29 research outputs found

    The pyramidal cell in cognition: A comparative study in human and monkey

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    Here we present evidence that the pyramidal cell phenotype varies markedly in the cortex of different anthropoid species. Regional and species differences in the size of, number of bifurcations in, and spine density of the basal dendritic arbors cannot be explained by brain size. Instead, pyramidal cell morphology appears to accord with the specialized cortical function these cells perform. Cells in the prefrontal cortex of humans are more branched and more spinous than those in the temporal and occipital lobes. Moreover, cells in the prefrontal cortex of humans are more branched and more spinous than those in the prefrontal cortex of macaque and marmoset monkeys. These results suggest that highly spinous, compartmentalized, pyramidal cells (and the circuits they form) are required to perform complex cortical functions such as comprehension, perception, and planning

    Pyramidal Cells in Prefrontal Cortex of Primates: Marked Differences in Neuronal Structure Among Species

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    The most ubiquitous neuron in the cerebral cortex, the pyramidal cell, is characterized by markedly different dendritic structure among different cortical areas. The complex pyramidal cell phenotype in granular prefrontal cortex (gPFC) of higher primates endows specific biophysical properties and patterns of connectivity, which differ from those in other cortical regions. However, within the gPFC, data have been sampled from only a select few cortical areas. The gPFC of species such as human and macaque monkey includes more than 10 cortical areas. It remains unknown as to what degree pyramidal cell structure may vary among these cortical areas. Here we undertook a survey of pyramidal cells in the dorsolateral, medial, and orbital gPFC of cercopithecid primates. We found marked heterogeneity in pyramidal cell structure within and between these regions. Moreover, trends for gradients in neuronal complexity varied among species. As the structure of neurons determines their computational abilities, memory storage capacity and connectivity, we propose that these specializations in the pyramidal cell phenotype are an important determinant of species-specific executive cortical functions in primates

    Visual responses of neurons in the middle temporal area of new World Monkeys after lesions of striate cortex

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    In primates, lesions of striate cortex (V1) result in scotomas in which only rudimentary visual abilities remain. These aspects of vision that survive V1 lesions have been attributed to direct thalamic pathways to extrastriate areas, including the middle temporal area (MT). However, studies in New World monkeys and humans have questioned this interpretation, suggesting that remnants of V1 are responsible for both the activation of MT and residual vision. We studied the visual responses of neurons in area MT in New World marmoset monkeys in the weeks after lesions of V1. The extent of the scotoma in each case was estimated by mapping the receptive fields of cells located near the lesion border and by histological reconstruction. Two response types were observed among the cells located in the part of MT that corresponds, in visuotopic coordinates, to the lesioned part of V1. Many neurons (62%) had receptive fields that were displaced relative to their expected location, so that they represented the visual field immediately surrounding the scotoma. This may be a consequence of a process analogous to the reorganization of the V1 map after retinal lesions. However, another 20% of the cells had receptive fields centered inside the scotoma. Most of these neurons were strongly direction-selective, similar to normal MT cells. These results show that MT cells differ in their responses to lesioning of V1 and that only a subpopulation of MT neurons can be reasonably linked to residual vision and blindsight

    Spinogenesis and Pruning in the Anterior Ventral Inferotemporal Cortex of the Macaque Monkey: An Intracellular Injection Study of Layer III Pyramidal Cells

