلفة التصميم الكلية للمنظومة, تم استخدام حجرة الصدمة الحرارية بالمراحل الاختبارية  الثلاثة, و استخدام منظومات التبريد والتسخين خلال العمل اضافة الى استخدام اجهزة القياس بمختلف الانواع. النتائج عموما اثبتت انخفاضا فى تركيز غاز الرادون بنسبة (40%) بعد اجراء سلسله من عمليات المعالجة المختلفة. الهدف الرئيسي لهذا البحث هو تقليل تركيز غاز الرادون من خلال المنظومه المصممه للمناطق الملوثه بهذا الغاز.Design this industrial model aim to reduce the radon radioactive gas concentration which depending on the mixing of many reactive gases like, hydrogen  which explosion when mixing with oxygen by ratio of 2: 1,  nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide gases with a single hydrocarbon manufactured through a generation of self-unit using the anaerobic digester process.  Use electronic detonator to obtain the partial explosion inside the combustion chamber which designed for this  purpose, use also dual thermal furnaces for obtaining  higher degrees than (650Co)  to reach the first ionization level energy which equals to (1037 kJ /mol), reaches this level helps radon gas to transfer from inactive status to interactive case with the found of potassium hydroxide and purified carbon materials. Use also many gauges to measure voltage,  heat, and power as well as to show the form of thermal shock which wave produced during the partial explosion processes. Use electronic thermal gauges at each stage of of this model. Effective cooling system used due to high temperatures at each stage as one of occupational safety devices. When doing all thermal processes, roasted the carburetor gas mixture through an ionization chambers with voltage exceeds than (1500 volts),  ionization chamber consists of two electrodes made of zinc for the purpose of conducting the decomposition ions to positive and  negative. Radon congregates at the anode and transfer to another material called carbonyl as a resinous substance, this material is has no any effect on human health. Results proved that there is a sharp decline in concentration after treatment more than 52% in air with standard deviation equal to (5.6), results also proved low concentration of gas in water more than (40%) after treatment with standard deviation equals to (7). This design has high economic feasibility in comparison with the cost of treatment of when exposure to this gas in the absence of treatment. Thermal shock chamber was used in the three test stages, cooling and heating systems were used through the work, in addition use multi measuring devices. Results showed decrease in the concentration of radon gas by (40%) after conducting a series of different treatment processes. The main objective of this research is to reduce the concentration of this gas through our system to treat areas polluted with this gas

    The concentration of some heavy metals in different parts of reed plant Phragmites australis, along the Al-Sabeel River, Iraq

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    The present study was conducted to determine the concentrations of some heavy metals of lead, cadmium, and chromium in the roots and stems of Phragmites australis collected from the Al-Sabeel River in Iraq. Samples were collected at four selected sites in three provinces of Najaf, Diwaniyah, and Samawah over a distance of 114 km, from August 2022 to January 2023. The results reveal that the concentrations of Pb, Cd, and Cr in the roots and stems of the reeds as 134.28-91.21, 189.47-180, and 190.57-97.9 mg/kg dry weight, respectively. Cr was the most accumulated element in the stem, while Cd was the most accumulated in the roots. The results also showed that the stem accumulates heavy metals more than the roots, indicating the possibility of using the reed as an indicator of heavy metal pollution

    Photocatalytic oxidation of butan-2-ol over multi walled carbon nanotubes/cobalt phthalocynanine composites

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    ABSTRACT. This study involves synthesis of new substituted of cobalt phthalocyanine derivatives (CoPc) from starting materials naphthalene-1,4,5, tetracarbonic acid dianhydride (NDI) and phthalic anhydride by dry process. Nano composites materials were prepared from multi wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), and MO (Cr2O3-NiO) to yield (MWCNTs/MO) nanocomposite and mixed with cobalt phthalocyanine to yield (MWCNTs/CoPc-MO). These materials were investigated using different analytical and spectrophotometric methods such as FTIR spectroscopy, X-rays diffraction (XRD), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Then the activity of these materials was investigated by conducting photocatalytic oxidation of butann-2-ol over a suspension of these composites under irradiation with UV light from middle pressure mercury lamp. The concentration of the produced 2-butanone was followed by spectrophotometric method using 2,4-dinitro phenyl hydrazone which was detected by measuring absorbance at 480 nm. Different reaction conditions and parameters were investigated such as effect of weight of the catalyst, temperature of reaction, reaction period and the effect of pH of reaction mixture.                 KEY WORDS: Cobalt phthalocynanine, Nanocomposite, Photocatalytic oxidation of alcohols Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2022, 36(1), 197-207.                                                             DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v36i1.16                                                      &nbsp

