109 research outputs found

    Bifurcation analysis of rotating axially compressed imperfect nano-rod

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    Static stability problem for axially compressed rotating nano-rod clamped at one and free at the other end is analyzed by the use of bifurcation theory. It is obtained that the pitchfork bifurcation may be either super- or sub-critical. Considering the imperfections in rod's shape and loading, it is proved that they constitute the two-parameter universal unfolding of the problem. Numerical analysis also revealed that for non-locality parameters having higher value than the critical one interaction curves have two branches, so that for a single critical value of angular velocity there exist two critical values of horizontal force

    Identification of Candidate Genes and Genomic Regions Associated with Adult Plant Resistance to Stripe Rust in Spring Wheat

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    Wheat stripe rust (caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) is a major disease that damages wheat plants and affects wheat yield all over the world. In recent years, stripe rust became a major problem that affects wheat yield in Egypt. New races appeared and caused breakdowns in the resistant genotypes. To improve resistance in the Egyptian genotypes, new sources of resistance are urgently needed. In the recent research, a set of 95 wheat genotypes collected from 19 countries, including Egypt, were evaluated for their resistance against the Egyptian race(s) of stripe rust under field conditions in the two growing seasons 2018/2019 and 2019/2020. A high genetic variation was found among the tested genotypes. Single marker analysis was conducted using a subset of 71 genotypes and 424 diversity array technology (DArT) markers, well distributed across the genome. Out of the tested markers, 13 stable markers were identified that were significantly associated with resistance in both years (p-value ≤ 0.05). By using the sequence of the DArT markers, the chromosomal position of the significant DArT markers was detected, and nearby gene models were identified. Two markers on chromosomes 5A and 5B were found to be located within gene models functionally annotated with disease resistance in plants. These two markers could be used in markerassisted selection for stripe rust resistance under Egyptian conditions. Two German genotypes were carrying the targeted allele of all the significant DArT markers associated with stripe rust resistance and could be used to improve resistance under Egyptian conditions

    Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of F3:6 Nebraska Winter Wheat Genotypes Using Genotyping-By-Sequencing

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    The availability of information on the genetic diversity and population structure in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) breeding lines will help wheat breeders to better use their genetic resources and manage genetic variation in their breeding program. The recent advances in sequencing technology provide the opportunity to identify tens or hundreds of thousands of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) in large genome species (e.g., wheat). These SNPs can be utilized for understanding genetic diversity and performing genome wide association studies (GWAS) for complex traits. In this study, the genetic diversity and population structure were investigated in a set of 230 genotypes (F3:6) derived from various crosses as a prerequisite for GWAS and genomic selection. Genotyping-by-sequencing provided 25,566 high-quality SNPs. The polymorphism information content (PIC) across chromosomes ranged from 0.09 to 0.37 with an average of 0.23. The distribution of SNPs markers on the 21 chromosomes ranged from 319 on chromosome 3D to 2,370 on chromosome 3B. The analysis of population structure revealed three subpopulations (G1, G2, and G3). Analysis of molecular variance identified 8% variance among and 92% within subpopulations. Of the three subpopulations, G2 had the highest level of genetic diversity based on three genetic diversity indices: Shannon’s information index (I) = 0.494, diversity index (h) = 0.328 and unbiased diversity index (uh) = 0.331, while G3 had lowest level of genetic diversity (I = 0.348, h = 0.226 and uh = 0.236). This high genetic diversity identified among the subpopulations can be used to develop new wheat cultivars

    GWAS revealed effect of genotype Ă— environment interactions for grain yield of Nebraska winter wheat

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    Background: Improving grain yield in cereals especially in wheat is a main objective for plant breeders. One of the main constrains for improving this trait is the G × E interaction (GEI) which affects the performance of wheat genotypes in different environments. Selecting high yielding genotypes that can be used for a target set of environments is needed. Phenotypic selection can be misleading due to the environmental conditions. Incorporating information from phenotypic and genomic analyses can be useful in selecting the higher yielding genotypes for a group of environments. Results: A set of 270 F3:6 wheat genotypes in the Nebraska winter wheat breeding program was tested for grain yield in nine environments. High genetic variation for grain yield was found among the genotypes. G × E interaction was also highly significant. The highest yielding genotype differed in each environment. The correlation for grain yield among the nine environments was low (0 to 0.43). Genome-wide association study revealed 70 marker traits association (MTAs) associated with increased grain yield. The analysis of linkage disequilibrium revealed 16 genomic regions with a highly significant linkage disequilibrium (LD). The candidate parents’ genotypes for improving grain yield in a group of environments were selected based on three criteria; number of alleles associated with increased grain yield in each selected genotype, genetic distance among the selected genotypes, and number of different alleles between each two selected parents. Conclusion: Although G × E interaction was present, the advances in DNA technology provided very useful tools and analyzes. Such features helped to genetically select the highest yielding genotypes that can be used to cross grain production in a group of environments

