55 research outputs found

    Probing quantum fluctuation theorems in engineered reservoirs

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    Fluctuation Theorems are central in stochastic thermodynamics, as they allow for quantifying the irreversibility of single trajectories. Although they have been experimentally checked in the classical regime, a practical demonstration in the framework of quantum open systems is still to come. Here we propose a realistic platform to probe fluctuation theorems in the quantum regime. It is based on an effective two-level system coupled to an engineered reservoir, that enables the detection of the photons emitted and absorbed by the system. When the system is coherently driven, a measurable quantum component in the entropy production is evidenced. We quantify the error due to photon detection inefficiency, and show that the missing information can be efficiently corrected, based solely on the detected events. Our findings provide new insights into how the quantum character of a physical system impacts its thermodynamic evolution.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    A molecular analysis of the Afrotropical Baetidae

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    Recent work on the Afrotropical Baetidae has resulted in a number of important taxonomic changes: several polyphyletic genera have been split and more than 30 new Afrotropical genera have been established. In order to test their phylogenetic relevance and to clarify the suprageneric relationships, we reconstructed the first comprehensive molecular phylogeny of the Afrotropical Baetidae. We sequenced a total of ca. 2300 bp from nuclear (18S) and mitochondrial (12S and 16S) gene regions from 65 species belonging to 26 genera. We used three different approaches of phylogeny reconstruction: direct optimization, maximum parsimony and maximum likelihood. The molecular reconstruction indicates the Afrotropical Baetidae require a global revision at a generic as well as suprageneric level. Only four of the 12 genera were monophyletic when represented by more than one species in the analysis. Historically, two conflicting concepts of the suprageneric classification of Afrotropical Baetidae were proposed. One was based on the gathering of sister genera into complexes and the other on the division of the family into a restricted number of subfamilies. According to our reconstruction, neither is completely satisfactory: the major complexes of genera present in Africa are either paraphyletic or polyphyletic and the division of the Afrotropical Baetidae into two subfamilies is probably too simplified

    What constitutes responsiveness of physicians: A qualitative study in rural Bangladesh

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    Responsiveness entails the social actions by health providers to meet the legitimate expectations of patients. It plays a critical role in ensuring continuity and effectiveness of care within people centered health systems. Given the lack of contextualized research on responsiveness, we qualitatively explored the perceptions of outpatient users and providers regarding what constitute responsiveness in rural Bangladesh. An exploratory study was undertaken in Chuadanga, a southwestern Bangladeshi District, involving in-depth interviews of physicians (n = 17) and users (n = 7), focus group discussions with users (n = 4), and observations of patient provider interactions (three weeks). Analysis was guided by a conceptual framework of responsiveness, which includes friendliness, respecting, informing and guiding, gaining trust and optimizing benefits. In terms of friendliness, patients expected physicians to greet them before starting consultations; even though physicians considered this unusual. Patients also expected physicians to hold social talks during consultations, which was uncommon. With regards to respect patients expected physicians to refrain from disrespecting them in various ways; but also by showing respect explicitly. Patients also had expectations related to informing and guiding: they desired explanation on at least the diagnosis, seriousness of illness, treatment and preventive steps. In gaining trust, patients expected that physicians would refrain from illegal or unethical activities related to patients, e.g., demanding money against free services, bringing patients in own private clinics by brokers (dalals), colluding with diagnostic centers, accepting gifts from pharmaceutical representatives. In terms of optimizing benefits: patients expected that physicians should be financially sensitive and consider individual need of patients. There were multiple dimensions of responsiveness- for some, stakeholders had a consensus; context was an important factor to understand them. This being an exploratory study, further research is recommended to validate the nuances of the findings. It can be a guideline for responsiveness practices, and a tipping point for future research

    Quasi-autonomous quantum thermal machines and quantum to classical energy flow

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    There are both practical and foundational motivations to consider the thermodynamics of quantum systems at small scales. Here we address the issue of autonomous quantum thermal machines that are tailored to achieve some specific thermodynamic primitive, such as work extraction in the presence of a thermal environment, while having minimal or no control from the macroscopic regime. Beyond experimental implementations, this provides an arena in which to address certain foundational aspects such as the role of coherence in thermodynamics, the use of clock degrees of freedom and the simulation of local time-dependent Hamiltonians in a particular quantum subsystem. For small-scale systems additional issues arise. Firstly, it is not clear to what degree genuine ordered thermodynamic work has been extracted, and secondly non-trivial back-actions on the thermal machine must be accounted for. We find that both these aspects can be resolved through a judicious choice of quantum measurements that magnify thermodynamic properties up the ladder of length-scales, while simultaneously stabilising the quantum thermal machine. Within this framework we show that thermodynamic reversibility is obtained in a particular Zeno limit, and finally illustrate these concepts with a concrete example involving spin systems

    Source and biofacies of Late Quaternary sediments in relation to sea level on the shelf off Mauritania, West Africa

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    The 60 km wide shelf off Mauritania is cut by several submarine canyons. Its water-circulation is controlled by the cool Canary current and upwelling. Its Recent sediments show faunal assodations remarkably related to the grain size distribution which in water depths between 40 and 80 m is strongly influenced by reworldng of older coarse sand or sandstone. In this depth range a mixed biofades originating from Pleistocene and Recent material is encountered. The present lateral faunistic and sedimentological fades change, including horizons of mixed provenance, can be recognized in vertical sequences taken by vibro-coring. This correlation combined with 14C-datations on molluscs enable the reconstruction of the history of the last gladal regression and transgression. Due to the arid climate, the emerging calcareous shelf sediments are indurated and, therefore, protected from subaerial and submarine erosion. During low sea level eolian sand migrates over the shelf, but only about l/10 of this material remains there and is later incorporated into the sandy shelf sediments. The calculated average rate of total sedimentation during Holocene is 15 cm, and the production rate of carbonate is 5 cm/1000 years

    Anomalous energy exchanges and Wigner-function negativities in a single-qubit gate

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    Anomalous weak values and the Wigner function's negativity are well-known witnesses of quantum contextuality. We show that these effects occur when analyzing the energetics of a single-qubit gate generated by a resonant coherent field traveling in a waveguide. The buildup of correlations between the qubit and the field is responsible for bounds on the gate fidelity, but also for a nontrivial energy balance recently observed in a superconducting setup. In the experimental scheme, the field is continuously monitored through heterodyne detection and then postselected over the outcomes of a final qubit's measurement. The postselected data can be interpreted as the field's weak values and can show anomalous values in the variation of the field's energy. We model the joint system dynamics with a collision model, gaining access to the qubit-field entangled state at any time. We find an analytical expression of the quasiprobability distribution of the postselected heterodyne signal, i.e., the conditional Husimi-Q function. The latter grants access to all the field's weak values: we use it to obtain that of the field's energy change and display its anomalous behavior. Finally, we derive the field's conditional Wigner function and show that anomalous weak values and Wigner function negativities arise for the same values of the gate's angle