1,909 research outputs found


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    The military is facing pressure to ensure policies foster a diverse and inclusive workforce. As of 2020, 35 percent of the military had dependent children, with most children under the age of 12, and postpartum depression statistics in the military are as high as 29 percent. This thesis explores changes in mental health for both first-time parents and seasoned parents and how such changes predict retention. Pre-birth and post-birth mental health trends for parents who had their first child between March 2013 and March 2015 are captured to predict the likelihood of remaining in the military at least 48 months after the birth of the first child. There is also an attempt to uncover how mental health concerns predict retention for all parents who have a child under 18 between March 2013 and March 2019. Research into the mental health of military parents can provide the military insight on where to focus resources and training so that service members and their families are supported to the greatest extent possible. If the military can provide the right resources to families after the birth or adoption of a child, or at critical times in their careers where mental health illnesses are more likely to occur, service members may perform better or remain in service longer.Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, New York, NY, 10019-5435Lieutenant, United States NavyApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Transiently Transfected Purine Biosynthetic Enzymes Form Stress Bodies

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    It has been hypothesized that components of enzymatic pathways might organize into intracellular assemblies to improve their catalytic efficiency or lead to coordinate regulation. Accordingly, de novo purine biosynthesis enzymes may form a purinosome in the absence of purines, and a punctate intracellular body has been identified as the purinosome. We investigated the mechanism by which human de novo purine biosynthetic enzymes might be organized into purinosomes, especially under differing cellular conditions. Irregardless of the activity of bodies formed by endogenous enzymes, we demonstrate that intracellular bodies formed by transiently transfected, fluorescently tagged human purine biosynthesis proteins are best explained as protein aggregation.This work was supported by grants from the United States National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, and Welch (F1515) and Packard Foundations to EMM. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Cellular and Molecular Biolog


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    Digital twins have the potential to support the decision-makers that design, build, operate, and maintain the platforms that the Department of the Navy (DON) relies upon to conduct naval operations. However, the thin body of knowledge on digital twins presents a challenge for the DON as the range of applications and risks associated with onboarding digital twins are still unclear. This thesis conducts a qualitative technology assessment to determine the effects that adopting digital twins has on the DON’s enterprise architecture. Analysis of an enterprise-wide adoption identifies opportunities and risks of digital twins within the context of the DON’s strategy, processes, people, technology, cyber security, and risk management. The business value provided by digital twins is principally dependent upon the aggregate risk value of the physical platform and the fidelity and frequency of the digital twin’s synchronizations.Captain, United States Marine CorpsCaptain, United States Marine CorpsApproved for public release. Distribution is unlimited

    Evolution of phage with chemically ambiguous proteomes

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    BACKGROUND: The widespread introduction of amino acid substitutions into organismal proteomes has occurred during natural evolution, but has been difficult to achieve by directed evolution. The adaptation of the translation apparatus represents one barrier, but the multiple mutations that may be required throughout a proteome in order to accommodate an alternative amino acid or analogue is an even more daunting problem. The evolution of a small bacteriophage proteome to accommodate an unnatural amino acid analogue can provide insights into the number and type of substitutions that individual proteins will require to retain functionality. RESULTS: The bacteriophage Qβ initially grows poorly in the presence of the amino acid analogue 6-fluorotryptophan. After 25 serial passages, the fitness of the phage on the analogue was substantially increased; there was no loss of fitness when the evolved phage were passaged in the presence of tryptophan. Seven mutations were fixed throughout the phage in two independent lines of descent. None of the mutations changed a tryptophan residue. CONCLUSIONS: A relatively small number of mutations allowed an unnatural amino acid to be functionally incorporated into a highly interdependent set of proteins. These results support the 'ambiguous intermediate' hypothesis for the emergence of divergent genetic codes, in which the adoption of a new genetic code is preceded by the evolution of proteins that can simultaneously accommodate more than one amino acid at a given codon. It may now be possible to direct the evolution of organisms with novel genetic codes using methods that promote ambiguous intermediates

