48 research outputs found

    Personality Traits and Occupational Interest: Basis for Career Guidance Program

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    The current study devised an empirically-based career guidance program using standardized measures among 236 puposively sampled Filipino college freshmen (n=78 male, n=158 female). Bivariate analyses between 16 PF’s Global Factor Scales (GFS) and Occupational Aptitude Survey and Interest Schedule (OASIS-2 IS) reveal the association of students’ GFS dimensions on their Occupational Interests (OI): anxiety and accommodating; tough-mindedness and mechanical; and independence and leading-influencing. Multivariate analyses found some demographics which influenced students’ GFS and OI: self-control is affected by age; tough-mindedness is affected by sex; independence is affected by course; sex and course affects various OI dimensions (nature, protective, mechanical, industrial, business detail, accommodating, humanitarian, artistic, and selling). Expectantly, coefficient determination (R2 mean = 0.031 or 31%) arrived at a significant level for all GFS except extraversion as valid predictors of some dimensions of the OI. Theoretical and practical applications are discussed. Keywords: personality traits, occupational interest, career guidance progra

    Participative Management, Organizational Procedures and Organizational Commitment in Higher Education Institutions

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    Current trends in managing educational institutions are adversely affected by many facets brought by globalization. Thus, this study sees the need to review quality management in tertiary education by employing empowerment and fairness in all institutional systems. The mean Cronbach Alpha of .94 for reliability coefficients of the three scales: Participative Management (PM), Organizational Procedures (OP) and Organizational Commitment (OC) were triangulated by employing a thematic analysis of the randomly focus-grouped data from the employees of the tertiary institutions. A multivariate analysis showed no significant difference when the three variables (PM, OP and OC) were analyzed by age, sex, type of work and years of service. However, data showed a significant difference in the level of participative management when participants are analyzed by sex. Likewise, there was a significant difference in the level of participative management and organizational commitment when participants are analyzed by type of work. Their high level of commitment and the institutions’ high practice of participative management and fairness in dealings with the employees further revealed a significant report of higher organizational commitment and work performance for employees in the tertiary level. Implications of the findings are further discussed in this study

    Short and long term neurotoxic effects following lactational exposure to the sum of the six non-dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (∑6 NDL-PCBs) at low levels in offspring mice

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    In this study, the neurotoxicity of lactational exposure to a representative mixture of the six indicator non-dioxin-like-polychlorinated biphenyls (∑6 NDL-PCBs) found in contaminated fish matrices was assessed in neonatal to adult mice. We compared the performance of mice lactationally exposed to ∑6 NDL-PCBs (1, 10 or 100 ng/kg) to that of mice lactationally exposed to vehicle, in several developmental, behavioral and cognitive tests. Our results showed that some alterations were sex dependant; neonatal offspring female mice exhibited significantly longer turning reflexes while male mice showed a reduction in their general activity compared to the controls. Nevertheless, the exposed young and adult mice exhibited persistent anxious behavior that was detected at more progressive life stages. This persistent anxious behavior could be related to the overexpression of RyR3 in the cerebellum via the disruption of calcium signaling in the neurons. Early exposure to ∑6 NDL-PCBs has also induced oxidative stress and cell death in juvenile mice cerebral neural and glial cells. Transcriptomic analyses have shown that the expression of proteins involved in exocytosis, social and reproductive behaviors (syt10 and vmn2r123), were significantly increased in cerebellar neural ∑6 NDL-PCB-exposed cells compared to the controls. Therefore, our results suggest that regular consumption of contaminated fish matrices by lactating women could be detrimental to the neurodevelopment of their newborns.IIn dieser Studie wurde die Neurotoxizität von Laktation-Exposition gegenüber einer repräsentativen Mischung der sechs Indikator-non-dioxin-like-polychlorierte Biphenyle (∑6 NDL-PCB), die in kontaminierten Fisch-Matrizen gefunden wurden, in neugeborenen bis erwachsenen Mäusen untersucht. Wir verglichen die Leistung von bei der Laktation ∑6 NDL-PCB (1, 10 oder 100 ng / kg) ausgesetzten Mäusen zu beim Säugen Vehiculum ausgesetzten Mäusen in mehreren Entwicklungs-, Verhaltens- und kognitiven Tests. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigten, dass einige Änderungen geschlechtsabhängig waren; neugeborene Nachkommen weiblicher Mäusen zeigten deutlich längere Drehreflexe, während männliche Mäuse eine Reduktion in ihrer allgemeinen Aktivität im Vergleich zu den Kontrollen zeigten. Dennoch zeigten die exponierten jungen und erwachsenen Mäusen persistent ängstliches Verhalten, die bei mehr progressive Lebensphasen erkannt wurde. Dieses anhaltende ängstliche Verhalten könnte die Überexpression von RyR3 im Kleinhirn über die Störung des Calcium-Signalgebung in den Neuronen bezogen werden. Frühe Exposition gegenüber ∑6 NDL-PCB auch oxidativen Stress und Zelltod in jungen Mäusen zerebralen neuronalen und Gliazellen induziert. Transkriptom-Analysen haben gezeigt, dass die Expression von Proteinen in Exozytose beteiligt, soziale und reproduktive Verhalten (syt10 und vmn2r123) deutlich wurden in Kleinhirn neuronale ∑6 NDL-PCB-exponierten Zellen im Vergleich zu den Kontrollen erhöht. Daher legen unsere Ergebnisse nahe, dass der regelmäßige Verzehr von kontaminiertem Fisch-Matrizen durch stillende Frauen nachteilig für die Entwicklung des Nervensystems ihrer Neugeborenen sein könnte

    Cadena de valor y ventaja competitiva de la quinua orgánica en la cooperativa agroindustrial Machupicchu Ltda. Andahuaylas, 2016

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    El presente trabajo de investigación se realizó en la Cooperativa Agroindustrial Machupicchu de Andahuaylas, siendo así el ente rector que se encarga de abastecer de insumos y materia prima a los socios como también de almacenar y por último comercializar la quinua ya sea mercado interno y externo, es decir supervisa la cadena de valor y la ventaja competitiva de la quinua orgánica. El presente es un estudio de enfoque cuantitativo de nivel o alcance correlacional, que tiene como objetivo principal establecer la relación de la cadena de valor con la ventaja competitiva de la quinua orgánica en la Cooperativa Agroindustrial Machupicchu Ltda. Andahuaylas, 2016., asimismo permite conocer la verdadera estructura de la cadena de valor de la cooperativa. Las teorías de ambas variables son totalmente distintas y muy amplias pero complementarias por lo que Michael Eugene Porter define a la cadena de valor como una herramienta que permite alcanzar una ventaja competitiva dentro de una industria donde la ventaja competitiva no es más que el resultado de una adecuada estructuración y ejecución de la cadena de valor.Tesi