10,058 research outputs found

    First-order shock acceleration in solar flares

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    The first order Fermi shock acceleration model is compared with specific observations where electron, proton, and alpha particle spectra are available. In all events, it is found that a single shock with a compression ratio as inferred from the low energy proton spectra can reasonably produce the full proton, electron, and alpha particle spectra. The model predicts that the acceleration time to a given energy will be approximately equal for electrons and protons and, for reasonable solar parameters, can be less than 1 sec to 100 MeV

    Galaxy pairs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey - XII: The fuelling mechanism of low excitation radio-loud AGN

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    We investigate whether the fuelling of low excitation radio galaxies (LERGs) is linked to major galaxy interactions. Our study utilizes a sample of 10,800 spectroscopic galaxy pairs and 97 post-mergers selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey with matches to multi-wavelength datasets. The LERG fraction amongst interacting galaxies is a factor of 3.5 higher than that of a control sample matched in local galaxy density, redshift and stellar mass. However, the LERG excess in pairs does not depend on projected separation and remains elevated out to at least 500 kpc, suggesting that major mergers are not their main fuelling channel. In order to identify the primary fuelling mechanism of LERGs, we compile samples of control galaxies that are matched in various host galaxy and environmental properties. The LERG excess is reduced, but not completely removed, when halo mass or D4000 are included in the matching parameters. However, when BOTH M_halo and D4000 are matched, there is no LERG excess and the 1.4 GHz luminosities (which trace jet mechanical power) are consistent between the pairs and control. In contrast, the excess of optical and mid-IR selected AGN in galaxy pairs is unchanged when the additional matching parameters are implemented. Our results suggest that whilst major interactions may trigger optically and mid-IR selected AGN, the gas which fuels the LERGs has two secular origins: one associated with the large scale environment, such as accretion from the surrounding medium or minor mergers, plus an internal stellar mechanism, such as winds from evolved stars.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters; 5 page

    Absorption Systems In Radio-Selected QSO Surveys

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    Radio-selected samples of quasars with complete optical identifications offer an ideal dataset with which to investigate dust bias associated with intervening absorption systems. Here, we review our work on the Complete Optical and Radio Absorption Line System (CORALS) survey whose aim is to quantify this bias and assess the impact of dust on absorber statistics. First, we review previously published results on the number density and gas content of high column density absorbers over the redshift range 0.6 < z < 3.5. We then present the latest results from CORALS which focus on measuring the metal content of our unbiased absorber sample and an investigation of their optical--IR colours. Overall we find that although dust is unarguably present in absorption galaxies, the level appears to be low enough that the statistics of previous magnitude limited samples have not been severely affected and that the subsequent reddening of background QSOs is small.Comment: Proceedings of IAUC199, Probing Galaxies through Quasar Absorption Lines, P. R. Williams, C. Shu, and B. Menard, ed

    An excess of damped Lyman alpha galaxies near QSOs

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    We present a sample of 33 damped Lyman alpha systems (DLAs) discovered in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) whose absorption redshifts (z_abs) are within 6000 km/s of the QSO's systemic redshift (z_sys). Our sample is based on 731 2.5 < z_sys < 4.5 non-broad-absorption-line (non-BAL) QSOs from Data Release 3 (DR3) of the SDSS. We estimate that our search is ~100 % complete for absorbers with N(HI) >= 2e20 cm^-2. The derived number density of DLAs per unit redshift, n(z), within v < 6000 km/s is higher (3.5 sigma significance) by almost a factor of 2 than that of intervening absorbers observed in the SDSS DR3, i.e. there is evidence for an overdensity of galaxies near the QSOs. This provides a physical motivation for excluding DLAs at small velocity separations in surveys of intervening 'field' DLAs. In addition, we find that the overdensity of proximate DLAs is independent of the radio-loudness of the QSO, consistent with the environments of radio-loud and radio-quiet QSOs being similar.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS (13 pages, 6 figures

    Galactic Cosmic Rays from Supernova Remnants: II Shock Acceleration of Gas and Dust