    A Logico-Structural, Worldview Analysis of the Interrelationship between Science Interest, Gender, and Concept of Nature

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    A few years ago I was speaking with a distinguished professor of science explaining to him my concern for the low level of science interest among school level students. I remarked that in my view a major contributor to this lack of interest was the methodology used to teach science. Students forsake science because their own orientation to the world does not allow them to appreciate science as it is typically taught (Cobern, 1989a). The professor immediately added to my sentence and believed by the vast majority of qualified practitioners. He went on to say that this dropping away of students is a blessing because it leaves science with only those who are truly capable of doing science. What this professor advocated was the natural selection of science students via the survival of the fittest - science education, red in tooth and claw

    Rapid Targeted Gene Disruption in Bacillus Anthracis

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    Anthrax is a zoonotic disease recognized to affect herbivores since Biblical times and has the widest range of susceptible host species of any known pathogen. The ease with which the bacterium can be weaponized and its recent deliberate use as an agent of terror, have highlighted the importance of gaining a deeper understanding and effective countermeasures for this important pathogen. High quality sequence data has opened the possibility of systematic dissection of how genes distributed on both the bacterial chromosome and associated plasmids have made it such a successful pathogen. However, low transformation efficiency and relatively few genetic tools for chromosomal manipulation have hampered full interrogation of its genome. Results: Group II introns have been developed into an efficient tool for site-specific gene inactivation in several organisms. We have adapted group II intron targeting technology for application in Bacillus anthracis and generated vectors that permit gene inactivation through group II intron insertion. The vectors developed permit screening for the desired insertion through PCR or direct selection of intron insertions using a selection scheme that activates a kanamycin resistance marker upon successful intron insertion. Conclusions: The design and vector construction described here provides a useful tool for high throughput experimental interrogation of the Bacillus anthracis genome and will benefit efforts to develop improved vaccines and therapeutics.Chem-Bio Diagnostics program from the Department of Defense Chemical and Biological Defense program through the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) B102387MNIH GM037949Welch Foundation F-1607Cellular and Molecular Biolog

    Group I aptazymes as genetic regulatory switches

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    BACKGROUND: Allosteric ribozymes (aptazymes) that have extraordinary activation parameters have been generated in vitro by design and selection. For example, hammerhead and ligase ribozymes that are activated by small organic effectors and protein effectors have been selected from random sequence pools appended to extant ribozymes. Many ribozymes, especially self-splicing introns, are known control gene regulation or viral replication in vivo. We attempted to generate Group I self-splicing introns that were activated by a small organic effector, theophylline, and to show that such Group I aptazymes could mediate theophylline-dependent splicing in vivo. RESULTS: By appending aptamers to the Group I self-splicing intron, we have generated a Group I aptazyme whose in vivo splicing is controlled by exogenously added small molecules. Substantial differences in gene regulation could be observed with compounds that differed by as little as a single methyl group. The effector-specificity of the Group I aptazyme could be rationally engineered for new effector molecules. CONCLUSION: Group I aptazymes may find applications as genetic regulatory switches for generating conditional knockouts at the level of mRNA or for developing economically viable gene therapies

    Enhanced flight performance by genetic manipulation of wing shape in Drosophila

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    Insect wing shapes are remarkably diverse and the combination of shape and kinematics determines both aerial capabilities and power requirements. However, the contribution of any specific morphological feature to performance is not known. Using targeted RNA interference to modify wing shape far beyond the natural variation found within the population of a single species, we show a direct effect on flight performance that can be explained by physical modelling of the novel wing geometry. Our data show that altering the expression of a single gene can significantly enhance aerial agility and that the Drosophila wing shape is not, therefore, optimized for certain flight performance characteristics that are known to be important. Our technique points in a new direction for experiments on the evolution of performance specialities in animals
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