129 research outputs found

    How nurse express their caring behavior to patients with special needs (Research Report)

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    The purpose of the research was to explore how nurses who work in the specific nursing care facilities express their caring behavior to patients with special needs. A descriptive explorative research design was conducted, and a thirty item questions was administered to nurses who work in ICU, CCU, Casualty/Emergency, Stroke unit, and hemodialysis units in hospitals in Jakarta Metropolitan. The questions were derived from ten carrative factors of Watson’s theory of Caring (Watson, 1994). One hundred sixty five questions was distributed during a month of data collection period, and only 102 questionnaires fulfilled the criteria. Among the findings showed that more than 75% of respondents appreciated clients as persons who have privascy and dignity. The recommendations were directed to nursing authority in the area of education that caring spirit should be grown since the early years of nursing education. In addition, the nursing managers should pay more attention to create conducive environment for nurses to build more cohesive – trust relationship with clients and families. Further research needs to be conducted to cover large subjects, different area of nursing practice, and in a longitudinal observation involving additional sub variables

    Keperawatan Pasien Berpenyakit Kronis

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    Keperawatan merupakan falsafah mendasar praktik keperawatan. Dikembangkan oleh Watson (1985), keperawatan terdiri atas 10 faktor karatif yang menganjurkan perawat memberikan asuhan keperawatan paripurna kepada para pasien sehubung dengan kondisi penyakit mereka, termasuk pasien berpenyakit kronis. Penyakit kronis ialah penyakit yang karena cirri-cirinya membutuhkan perawatan jangka panjang. Biasanya disebabkan oleh Perubhan patologi yang “irreversible” dimana mengarahkan kemampuan seseorang karena kegagalan fungsi tubuh. Penyakit kronis menciptakan banyak masalah tidak hanya pada individu dan keluarga tetapi juga pada pemberi pelayanan kesehatan termasuk perawat. Mereka harus “hidup” dengan pasien dari hari ke hari dan mengatasinya. Mereka berada pada status kematian yang datangnya tidak dapat diperkirakan dengan tepat. Perawat merasa putus asa terhadap prognosa penyakit menyebabkan mereka sulit merawat pasien berpenyakit kronis. Hal ini juga merupakan salah satu alasan mengapa perawat tidak mampu memperlihatkan perilaku merawat seperti yang dikatakan Watson. Artikel ini mencoba menguraikan teori merawat berdasarkan kasih sayang, factor yang mempengaruhi perawat dalam merawat, dan alasan pemberian perawatan pada pasien berpenyakit kronis dengan menggunakan sikap merawat yang tepat. Caring is a fundamental philosophy of nursing practice. It was developed by Watson (1985). It consist of ten carrative factors that allow nurses to provide a comprehensive nursing care to patients regardless of their condition of illness including patients with chronic illness. Chronic illness is a variety of illness that because of its characteristic needs long term care. It is usually caused by non-reversible pathological alteration that lead to incapacity of a person due to impairment of body function. Chronic illness has created many problems not only for individuals and families but also for health care providers including nurses. They have to “live” with the patient day to day and cope with it. Following the chronicity of disease, death will come unpredictably. Nurses feel a sense of hopelessness with regard to the prognosis that make them difficult to care for individuals with chronic illness. This is also one of the reasons why nurses are unable to demonstrate caring behavior as stated by Watson. This article attempts to describe about theory of caring, factors influencing nurses caring behavior, and reasons to provide care to patients with chronic illness using appropriate caring behavior

    Dampak Kanker Payudara Dan Pengobatannya Terhadap Aspek Bio-psiko-spiritual Klien Yang Berpartisipasi Dalam Kelompok Pendukung