    The effect of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues on the preservation of ovarian function against cyclophosphamide-induced damage in adult mice

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    Objective: To assess the effect of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue (GnRHa) on the preservation of ovarian function against cyclophosphamide-induced gonadal toxicity. Materials and Methods: In a controlled, experimental study, 64 female mice were divided into four groups: control (C), triptorelin acetate (T), cyclophosphamide (CY), and triptorelin plus cyclophosphamide (T+CY) groups. Mice in the group (T) were subcutaneously injected with GnRHa (triptorelin acetate) in a dose of 0.5 mg/kg daily for 21 days. In contrast, mice in the (CY) group and (T+CY) group were injected intraperitoneally with 75 mg/kg of CY on day 15. After 21 days, half of the mice in each group were sacrificed, and their ovaries were removed. The rest of the mice in each group were left without any intervention for an additional 21 days, and the same procedures were repeated to assess the ovarian follicles. Results: There was significant depletion of ovarian follicles in the CY group compared to the control group (p<0.05). There were significant decreases in the number of secondary and antral follicles at late stage as compared to early stage in the CY group (p<0.05). There was also a significant increase in the number of primordial and primary follicles in the T+CY group as compared with the CY group early post-treatment, while the increase was significant in all follicles after 42 days (p<0.05). Conclusion: Cyclophosphamide destroys primordial and primary follicles at an early stage while damage in secondary and antral follicles was prominent after 42 days. Triptorelin acetate reduces the toxic effect of CY; it has early and late protective effects and preserves ovarian function in mice

    Study of antibacterial activity and cytotoxicity of the bioactive compound of Bacillus megaterium L2 strains isolated from the oral cavity of hospital workers and visitors at Dental Health Centre, Babylon, Iraq

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    Because of the resistance of pathogenic bacteria to antibiotics, there is an urgent necessity to search for new antibiotics produced by Bacillus spp., which are characterized by their capability to produce secondary metabolites with high efficacy against numerous types of pathogenic bacteria. A total of 40 Bacillus isolates were isolated from the mouths of 150 volunteers from the Dental Health Center in Babylon and diagnosed based on phenotypic characteristics and biochemical and physiological reaction tests with a colorimetric reagent card using the VITEK2 analyzer. The active compounds were extracted from Bacillus megaterium L2 and their antibacterial activity was tested against a group of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. The Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of the extract was estimated, whereas 16 isolates showed high effectiveness against pathogenic bacteria, with the zone of inhibition ranging from 8-22 mm and the MIC ranging from 0.25–6.25 mg/ml. The active compounds were extracted, purified, and detected by Thin-layer chromatography (TLC), Infrared (IR) spectroscopy, and Ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy. The  cytotoxic activity of the extracts was studied using the MCF7 cell line. This showed that cytotoxicity effects on valid object count, nuclear morphology, and total nuclear intensity ranged from 17.245-441.24 and the cytotoxic effect on cell membrane permeability, mitochondrial membrane potential, and cytochrome C ranged from 49.04-601.79 Among the isolates, Bacillus megaterium L2(B9) was the best isolated strain of bacteria that was the most effective against anti-pathogenic bacterial strains- Gram positive (Staphylococcus pyogenes NCTC 8198 and St. aureus ATCC 29213) and gram negative (Pseudomonas aeruginosa RW109, Escherichia  coli O157, and Salmonella typhi Ty2) and was non-toxic to human cells (MCF7)

    Genetic and morphological identification of some crabs from the Gulf of Suez, Northern Red Sea, Egypt