    Irrigation Practices and Their Effects on Soil Quality and Soil Characteristics in Arid Lands: A Comprehensive Geomatic Analysis

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    Comprehension of the long-term effects of irrigation on basic soil characteristics and quality is essential for sustainable land management and agricultural production, particularly in arid regions where water availability is limited. This study aimed to investigate long-term irrigation effects on soil quality, soil organic carbon (SOC), and nitrogen (N) stocks in the arid lands of Egypt. Seventy soil samples were collected and analyzed to determine various soil properties. A soil quality index (SQI), SOC, and N stocks were computed. ANOVA and PCA analyses were used to identify signifiant differences between alluvial soils in the southwest part of the investigated area and coastal marine soils in the northeast of the study area. The results demonstrated that most of the studied soil parameters had signifiantly greater values in alluvial compared to coastal marine soils. Long-term irrigation led to an 8.00% increase in SOC and 7.22% increase in N stocks compared to coastal marine soils production. Furthermore, a 39.53% increase was found in the SQI upon longterm irrigation practice. These results suggest that shifting from rain-fed in coastal marine areas to irrigated production systems in alluvial filds can improve soil quality, SOC, and N stocks. Therefore, further studies are required to investigate the impact of additional factors, such as irrigation method and salinity status of sub-surface soil layers, to enhance agricultural productivity and sustainable land use

    A detailed hydrothermal investigation of a helical micro double-tube heat exchanger for a wide range of helix pitch length

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    The present study was numerically inquired the heat transfer performance and fluid flow characteristic of a helical micro double-tube heat exchanger (HMDTHX) using the finite volume method. The tube length was considered to be constantly equal to 30 mm, and 12 different configurations were modeled by changing in turn number and pitch length (P) for Reynolds numbers of 50, 100, 150, and 200. The findings indicated that the heat transfer would enhance by applying any helix angle in the straight tube. However, it had an optimum point which varied by Reynolds number (Re). Rising Re caused overall heat transfer coefficient (OHTC), pressure drop, and pumping power augment for all cases. Increasing P in overall reduced OHTC, pressure drop, and pumping power which had different maximum points between P = 0.5 to 3. Maximum overall heat transfer coefficient (OHTC) enhancement was equal to 45% for Re = 200 and P = 2. Also, maximum effectiveness was 11.5% for P = 2 and Re = 200. Moreover, a 42% maximum increment was achieved for pressure drop, pumping power, and friction factor at Re = 200 and P = 2. Shear stress for Re = 100 to 200 showed that the values are almost the same for P = 0.5 and 1. Then by increasing P, the shear stress decreases. While, for Re = 50, a maximum is seen at P = 2. The temperature distribution was indicated that the maximum temperature of the straight tube and helical tube are the same, but the difference is in the average temperature, which was 3.2 K between straight and helical tubes. Finally, by investigating the velocity contour, it was determined that a secondary flow through the HMDTHX, affected by centrifugal force, was existed, enhancing the fluid flow turbulency and heat transfer rate

    Dihydrophenazine:a multifunctional new weapon that kills multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii and restores carbapenem and oxidative stress susceptibilities

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    AimsThe current work aims to fully characterize a new antimicrobial agent against Acinetobacter baumannii, which continues to represent a growing threat to healthcare settings worldwide. With minimal treatment options due to the extensive spread of resistance to almost all the available antimicrobials, the hunt for new antimicrobial agents is a high priority. Methods and resultsAn Egyptian soil-derived bacterium strain NHM-077B proved to be a promising source for a new antimicrobial agent. Bioguided fractionation of the culture supernatants of NHM-077B followed by chemical structure elucidation identified the active antimicrobial agent as 1-hydroxy phenazine. Chemical synthesis yielded more derivatives, including dihydrophenazine (DHP), which proved to be the most potent against A. baumannii, yet it exhibited a safe cytotoxicity profile against human skin fibroblasts. Proteomics analysis of the cells treated with DHP revealed multiple proteins with altered expression that could be correlated to the observed phenotypes and potential mechanism of the antimicrobial action of DHP. DHP is a multi-pronged agent that affects membrane integrity, increases susceptibility to oxidative stress, interferes with amino acids/protein synthesis, and modulates virulence-related proteins. Interestingly, DHP in sub-inhibitory concentrations resensitizes the highly virulent carbapenem-resistant A. baumannii strain AB5075 to carbapenems providing great hope in regaining some of the benefits of this important class of antibiotics. ConclusionsThis work underscores the potential of DHP as a promising new agent with multifunctional roles as both a classical and non-conventional antimicrobial agent that is urgently needed.<br/

