7 research outputs found

    Utfordringer i implementeringsfasen av nytt ERP-system i DDV-kommunene

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    Masteroppgave ledelse - Universitetet i Agder 2016The approach to the problem in this master has been to take a look at the challenges that appears in the project with introducing a new economy-/salary/-HR system in a DDV municipality. The task is based on empirical investigation among employees who work in central staff- and supportfunctions within economy, salary/HR, who will get a new, equal economy- and salary/HR-system based on common structure in all DDV-municipalities. The study is based on an ongoing workprocess with organizing the implementation of a new economy- and salarysystem for 9 municipalities in DDV-cooperation. The purpose of the study has been to reveal the biggest challenges so far in the process, and what it will take to ensure the establishment of a successful foundation for a transfer from the old system to the new. The inquiry has been carried out based on a qualitative survey among 8 employees who has participated in the project, either in the workshop Economy, workshop Salary/HR, the competencenetwork or the QA-group, with equal number of respondents from agresso municipalities and visma municipalities, and equal numbers between economyfunctions and salaryfunctions. The main findings in this study indicates challenges in relation to management, and the process on lack of knowledge to the strategyfoundation for the process with the involved in the project. Lack of clear management and control of the process. Great challenges in the lack of understanding of the visma municipalities for the work beeing carried out in in the ongoing implemantation fase. The visma municipalities is struggling to understand structure and building in new systemsolutions. Great concern is beeing expressed for the quality of what is the foundation for the building of a new systemsolution from visma municipalities. Lack of competence is beeing revealed at Evry to convey new program solution simple and understandable. Technological circumstances reveals challenges when it comes to lack of recogniztion in the solution beeing demontrated and the solution beeing used in the implementation fase. The visma municipalities is experience bad userfriendliness in a new solution, and the user interface to a new solution is experienced as big compare to the relations in the solution they have today. 6 The main message in what it takes to secure the further success with the project is to carry out a fastworking competencedevelopmentproject to familierize the strategy foundation for the project and secure the visma municipalities understanding of a new systemsolution

    Loss of health certificates among offshore petroleum workers on the Norwegian Continental Shelf 2002–2010

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    Background. A health certificate is required to work on the offshore petroleum installations of the Norwegian Shelf. Loss of health certificate (loss of licence, LOL) may cause economic problems for the individual worker. A private compensation system (OSO) was established for Norwegian offshore workers in 2002, comprising 8000–11,000 individual members of workers organisations: approximately one third of the population offshore. This study aims at describing the reasons for compensation of offshore workers who have lost their certificates. Materials and methods. Of 595 workers who applied for compensation in the period 2002–2010, 38 declined to participate in the study. Of the remaining 557, 507 were granted and 50 were denied compensation. All medical records held by the scheme concerning the 507 compensated applicants were examined. Health data were systematically extracted, analysed, and compared with general population statistics. Results. Musculoskeletal conditions were the most frequent conditions causing LOL for both sexes (42.5%), followed by psychiatric, neurological, and malignant diseases for women, and cardiovascular (19%), neurological, and psychiatric conditions for men. Musculoskeletal disorders were more prevalent than in the general population, and the prevalence of knee problems was particularly high. Among malignant diseases we found a high proportion of brain tumours and renal cancer. The causes are unknown and warrant further investigation in this population. Among women granted compensation, 78% were catering workers, while 50% of the men were process workers, reflecting the gender distribution in these working groups. Conclusions. Musculoskeletal conditions were the most frequent cause of application for LOL compensation for both sexes, followed by psychiatric, neurological, and malignant diseases for women, and cardiovascular, neurological, and psychiatric conditions for men. The cause of the higher incidence of musculoskeletal diseases, brain tumours, and renal cancer found in this study compared to the general population warrants further investigation

    Loss of health certificates among offshore petroleum workers on the Norwegian Continental Shelf 2002-2010

