190 research outputs found

    Control Mechanisms of Energy Storage Devices

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    The fast acting due to the salient features of energy storage systems leads to using of it in the control applications in power system. The energy storage systems such as superconducting magnetic energy storage (SMES), capacitive energy storage (CES), and the battery of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) can storage the energy and contribute the active power and reactive power with the power system to extinguish the rapid change in load demands and the renewable energy sources (RES). This chapter gives an overview about the modeling of energy storage devices and methods of control in them to adjust steady outputs

    Development of real-time PCR assay for detection of total bacteria in beverage emulsions

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    The rapid growth and expansion of the soft drinks market and the necessity to meet and maintain the consumers’ expectations of having high quality products safe for consumption, have both drawn the attention to the need for rapid and sensitive methods for the detection of potential microbial contaminations. This has made the current conventional culture-based methods inconvenient due to the relatively long periods of time they need to yield results, in addition to their relatively low sensitivity. In contrast, real-time PCR is a rapid and sensitive molecular detection technique, capable of providing quick detection and quantification methods of specific DNA sequences even if the quantity of the starting material is small. In this study, a real-time PCR assay for the determination of total bacteria in one of the microbiologically sensitive constituents of soft drinks, called beverage emulsions, was successfully developed. This included the development of a DNA extraction protocol and the selection of a set of universal primers targeting a conserved region in the 16S rDNA of bacteria. The quantification strategy was based on a standard curve and a calculation method for the conversion of the determined DNA concentrations to bacterial cells numbers. This enabled the sensitive determination of total bacteria in beverage emulsions in the range between 10 fg/µL and 100 ng/µL, corresponding to 2 and 2 x 107 cells of Escherichia coli, respectively, in 6 to 8 hours instead of 7 days required by the pour plate method. Further optimization of the developed assay may allow the determination of viable bacterial cells, which will extend the scope of the developed assay applications in this industry, in the future

    Wanprestasi Dalam Perjanjian Jual Beli Kios (Analisis Putusan Pengadilan Negeri Kupang Nomor 18/PDT.G/2016/PN.KPG)

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    Perikatan merupakan suatu hubungan hukum antara dua orang atau dua pihak, berdasarkan mana pihak yang satu berhak menuntut sesuatu hal dari pihak yang lain, dan pihak yang lain berkewajiban untuk memenuhi tuntutan itu. Tujuan ini untuk mengetahui bentuk wanprestasi dan akibat hukum bagi pihak yang telah melakukan wanprestasi dalam kasus Putusan PN  Kupang Nomor 18/PDT.G/2016/PN.KPG serta menganalisis implikasi hukum dari temuan wanprestasi dalam konteks perjanjian jual beli kios, seperti sanksi hukum yang mungkin diterapkan, ganti rugi, atau langkah-langkah lain yang diambil oleh pengadilan. Metode yang digunakan menggunakan metode yuridis normatif melalui penelaahan bahan pustaka atau sekunder. Penelitian ini merupakan spesifikasi hukum deskriptif analitis, dimana peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku terkait dengan teori hukum dan permasalahan implementasi hukum terkait dengan praktik.Berdasarkan bukti P-1 berupa surat perjanjian jual beli dalam Pasal III dan IV menyatakan bahwa Tergugat berjanji setelah ditandatanganinya surat perjanjian tersebut akan mentransfer pembayaran dan P-2 berupa surat keterangan yang ditandatangani oleh Tergugat bahwa melakukan pembayaran. Adanya pelaksanaan ganti rugi, pembatalan perjanjian, peralihan resiko, dan membayar biaya perkara. Kesimpulan bahwa : 1) Bentuk wanprestasi adalah melakukan tetapi tidak sesuai jadwal atau keterlambatan; 2) Melaksanakan prestasi tetapi tidak seperti yang dijanjikan; 3) Akibat hukum bagi pihak wanprestasi PN Kupang Perkara Nomor 18/PDT.G/2016/PN.KPG yaitu dalam membayar uang sisa pembayaran jual beli kios serta dagangannya sebesar Rp 80.500.000,- dan bayar biaya perkara sebesar Rp 571.000.Kata kunci: Perjanjian, Jual Beli, Wanprestasi, Perlindungan Huku

    Effect of Stiffener Characteristics on the Seismic Behavior and Fracture Tendency of Steel Shear Walls

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    The steel plate shear walls (SPSW) are currently being considered as a lateral load resisting system. A numerical method was proposed to have a comprehensive comparison of seismic behaviors of the plane wall (PW) and stiffened plane wall (SPW) with different stiffener characteristics, having the same weight, by using finite element modeling (FEM). The model was validated by using previously published experimental works. The material and geometric nonlinearity were taken into consideration. In this paper, the effect of using stiffeners with different cross-section shapes and directions will be studied, and key issues, such as load-carrying capacity, stiffness, and energy dissipation capacity, were discussed in depth. It was found that the proposed SPW with horizontal L, T, and U stiffeners could effectively improve load-carrying capacity by about 4, 20, and 23%, respectively. Diagonally and horizontally, SPWs with U stiffeners have higher energy-dissipation capacity than PW by about 57, 50%, respectively. This method provides a combination of high-performance stiffeners form and material for improving the seismic behavior of SPW

