384 research outputs found

    De Vierde Anti-witwasrichtlijn

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    Inleiding Op 20 mei 2015 is de Vierde Anti-witwasrichtlijn2 ondertekend door de Europese Raad en het Europees Parlement, waarna het op 5 juni 2015 is gepubliceerd in het Publicatieblad3 van de Europese Unie. De uiterlijke ‘implementatietermijn’ – dat is de termijn die lidstaten krijgen om de richtlijn om te zetten in de nationale wetgeving – is vastgesteld op twee jaar. Lidstaten dienen uiterlijk 26 juni 2017 aan deze richtlijn te voldoen. Vanaf deze datum wordt de huidige Derde Anti-witwasrichtlijn (2005/60/EG) en de daarbij behorende Uitvoeringsrichtlijn (2006/70/EG) ingetrokken. De inwerkingtreding van deze nieuwe anti-witwasrichtlijn zal gevolgen hebben voor de wet- en regelgeving, waaraan financiële ondernemingen dienen te voldoen. Het gaat hierbij met name om de Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financieren van terrorisme (Wwft). Vanzelfsprekend betekent een nieuwe invulling van de verplichtingen van de Wwft dat procedures in de bedrijfsvoering opnieuw tegen het licht moeten worden gehouden. ..

    Electroactive Polyhydroquinone Coatings for Marine Fouling Prevention—A Rejected Dynamic pH Hypothesis and a Deceiving Artifact in Electrochemical Antifouling Testing

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    Nanometer-thin coatings of polyhydroquinone (PHQ), which release and absorb protons upon oxidation and reduction, respectively, were tested for electrochemically induced anti-biofouling activity under the hypothesis that a dynamic pH environment would discourage fouling. Antifouling tests in artificial seawater using the marine, biofilm-forming bacterium Vibrio alginolyticus proved the coatings to be ineffective in fouling prevention but revealed a deceiving artifact from the reactive species generated at the counter electrode (CE), even for electrochemical bias potentials as low as |400| mV versus Ag|AgCl. These findings provide valuable information on the preparation of nanothin PHQ coatings and their electrochemical behavior in artificial seawater. The results further demonstrate that it is critical to isolate the CE in electrochemical anti-biofouling testing

    De Vierde Anti-witwasrichtlijn

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    De Vierde Anti-witwasrichtlijn

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    Specifying and Verifying Concurrent Algorithms with Histories and Subjectivity

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    We present a lightweight approach to Hoare-style specifications for fine-grained concurrency, based on a notion of time-stamped histories that abstractly capture atomic changes in the program state. Our key observation is that histories form a partial commutative monoid, a structure fundamental for representation of concurrent resources. This insight provides us with a unifying mechanism that allows us to treat histories just like heaps in separation logic. For example, both are subject to the same assertion logic and inference rules (e.g., the frame rule). Moreover, the notion of ownership transfer, which usually applies to heaps, has an equivalent in histories. It can be used to formally represent helping---an important design pattern for concurrent algorithms whereby one thread can execute code on behalf of another. Specifications in terms of histories naturally abstract granularity, in the sense that sophisticated fine-grained algorithms can be given the same specifications as their simplified coarse-grained counterparts, making them equally convenient for client-side reasoning. We illustrate our approach on a number of examples and validate all of them in Coq.Comment: 17 page

    Tulathromycin disturbs blood oxidative and coagulation status

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effect of tulathromycin on serum oxidative status and coagulation factors in rabbits. Tulathromycin was administered to eight rabbits, and blood samples were obtained 0, 1, 5, 10 and 15 days after treatment. Indicators of serum oxidative status (malondialdehyde, nitric oxide, superoxide dismutase, retinol and -carotene) and coagulation values (antithrombin III, fibrinogen) were measured after tulathromycin treatment. In addition, routine serum biochemical values (creatine kinase-MB, lactate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, gamma glutamyl transferase, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, cholesterol, triglyceride, high density lipoprotein, amylase, total protein, albumin, glucose and calcium), haemacell counts (white and red blood cells) and arterial blood gas parameters (packed cell volume, hemoglobin, pH, partial pressure of carbon dioxide, partial pressure of oxygen, actual bicarbonate, standard bicarbonate, total carbon dioxide, base excess in vivo, base excess in vitro, oxygen saturation, sodium and potassium) were also determined. Tulathromycin increased (P < 0.05) the levels of malondialdehyde, nitric oxide and superoxide dismutase activity, and decreased (P < 0.05) the level of antithrombin III. In conclusion, tulathromycin may cause oxidative damage and coagulation disorders during the treatment period.Key words: Tulathromycin, oxidative damage, coagulation disorder

    Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Pasien Pengguna Jamkesmas dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan di RSUD Dr. Rm. Djoelham Binjai Terkait Berlakunya Bpjs di Bidang Kesehatan

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    Health care service is closely related to the relationship of patients with health care supervisors (doctors) and health facility (hospital). Three problems of the research were as follows: how about the legal protection for Jamkesmas patients in the implementation of health care service in Indonesia related to the prevailing BPJS (Social Security Provider) in health, what factors which impeded the implementation of health service for Jamkesmas patients at RSUD (Regional General Hospital) Dr. RM Djoelham, Binjai, and how about the responsibility of the hospital management for the Jamkesmas patients at RSUD Dr. RM Djoelham, Binjai. Legal protection about the relationship among patients, doctors, and hospital is regulated in Law No. 29/2004 on , in Law No. 36/2009 , and in Law No. 44/2009 there is Law No. 40/2004 . The factors which impede the implementation of health care service for Jamkesmas patients are, among others, the examination is done by practicing doctors who have not passed the state licensing exams yet (interns). It is recommended that first, the hospital management should give legal protection for Jamkesmas patients by not discriminating them in providing health care services; secondly, the hospital management should give the compensation to the patients if the service is not satisfactory; and thirdly, patients should file a complaint to the hospital management as the health care service provider. Legal remedy which is used by Jamkesmas patients against the hospital management is by settling the dispute with prioritizing mutual agreement

    Photo-doping of plasma-deposited polyaniline (PAni)

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    Although polyaniline (PAni) has been studied extensively in the past, little work has been done on producing films of this material via plasma deposition. We have synthesized and analysed the photoresponse behavior of plasma-deposited polyaniline films and proceeded to dope the films using light and with various metal ions. Upon illumination, the photocurrent responses of the thin plasma films increased over time, and the response was dependent on the film thickness. On doping the film with metal ions, the photocurrent densities were enhanced from nano- to micro-amperes per square centimeters. Doping seemed, however, to cause the films to become unstable. Despite this setback, which requires further research, the drastic increase in current shows great promise for the development of plasma-deposited polyaniline films for application in the area of organic electronics and photovoltaics

    Faster linearizability checking via PP-compositionality

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    Linearizability is a well-established consistency and correctness criterion for concurrent data types. An important feature of linearizability is Herlihy and Wing's locality principle, which says that a concurrent system is linearizable if and only if all of its constituent parts (so-called objects) are linearizable. This paper presents PP-compositionality, which generalizes the idea behind the locality principle to operations on the same concurrent data type. We implement PP-compositionality in a novel linearizability checker. Our experiments with over nine implementations of concurrent sets, including Intel's TBB library, show that our linearizability checker is one order of magnitude faster and/or more space efficient than the state-of-the-art algorithm.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure
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