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    Penelitian fenomenologis ini telah mengkaji aspek bio-psiko-sosio-spiritual klien pengidap kanker payudara yang tengah mendapatkan pengobatan. Data kualitatif dalam bentuk catatan lapangan telah dikumpulkan selama pelaksanaan program kelompok pendukung. Maksud penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang bagaimana wanita Indonesia yang mengidap kanker payudara merasakan pengalaman yang kompleks, sangat interpersonal, dan dinamis. Latar belakang pemikiran dari penelitian ini didasari oleh pengertian bahwa untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang sesuatu akan menjadi sia-sia dan hamper tidak mungkin tanpa menerangkan pengalaman individu sebagaimana adanya ketika dialami dan sebagaimana diterangkan oleh individu itu secara langsung (Polit, 1996). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji dampak kanker payudara dan pengobatannya terhadap aspek (a) fisiologis, (b) keseimbangan psikologis, (c) hubungan klien dengan orang lain, (d) nilai-nilai spiritual, dan (e) kualitas kehidupan keseharian klien. Subyek penelitian terdiri dari 87 wanita dengan diagnosa kanker payudara yang menghadiri kelompok pendukung. Hasil analisa kualitatif berasal dari analisis isi komentar dan pernyataan subyek selama mengikuti kegiatan kelompok pendukung telah mendapatkan lima kategori thema yaitu: ketidak-mampuan fisiologis (physiological incapability), ketidak-seimbangan psikologis (psychological disequilibrium), perilaku negatif dalam hubungan social (social relationship misbehavior), disparitas nilai-nilai spiritual )spiritual values disparity), dan kehidupan bersemangat (life of courage). Setiap penyataan dinilai dan diinterpretasikan menjadi thema, kelompok thema, kategori thema. Kesimpulan hasil riset telah menunjukkan bahwa partisipasi kelompok dalam kelompok pendukung telah menolong mereka untuk membentuk perasaan positif tentang diri mereka sendiri dan meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam berkomunikasi dengan pasangan hidup dan anggota keluarga lainnya. This phenemonological study explored bio psycho social spiritual aspects of Indonesian women with breast cancer who were having therapy. A qualitative data in a form of field notes was obtained during the course of the support group program. The main objective was to have a deeper and richer understanding on how Indonesian women with breast cancer made sense of an experience that was complex, interpersonal, and dynamic. The premise was that gaining knowledge would be impossible without describing human experience as it was defined by the persons themselves (Polit, 1996). The purpose of the study was to explore the impact of breast cancer and its treatment on their (a) physiological aspects, (b) physiological equilibrium, (c) relationship with others, (d) spiritual values, and quality of daily living. Eighty seven subject who joined the support group for women with breast cancer participated in the study. The result of qualitative analysis which were extracted from the significant statements and comments made by the subject during the course of the breast cancer support group for women with breast cancer participated in the study. The result of qualitative analysis which were extracted from the significant statements and comments made by the subject during the course of the breast cancer support group program identified five theme categories : physiological incapability, physiological disequilibrium, social relationship misbehavior, spiritual values disparity, and life of courage. Each statement was examined and interpreted in relation to themes, theme group, and theme categories. The result of the study concluded that group participation had helped them to have positive feelings about themselves and improved their communication skills with their spouses and other family members

    How Nurse Express Their Caring Behavior to Patients with Special Needs (Research Report)

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    The purpose of the research was to explore how nurses who work in the specific nursing care facilities express their caring behavior to patients with special needs. A descriptive explorative research design was conducted, and a thirty item questions was administered to nurses who work in ICU, CCU, Casualty/Emergency, Stroke unit, and hemodialysis units in hospitals in Jakarta Metropolitan. The questions were derived from ten carrative factors of Watson's theory of Caring (Watson, 1994). One hundred sixty five questions was distributed during a month of data collection period, and only 102 questionnaires fulfilled the criteria. Among the findings showed that more than 75% of respondents appreciated clients as persons who have privascy and dignity. The recommendations were directed to nursing authority in the area of education that caring spirit should be grown since the early years of nursing education. In addition, the nursing managers should pay more attention to create conducive environment for nurses to build more cohesive – trust relationship with clients and families. Further research needs to be conducted to cover large subjects, different area of nursing practice, and in a longitudinal observation involving additional sub variables

    Perilaku Keluarga Terhadap Kesehatan Dan Keadaan Sakit

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    Keluarga merupakan kelompok utama yang mengupayakan pencegahan, dan mempertahankan kesehatan, serta merupakan pemeran utama dalam member asuhan kepada anggotanya yang sedang mengalami sakit.Perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi kesehatan dianggap telah mengurangi wibawa dan kewenangan keluarga dalam membuat keputusan yang terkait dengan kepentingan anggota keluarga yang sedang sakit.Pelibatan tim keperawatan secara dini dapat membantu klien kanker payudara dan keluarganya untuk meningkatkan fungsi keluarga dalam mempertahankan tingkat kesehatan keluarga dan dalam mempertahankan hubungan klien – dokter yang seimbang dan dua arah. A family is a main group to prevent, and to maintain the status of family health. The family also is a key role to provide care to its members.The development in health science and technology has been perceived as to decrease family integrity and authority in making important member's illness related decisions.Early involvement from nurses enables families and patients with breast cancer to increase family functioning in maintaining family health status, and to keep a balanced and two way patient-physician relationship

