584 research outputs found

    Renewing the Exploration Approach for Mid-Enthalpy Systems: Examples from Northern England and Scotland

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    After a promising start in the 1970s and 80s, the UK rather fell behind other countries in the search for viable mid-enthalpy geothermal resources. This situation began to turn around in 2004, when the first of three deep geothermal exploration boreholes were drilled in northern England. What distinguished these from earlier drilling in Cornwall was the deliberate search for naturallyhigh permeability associated with major faults, especially those that have undergone strike-slip reactivation during the Cenozoic. Boreholes at Eastgate in the North Pennines targeted buried radiothermal granite, whereas the 1,821m-deep Science Central Borehole in Newcastle upon Tyne targeted a postulated deep sedimentary aquifer (the Fell Sandstones), which were inferred to be connected laterally to the granitic heat source by a major fault (the reactivation of the Iapetus geo-suture). The drilling was in both cases rewarded with impressive heat flows, and in the case of Eastgate with what is believed to be the highest permeability yet found in a deep granite batholith anywhere in the world. In parallel with these developments, a re-assessment was made of the preexisting geothermal heat flow database for the UK, applying newly-standardised correction protocols for palaeoclimatic and topographic distortions, which were found to be particularly marked in Scotland (where only shallow boreholes had been used to establish geothermal gradients in the original 1980s analysis), Similar prospects in northern England (similar to that drilled at Science Central) are now the focus of commercial exploration efforts. Appraisal of fault dispositions relative to the present-day maximum compressive stress azimuth are being used to identify the most promising areas for intersecting fault-related permeability at depth. New geophysical tools – most notably atomic dielectric resonance scanning – are also being appraised for their ability to directly detect features (such as hot brines) which are indicative of localised convection in target fault zones and aquifers

    Impact of Gastrostomy Placement on Nutritional Status, Physical Health, and Parental Well-Being of Females with Rett Syndrome: A Longitudinal Study of an Australian Population

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    © 2018 Elsevier Inc. Objectives: To evaluate how age-related trends in nutritional status, physical health, and parental well-being in females with Rett syndrome may be related to gastrostomy placement and to examine the impact of the procedure on mortality. Study design: We included 323 females from the Australian Rett Syndrome Study and analyzed their demographic, genetic, and child and parental health data collected from over 6 waves of follow-up questionnaire between 2000 and 2011. We used mixed-effects models to estimate the association between repeated measures of outcomes and age, gastrostomy placement and their interaction and Cox proportional hazards regression models to estimate relative risks of mortality for individuals with gastrostomy. Results: Nearly one-third (30.3%) of the cases underwent gastrostomy placement. Nutritional status based on weight, height, and body mass index (BMI) improved over time, and BMI was greater in individuals with gastrostomy placement than in those without (adjusted β = 0.87, 95% CI 0.02-1.73). There was no association between gastrostomy placement and individual's physical health outcomes or parental physical and mental health, nor did the age trend of these outcomes vary by gastrostomy insertion status. Nevertheless, among those at risk of suboptimal weight, the all-cause mortality rate was greater in those who had gastrostomy placement compared with those who had not (hazard ratio 4.07, 95% CI 1.96-8.45). Conclusion: Gastrostomy placement was associated with improvement in BMI in females with Rett syndrome, but its long-term impact on individuals and their families is unclear

    Unstable solitons on noncommutative tori and D-branes

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    We describe a class of exact solutions of super Yang-Mills theory on even-dimensional noncommutative tori. These solutions generalize the solitons on a noncommutative plane introduced in hep-th/0009142 that are conjectured to describe unstable D2p-D0 systems. We show that the spectrum of quadratic fluctuations around our solutions correctly reproduces the string spectrum of the D2p-D0 system in the Seiberg-Witten decoupling limit. In particular the fluctuations correctly reproduce the 0-0 string winding modes. For p=1 and p=2 we match the differences between the soliton energy and the energy of an appropriate SYM BPS state with the binding energies of D2-D0 and D4-D0 systems. We also give an example of a soliton that we conjecture describes branes of intermediate dimension on a torus such as a D2-D4 system on a four-torus.Comment: 22 pages, Latex; v.2: references adde