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    AbstractMost crab species inhabiting the Red Sea have not been characterized morphologically and genetically. In the current work, five different crab species were collected from the northern part of the Egyptian Red Sea. They were morphologically identified through description of colors, dentations of the carapace and shapes of chelipeds and pereiopods. They were also genetically characterized by the partial sequencing of the barcode region in the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene, which is known to be hypervariable among different crab species. Morphological and genetic characterization identified the crab species as: Charybdis (Charybdis) hellerii (A. Milne-Edwards, 1867), Charybdis (Charybdis) natator (Herbst, 1794), Portunus (Portunus) pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1758), Liocarcinus corrugatus (Pennant, 1777), and Atergatis roseus (Rüppell, 1830). This is the first record of L. corrugatus in the Egyptian Red Sea, despite being previously recorded in the Indian and Atlantic Ocean as well as in the Mediterranean Sea. DNA barcoding with precise morphological identification was effective in characterizing the crab species collected from the Egyptian Red Sea water

    The Aesthetic Concepts of Drawing on Rocks in Contemporary Iraqi Art

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    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; تناول البحث الموسوم: (جمالية الرسم على الصخور في الفن العراقي المعاصر), وقد حوى أربعة فصول: اختص الفصل الأول منه بالإطار المنهجي للبحث ممثّلاً: بمشكلة البحث التي, يمكن تلخيصها:ماهي جمالية الرسم على الصخور؟ واحتوى على هدف البحث: تعرف جمالية الرسم على الصخور في الفن العراقي المعاصر. واقتصرت حدود البحث على دراسة الرسم على الصخور وتحليل نماذج من الرسم العراقي المعاصر، باعتماد المنهج الوصفي بأسلوب التحليل في الطرح النظري الفكري والمعرفي في تحليل عيّنات البحث.أمّا الفصل الثاني فقد حوى مبحثان، تناول الأول(جمالية البيئة)0اما الثاني فتناول: (جمالية البيئة وأثرها على الفنان), اما الفصل الثالث فقد تضمن الإجراءات التي تتعلق بمجتمع البحث وعينة ومنهجية&nbsp; البحث, ومن ثم تحليل العينة التي بلغت (أربعة) نماذج0 وقد تضمن الفصل الرابع نتائج البحث واستنتاجاته فضلا عن التوصيات والمقترحات, ومن ابرز النتائج التي توصلت إليها الباحثتان:-1. يستوحي الفنانين من طبيعة الصخور وملامس الحجارة التي يعملون عليها تأثيرات تستلهم العلاقة الأصيلة بين الإنسان والحجارة وعالم الكهوف المعتمة وتضاريسها لإبداع صور وخيالات تحيل المتلقي الى علاقات أصيلة وأجواء بدائية وفطرية موغلة في القدم كما في جميع النماذج.The study dealt with the following topics: (aesthetic drawing on the rocks in contemporary Iraqi art), and it contains four chapters: The first chapter is separated by the methodological framework of the research representative: the problem of research, which can be summarized: What is aesthetic drawing on the rocks? The research limits were limited to the study of drawing on rocks and the analysis of models of contemporary Iraqi painting, by adopting the descriptive method in the method of analysis in the theoretical and cognitive thesis in the analysis of the research samples. The second chapter deals with the aesthetic of the environment and its effect on the artist. The third chapter included the procedures related to the research society and the sample and methodology of the research, and then the analysis of the sample which reached (four) models. Research and conclusions preferred The most important findings of the two researchers: -1. Inspire artists from the nature of rocks and touch stones, which work on the effects inspired by the inherent relationship between man and stones and the world of dark caves and their terrain to create images and images that transmit the recipient to the original relationships and primitive atmosphere and pervasive foot As in all models