    Penggunaan Conventional Ultrafiltration selama Cardiopulmonary Bypass untuk Mencegah Terjadinya Acute Kidney Injury Paska Operasi Jantung

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    This study aims to identify the relationship between the use of conventional ultrafiltration and the incidence of postoperative acute kidney injury associated with the help of a cardiopulmonary bypass machine. The method used is a systematic review using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) flowchart to obtain five selected literature. The results showed a relationship between conventional ultrafiltration fluid volume shifts and the incidence of post-cardiac surgery acute kidney injury. In conclusion, ultrafiltration fluid volume displacement > 32 mL/kg will increase the risk of acute kidney injury after cardiac surgery.   Keywords: Acute Kidney Injury, Cardiopulmonary Bypass, Conventional Ultrafiltration, Heart Surger

    The Relationship Between Learning Methods, Participation Of Nurse Educator, And The Student’s Clinical Performance As Perceived By S1 Nursing Students (Stage 1)

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    Abstrak:Pengalaman di klinik memperlihatkan bahwa beberapa rumah sakit mempekerjakan perawat dari lulusan perguruan tinggi. Alasain keaadaan ini adanya persepsi dari manajemen rumah sakit- menolak perawat yang baru lulus. Mereka menganggap bahwa perawat ini tidak siap untuk bekerja karena gagal menunjukkan kemampuan klinik yang diharapkan, yang mungkin disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor. Fenomena di atas menghasilkan asas teoritis yang dapat diperdebatkan karena belum ada temuan ataupun studi yang dapat menjelaskan penyebabnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara metoda pembelajaran di kelas dan laboratorium, partisipasi pembimbing klinik, dengan kinerja klinik yang dipersepsikan oleh mahasiswa program ners yang sedang menjalani tahap profesi. Penelitian ini terdiri dari dua tahap. Disain dari penelitian tahap pertama adalah deskripsi dan analisa korelasi. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Responden yang berpartisipasi sejumlah 120 orang. Metoda pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah kuesioner terstruktur. Variabel utama yang diuraikan pada penelitian ini adalah metoda pembelajaran, partisipasi pembimbing klinik, dan kinerja klinik mahasiswa. Temuan dari penelitian ini menggambarkan penelitian tahap pertama. Temuan menunjukkan lebih dari separuh responden adalah usia produktif (73.4%), suku Jawa (57.5%), wanita (62.5%), program B (55.8 %), dan memiliki ijazah sekolah menengah umurn (77.5%). Tes kaikuadrat digunakan, dan menunjukkan hubungan yang spesifik antara jenis program, status perkawinan dengan kinerja klinik yang ditampilkan (p=0.00, dan 0,01). Tes regresi logistik digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi variabel yang paling mempengaruhi. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa metoda pembelajaran di kelas (p=0.03), jenis program (0.00), status perkawinan (0.01), dan partisipasi pembimbing kinik (0.04) adalah variabel yang paling mempengaruhi kinerja klinik. Peneliti merekomendasikan lahan praktek untuk menyediakan lingkungan pembelajaran yang lebih kondusif dengan meningkatkan fasilitas dan sistem yang dapat digunakan oleh mahasiswa. Untuk institusi pendidikan, harus ada perbaikan yang signifikan dalam menyediakan sistem pembelajaran klinik untuk mahasiswa misalnya dengan meningkatkan kompetensi pembimbing kinik dan mengimplementasikan program preceptorship. Abstrack:Clinical experience showed that many hospitals refused to employ nurses with higher degree. The reason behind the situation was the hospital management perception on the performance of the newly hired nurses. They perceived that these nurses were not ready to work due to failure to demonstrate clinical expectancy, which was suspected to have many causal factors. The phenomenon above created a debatable theoretical foundation since there was no study findings supported the reasons. The purpose of the study was to identify the relationship between learning methods in the class and laboratory, the participation of the clinical nurse educator in their clinical learning process, and the student’s clinical performance as perceived by the students in their professional stage. The study consists of two stages. The design of this first stage study was a descriptive, correlation analysis. The data collected with a cross sectional approach. The study took place in several hospitals in Jakarta and community settings where the students of one faculty of nursing from public university were doing their clinical practice. Sample of the study were students in their final year and were self- involving in the professional first stage. The number of respondent was 120 subjects. Data collection method used in the study was structured questionnaires. Main research variables explored in the study were learning methods, participation of the clinical nurse educator; and clinical performance of the students. The findings in this study were reflecting the first stage. The findings demonstrated that more than half subjects were in the productive age (73.4%), Javanese (57.5%), female (62.5%), from B program (55.8%), and had completed their 12 years general education (77.5%). The chi-square tests were conducted, and showed significant relationships between the type of the program, the marital status and the perceived clinical performance (p=0.00, and 0.01 respectively). A logistic regression test was conducted to identify the most influencing variables. The result demonstrated that learning method in the class (p=0.03), type of the program (0.00), marital status (0.01), and participation of the nurse educator (0.04) were the most influencing variables to the clinical performance. Recommendations were extended to the management of field practice areas to provide more conducive learning environment by improving the facilities and the systems that could be used by the students. To education institution, there should be a significant improvement in providing a clinical teaching system for the students such as improving the competence of nurse educators, and implementing a preceptor ship progra

