12,651 research outputs found

    Multiplicative Conservation of Baryon Number and Baryogenesis

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    In the canonical seesaw mechanism of neutrino mass, lepton number is only multiplicatively conserved, which enables the important phenomenon of leptogenesis to occur, as an attractive explanation of the present baryon asymmetry of the Universe. A parallel possibility, hitherto unrecognized, also holds for baryon number and baryogenesis. This new idea is shown to be naturally realized in the context of a known supersymmetric string-inspired extension of the Standard Model, based on E(6) particle content, and having an extra U(1)_N gauge symmetry. Within this framework, two-loop radiative neutrino masses are also possible, together with a new form of very long-lived matter.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, 3 table

    Theoretical Expectations for Rare and Forbidden Tau Decays

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    Given the experimental evidence for νμντ\nu_\mu - \nu_\tau oscillations, the existence of lepton flavor violation in τ\tau decays is a theoretical certainty. In this brief review, I consider the connection between models of neutrino mass and the expected observability of some τ\tau decays.Comment: Talk at TAU 02 (Santa Cruz, CA

    Parton Sum Rules and Improved Scaling Variable

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    The effect from quark masses and transversal motion on the Gottfried, Bjorken, and Ellis-Jaffe sum rules is examined by using a quark-parton model of nucleon structure functions based on an improved scaling variable. Its use results in corrections to the Gottfried, Bjorken, and Ellis-Jaffe sum rules. We use the Brodsky-Huang-Lepage prescription of light-cone wavefunctions to estimate the size of the corrections. We constrain our choice of parameters by the roughly known higher twist corrections to the Bjorken sum rule and find that the resulting corrections to the Gottfried and Ellis-Jaffe sum rules are relevant, though not large enough to explain the observed sum rule violations.Comment: latex, with 1 postscript figure, to be published in Phys.Lett.

    Flavor and Spin Structure of Octet Baryons at Large x

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    The quark flavor and spin distributions in octet baryons are calculated both in the SU(6) quark spectator diquark model and in a perturbative QCD (pQCD) based model. It is shown that the Λ\Lambda has the most significant difference in flavor structure at large xx between the two models, though the flavor and spin structure of other baryons can also provide tests of different models. The Drell-Yan process for Σ±\Sigma^{\pm} beams on isoscalar targets can be used to test different predictions concerning the valence quark flavor structure of the Σ±\Sigma^{\pm}.Comment: 24 pages, 11 figures, version published in Nucl.Phys.B 574 (2000) 33

    The Quark/Antiquark Asymmetry of the Nucleon Sea

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    Although the distributions of sea quarks and antiquarks generated by leading-twist QCD evolution through gluon splitting gqˉqg \rightarrow \bar q q are necessarily CP symmetric, the distributions of nonvalence quarks and antiquarks which are intrinsic to the nucleon's bound state wavefunction need not be identical. In this paper we investigate the sea quark/antiquark asymmetries in the nucleon wavefunction which are generated by a light-cone model of energetically-favored meson-baryon fluctuations. The model predicts striking quark/antiquark asymmetries in the momentum and helicity distributions for the down and strange contributions to the proton structure function: the intrinsic dd and ss quarks in the proton sea are predicted to be negatively polarized, whereas the intrinsic dˉ\bar d and sˉ\bar s antiquarks give zero contributions to the proton spin. Such a picture is supported by experimental phenomena related to the proton spin problem and the violation of the Ellis-Jaffe sum rule. The light-cone meson-baryon fluctuation model also suggests a structured momentum distribution asymmetry for strange quarks and antiquarks which could be relevant to an outstanding conflict between two different determinations of the strange quark sea in the nucleon. The model predicts an excess of intrinsic ddˉd \bar d pairs over uuˉu \bar u pairs, as supported by the Gottfried sum rule violation. We also predict that the intrinsic charm and anticharm helicity and momentum distributions are not identical.Comment: LaTex 18 pages, 4 figures. To obtain a copy, send e-mail to [email protected]

    Light Charged Higgs Bosons in Supersymmetric Models

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    We point out that present experimental limits from searches for neutral Higgs bosons at LEP already imply stringent lower bounds on the mass of the charged Higgs boson in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM); these bounds are especially severe for low values of \tanb (\tanb \leq 3), where the H+tˉbH^+ \bar{t} b coupling is large. However, these indirect constraints are much weaker in simple extensions of the MSSM Higgs sector involving the introduction of an extra U(1) gauge group or an extra SU(2)×U(1)YSU(2) \times U(1)_Y Higgs singlet field; in the latter case charged Higgs bosons can even be light enough to be pair produced at LEP.Comment: LaTeX with equation.sty, 3 PS figures. Version to appear in PLB: Added one paragraph concerning charged Higgs searches at the Tevatro

