103 research outputs found

    Pemilihan Model Regresi Polinomial Lokal Dan Spline Untuk Analisis Data Inflasi Di Jawa Tengah

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    Inflation becomes one of important problems as parameter of economic growth and determiner factor for government in formulating fiscal, monetary and nonmonetary policy. But, these days the policies were arranged can't give the positive response to inflation pressure in the future. Therefore, the prediction of inflation rates are needed. Inflation rates are predicted by nonparametric regression approach because of the fluctuation of inflation which can't be solved by classic time series models. In this research, the best nonparametric regression models are selected between local polynomial and spline regression to predict Central Java Inflation movement in 2014. Based on analysis, the best nonparametric regression is spline order 2, knot points are 5,37; 5,44; 5,59 and 9,01 with GCV 0,4367286. By using that model, the prediction of Central Java inflation got down since October 2013 until February 2014 on level 7% and March until December 2014 on level 6%

    Correlation of Ultrasound Shear Wave Elastography with Pathological Analysis in a Xenografic Tumour Model.

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential value of ultrasound (US) shear wave elastography (SWE) in assessing the relative change in elastic modulus in colorectal adenocarcinoma xenograft models in vivo and investigate any correlation with histological analysis. We sought to test whether non-invasive evaluation of tissue stiffness is indicative of pathological tumour changes and can be used to monitor therapeutic efficacy. US-SWE was performed in tumour xenografts in 15 NCr nude immunodeficient mice, which were treated with either the cytotoxic drug, Irinotecan, or saline as control. Ten tumours were imaged 48 hours post-treatment and five tumours were imaged for up to five times after treatment. All tumours were harvested for histological analysis and comparison with elasticity measurements. Elastic (Young's) modulus prior to treatment was correlated with tumour volume (r = 0.37, p = 0.008). Irinotecan administration caused significant delay in the tumour growth (p = 0.02) when compared to control, but no significant difference in elastic modulus was detected. Histological analysis revealed a significant correlation between tumour necrosis and elastic modulus (r = -0.73, p = 0.026). SWE measurement provided complimentary information to other imaging modalities and could indicate potential changes in the mechanical properties of tumours, which in turn could be related to the stages of tumour development

    Phase formation of REBa2Cu3O7−δ (RE: Y0.5Gd0.5, Y0.5Nd0.5, Nd0.5Gd0.5) superconductors from nanopowders synthesised via co-precipitation

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    Phase formation of REBa2Cu3O7−δ (RE: Y0.5Gd0.5, Y0.5Nd0.5, Nd0.5Gd0.5) superconductors synthesised via co-precipitation (COP) method were investigated by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. All samples showed identical thermal decomposition behaviour from the thermogram in which 5 major weight losses were observed. However, XRD of the samples at different heat treatment temperatures showed different diffraction patterns indicating different thermolytic processes. Meanwhile, transmission electron microscopy and surface area analysis revealed that the powders obtained from COP have particle sizes ranging from 7 to 12 nm with relatively large surface area. Molar ratios of prepared samples obtained were near to the theoretical values as confirmed by elemental analyses using X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The TC(R=0) for sintered YGd, YNd and NdGd were 87 K, 86 K and 90 K, respectively. Surface morphological study via scanning electron microscope showed the structures of samples were dense and non porous

    Dermatological patients with itch report more stress, stigmatization experience, anxiety and depression compared to patients without itch: Results from a European multi‐centre study

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    Background: Itch as the most common symptom in dermatology has been shown to be related to psychological factors such as stress, anxiety and depression. Moreover, associations were found between perceived stigmatization and itch. However, studies investigating the differences between patients with dermatoses with and without itch regarding perceived stress, stigmatization, anxiety and depression are missing. Therefore, one of the aims of the second study of the European Society for Dermatology and Psychiatry (ESDaP study II) was to investigate these relationships in a large cohort of patients with different itchy dermatoses. Results: 3399 patients with 14 different itchy dermatoses were recruited at 22 centres in 17 European countries. They filled in questionnaires to assess perceived stigmatization, stress, signs of clinically relevant anxiety or depression, itch‐related quality of life, the overall health status, itch duration, frequency and intensity. The most significant association between the severity of itching and the perception of stress was observed among individuals with rosacea (correlation coefficient r = 0.314). Similarly, the strongest links between itch intensity and experiences of stigmatization, anxiety, and depression were found in patients with seborrheic dermatitis (correlation coefficients r = 0.317, r = 0.356, and r = 0.400, respectively). Utilizing a stepwise linear regression analysis, it was determined that within the entire patient cohort, 9.3% of the variation in itch intensity could be accounted for by factors including gender, levels of anxiety, depression, and perceived stigmatization. Females and individuals with elevated anxiety, depression, and perceived stigmatization scores reported more pronounced itch intensities compared to those with contrary attributes. Conclusion: This study underscores the connection between experiencing itch and its intensity and the psychological strain it places on individuals. Consequently, psychological interventions should encompass both addressing the itch itself and the interconnected psychological factors. In specific cases, it becomes imperative for dermatologists to direct individuals towards suitable healthcare resources to undergo further psychological assessment

    Evaluation of 41 Cases in Term of Inversion 9: Case Reports

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    Human chromosome 9 with a pericentric inversion involving the qh region is considered normal. It has probably evolved through breakage and reunion and is retained through mendelian inheritance without any apparent phenotypic consequences. The incidence is reported to be about 1% to 1.65% in the general population. Despite being categorized as a minor chromosomal rearrangement, which does not correlate with abnormal phenotypes, many reports in the literature raised conflicting views regarding the association with subfertility and recurrent abortions, abnormal clinical conditions, as well as chromosomal abnormalities due to the possession of this inversion. We studied the incidence and clinical significance of 41 (1.42%) cases with inv(9) retrospectively from 2876 peripheral blood karyotypes collected over a 6-year period in the Department of Medical Biology and Genetic, Medical Faculty, Fırat University. The significance of the inv(9) and the genetic counseling process was discussed in view of the literature