    Dampak Kanker Payudara dan Pengobatannya Terhadap Aspek Bio-psiko-spiritual Klien yang Berpartisipasi Dalam Kelompok Pendukung

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    Penelitian fenomenologis ini telah mengkaji aspek bio-psiko-sosio-spiritual klien pengidap kanker payudara yang tengah mendapatkan pengobatan. Data kualitatif dalam bentuk catatan lapangan telah dikumpulkan selama pelaksanaan program kelompok pendukung. Maksud penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang bagaimana wanita Indonesia yang mengidap kanker payudara merasakan pengalaman yang kompleks, sangat interpersonal, dan dinamis. Latar belakang pemikiran dari penelitian ini didasari oleh pengertian bahwa untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang sesuatu akan menjadi sia-sia dan hamper tidak mungkin tanpa menerangkan pengalaman individu sebagaimana adanya ketika dialami dan sebagaimana diterangkan oleh individu itu secara langsung (Polit, 1996). Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji dampak kanker payudara dan pengobatannya terhadap aspek (a) fisiologis, (b) keseimbangan psikologis, (c) hubungan klien dengan orang lain, (d) nilai-nilai spiritual, dan (e) kualitas kehidupan keseharian klien. Subyek penelitian terdiri dari 87 wanita dengan diagnosa kanker payudara yang menghadiri kelompok pendukung. Hasil analisa kualitatif berasal dari analisis isi komentar dan pernyataan subyek selama mengikuti kegiatan kelompok pendukung telah mendapatkan lima kategori thema yaitu: ketidak-mampuan fisiologis (physiological incapability), ketidak-seimbangan psikologis (psychological disequilibrium), perilaku negatif dalam hubungan social (social relationship misbehavior), disparitas nilai-nilai spiritual )spiritual values disparity), dan kehidupan bersemangat (life of courage). Setiap penyataan dinilai dan diinterpretasikan menjadi thema, kelompok thema, kategori thema. Kesimpulan hasil riset telah menunjukkan bahwa partisipasi kelompok dalam kelompok pendukung telah menolong mereka untuk membentuk perasaan positif tentang diri mereka sendiri dan meningkatkan kemampuan mereka dalam berkomunikasi dengan pasangan hidup dan anggota keluarga lainnya. This phenemonological study explored bio psycho social spiritual aspects of Indonesian women with breast cancer who were having therapy. A qualitative data in a form of field notes was obtained during the course of the support group program. The main objective was to have a deeper and richer understanding on how Indonesian women with breast cancer made sense of an experience that was complex, interpersonal, and dynamic. The premise was that gaining knowledge would be impossible without describing human experience as it was defined by the persons themselves (Polit, 1996). The purpose of the study was to explore the impact of breast cancer and its treatment on their (a) physiological aspects, (b) physiological equilibrium, (c) relationship with others, (d) spiritual values, and quality of daily living. Eighty seven subject who joined the support group for women with breast cancer participated in the study. The result of qualitative analysis which were extracted from the significant statements and comments made by the subject during the course of the breast cancer support group for women with breast cancer participated in the study. The result of qualitative analysis which were extracted from the significant statements and comments made by the subject during the course of the breast cancer support group program identified five theme categories : physiological incapability, physiological disequilibrium, social relationship misbehavior, spiritual values disparity, and life of courage. Each statement was examined and interpreted in relation to themes, theme group, and theme categories. The result of the study concluded that group participation had helped them to have positive feelings about themselves and improved their communication skills with their spouses and other family members