    The Influence of Intellectual Transformations in Romantic Art

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    يتضمن البحث الحالي (تأثير التحولات الفكرية في الفن الرومانتيكي). التحولات الفكرية في المنجز البصري للفن الرومانتيكي ودور تلك التحولات في توجيه آليات الاشتغال في رسوم واعمال الفن الرومانسي, ويتكون هذا البحث من أربعة فصول تضمن الفصل الأول تحديد مشكلة البحث والتي تتضح من خلال التساؤلات الآتية والتي تعد إشكاليات حقيقية تستدعي الدراسة هل هناك تأثير للتحولات الفكرية وهل عالج الفنان الرومانسي ذاك التأثير بأعماله الفنية؟. وما مدى فاعلية التحولات والعوامل والاسس التي تطال بنية الرسم الرومانسي؟.يهدف البحث الحالي إلى: تعّرف تأثير التحولات الفكرية في الفن الرومانتيكي أما حدود البحث التي تضمنها الفصل الأول, فقد اقتصرت على دراسة رسوم فناني الرومانتيكية , للأعمال المنجزة في فرنسا للمدة (1795-1840) وأما&nbsp; الفصل الثاني فقد تضمن الإطار النظري، وضم الإطار النظري مبحثين، استعرض المبحث الأول: الطروحات والنظريات والعوامل التي أثرت في الفن فدرس تحرير الفن والفنان. والنقد الفني ودوره الفعال في تغير مفاهيم المدرسة الرومانتيكية. والارآء الفلسفية والأدبية ودورها الفعال في تغير مجرى الفن. وتناول المبحث الثاني: العوامل والاسس المؤثرة في الرسم الرومانتيكي. وخاتمة الإطار النظري بمناقشته واستلال المؤشرات منه للإفادة منها في تحليل العينة0أما الفصل الثالث فقد تضمن بالإجراءات التي تتعلق بمجتمع البحث&nbsp; وعينة ومنهجية&nbsp; البحث, ومن ثم تحليل العينة التي بلغت خمسة نماذج. وقد تضمن الفصل الرابع نتائج البحث واستنتاجاته فضلا عن التوصيات والمقترحات, ومن ابرز النتائج التي توصلت إليها الباحثتان: 1- مقصد الفنان&nbsp; الرومانسي ذو طابع شخصي وأسلوب خاص متميز به.2- تعتمد الرومانسية على تغليب الخيال على الواقع بمشاهد فنتازية .3-الألم والخوف والتعب في الرسم الرومانسي يؤشر ترجيح خطاب المتخيل على حساب الواقعي , والذاتي المعبأ بالأفكار والانطباعات بقصد إزاحة حجب المرئي للكشف عن تمثلات اللامرئي.4-الانطباعات الذاتية تظهر بوضوح كما في جميع نماذج العينة. ومن أهم الاستنتاجات:1- الفن الرومانسي يغلب عليه الطابع الروحي, ويسعى الى الكشف عن الروح في الهاماتها وصراعها الداخلي وآلامها. ويصور الصراع و الألم و العذاب ويكشف لنا عن الجانب المفزع من حياتنا.2-مثلت الرومانتيكية المشاعر والخيال الإنساني وسلطة الذات فغلبت العاطفة على الفكر ,والغموض على المنطق ,والانفعال&nbsp; على التحفظ&nbsp; والحرية على القوانين.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The present research includes the influence of intellectual transformations in romantic art. The transformation of intellectual into the visual achievement of romantic art and the role of these transformations in directing the mechanisms of work in the drawings and works of romantic art, and this research consists of four chapters, which includes the first chapter identify the problem of research, which is clear through the following questions, which are real problems that require study Is there an impact of intellectual transformations and The romantic artist dealt with the effect of his artistic works. How effective are the transformations, factors and foundations that affect the structure of the romantic painting? The present research aims to identify the effect of intellectual transformations in romantic art. The limits of research included in the first chapter were limited to the study of the drawings of the Romantic artists for works performed in France for the period 1795-1840. The second chapter included the theoretical framework, , Reviewed the first topic: theories, theories and factors that influenced the art and studied the editing of art and artist. Artistic criticism and its effective role in changing the concepts of the Romantic school. The philosophical and literary opinions and their effective role in changing the course of art. The second chapter deals with the factors and foundations that influence the romantic drawing. The theoretical frame was concluded by discussing and extracting the indicators from it to be used in the analysis of the sample. The third chapter included the procedures related to the research society and the sample and methodology of the research. And conclusions as well as recommendations and proposals, and the most prominent results reached by the two researchers: 1 - the destination of the romantic artist with a personal character and special style distinctive 2. - Romance depends on the superiority of the imagination on the reality scenes Fantasia 3. - pain and fear and fatigue in drawing 4. Man impressions indicate the weight of the imaginary speech at the expense of the real, self-packed ideas and impressions in order to remove the visual blockage to reveal the representations of the invisible. 4. Self-impressions are evident as in all models of the sample. The most important conclusions: 1. Romantic art is predominantly spiritual, Revealing the soul in its internal struggles and struggles and pains. And depicts the conflict, pain and torment and reveals to us the horrific aspect of our lives. 2. Romanticism represented feelings, human imagination and self-power. It overcame passion for thought, ambiguity over logic, and passion for reservation and freedom over laws