300 research outputs found

    Anishinaabemowin reawakening: language ideology, pedagogy, and digital technology

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    A qualitative study of the experiences of individuals who did not complete the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme Pilot

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    Background: Attrition remains a significant public health challenge as individuals who do not complete programmes are likely to have poorer programme outcomes. On calorie- restricted diets, including the NHS Low Calorie Diet (LCD) Programme pilot, approximately 50% of people are discharged prematurely, and thus do not complete the programme. Reducing attrition therefore has the potential to improve programme efficacy, impact and cost-effectiveness. Methods: Ten semi-structured interviews were conducted with purposively sampled individuals who did not complete the NHS LCD programme. Interviews explored service user experiences of the programme and experiences of being discharged. Interview data were analysed thematically. Results: Four core themes were identified: 1) the pre- programme struggles of service users and their route to LCD; 2) a positive and impactful programme; 3) life gets in the way; and 4) a perceived lack of support from the provider. These findings show that individuals had pre-programme struggles and a series of life events that constrained their good intentions, and whilst they were positive about the programme, they were critical of the support they received from providers to deal with their life circumstances. Conclusions: Policy makers and providers can act proportionately to ensure that programmes, such as the NHS LCD Programme pilot, recognise the circumstances and context of people’s lives, and take a more person-centred approach

    A systematic review of the effect of dietary exposure that could be achieved through normal dietary intake on learning and performance of school-aged children of relevance to UK schools

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    The aim of the present review was to perform a systematic in-depth review of the best evidence from controlled trial studies that have investigated the effects of nutrition, diet and dietary change on learning, education and performance in school-aged children (4-18 years) from the UK and other developed countries. The twenty-nine studies identified for the review examined the effects of breakfast consumption, sugar intake, fish oil and vitamin supplementation and 'good diets'. In summary, the studies included in the present review suggest there is insufficient evidence to identify any effect of nutrition, diet and dietary change on learning, education or performance of school-aged children from the developed world. However, there is emerging evidence for the effects of certain fatty acids which appear to be a function of dose and time. Further research is required in settings of relevance to the UK and must be of high quality, representative of all populations, undertaken for longer durations and use universal validated measures of educational attainment. However, challenges in terms of interpreting the results of such studies within the context of factors such as family and community context, poverty, disease and the rate of individual maturation and neurodevelopment will remain. Whilst the importance of diet in educational attainment remains under investigation, the evidence for promotion of lower-fat, -salt and -sugar diets, high in fruits, vegetables and complex carbohydrates, as well as promotion of physical activity remains unequivocal in terms of health outcomes for all schoolchildren.</p

    A rapid review examining purchasing changes resulting from fiscal measures targeted at high sugar food and non-alcoholic drinks

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    To aim of the review was to examine the most recent (2010 onwards) research evidence on the health and behavioural impacts, in adults and children, of fiscal strategies that target high sugar foods and sugar-sweetened drinks (SSDs). A pragmatic rapid review was undertaken using a systematic search strategy. The review was part of a programme of work to support policy development in relation to high sugar food and SSDs. A total of 11 primary research publications were included, describing evidence from France (n = 1), the Netherlands (n = 3), and the United States of America (n = 7), assessed through a variety of study designs, with the majority in adult populations (n = 10). The evidence reviewed focused on consumer behaviour outcomes and suggested that fiscal strategies can influence purchases of high sugar products. Although the majority of studies (n = 10), including three field studies, demonstrated that an increase in the price of high sugar foods and SSDs resulted in a decrease in purchases, eight studies were conducted in a laboratory or virtual setting which may not reflect real-life situations. Findings from this review support evidence from the broader literature that suggests that fiscal measures can be effective in influencing the purchasing of high sugar foods and SSDs

    Commercial provider staff experiences of the NHS low calorie diet programme pilot: a qualitative exploration of key barriers and facilitators

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    Background The National Health Service Type 2 Diabetes Path to Remission programme in England (known as the NHS Low Calorie Diet programme when piloted) was established to support people living with excess weight and Type 2 Diabetes to lose weight and improve their glycaemic control. A mixed method evaluation was commissioned to provide an enhanced understanding of the long-term cost effectiveness of the pilot programme, its implementation, equity and transferability across broad and diverse populations. This study provided key insights on implementation and equity from the service providers’ perspective. Methods Thirteen focus groups were conducted with commercial providers of the programme, during the initial pilot rollout. Participants were purposively sampled across all provider organisations and staff roles involved in implementing and delivering the programme. Normalisation Process Theory (NPT) was used to design the topic schedule, with the addition of topics on equity and person-centredness. Data were thematically analysed using NPT constructs with additional inductively created codes. Codes were summarised, and analytical themes generated. Results The programme was found to fulfil the requirements for normalisation from the providers’ perspective. However, barriers were identified in engaging GP practices and receiving sufficient referrals, as well as supporting service users through challenges to remain compliant. There was variation in communication and training between provider sites. Areas for learning and improvement included adapting systems and processes and closing the gap where needs of service users are not fully met. Conclusions The evaluation of the pilot programme demonstrated that it was workable when supported by effective primary care engagement, comprehensive training, and effective internal and external communication. However, limitations were identified in relation to programme specifications e.g. eligibility criteria, service specification and local commissioning decisions e.g. pattern of roll out, incentivisation of general practice. A person-centred approach to care is fundamental and should include cultural adaptation(s), and the assessment and signposting to additional support and services where required