    Scalar Mass Bounds in Two Supersymmetric Extended Electroweak Gauge Models

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    In two recently proposed supersymmetric extended electroweak gauge models, the reduced Higgs sector at the 100-GeV energy scale consists of only two doublets, but they have quartic scalar couplings different from those of the minimal supersymmetric standard model. In the SU(2) X SU(2) X U(1) model, there is an absolute upper bound of about 145 GeV on the mass of the lightest neutral scalar boson. In the SU(3) X U(1) model, there is only a parameter-dependent upper bound which formally goes to infinity in a particular limitComment: 9 pages (6 figures not included), UCRHEP-T128 (July 1994

    Inhibition of food intake in obese subjects by peptide YY3-36

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    Background: The gut hormone fragment peptide YY3-36 (PYY) reduces appetite and food intake when infused into subjects of normal weight. In common with the adipocyte hormone leptin, PYY reduces food intake by modulating appetite circuits in the hypothalamus. However, in obesity there is a marked resistance to the action of leptin, which greatly limits its therapeutic effectiveness. We investigated whether obese subjects were also resistant to the anorectic effects of PYY.Methods: We compared the effects of PYY infusion on appetite and food intake in 12 obese and 12 lean subjects in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study. The plasma levels of PYY, ghrelin, leptin, and insulin were also determined.Results: Caloric intake during a buffet lunch offered two hours after the infusion of PYY was decreased by 30 percent in the obese subjects (P<0.001) and 31 percent in the lean subjects (P<0.001). PYY infusion also caused a significant decrease in the cumulative 24-hour caloric intake in both obese and lean subjects. PYY infusion reduced plasma levels of the appetite-stimulatory hormone ghrelin. Endogenous fasting and postprandial levels of PYY were significantly lower in obese subjects (the mean [+/-SE] fasting PYY levels were 10.2+/-0.7 pmol per liter in the obese group and 16.9+/-0.8 pmol per liter in the lean group, P<0.001). Furthermore, the fasting PYY levels correlated negatively with the body-mass index (r=-0.84, P<0.001).Conclusions: We found that obese subjects were not resistant to the anorectic effects of PYY. Endogenous PYY levels were low in the obese subjects, suggesting that PYY deficiency may contribute to the pathogenesis of obesity

    Scale of SU(2)_R symmetry breaking and leptogenesis

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    Models of leptogenesis often invoke the out-of-equilibrium decays of heavy right-handed neutrinos in order to create a baryon asymmetry of the universe through the electroweak phase transition. Their presumed existence argues strongly for the presence of an SU(2)RSU(2)_R gauge symmetry. We study the equilibrating effects of the resulting additional right-handed interactions and find that successful leptogenesis requires that mN1016m_N \gtrsim 10^{16} GeV if mN>mWRm_N > m_{W_R}, and mWR3×106GeV(mN/102GeV)2/3m_{W_R} \gtrsim 3 \times 10^6 GeV (m_N /10^2 GeV)^{2/3} if mN<mWRm_{N}<m_{W_R}, where mNm_{N} is the mass of the lightest right-handed neutrino. However, the mN>mWRm_N > m_{W_R} option is excluded in a supersymmetric theory with gravitinos.Comment: 4 pages (Revtex); accepted for publication with small modifications; conclusions unchange

    The Quark-Antiquark Asymmetry of the Nucleon Sea from Λ\Lambda and Λˉ\bar{\Lambda} Fragmentation

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    We present a general analysis of the spin transfer for Λ\Lambda and Λˉ\bar{\Lambda} production in deep-inelastic scattering of polarized charged leptons on the nucleon, and find that the pattern of different behaviors of Λ\Lambda and Λˉ\bar{\Lambda} production observed by the E665 Collaboration suggests the possibility of quark-antiquark asymmetries either in the quark to Λ\Lambda fragmentation functions and/or in the quark and antiquark distributions of the target proton. We also point out that the strange-antistrange asymmetry of the nucleon sea may produce an observable contribution to the different behaviors of Λ\Lambda and Λˉ\bar{\Lambda} production. We find that a softer sˉ(x)\bar{s}(x) than s(x)s(x) as predicted by the light-cone baryon-meson fluctuation model of intrinsic quark-antiquark pairs of the nucleon sea might lead to a reasonable picture. However, the magnitude is still too small to explain the E665 data and the conclusion has also strong model-dependence. This may suggest the importance of quark-antiquark asymmetry in the quark to Λ\Lambda fragmentation functions, provided that the E665 data are confirmed.Comment: 15 latex pages, 2 figure