368 research outputs found

    Kalimat Penegasan Pada Teks Terjemahan Al Quran Surat Al Ahzab

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    Teks terjemahan Al Quran tidak lepas dari paragraf atau kalimat di dalamnya. Sebuah judul juga harus baik dan kreatif agar mampu menarik minat pembaca untuk membaca informasinya secara lebih lanjut, inilah yang menarik untuk diteliti dan dikembangkan dalam kajian linguistik. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu (1) Mendeskripsikan penanda kalimat penegasan pada teks terjemahan Al Quran surat Al Ahzab. (2) Memaparkan topik-topik yang ditegaskan pada teks terjemahan Al Quran surat Al Ahzab. (3) Memaparkan hubungan antarayat yang memiliki topik yang sama pada teks terjemahan Al Quran surat Al Ahzab. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah kalimat penegasan pada teks terjemahan Al Quran surat Al Ahzab yaitu, penanda kalimat penegasan, topik-topik yang ditegaskan serta hubungan antar ayat yang memiliki topik yang sama. Penyediaan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode simak menggunakan teknik dasar yang berwujud teknik catat. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode padan intralingual dengan teknik dasar berupa teknik Pilah Unsur Penentu (PUP). Penyajian hasil analisis menggunakan metode penyajian informal. Hasil analisis penelitian ini terdapat (55 data). (1) penanda penegasan partikel : yang, lah- yang dan pun- lah, kontras makna, pemindahan unsur : predikat dan keterangan, bentuk pasif. (2) Topik yang ditegaskan Nabi dan rasulullah sebagai suri tauladan, orang kafir tidak akan selamat, Allah sebagai pemberi rahmat dan pelindung, Orang yang bersekutu atau orang munafik yang berhianat, orang mukmin atau orang beriman yang membela dan menjaga takwanya kepada Allah, himbauan Allah kepada istri nabi, pentingnya berdzikir kepada Allah, kewajiban orang mukmin memelihara kehormatannya, karunia yang diberikan Allah kepada manusia, tata cara memilih istri, anjuran berjilbab bagi perempuan, hari bangkitnya manusia dan hari pembalasan, kehidupan kaum yasrib, kehendak dan takdir Allah tidak bisa diubah, tidak dapat menghindar dari kematian, izin memasuki rumah nabi, larangan menikahi perempuan yang sudah dicerai dan larangan berhias seperti wanita jahiliyah. (3) Hubungan antarayat yang topiknya sama bersifat sebab akibat, saling melengkapi, urutan, penambahan dan kontras makna

    Kontribusi Peran Guru, Budaya Sekolah, dan Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah terhadap Kualitas Pembelajaran di SMA Negeri 2 Sragen

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    Ely Tri Hartanti, Q 100 160 075, "The Contribution of Teachers' Roles, School Culture, and Principal Leadership to Quality of Learning in SMA Negeri 2 Sragen." Master of Education Management, Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta. 2018. This study aims to: 1) know the amount of positive contribution and significant role of teachers to the quality of learning in SMAN 2 Sragen. 2) know the amount of positive and significant contribution of school culture to the quality of learning in SMAN 2 Sragen. 3) know the amount of positive and significant contribution of headmaster leadership to the quality of learning in SMAN 2 Sragen. 4) know the magnitude of positive contribution and significant role of teachers, school culture, and leadership of the principal to the quality of learning of SMAN 2 Sragen. This research is a quantitative research with explanative technique. The population is Public Senior High School 2 Sragen students as many as 973 students with a sample of 100 respondents and the sampling technique uses proportional stratified random.. Data collection techniques used questionnaires to collect data on teacher role variables, school culture, principal leadership, and learning quality. Data analysis techniques used simultaneous statistical analysis with F test and partially using t test. The results showed: 1) there is a positive and significant contribution of teacher to the quality of learning in Public Senior High School 2 Sragen by 22.65%, 2) there is a positive and significant contribution of school culture to the quality of learning in Public Senior High School 2 Sragen by 23.31%, 3) there is a positive and significant contribution of headmaster leadership to the quality of learning in Public Senior High School 2 Sragen by 20.66%, 4) there is a positive and significant contribution of teacher role, school culture, and principal leadership to the quality of learning in Public Senior High School 2 Sragen 23.8%. Keywords: teacher role, school culture, principal leadership, quality of learnin

    Functional Social Support Moderates Stress on Depression in Individuals with CID during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Two-Wave Study.