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    This is the second paper (the first was astro-ph/9704267) of a series analysing the Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR) composition and origin. In this we present a quantitative model of GCR origin and acceleration based on the acceleration of a mixture of interstellar and/or circumstellar gas and dust by supernova remnant blast waves. We present results from a nonlinear shock model which includes (i) the direct acceleration of interstellar gas-phase ions, (ii) a simplified model for the direct acceleration of weakly charged dust grains to energies of order 100keV/amu simultaneously with the gas ions, (iii) frictional energy losses of the grains colliding with the gas, (iv) sputtering of ions of refractory elements from the accelerated grains and (v) the further shock acceleration of the sputtered ions to cosmic ray energies. The calculated GCR composition and spectra are in good agreement with observations.Comment: to appear in ApJ, 51 pages, LaTeX with AAS macros, 9 postscript figures, also available from ftp://wonka.physics.ncsu.edu/pub/elliso

    Nonlinear Diffusive Shock Acceleration with Magnetic Field Amplification

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    We introduce a Monte Carlo model of nonlinear diffusive shock acceleration allowing for the generation of large-amplitude magnetic turbulence. The model is the first to include strong wave generation, efficient particle acceleration to relativistic energies in nonrelativistic shocks, and thermal particle injection in an internally self-consistent manner. We find that the upstream magnetic field can be amplified by large factors and show that this amplification depends strongly on the ambient Alfven Mach number. We also show that in the nonlinear model large increases in the magnetic field do not necessarily translate into a large increase in the maximum particle momentum a particular shock can produce, a consequence of high momentum particles diffusing in the shock precursor where the large amplified field converges to the low ambient value. To deal with the field growth rate in the regime of strong fluctuations, we extend to strong turbulence a parameterization that is consistent with the resonant quasi-linear growth rate in the weak turbulence limit. We believe our parameterization spans the maximum and minimum range of the fluctuation growth and, within these limits, we show that the nonlinear shock structure, acceleration efficiency, and thermal particle injection rates depend strongly on the yet to be determined details of wave growth in strongly turbulent fields. The most direct application of our results will be to estimate magnetic fields amplified by strong cosmic-ray modified shocks in supernova remnants.Comment: Accepted in ApJ July 2006, typos corrected in this versio

    Manderlay (2005): Lars von Trier’s Narrative of Passing

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    Von Trier, the maverick Danish director, has over the course of his career earned a reputation for being difficult; he has a tendency to create films that are not only challenging but demand an active level of participation from his audience. The film Manderlay (2005) continues this tradition of provoking intellectual debate. Whereas numerous scholars and critics have recognised that the film can be read as a metaphorical reference to George W. Bush's invasion of Iraq, this article interprets Manderlay as an allegory for the way African Americans have been represented by the US film industry

    Galaxy pairs in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey - IX: Merger-induced AGN activity as traced by the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer

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    Interactions between galaxies are predicted to cause gas inflows that can potentially trigger nuclear activity. Since the inflowing material can obscure the central regions of interacting galaxies, a potential limitation of previous optical studies is that obscured Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) can be missed at various stages along the merger sequence. We present the first large mid-infrared study of AGNs in mergers and galaxy pairs, in order to quantify the incidence of obscured AGNs triggered by interactions. The sample consists of galaxy pairs and post-mergers drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey that are matched to detections by the Wide Field Infrared Sky Explorer (WISE). We find that the fraction of AGN in the pairs, relative to a mass-, redshift- and environment-matched control sample, increases as a function of decreasing projected separation. This enhancement is most dramatic in the post-merger sample, where we find a factor of 10-20 excess in the AGN fraction compared with the control. Although this trend is in qualitative agreement with results based on optical AGN selection, the mid-infrared selected AGN excess increases much more dramatically in the post-mergers than is seen for optical AGN. Our results suggest that energetically dominant optically obscured AGNs become more prevalent in the most advanced mergers, consistent with theoretical predictions.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures accepted to MNRAS (with minor revisions

    Time's Barbed Arrow: Irreversibility, Crypticity, and Stored Information

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    We show why the amount of information communicated between the past and future--the excess entropy--is not in general the amount of information stored in the present--the statistical complexity. This is a puzzle, and a long-standing one, since the latter is what is required for optimal prediction, but the former describes observed behavior. We layout a classification scheme for dynamical systems and stochastic processes that determines when these two quantities are the same or different. We do this by developing closed-form expressions for the excess entropy in terms of optimal causal predictors and retrodictors--the epsilon-machines of computational mechanics. A process's causal irreversibility and crypticity are key determining properties.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure