436 research outputs found

    Conceptualising humiliation

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    Humiliation lacks an empirically derived definition, sometimes simply being equated with shame. We approached the conceptualisation of humiliation from a prototype perspective, identifying 61 features of humiliation, some of which are more central to humiliation (e.g. losing self-esteem) than others (e.g. shyness). Prototypical humiliation involved feeling powerless, small, and inferior in a situation in which one was brought down and in which an audience was present, leading the person to appraise the situation as unfair and resulting in a mix of emotions, most notably disappointment, anger, and shame. Some of the features overlapped with those of shame (e.g. looking like a fool, losing self-esteem, presence of an audience) whereas other features overlapped with those of anger (e.g. being brought down, unfairness). Which specific features are present may determine whether the humiliation experience becomes more shame- or anger-like (or a combination thereof)

    Study on consumers’ attitudes towards Terms and Conditions (T&Cs): Final Report

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    This report was produced under the EU Consumer Programme (2014-2020) in the frame of a service contract with the Consumers, Health, Agriculture and Food Executive Agency (Chafea) acting under the mandate from the European Commission.Previous research has shown that when buying products and services online, the vast majority of consumers accept Terms and Conditions (T&Cs) without even reading them. The current research examined effects of interventions aimed at making consumers aware of the quality of such T&Cs. This was done by 1) shortening and simplifying the T&Cs and 2) adding a quality cue to an online store, such as the presence of a logo of a national consumer organisation accompanied by the statement “these terms and conditions are fair”. The main study consisted of three experiments and was conducted in 12 Member States with 1000 respondents in each Member State. In each experiment, consumers visited an online store and went through all the steps of an ordering process. One of these steps was accepting the T&Cs. Key findings are that shortening and simplifying the terms and conditions results in improved readership of the T&Cs, a slightly better understanding of the T&Cs, and a more positive attitude towards the T&Cs. Moreover, adding a quality cue to an online store increases trust and purchase intentions. Which quality cue is trusted the most depends on what type of online store consumers are visiting. For domestic online stores, a quality cue by a national consumer organisation is trusted most; for foreign online stores, a quality cue by a European consumer organisation is trusted most. The patterns were similar across Member States

    Een jaar Wet open overheid (Woo): Hoe doet de overheid het volgens journalisten?: onderzoek in opdracht van het Adviescollege Openbaarheid en Informatiehuishouding (ACOI)

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    Journalisten zijn niet tevreden over de afhandeling van Woo-verzoeken. Deze duurt vaak lang, levert soms weinig op en de communicatie kan volgens hen beter. Dit blijkt uit een onderzoek waaraan 256 journalisten deelnamen. Uit het onderzoek wordt duidelijk dat veel winst valt te behalen wanneer nauwer wordt samengewerkt tussen Woo-behandelaars en journalisten. Vertrouwen en tijdig (open) overleg zijn daarbij basisvoorwaarden.Het onderzoek is uitgevoerd door het onderzoeksinstituut Centerdata, in opdracht van het Adviescollege Openbaarheid en Informatiehuishouding (ACOI) en in samenwerking met de Nederlandse Vereniging van Journalisten (NVJ) en de Vereniging van Onderzoeksjournalisten (VVOJ). Onderdeel van het onderzoek was een dialoogtafel met journalisten en Woo-behandelaars. Daaruit is gebleken dat ook ambtenaren behoefte hebben aan beter contact én een beter resultaat.De belangrijkste bevindingen:Actieve openbaarmaking is nog niet verbeterd volgens journalisten.Journalisten zien de meerwaarde van de Woo, maar hebben niet altijd vertrouwen in een zorgvuldige afhandeling van hun informatieverzoeken.Onderzoeken hoe besluitvorming achter de schermen tot stand is gekomen, is de voornaamste reden van een informatieverzoek.Journalisten zijn niet tevreden over de medewerking van de overheid bij de afhandeling van het verzoek.Journalisten vermoeden bewuste, politiek gemotiveerde vertragingen wanneer de wettelijke termijn om een verzoek af te handelen niet wordt gehaald zonder vervolgafspraken.Journalisten denken dat de overheid uitzonderingsgronden niet altijd terecht toepast.Journalisten zien vooral verbetermogelijkheden in een nauwe samenwerking met Woo-behandelaars bij de overheid.Op basis van het onderzoek concludeert het Adviescollege dat veel winst valt te halen uit een nauwere samenwerking die is gebaseerd op vertrouwen en praktische afspraken tussen behandelaars van Woo-verzoeken en journalisten. Het Adviescollege doet op dit punt alvast vijf concrete aanbevelingen voor overheidsorganisaties:Voer tijdig en open overleg met de journalist.Geef Woo-behandelaars mandaat en vertrouwen om afspraken te maken met verzoekers.Zorg voor ondersteuning door informatie- en dataspecialisten.Volg een transparante werkwijze voor de behandeling van Woo-verzoeken.Organiseer de dialoog ook los van Woo-verzoeken.Het onderzoeksrapport is gepubliceerd op de website van het ACOI.The Legitimacy and Effectiveness of Law & Governance in a World of Multilevel Jurisdiction