    Participant experiences during the NHS Low Calorie Diet Programme pilot. Findings from an online survey

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    Background: In 2020, NHS England commissioned independent commercial service providers to deliver a Low Calorie Diet Programme pilot, offering Total Diet Replacement alongside behavioural support. Methods: This paper presents participant experiences of the programme using both quantitative and qualitative data derived from four cross-sectional surveys, and examines differences by sociodemographics, delivery model and provider. Results: The majority of participants reported a positive experience with the referral process, with a small proportion feeling that insufficient information was provided and that they did not feel respected or listened to by their healthcare professional. Participants’ relationship with their coach was generally positive throughout each phase of the programme, and highlights the importance of coach-participant relationships. The relationship with the coach via digital delivery was less favourable compared to other delivery models, as was the perceived adequacy of support provided. Conclusions: The experience of the referral from general practice and the relationship with the coach are key elements of the participant experience. They demonstrate the importance of, and need for, person-centred care

    The impact of, and views on, school food intervention and policy in young people aged 11-18 years in Europe: a mixed methods systematic review

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    Understanding the social and environmental influencers of eating behaviours has the potential to improve health outcomes for young people. This review aims to explore the effectiveness of school nutrition interventions and the perceptions of young people experiencing a nutrition focused intervention or change in school food policy. A comprehensive systematic search identified studies published between 1 December 2007 to 20 February 2020. Twenty‐seven studies were included: 22 quantitative studies of nutrition related outcomes and five qualitative studies reporting views and perceptions of young people (combined sample of 22,138 participants, mean ages 12–18 years). The primary outcome was nutrition knowledge/dietary behaviours, with secondary outcomes exploring body mass index (BMI) and wellbeing. Due to the heterogeneity of studies, a narrative results description is presented. The findings demonstrate that school nutrition programmes can be effective in reducing sugar, sugar sweetened beverages (SSB) and saturated fat and increasing fruit and vegetable (FV) intake. The lived experiences of young people in a school context provide valuable insights that should be considered in the development of effective school food policy and interventions. This review affirms the significant role that schools can play in supporting good nutrition in all young people and provides opportunities to inform the school food agenda

    South Asian individuals' experiences on the NHS low-calorie diet programme: a qualitative study in community settings in England.

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    BACKGROUND: Existing literature examines barriers to the provision of ethnically diverse dietary advice, however, is not specific to total diet replacement (TDR). There is a lack of literature from the UK, limiting the potential applicability of existing findings and themes to the UK context. This study addresses this gap in research by interviewing participants of South Asian ethnicity who have undertaken the National Health Service (NHS) low-calorie diet programme (LCD) for people with type 2 diabetes living with overweight or obesity. This study explores factors that may affect the uptake and acceptability of its TDR, food reintroduction and weight maintenance stages. This aims to provide rich data that can inform effective tailoring of future programmes with South Asian participants. OBJECTIVE: To explore the perspectives of individuals of South Asian ethnicity on an NHS programme using TDR approaches for the management of type 2 diabetes (T2D). DESIGN: Qualitative study. SETTING: Individuals in the community undertaking the NHS LCD programme. PARTICIPANTS: Twelve one-to-one interviews were conducted with individuals from a South Asian ethnicity participating in the NHS LCD. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Qualitative semistructured interviews conducted through different stages of the programme. Reflexive thematic analysis was used to analyse the transcripts. RESULTS: Key themes highlighted positive and negative experiences of the programme: (1) more work is needed in the programme for person centeredness; (2) it is not the same taste; (3) needing motivation to make changes and feel better; (4) a mixed relationship with the coach; (5) social experiences; (6) culture-related experiences. CONCLUSION: This study provides important experience-based evidence of the need for culturally tailored T2D programmes. Action to address these findings and improve the tailoring of the NHS LCD may improve experience, retention and outcomes on the programme for people of South Asian ethnicity and thereby reduce inequalities