    Behavior of Structural Concrete Frames with Hybrid Reinforcement under Cyclic Loading

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    A substantial amount of work was carried out on the use of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) in reinforcing concrete structural elements, which demonstrated considerable inelasticity or deformity through monotonous and fatigue loads. Even so, the action of FRP bars in FRP-RC columns and frame structures has not yet been studied during reversed cyclic loading. In this research, reversed cyclic loading was conducted on three beam-column joint models using the finite element method with ANSYS software. The first model was for a joint designed with steel rebar for both the longitudinal reinforcement and stirrups. Glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) rebar was used to reinforced the second joint model for both longitudinal reinforcement and steel stirrups, and the third joint model was designed with hybrid steel/GFRP reinforcement for the longitudinal reinforcement and steel stirrups. The performance of the three models under reversed cyclic loading, such as load vs. story drift and energy dissipation capacity, were compared. The GFRP-reinforced model displayed a predominantly elastic activity up to failure. Although its energy dissipation was weak, its performance in terms of total storey drift demand was satisfactory

    A shot to the heart: a rare case of cardiac embolization

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    This is a case report of intracardiac foreign bodies that gained access to the heart by migration from a peripheral vein. The case report describes the diagnostic findings on cardiac imaging and summarizes different approaches to management

    Short Term Outcome of Plasma Pleurodesis in Post Pulmonary Resections Persistent Air Leak

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    Background: Air leak is the most common morbidity after pulmonary resection surgery. It may result in prolonged duration with chest tubes with their annoying chest pain, prolonged hospital stay time with increased financial costs, pneumonia, empyema, and patient dissatisfaction. Our objective was to evaluate the efficacy of plasma pleurodesis for stoppage of air leak after lung resection, in comparison to conservative measures. Methods: This prospective single-blinded randomized study included 60 patients randomly divided into two groups: Group A: included 30 patients who received intrapleural fresh frozen plasma.  One bag of FFP, contains 250 ml of plasma, matched for the ABO group was installed through the apical chest tube into the pleural cavity. Group B: a control group of 30 patients who did not receive any sclerosing agent. They were managed with under-water seal and observation. Results: This study showed that the stoppage of air leak in group A was faster “which stopped in 9-10 days” in comparison to control group B “24-25 days”, (P-value <0.001). There was a significant difference between groups A and B regarding the hospital stay, which was in 9-10 days in group A in comparison to group B “26-28 days (P-value <0.001). Conclusion: Intrapleural fresh frozen plasma appears to be a valuable option to stop persistent air leaks post pulmonary resections. It’s a cheap, available, and safe agent. It reduced hospital stay, costs and morbidities

    Projecting the Potential Budget Impact Analysis of Paliperidone Palmitate in Egyptian Adult Patients with Schizophrenia

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    **Background:** Schizophrenia is a serious mental disorder that has greater negative consequences on role functioning than many other severe chronic diseases. **Objective:** We evaluated the economic impact of long-acting injections of paliperidone palmitate (PP) vs daily oral antipsychotics to treat chronic schizophrenia from a societal perspective over a 2-year period. **Methods:** A static budget impact model was developed to compare PP with daily oral antipsychotics (risperidone, olanzapine, and aripiprazole) in the treatment of patients with chronic schizophrenia. Our study included treatments used during relapse and hospitalization, validated by an expert panel. The clinical parameters were extracted from the PRIDE trial. Direct medical costs and indirect costs were measured. The unit cost of drug acquisition for all medications was extracted from the public sector. One-way sensitivity analyses were conducted. **Results:** The target population in our model was estimated to be 142 incident patients. In the first year, the total drug costs in Egyptian pounds (EGP) for PP and oral antipsychotics were £2.7 million and £724 004, respectively, while the total medical costs for PP and oral antipsychotics were £3 million and £5.6 million, respectively. In the second year, the total drug costs for PP and oral antipsychotics were £2.7 million and £724 004, respectively, while the total medical costs for PP and oral antipsychotics were £3 million and £5 million, respectively. The total costs for PP (£11.6 million) over 2 years were less than those of oral antipsychotics without PP (£12.7 million). PP produced an estimated budget savings of £1 046 561 (budget savings per patient per year, £3667). In addition, PP resulted in the avoidance of 18 hospitalizations per year compared with the without-PP arm. Sensitivity analyses showed that the percent of hospitalizations for both oral antipsychotics and PP had the greatest impact on the results. **Conclusion:** The lower hospitalization rates associated with PP offset the increase in drug costs. PP may potentially be cost-saving compared with the standard of care in chronic schizophrenia in Egyptian representative healthcare settings. Policy makers may consider this approach to improve patient outcomes and budget sustainability