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    Pyramidal cells grow and mature at different rates among different cortical areas in the macaque monkey. In particular, differences across the areas have been reported in both the timing and magnitude of growth, branching, spinogenesis, and pruning in the basal dendritic trees of cells in layer III. Presently available data suggest that these different growth profiles reflect the type of functions performed by these cells in the adult brain. However, to date, studies have focused on only a relatively few cortical areas. In the present investigation we quantified the growth of the dendritic trees of layer III pyramidal cells in the anterior ventral portion of cytoarchitectonic area TE (TEav) to better comprehend developmental trends in the cerebral cortex. We quantified the growth and branching of the dendrities, and spinogenesis and pruning of spines, from post-natal day 2 (PND2) to four and a half years of age. We found that the dendritic trees increase in size from PND2 to 7 months of age and thereafter became smaller. The dendritic trees became increasingly more branched from PND2 into adulthood. There was a two-fold increase in the number of spines in the basal dendritic trees of pyramidal cells from PND2 to 3.5 months of age and then a 10% net decrease in spine number into adulthood. Thus, the growth profile of layer III pyramidal cells in the anterior ventral portion of the inferotemporal cortex differs to that in other cortical areas associated with visual processing

    Epithelial to mesenchymal transition and breast cancer

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    Epithelial-mesenchymal plasticity in breast carcinoma encompasses the phenotypic spectrum whereby epithelial carcinoma cells within a primary tumor acquire mesenchymal features and re-epithelialize to form a cohesive secondary mass at a metastatic site. Such plasticity has implications in progression of breast carcinoma to metastasis, and will likely influence response to therapy. The transcriptional and epigenetic regulation of molecular and cellular processes that underlie breast cancer and result in characteristic changes in cell behavior can be monitored using an increasing array of marker proteins. Amongst these markers exists the potential for emergent prognostic, predictive and therapeutic targeting

    Cortex, cognition and the cell: New insights into the pyramidal neuron and prefrontal function

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    Arguably the most complex conical functions are seated in human cognition, the how and why of which have been debated for centuries by theologians, philosophers and scientists alike. In his best-selling book, An Astonishing Hypothesis: A Scientific Search for the Soul, Francis Crick refined the view that these qualities are determined solely by cortical cells and circuitry. Put simply, cognition is nothing more, or less, than a biological function. Accepting this to be the case, it should be possible to identify the mechanisms that subserve cognitive processing. Since the pioneering studies of Lorent de No and Hebb, and the more recent studies of Fuster, Miller and Goldman-Rakic, to mention but a few, much attention has been focused on the role of persistent neural activity in cognitive processes. Application of modern technologies and modelling techniques has led to new hypotheses about the mechanisms of persistent activity. Here I focus on how regional variations in the pyramidal cell phenotype may determine the complexity of cortical circuitry and, in turn, influence neural activity. Data obtained from thousands of individually injected pyramidal cells in sensory, motor, association and executive cortex reveal marked differences in the numbers of putative excitatory inputs received by these cells. Pyramidal cells in prefrontal cortex have, on average, up to 23 times more dendritic spines than those in the primary visual area. I propose that without these specializations in the structure of pyramidal cells, and the circuits they form, human cognitive processing would not have evolved to its present state. I also present data from both New World and Old World monkeys that show varying degrees of complexity in the pyramidal cell phenotype in their prefrontal cortices, suggesting that cortical circuitry and, thus, cognitive styles are evolving independently in different species

    A study of pyramidal cell structure in the cingulate cortex of the macaque monkey with comparative notes on inferotemporal and primary visual cortex

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    Recent studies have revealed a marked degree of variation in the pyramidal cell phenotype in visual, somatosensory, motor and prefrontal cortical areas in the brain of different primates, which are believed to subserve specialized cortical function. In the present study we carried out comparisons of dendritic structure of layer III pyramidal cells in the anterior and posterior cingulate cortex and compared their structure with those sampled from inferotemporal cortex (IT) and the primary visual area (V1) in macaque monkeys. Cells were injected with Lucifer Yellow in flat-mounted cortical slices, and processed for a light-stable DAB reaction product. Size, branching pattern, and spine density of basal dendritic arbors was determined, and somal areas measured. We found that pyramidal cells in anterior cingulate cortex were more branched and more spinous than those in posterior cingulate cortex, and cells in both anterior and posterior cingulate were considerably larger, more branched, and more spinous than those in area V1. These data show that pyramidal cell structure differs between posterior dysgranular and anterior granular cingulate cortex, and that pyramidal neurons in cingulate cortex have different structure to those in many other cortical areas. These results provide further evidence for a parallel between structural and functional specialization in cortex

