6 research outputs found

    The Relationship between Students' Mimetic Approaches and Learning Styles in Architectural Design Education

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    Architects' attitudes most likely get from the common values obtained during their education and these values are acquired within the period of architectural education i.e., from the first year to the last year. In this sense, design problems are mostly defined with the help of mimetics and it is believed that thinking through mimetics enables the student to explain and understand an unknown situation relative to a familiar situation. So, believing that each student in the design studio uses certain language codes and develops them with knowledge, in this paper the design preferences of four architecture students at three different stages of their education are cross-sectionally analysed using the method called "Metaphorical Reasoning: Context and Depth" and the design approaches of each student are revealed. As shown in this study, some students have an excellent ability to use abstract concepts and have been able to switch between resources (between-domain sources and within-domain sources) very boldly. In the process, the accumulation of knowledge and education changed their mimetic behaviour, and the abstract concepts of some novices became more complex as their education progressed. On the other hand, some other novices who took tangible design approaches remained almost unchanged until the end. Considering that these different mimetic approaches of students are related to their learning styles, Kolb's Learning Style Inventory (LSI) method was used and learning styles of four students were revealed. The learning styles of the students obtained by Kolb's Learning Style Inventory (LSI) method support all the findings

    Urban Public Streets in the Collective Memory: A Case Study Of Uray Street In Mersin

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    Streets are public spaces that constitute the transportation network of cities, not only as a means of transportation, but also in the spaces they host, which have an important place in the daily life of individuals. It is affected by the social, social and economic transformations and changes we live in, in public spaces, which are an important part of cities, as well as cities. This situation causes the continuity of the urban memory to weaken and even to disappear over time. Collective memory, which has a strong connection with the physical structure of cities and the formation of their identity, is the reading of the signs and symbolic meanings of the physical environment in the cognitive structure of society with social, historical and psychological components. Cities, which are rapidly changing and transforming with new technological and economic advances, are gradually moving away from their own past and losing their identities. With its 'modern' spaces, which are standardized in terms of living spaces and, more accurately, monotonous, the city also destroys and weakens the bond it establishes with its inhabitants. This situation causes the city to lose its memory. This study investigates the changing and transforming position of Uray Street, which has been an important street since the first establishment of Mersin, a port city in the south of Turkey, in the city's memory. For this purpose, in-depth face-to-face interviews were conducted with individuals in different age groups using Uray Street. The memories of Uray street were questioned by interviewing the users of long-term memory places in the area, and the changes that took place in the Uray street were questioned from the eyes of the owners of these places. The obtained memory data were evaluated and the changes were tried to be determine

    Exploration of a method on architectural education through design process

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    Diğer disiplinlerden farklı olarak mimarlık eğitimi ile bu eğtimin temelini oluşturan mimari tasarım sürecinde bireye kaynağını insan yaratıcılığından alan `tasarım' kavramı üzerine yoğunlaşan `Mimari Tasarım Yapabilme' yeteneğinin kazandırılması amaçlanmaktadır. Dolayısıyla tez, mimari tasarım eğitiminde rol alan üç temel olgu üzerinde kurgulanmıştır. KİŞİ-SÜREÇ-ÜRÜN ile ifade edilen bu olgu ile KİŞİ, Kolb'un Deneyimsel Öğrenme Teorisine göre analiz edilmiş ve bireyin öğrenme biçimi belirlenmiş, SÜREÇ, O'Neill ve Shallcross'un Beş Aşamalı Duyarlıklı Düşünce Modeli ile incelenmiş, ÜRÜN ise bu tasarım süreci sonunda elde edilen tasarım ürünün yaratıcı niteliği sorgulanmıştır. Mimarlık Bölümü lisans ilk yıl lisans öğrencileri ile başlayan bu çalışma, aynı bireylerin ikinci sınıftaki süreçlerinin de izlenmesi ile son bulmaktadır. Mimari tasarım eğitiminde verilen ilk yıl lisans eğitiminde amaçlanan, sorgulayan eleştirel düşünme becerisine sahip, üç boyutlu düşünebilme, algılama ve ürettiği düşünceyi somutlaştırabilme becerisine sahip bireyler yetiştirmektir. Tasarım eğitimi ile birlikte bu bireylere, `tasarlama eyleminin nasıl öğrenileceğini öğretmek' ise tasarım stüdyolarında gerçekleşmektedir. Bu çalışmada tasarım sürecini yaratıcı problem çözme eylemi olarak ele alan bir yaklaşımla farklı öğrenme biçimlerine sahip bireylerin tasarım stüdyolarındaki farklı müfredatlardaki tasarım süreci tavırları incelenmiş ve bu tavırların süreç sonunda elde edilen ürün ile ilişkisi olup olmadığına bakılmıştır. Aynı bireylerin mimari tasarım eğitiminin hem birinci sınıf hem de ikinci sınıftaki tasarım süreci davranışları incelenmiştir. Bireyin İkinci sınıftaki tasarım süreci davranışı ise Beş Aşamalı Duyarlıklı Düşünce Modeline göre analiz edilmiştir. Araştırma sonunda elde edilen bulgulara göre, bireyin tercih ettiği öğrenme biçimi ile tasarım süreci tavırları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki bulunmuştur. Tasarım süreci ürün arasındaki ilişkiye bakıldığında ise, farklı tasarım süreci tavırları gösteren bireylerin aynı nitelikte tasarım ürünü elde edebildiği ve aynı zamanda aynı tasarım süreci tavırları sergileyenlerinde farklı tasarım ürünü elde edebildikleri görülmektedir.Different from other educations at the architectural education with the basis of architectural design process; focused on the `design? concept which aimed to the student to gain the ability of `Making Architectural Design?. This study is based upon the analysis of 3 factors; PERSON-PROCESS-PRODUCT. In the analysis of the `PERSON?, this research is aimed to look for the ability factors and personal aptitudes of student designers according to Kolb?s (1984) Experiential Learning Theory (ELT). On the other hand the design `PROCESS? is examined with the `Five Stages of the Sensational Thinking Model? of O?Neill and Shallcross (5R) and the `PRODUCT? is assessed with sucess performance of the student designer at the end of the design process. A research was conducted tı evaluate the releationships and correleations between `PERSON-PROCESS-PRODUCT? at two different University, in the department of Architecture. Implemented in the second year design studio, the participants of the research were observed their behaviors through 14 weeks. The product which was gained at the end of rhe design process of 14 weeks, were assessed by their design instructors. At the end of this research it was found that according to Kolb?s Experiential Learning Theory as much as the converging and th accomodating learner, there are also assimilating learners, too, through second year architectural students. And it was also observed that the person who has specific learning style behave differently from the other persons who has different learning style through the design process at 14 weeks. Especially the research is tend to investigate the definition of `successful? and `unsuccessful? student designers also specify the behaviors of these successful design students through design process and the effects of the factors that makes them successful. Consequently, at the end of this research it was found that the converging learners are more successful than the other learners and `successful student designer? has a specific properties like they make well design researches at the beginning of the design problem, they can understand the design problem, they can take risks

    9th International Congress on Psychopharmacology & 5th International Symposium on Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology

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