622 research outputs found

    Loo.py: transformation-based code generation for GPUs and CPUs

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    Today's highly heterogeneous computing landscape places a burden on programmers wanting to achieve high performance on a reasonably broad cross-section of machines. To do so, computations need to be expressed in many different but mathematically equivalent ways, with, in the worst case, one variant per target machine. Loo.py, a programming system embedded in Python, meets this challenge by defining a data model for array-style computations and a library of transformations that operate on this model. Offering transformations such as loop tiling, vectorization, storage management, unrolling, instruction-level parallelism, change of data layout, and many more, it provides a convenient way to capture, parametrize, and re-unify the growth among code variants. Optional, deep integration with numpy and PyOpenCL provides a convenient computing environment where the transition from prototype to high-performance implementation can occur in a gradual, machine-assisted form

    Bless Me, Father

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    Assessing the Extent of Precarious Work Arrangements in Tuna Catching: The Case of General Santos City, Philippines

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    Attaining global competitiveness is a major challenge in the business world nowadays. This challenge posed the need to produce goods and services with the highest quality and lowest cost of production. The need to reduce labor cost led to the adaption of precarious work arrangements (PWA). However, it is worth noting that PWA have existed in tuna catching even before the offshoot of the globalized economy. This research aimed to study the extent by which PWA is applied, the terms and conditions of employment, and other coping mechanism developed by both labor and management. Key informant interviews were done with three groups of catchers composed of piado (the vessel captain, master fisherman), assistant engine mechanic, pokotero (net maintainer), bosero (area checker/ guard), fishermen (fish hauler and crew), kusinero (cook), and other utility workers. The results revealed that the scheme is covered by a contract between the master fisherman (vessel captain) and vessel owner. There is no fixed rate of compensation. Wages and benefits would depend on the volume and value of the catch. There is no security of tenure, minimal fringe benefits, and high risk. Workers mobility (from one group to another) is dependent on the choice and reputation of the piado. Additional benefits were awarded by vessel owner to maintain loyalty of the workers. It is recommended that the contract of engagement must be improved to include workers protection, welfare, and insurance to reduce risk taking

    General Medical Council refusal to grant provisional registration: reasons, prevention and what to do if it happens

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    Summary: The General Medical Council has refused provisional registration to UK medical graduates 30 times between 2010 and 2016. The reasons given for refusal were lack of insight (29/30, 97%), lack of remediation (29/30, 97%), probity concerns (18/30, 60%), and health (11/30, 37%). In the only case that did not involve both lack of insight and lack of remediation, there were serious concerns about the applicant’s health. This article explains the processes that lead to registration refusal, and offers advice about how to prevent refusal and how to respond to refusal. Thus far, 16 of the 30 have re-applied, and 13 were successful in gaining provisional registration. Relevance: Medical students need to be aware that even if their medical school has permitted graduation, and even if a student has been found to be fit to practise by a university committee, the GMC may decide that the student has failed to demonstrate fitness to practise. This will lead to a refusal to grant provisional registration, which at the very least will set back an individual’s career by 12 months. Take Home Messages: Lack of insight and the resulting failure to change behaviour and demonstrate remediation risk loss of a career. It is imperative that students respond to advice and warnings. Students may not realise that it is not just the seriousness of problem behaviours but their response to advice that determines how a medical school will decide what action to take

    1H, 13C and 17O isotropic and anisotropic hyperfine coupling prediction for the tyrosyl radical using hybrid density functional methods

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    AbstractHybrid density functional calculations are used to directly calculate the principal hyperfine tensor values for 1H, 13C and 17O in two models of the tyrosyl radical, p-methylphenoxyl and p-ethylphenoxyl. Both hydrogen bonded and non-hydrogen bonded phenoxyl radicals are studied. A comparison is made between calculated values and those obtained from experimental EPR and ENDOR studies. Outstanding agreement between experiment and theory is observed

    Assessing the Role of Cooperative in Resolving Labor Issues in Tuna Catching, General Santos City, Philippines

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    Cooperatives are envisioned both as a social and economic enterprise. In the Philippine setting, cooperatives were organized to serve as labor provider for various industries, under the scheme of agency hiring, or declaring the hired workers as member/co-owner of the cooperative. The study aims to examine the economic and social gains, as well as the risk taking of the members and business partners. In particular, an assessment of the social gains (e.g., resolving labor issues, vulnerability of workers to exploitation, and workers capacitation) will be analyzed to probe the cooperative as a venue for workers’ empowerment. Key informant interviews were conducted with the officers and members of two cooperatives: (1) type A – workers’ cooperative organized by an agency (labor provider) and (2) type B – workers’ cooperative organized by the workers themselves. The findings revealed that the type B cooperative generated more economic and social gains for both members and business partners, while the type A cooperative delivered less. Type A cooperatives did not resolve the labor issues while type B cooperatives enhanced worker entrepreneurship, capacity building, and participation with increased compensation and benefits. It is recommended that concerned government agencies must strictly monitor the operations of cooperatives. Business partners must also be encouraged to deal with cooperatives who are organized to serve the interest of the workers