    Targeted DPPC/DMPG surface-modified voriconazole lipid nanoparticles control invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in immunocompromised population: in-vitro and in-vivo assessment

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    Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA) is the most devastating Aspergillus-related lung disease. Voriconazole (VRZ) is the first-line treatment against IPA. Despite availability in oral and parenteral dosage forms, risks of systemic toxicity dictate alternative pulmonary administration. Inspired by natural lung surfactants, dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine/dimyristoylphosphatidylglycerol (DPPC/DMPG) surface-modified lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) were scrutinized for pulmonary administration. DPPC/DMPG-VRZ-LNPs prepared using ultrasonication/thin film hydration were investigated for colloidal properties over 3-month shelf storage. They were stable with a slight change in entrapment efficiency. They provided a sustained VRZ release over 24 h, with a rapid initial release. In vitro aerosolization indicated higher percentages of VRZ deposited on stages corresponding to secondary bronchi and alveolar ducts. Moreover, intrapulmonary administration maintained high lung VRZ concentration (27 ± 1.14 µg/g) after 6 h. A preclinical study using a cyclophosphamide-induced neutropenic rat model demonstrated a 3-fold reduction in BALF-Galactomannan down to 0.515 ± 0.22 µg/L confirming DPPC/DMPG-VRZ-LNPs potential in hyphal growth inhibition. Histopathological examination of infected/nontreated lung sections exhibited dense fungal load inside alveoli and blood vessels indicating massive tissue and angio-invasiveness. Nevertheless, DPPC/DMPG-VRZ-LNPs-treated animals displayed minimal hyphae with no signs of invasiveness. The developed bioinspired nanoparticles serve as prospective bioactive nanocarrier candidates for pulmonary administration of VRZ in the management of IPA

    A high-order FEM formulation for free and forced vibration analysis of a nonlocal nonlinear graded Timoshenko nanobeam based on the weak form quadrature element method

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide a high-order finite element method (FEM) formulation of nonlocal nonlinear nonlocal graded Timoshenko based on the weak form quadrature element method (WQEM). This formulation offers the advantages and flexibility of the FEM without its limiting low-order accuracy. The nanobeam theory accounts for the von Kármán geometric nonlinearity in addition to Eringen’s nonlocal constitutive models. For the sake of generality, a nonlinear foundation is included in the formulation. The proposed formulation generates high-order derivative terms that cannot be accounted for using regular first- or second-order interpolation functions. Hamilton’s principle is used to derive the variational statement which is discretized using WQEM. The results of a WQEM free vibration study are assessed using data obtained from a similar problem solved by the differential quadrature method (DQM). The study shows that WQEM can offer the same accuracy as DQM with a reduced computational cost. Currently the literature describes a small number of high-order numerical forced vibration problems, the majority of which are limited to DQM. To obtain forced vibration solutions using WQEM, the authors propose two different methods to obtain frequency response curves. The obtained results indicate that the frequency response curves generated by either method closely match their DQM counterparts obtained from the literature, and this is despite the low mesh density used for the WQEM systems

    High repetition rate deposition of boron nitride films using femtosecond pulsed laser

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    Cubic (c-BN), and hexagonal (h-BN) boron nitride thin films are of interest in many applications and industries because of their unique mechanical, thermal and chemical properties. In this work, we investigate high repetition rate deposition of BN films using femtosecond pulsed laser deposition. Boron nitride (BN) films were deposited on silicon wafers using 800 nm, 100 fs Ti:sapphire femtosecond laser with 2.4 mJ pulse energy and high repetition rate of 1 kHz using a c-BN target. The deposited films were analyzed using transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscope (SEM), and optical profilometer. Nano-indentation tests were performed to measure the hardness of the adhered film. The results indicate the influence of the high repetition rate on the film growth, crystalline arrangement and adhesion. The experimental work is utilized to identify the process parameters that can be used in pulsed laser deposition (PLD) process to grow thick and adherent BN films
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