3 research outputs found

    Análise digital do terreno: ferramenta na identificação de pedoformas em microbacia na região de "Mar de Morros" (MG)

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    Este trabalho reporta a utilização de ferramentas de um SIG (Sistema de Informação Geográfica) para o delineamento das geoformas e pedopaisagens em um estudo de caso em microbacia do município de Viçosa (MG), a partir dos dados da carta topográfica (escala 1:50.000) da região. Trabalhos de campo permitiram aferir uma exatidão global de 72 % na classificação das formas da paisagem e correlacionar as classes obtidas com as classes de solos dominantes. Após ajustes, elaborou-se um mapa síntese preliminar de distribuição de pedoformas, que auxilia no mapeamento de solos. O método de classificação das formas da paisagem baseado na geração de um MNT (Modelo Numérico do Terreno) e no cálculo dos atributos do relevo (elevação, declividade, curvatura) mostra-se uma alternativa rápida e econômica em comparação ao delineamento manual a partir da utilização de análise estereoscópica de fotografias aéreas.This study reports on the use of GIS (Geographical Information System) tools for identifying and mapping landform units and soilscapes in a case study of a watershed in the region of Viçosa, Minas Gerais state, based on a topographical base map at a 1:50000 scale. Field work was undertaken to estimate the degree of accuracy of landform units / soilscape identification, obtaining an agreement of 72 % between the automatic and field work classification, and to correlate obtained soilscapes with dominant soil classes. After adjustments, a preliminary synthesized pedogeomorphic map was produced, which can assist soil mapping. The method of classifying landforms based on a digital elevation model (DEM) as well as on the calculation of landform attributes (elevation, slope angle, slope form) represents a quick and economic option, compared with manual drawing based on stereoscopical identification of landforms from aerial photographs


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    Permanent Preservation Areas (PPAs) on hilltops are among the many areas protected by the New Forest Code in Brazil. Mapping of these involves difficult interpretation and application of the Law, as well a complex task of translating it in map algebra. This paper aims to present, in detail, a methodological model for delimitation of PPAs on hilltops, according to the Brazilian new Forest Code (NFC, Law 12,651/2012). The model was developed in Model Builder for ArcGIS 10.2, and is able to map the PPAs in any digital terrain model. However, field validations are required to verify its efficiency. There is need for legal standardization of criteria that may cause subjectivity in delimitation. The organization of these data on a large scale is very important, as example, to the Rural Environmental Registry, which provides georeferencing of all rural properties and its protected areas in Brazil