    Perilaku Keluarga Terhadap Kesehatan dan Keadaan Sakit

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    Keluarga merupakan kelompok utama yang mengupayakan pencegahan, dan mempertahankan kesehatan, serta merupakan pemeran utama dalam member asuhan kepada anggotanya yang sedang mengalami sakit.Perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi kesehatan dianggap telah mengurangi wibawa dan kewenangan keluarga dalam membuat keputusan yang terkait dengan kepentingan anggota keluarga yang sedang sakit.Pelibatan tim keperawatan secara dini dapat membantu klien kanker payudara dan keluarganya untuk meningkatkan fungsi keluarga dalam mempertahankan tingkat kesehatan keluarga dan dalam mempertahankan hubungan klien – dokter yang seimbang dan dua arah. A family is a main group to prevent, and to maintain the status of family health. The family also is a key role to provide care to its members.The development in health science and technology has been perceived as to decrease family integrity and authority in making important member’s illness related decisions.Early involvement from nurses enables families and patients with breast cancer to increase family functioning in maintaining family health status, and to keep a balanced and two way patient-physician relationship

    Keperawatan Pasien Berpenyakit Kronis

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    Keperawatan merupakan falsafah mendasar praktik keperawatan. Dikembangkan oleh Watson (1985), keperawatan terdiri atas 10 faktor karatif yang menganjurkan perawat memberikan asuhan keperawatan paripurna kepada para pasien  sehubung dengan kondisi penyakit mereka, termasuk pasien berpenyakit kronis. Penyakit kronis ialah penyakit yang karena cirri-cirinya membutuhkan perawatan jangka panjang. Biasanya disebabkan oleh perubhan patologi yang “irreversible” dimana mengarahkan kemampuan seseorang karena kegagalan fungsi tubuh. Penyakit kronis menciptakan banyak masalah tidak hanya pada individu dan keluarga tetapi juga pada pemberi pelayanan kesehatan termasuk perawat. Mereka harus “hidup” dengan pasien dari hari ke hari dan mengatasinya. Mereka berada pada status kematian yang datangnya tidak dapat diperkirakan dengan tepat. Perawat merasa putus asa terhadap prognosa penyakit menyebabkan mereka sulit merawat pasien berpenyakit kronis. Hal ini juga merupakan salah satu alasan mengapa perawat tidak mampu memperlihatkan perilaku merawat seperti yang dikatakan Watson. Artikel ini mencoba menguraikan teori merawat berdasarkan kasih sayang, factor yang mempengaruhi perawat dalam merawat, dan alasan pemberian perawatan pada pasien berpenyakit kronis dengan menggunakan sikap merawat yang tepat. Caring is a fundamental philosophy of nursing practice. It was developed by Watson (1985). It consist of ten carrative factors that allow nurses to provide a comprehensive nursing care to patients regardless of their condition of illness including patients with chronic illness. Chronic illness is a variety of illness that because of its characteristic needs long term care. It is usually caused by non-reversible pathological alteration that lead to incapacity of a person due to impairment of body function. Chronic illness has created many problems not only for individuals and families but also for health care providers including nurses. They have to “live” with the patient day to day and cope with it. Following the chronicity of disease, death will come unpredictably. Nurses feel a sense of hopelessness with regard to the prognosis that make them difficult to care for individuals with chronic illness. This is also one of the reasons why nurses are unable to demonstrate caring behavior as stated by Watson. This article attempts to describe about theory of caring, factors influencing nurses caring behavior, and reasons to provide care to patients with chronic illness using appropriate caring behavior
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