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    Background: A health certificate is required to work on the offshore petroleum installations of the Norwegian Shelf. Loss of health certificate (“loss of licence”, LOL) may cause economic problems for the individual worker. A private compensation system (OSO) was established for Norwegian offshore workers in 2002, comprising 8000–11,000 individual members of workers organisations: approximately one third of the population offshore. This study aims at describing the reasons for compensation of offshore workers who have lost their certificates. Materials and methods: Of 595 workers who applied for compensation in the period 2002–2010, 38 declined to participate in the study. Of the remaining 557, 507 were granted and 50 were denied compensation. All medical records held by the scheme concerning the 507 compensated applicants were examined. Health data were systematically extracted, analysed, and compared with general population statistics. Results: Musculoskeletal conditions were the most frequent conditions causing LOL for both sexes (42.5%), followed by psychiatric, neurological, and malignant diseases for women, and cardiovascular (19%), neurological, and psychiatric conditions for men. Musculoskeletal disorders were more prevalent than in the general population, and the prevalence of knee problems was particularly high. Among malignant diseases we found a high proportion of brain tumours and renal cancer. The causes are unknown and warrant further investigation in this population. Among women granted compensation, 78% were catering workers, while 50% of the men were process workers, reflecting the gender distribution in these working groups. Conclusions: Musculoskeletal conditions were the most frequent cause of application for LOL compensation for both sexes, followed by psychiatric, neurological, and malignant diseases for women, and cardiovascular, neurological, and psychiatric conditions for men. The cause of the higher incidence of musculoskeletal diseases, brain tumours, and renal cancer found in this study compared to the general population warrants further investigation.publishedVersio

    Tredje trinn: en kvantitativ vurdering av sikkerhetsklima og arbeidsmiljø

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    Denne rapporten innholder resultater fra del 3 i prosjektet ”Unge arbeidstakere i bygg og anlegg – fra skole til arbeidsliv”, og er den fjerde leveransen til Fondet for regionale verneombud i bygge- og anleggsbransjen. Trinn 3 har bestått av en kvantitativ studie blant arbeidstakere innen bygge- og anleggsbransjen i Rogaland. Til sammen har 456 respondenter i alle aldersgrupper svart på spørreskjemaet i studien. Formålet har vært å kartlegge mulige sammenhenger mellom bl.a. alder, bedrifts-/ prosjektstørrelse og skader, holdninger til sikkerhet på arbeidsplassen, oppfatninger av ledelsesfokus, oppfatninger av arbeidsmiljø, fravær og helseutfordninger.Fondet for regionale verneombu

    Unge arbeidstakere i bygg og anlegg - fra skole til arbeidsliv.

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    Denne rapporten innholder resultater fra del 3 i prosjektet ”Unge arbeidstakere i bygg og anlegg – fra skole til arbeidsliv”, og er den fjerde leveransen til Fondet for regionale verneombud i bygge- og anleggsbransjen. Trinn 3 har bestått av en kvantitativ studie blant arbeidstakere innen bygge- og anleggsbransjen i Rogaland. Til sammen har 456 respondenter i alle aldersgrupper svart på spørreskjemaet i studien. Formålet har vært å kartlegge mulige sammenhenger mellom bl.a. alder, bedrifts-/ prosjektstørrelse og skader, holdninger til sikkerhet på arbeidsplassen, oppfatninger av ledelsesfokus, oppfatninger av arbeidsmiljø, fravær og helseutfordninger

    Unge arbeidstakere i bygg og anlegg - fra skole til arbeidsliv. Tiltak for å redusere skader blant unge arbeidstakere

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    Denne rapporten inneholder bygge- og anleggsbransjens egne forslag til tiltak for å redusere ulykker og skader blant unge arbeidstakere. Dette er den femte leveransen fra prosjektet ”Unge arbeidstakere i bygg og anlegg – fra skole til arbeidsliv” til Fondet for regionale verneombud i bygge- og anleggsbransjen, som finansierer prosjektet.Fondet for regionale verneombud i bygg og anleg

    Tap av helsesertifikat offshore

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    Det stilles krav til helsen hos arbeidstakere som skal jobbe offshore, både av hensyn til den enkelte og til sikkerheten generelt på installasjonene. Dette betyr at hver arbeidstaker må ha ett gyldig helsesertifikat for å kunne jobbe offshore. Kravene for å kunne få et slikt helsesertifikat er nedfelt i forskrifts form. Dersom disse kravene ikke innfris mister man dette sertifikatet. Tre fagforeninger: SAFE, Industri Energi og Lederne har etablert en ordning med at arbeidstakere som mister helsesertifikatet kan få erstatning. Ordningen ønsket en vurdering av systematikken i saksbehandlingen av disse erstatningssakene, beskrivelse av karakteristika blant de som søkte erstatning og hvilke forhold som kan forklare selve tapet av helseattesten.Oljearbeidernes sosiale ordninge