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    Depression is a common psychological experience for those living with a chronic illness and disease (CID). Social support (SS) can influence psychological health by regulating emotional functioning. The functional domain of SS refers to supportive exchange, including the emotional and instrumental functions. Public health measures during the COVID-19 pandemic include social distancing and isolation, which have impacted functional aspects of SS. The health risks of being isolated are comparable to the risks linked to obesity, blood pressure, and cigarette smoking. PURPOSE: To investigate the moderating effect of functional SS on the stress-depression relationship on individuals with CID during the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: Two waves of data were collected from a US sample: Apr. ’20: N = 321; Jun. ’20: N = 238. Participants completed the Patient Health Questionnaire–9 (depression symptoms), the Medical Outcomes Study–Social Support Survey–8 (perceived social support), and the Perceived Stress Scale–10 (perceived stress). For each wave of data, social support was entered as a moderator of the stress-depression relationship via multiple regression. RESULTS: The moderation models were estimated separately by wave. In the first wave, there was a negative but nonsignificant moderating effect (b = -0.19, p = .10) of social support on the stress-depression relationship (R2 = 51). In the second wave, the moderating relationship of social support doubled in magnitude (b = -0.30, p = .03, R2 = .57). During the COVID pandemic, functional social support weakened the association between stress and depression. CONCLUSION: Given the increased risk for social isolation and negative social exchange among people with CID during the COVID-19 pandemic, practitioners in rehabilitation psychology need to be informed about the potential implications of a lack of SS for the psychological health of the CID clients they work with. Drawing from the stress-buffering model and Lazarus et al.’s stress and coping theory (Lazarus, 1966; Lazarus & Folkman, 1984), our findings indicate that increased levels of perceived support can reduce the effects of stress on depression during the pandemic by contributing to fewer negative appraisals. Interventions targeting the particular functions of emotional (e.g., opportunities for emotional expression and venting) and instrumental (e.g., material aid) support could have immediate implications for facilitating rehabilitation outcomes (e.g., quality of life, interpersonal functioning, psychiatric symptomatology) during this public health crisis

    Family physicians' information seeking behaviors: A survey comparison with other specialties

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    BACKGROUND: Using technology to access clinical information has become a critical skill for family physicians. The aims of this study were to assess the way family physicians use the Internet to look for clinical information and how their patterns vary from those of specialists. Further, we sought a better understanding of how family physicians used just-in-time information in clinical practice. METHODS: A fax survey was provided with 17 items. The survey instrument, adapted from two previous studies, was sent to community-based physicians. The questions measured frequency of use and importance of the Internet, palm computers, Internet CME, and email for information seeking and CME. Barriers to use were explored. Demographic data was gathered concerning gender, years since medical school graduation, practice location, practice type, and practice specialty. RESULTS: Family physicians found the Internet to be useful and important as an information source. They were more likely to search for patient oriented material than were specialists who more often searched literature, journals and corresponded with colleagues. Hand held computers were used by almost half of family physicians. CONCLUSION: Family physicians consider the Internet important to the practice of medicine, and the majority use it regularly. Their searches differ from colleagues in other specialties with a focus on direct patient care questions. Almost half of family physicians use hand held computers, most often for drug reference

    Bowel associated dermatosis – arthritis syndrome: a case report

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    We report a rare case of Bowel Associated Dermatosis – Arthritis Syndrome in a young patient with complex Crohn's disease who presented with fever, arthritis, rash and worsening of diarrhea with abdominal pain, who promptly responded to a short course of steroids

    Barriers to effective discharge planning: a qualitative study investigating the perspectives of frontline healthcare professionals

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Studies have shown that effective discharge planning is one of the key factors related to the quality of inpatient care and unnecessary hospital readmission. The perception and understanding of hospital discharge by health professionals is important in developing effective discharge planning. The aims of this present study were to explore the perceived quality of current hospital discharge from the perspective of health service providers and to identify barriers to effective discharge planning in Hong Kong.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Focus groups interviews were conducted with different healthcare professionals who were currently responsible for coordinating the discharge planning process in the public hospitals. The discussion covered three main areas: current practice on hospital discharge, barriers to effective hospital discharge, and suggested structures and process for an effective discharge planning system.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Participants highlighted that there was no standardized hospital-wide discharge planning and policy-driven approach in public health sector in Hong Kong. Potential barriers included lack of standardized policy-driven discharge planning program, and lack of communication and coordination among different health service providers and patients in both acute and sub-acute care provisions which were identified as mainly systemic issues. Improving the quality of hospital discharge was suggested, including a multidisciplinary approach with clearly identified roles among healthcare professionals. Enhancement of health professionals' communication skills and knowledge of patient psychosocial needs were also suggested.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>A systematic approach to develop the structure and key processes of the discharge planning system is critical in ensuring the quality of care and maximizing organization effectiveness. In this study, important views on barriers experienced in hospital discharge were provided. Suggestions for building a comprehensive, system-wide, and policy-driven discharge planning process with clearly identified staff roles were raised. Communication and coordination across various healthcare parties and provisions were also suggested to be a key focus.</p