    Fractal analysis of pyramidal cells in the visual cortex of the galago (Otolemur garnetti): Regional variation in dendritic branching patterns between visual areas

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    Previously it has been shown that the branching pattern of pyramidal cells varies markedly between different cortical areas in simian primates. These differences are thought to influence the functional complexity of the cells. In particular, there is a progressive increase in the fractal dimension of pyramidal cells with anterior progression through cortical areas in the occipitotemporal (OT) visual stream, including the primary visual area (V1), the second visual area (V2), the dorsolateral area (DL, corresponding to the fourth visual area) and inferotemporal cortex (IT). However, there are as yet no data on the fractal dimension of these neurons in prosimian primates. Here we focused on the nocturnal prosimian galago (Otolemur garnetti). The fractal dimension (D), and aspect ratio (a measure of branching symmetry), was determined for I I I layer III pyramidal cells in V1, V2, DL and IT. We found, as in simian primates, that the fractal dimension of neurons increased with anterior progression from V1 through V2, DL, and IT. Two important conclusions can be drawn from these results: (1) the trend for increasing branching complexity with anterior progression through OT areas was likely to be present in a common primate ancestor, and (2) specialization in neuron structure more likely facilitates object recognition than spectral processing

    Multiple maps and activity-dependent representational plasticity in the anterior Wulst of the adult barn owl (Tyto alba)

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    In the present study we addressed the issue of somatosensory representation and plasticity in a nonmammalian species, the barn owl. Multiunit mapping techniques were used to examine the representation of the specialized receptor surface of the claw in the anterior Wulst. We found dual somatotopic mirror image representations of the skin surface of the contralateral claw. In addition, we examined both representations 2 weeks after denervation of the distal skin surface of a single digit. In both representations, the denervated digital representation became responsive to stimulation of the adjacent, mutually functional, digit. The mutability and multiple representations indicates that the Wulst provides the owl with sensory processing capabilities analogous to those in mammals

    Comparison of dendritic fields of layer III pyramidal neurons in striate and extrastriate visual areas of the marmoset: A lucifer yellow intracellular injection study

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    Basal dendritic field areas of layer III pyramidal neurons were compared between the first (V1), second (V2), dorsolateral (DL) and fundus of the superior temporal (FST) areas in marmoset monkey visual cortex. These areas correspond to early stages of visual processing (V1, V2) and to areas specialized for the analysis of shape (DL) and motion (FST). Neurons in fixed tangential cortical slices (250 μm) were injected with Lucifer Yellow and immunohistochemically processed for a diaminobenzidine reaction product. Dendritic field areas were calculated for layer III pyramidal cells whose complete basal projection was judged to be within the section (n = 189). Borders between different visual areas were established based on cytochrome oxidase immunohistochemistry and myelin patterns in the experimental hemisphere, and electrophysiological recordings in the contralateral hemisphere. Pyramidal neurons in V1 had a mean basal dendritic field area of 1.84 x 104 μm2 (SEM = 2.04 x 103 μm2; n = 21). Layer III pyramidal cells in V2 had a mean basal dendritic field 1.26 times larger (mean = 2.32 x 104 +/- 1.78 x 103 μm2; n = 42) than that of V1 neurons. The mean dendritic field area of layer III pyramidal cells in DL (n = 76) was 1.5 times larger than that in V1 (mean = 2.75 x 104 +/- 1.59 x 103 μm2). and that in FST (n = 50) was 2.3 times larger (mean = 4.26 x 104 +/- 2.79 x 103 μm2. Our results show that there is a correlation between tangential dendritic field area of basal dendrites of layer III pyramidal neurons and modality of visual processing. The increase in basal dendritic field area of layer III pyramidal cells may allow more extensive sampling of inputs as required by higher-order processing of visual information