    Characterization of a Li-6 loaded liquid organic scintillator for fast neutron spectrometry and thermal neutron detection

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    The characterization of a liquid scintillator incorporating an aqueous solution of enriched lithium chloride to produce a scintillator with 0.40% Li-6 is presented, including the performance of the scintillator in terms of its optical properties and neutron response. The scintillator was incorporated into a fast neutron spectrometer, and the light output spectra from 2.5 MeV, 14.1 MeV, and Cf-252 neutrons were measured using capture-gated coincidence techniques. The spectrometer was operated without coincidence to perform thermal neutron measurements. Possible improvements in spectrometer performance are discussed.Comment: Submitted to Applied Radiation and Isotopes. 11 pages, 7 figures, 3 tables. Revision addresses reviewers' comment

    A Quantum-Mechanical Equivalent-Photon Spectrum for Heavy-Ion Physics

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    In a previous paper, we calculated the fully quantum-mechanical cross section for electromagnetic excitation during peripheral heavy-ion collisions. Here, we examine the sensitivity of that cross section to the detailed structure of the projectile and target nuclei. At the transition energies relevant to nuclear physics, we find the cross section to be weakly dependent on the projectile charge radius, and to be sensitive to only the leading momentum-transfer dependence of the target transition form factors. We exploit these facts to derive a quantum-mechanical ``equivalent-photon spectrum'' valid in the long-wavelength limit. This improved spectrum includes the effects of projectile size, the finite longitudinal momentum transfer required by kinematics, and the response of the target nucleus to the off-shell photon.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figure

    Probing the upper end of intracontinental earthquake magnitude: a prehistoric example from the Dzhungarian and Lepsy faults of Kazakhstan

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    The study of surface ruptures is key to understanding the earthquake occurrence of faults especially in the absence of historical events. We present a detailed analysis of geomorphic displacements along the Dzhungarian Fault, which straddles the border of China and Kazakhstan. We use digital elevation models derived from structure-from-motion analysis of Pléiades satellite imagery and drone imagery from specific field sites to measure surface offsets. We provide direct age constraints from alluvial terraces displaced by faulting and indirect dating from morphological analysis of the scarps. We find that the southern 250 km of the fault likely ruptured in a single event in the last 4,000 years, with displacements of 10–15 m, and potentially up to 20 m at one site. We infer that this Dzhungarian rupture is likely linked with a previously identified paleo-earthquake rupture on the Lepsy Fault through a system of splays in the intervening highlands. Though there are remaining uncertainties regarding consistency in age constraints between the two fault ruptures, most of the sites along the two faults are consistent with a most recent event 2,000–4,000 years ago. Rupture on the Dzhungarian Fault alone is likely to have exceeded Mw 8, and the combined Lepsy-Dzhungarian rupture scenario may have been up to Mw 8.4. Despite being at the upper end of known or inferred continental earthquake magnitudes, our proposed scenario combining the 375 km of the Dzhungarian and Lepsy ruptures yields a slip-to-length ratio consistent with global averages and so do other historical intracontinental earthquakes in Central Asia

    Caloric Curves and Nuclear Expansion

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    Nuclear caloric curves have been analyzed using an expanding Fermi gas hypothesis to extract average nuclear densities. In this approach the observed flattening of the caloric curves reflects progressively increasing expansion with increasing excitation energy. This expansion results in a corresponding decrease in the density and Fermi energy of the excited system. For nuclei of medium to heavy mass apparent densities ~ 0.4 rho_0 are reached at the higher excitation energies.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Community priority setting for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder research in Australia