    A systematic review of questionnaires measuring asthma control in children in a primary care population

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    Several questionnaires are used to measure asthma control in children. The most appropriate tool for use in primary care is not defined. In this systematic review, we evaluated questionnaires used to measure asthma control in children in primary care and determined their usefulness in asthma management. Searches were performed in the MEDLINE, Embase, Web of Science, Google Scholar and Cochrane databases with end date 24 June 2022. The study population comprised children aged 5–18 years with asthma. Three reviewers independently screened studies and extracted data. The methodological quality of the studies was assessed, using the COSMIN criteria for the measurement properties of health status questionnaires. Studies conducted in primary care were included if a minimum of two questionnaires were compared. Studies in secondary or tertiary care and studies of quality-of-life questionnaires were excluded. Heterogeneity precluded meta-analysis. Five publications were included: four observational studies and one sub-study of a randomized controlled trial. A total of 806 children were included (aged 5–18 years). We evaluated the Asthma Control Test (ACT), childhood Asthma Control Test (c-ACT), Asthma APGAR system, NAEPP criteria and Royal College of Physicians’ ‘3 questions’ (RCP3Q). These questionnaires assess different symptoms and domains. The quality of most of the studies was rated ‘intermediate’ or ‘poor’. The majority of the evaluated questionnaires do not show substantial agreement with one another, which makes a comparison challenging. Based on the current review, we suggest that the Asthma APGAR system seems promising as a questionnaire for determining asthma control in children in primary care.</p

    The development of a questionnaire on metacognition for students in higher education

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    Background Interest in the role of metacognition has been steadily rising in most forms of education. This study focuses on the construction of a questionnaire for measuring metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive regulation and metacognitive responsiveness among students in higher education and the subsequent process of testing to determine its validity. Purpose The aim of the study was to construct an original instrument for measuring features of metacognition, henceforth referred to as the Awareness of Independent Learning Inventory (AILI), and further to establish the similarities and differences between this model and existing instruments for measuring metacognition. Sample The AILI questionnaire was distributed to 1058 students in various types of Teacher Training Institutes in the Netherlands and Belgium. The abridged English version of the questionnaire was administered to another sample of 729 students reading Economics and Business Administration at the University of Maastricht in the south of the Netherlands. Design and methods The AILI instrument was constructed on the basis of a facet design along two dimensions: components of metacognition and topics of concern to students in higher education. The data gathered with the instrument was analyzed by means of a generalisability study and a decision study, respectively. The validity of the instrument was investigated by using confirmatory factor analysis. Results The generalisability study showed that the reliability of the instrument was satisfactory. The decision study revealed that the number of items included in the questionnaire could be reduced substantially by leaving out two components of one of the dimensions in the facet design, without losing too much generalisability. The validity study showed that there was a considerable level of congruity between parts of the AILI questionnaire and the relevant parts of the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ). Conclusions The AILI questionnaire is a reliable and valid instrument for measuring metacognitive knowledge, regulation and responsiveness. It is suitable for use in the evaluation of the effects of interventions that purport to increase metacognitive knowledge, regulation and responsiveness of students in higher education

    "It Takes Two To Tango", A Research About The Risks And Control Measures For The Management Of A Performance Contract For Regular Maintenance Of Rail Infrastructure.

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    A research about the risks and the administrative measures during the management of a performance contract for the regular maintenance of rail infrastructure. In the sector of rail infrastructure output-contracts, in which the contractor is judged on achieved performances, are getting more in use. The assumption is that this will lead to a more efficient and innovative execution of the maintenance, because the parties involved in the contract have less contact and thus need to take more responsibilities for their proper tasks. Unknown however is how to manage such a contract: What are the risks a contracting partner is confronted with during the term of the contract and how could these risks be managed? This article will discuss a method that will provide answers to these questions. The method consists of a matrix of the possible risks and control measures that the management level of both the sourcing partner and the contractor should discuss. These are cooperation risks and not the safety and availability risks. Within HTM, the bus and tram company of The Hague, this method is used to give direction for a new maintenance contract. It was concluded that management based on performances not always means that contracting partner and contractor have less contact but that it resulted in another behavior and cooperation both for the contracting partner as the contracting party.Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies. Faculty of Economics and Business. The University of Sydne