    Design and Fabrication of a MEMS Flow Sensor and Its Application in Precise Liquid Dispensing

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    A high speed MEMS flow sensor to enhance the reliability and accuracy of a liquid dispensing system is proposed. Benefitting from the sensor information feedback, the system can self-adjust the open time of the solenoid valve to accurately dispense desired volumes of reagent without any pre-calibration. First, an integrated high-speed liquid flow sensor based on the measurement of the pressure difference across a flow channel is presented. Dimensions of the micro-flow channel and two pressure sensors have been appropriately designed to meet the static and dynamic requirements of the liquid dispensing system. Experiments results show that the full scale (FS) flow measurement ranges up to 80 ÎĽL/s, with a nonlinearity better than 0.51% FS. Secondly, a novel closed-loop control strategy is proposed to calculate the valve open time in each dispensing cycle, which makes the system immune to liquid viscosity, pressure fluctuation, and other sources of error. Finally, dispensing results show that the system can achieve better dispensing performance, and the coefficient of variance (CV) for liquid dispensing is below 3% at 1 ÎĽL and below 4% at 100 nL

    Pemanfaatan Social Media Marketing di PT. Prove Fit Indonesia Dengan Menggunakan Analisis SWOT

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    yang dimilki Divisi Social Media Marketing PT. Prove Fit Indonesia Faktor eksternal apa yang dihadapi PT. Prove Fit Indonesia serta untuk mengetahui Bagaimana menentukan Social Media Marketing berdasarkan analisis SWOT. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dimana objek penelitian ini adalah divisi Social Media Marketing dari PT. Prove Fit Indonesia. Metode pengambilan data yang dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan wawancara dengan divisi Social Media Marketing dari PT. Prove Fit Indonesia. Populasi yang digunakan adalah karyawan divisi Social Media Marketing dari PT. Prove Fit Indonesia yang berjumlah 4 orang. Sampel yang digunakan adalah sampel jenuh dimana jumlah sampel adalah semua anggota populasi dengan menggunakan metode analisis SWOT matrik IFAS EFAS. Hasil dari penelitian yang dilakukan menunjukan bahwa social media marketing yang digunakan oleh PT. Prove Fit Indonesia berdasarkan pada Matriks IFAS dan EFAS, masing-masing memperoleh skor IFAS = 3,04 dan EFAS = 3,02. kemudian dimasukan ke dalam Matriks IE. Setelah dimasukan, social media marketing PT. Prove Fit Indonesia berada pada Kuadran I, dimana perusahaan berada pada situasi yang menguntungkan

    Looking Forward From Ten Years Back: A Decade of Carolina Planning

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    It seems Impossible that ten years have passed since several second-year students in the Department of City and Regional Planning (DCRP) at the University of North Carolina first discussed the concept of a student planning publication. One year later, in May 1975, the first issue of Carolina planning was published. Because I was among those associated with that first issue, it is particularly gratifying to see that Carolina planning not only survived the decade, but flourished. The discussion below attempts to describe Carolina planning's evolution and its significance for Carolina planners

    Assessing the Employment Conditions and Patterns of Help-outs among Selected Agrarian Reform Cooperatives in the Banana Industry

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    Employment is one of the key concepts that support every country’s economic activity. Its significance and contribution affect key players in all sectors, as it is vital in production, distribution, and consumption of commodities. Among all the industries, agriculture takes the largest share when it comes to labor force participation. The agricultural sector of the Philippines is composed of informally employed workers who face various issues in hiring, contracts, worker pay, workloads, and etc. These informally employed workers include “help-outs” who work in the Agrarian Reform Cooperatives (ARCs) managed by the Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs). Due to the nature of work, these workers engage in different working arrangements which determine their farm setting. Thus, this is an exploratory study conducted to assess the working conditions and patterns of help-outs employed in the selected ARCs, namely SFARBEMCO, AMS-MARBEMCO, and AMS-KARBEMCO, in Davao del Norte. A total of 103 help-outs were interviewed. Linear and logit regression were both employed to test significance of relationships. The results show that most of the help-outs in the ARCs are well-off. Significant factors that affect their probability of being well-off include gender, rating of happiness, employment category, cooperative, and relationship to their ARB. However, issues identified in the employment patterns include ambiguous employer -employee relationship, payment of working slots, precarious contracts, unreasonable pay, and lack of social security
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