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    Introduction Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE). FASD research is a rapidly growing field that crosses multiple disciplines. To ensure research is relevant and meaningful for people living with FASD, their families, and the broader public there is a need to engage community members in setting priorities for research. Objectives Our primary objective was to formally identify the views of people living with FASD, their par- ents/caregivers, service providers, and the general community on the research priorities for FASD and alcohol use in pregnancy in Australia. Our secondary objective was to provide an overview of current research in the highest priority areas identified. Methods The approach for this study involved two community surveys and a consensus workshop, followed by a rapid literature review. Survey responses (n = 146) were collected and grouped using qualitative thematic analysis. The themes identified were then ranked in a second survey (n = 45). The 22 highest ranked themes were considered in a workshop with 21 community members, and consensus on the top ten priority areas was sought. The priority areas were grouped into conceptually similar topics and rapid literature reviews were undertaken on each. Results A diverse range of priorities was identified within key areas of prevention, diagnosis, and therapy. On request from participants, separate priority lists were developed by Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal participants. Conclusions There is need for a national network of researchers to take forward the research commenced by the Centre of Research Excellence, FASD Research Australia, in addressing community prioritie

    Higgs Scalars in the Minimal Non-minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model

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    We consider the simplest and most economic version among the proposed non-minimal supersymmetric models, in which the μ\mu-parameter is promoted to a singlet superfield, whose all self-couplings are absent from the renormalizable superpotential. Such a particularly simple form of the renormalizable superpotential may be enforced by discrete RR-symmetries which are extended to the gravity-induced non-renormalizable operators as well. We show explicitly that within the supergravity-mediated supersymmetry-breaking scenario, the potentially dangerous divergent tadpoles associated with the presence of the gauge singlet first appear at loop levels higher than 5 and therefore do not destabilize the gauge hierarchy. The model provides a natural explanation for the origin of the μ\mu-term, without suffering from the visible axion or the cosmological domain-wall problem. Focusing on the Higgs sector of this minimal non-minimal supersymmetric standard model, we calculate its effective Higgs potential by integrating out the dominant quantum effects due to stop squarks. We then discuss the phenomenological implications of the Higgs scalars predicted by the theory for the present and future high-energy colliders. In particular, we find that our new minimal non-minimal supersymmetric model can naturally accommodate a relatively light charged Higgs boson, with a mass close to the present experimental lower bound.Comment: 63 pages (12 figures), extended versio

    Plasma REST: a novel candidate biomarker of Alzheimer’s disease is modified by psychological intervention in an at-risk population

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    The repressor element 1-silencing transcription (REST) factor is a key regulator of the aging brain’s stress response. It is reduced in conditions of stress and Alzheimer’s disease (AD), which suggests that increasing REST may be neuroprotective. REST can be measured peripherally in blood plasma. Our study aimed to (1) examine plasma REST levels in relation to clinical and biological markers of neurodegeneration and (2) alter plasma REST levels through a stress-reduction intervention—mindfulness training. In study 1, REST levels were compared across the following four well-characterized groups: healthy elderly (n=65), mild cognitive impairment who remained stable (stable MCI, n=36), MCI who later converted to dementia (converter MCI, n=29) and AD (n=65) from the AddNeuroMed cohort. REST levels declined with increasing severity of risk and impairment (healthy elderly>stable MCI>converter MCI>AD, F=6.35, P<0.001). REST levels were also positively associated with magnetic resonance imaging-based hippocampal and entorhinal atrophy and other putative blood-based biomarkers of AD (Ps<0.05). In study 2, REST was measured in 81 older adults with psychiatric risk factors for AD before and after a mindfulness-based stress reduction intervention or an education-based placebo intervention. Mindfulness-based training caused an increase in REST compared with the placebo intervention (F=8.57, P=0.006), and increased REST was associated with a reduction in psychiatric symptoms associated with stress and AD risk (Ps<0.02). Our data confirm plasma REST associations with clinical severity and neurodegeneration, and originally, that REST is modifiable by a psychological intervention with clinical benefit
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