10 research outputs found

    Surface salinity of the North Atlantic : can we reconstruct its fluctuations over the last one hundred years ?

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    Surface samples have been collected in the North Atlantic in the past one hundred years for determining the ocean salinity and its temperature. A large share of the data we have used were collected by merchant vessels of weather ships of European countries and to a large extent are listed in reports, in particular in the "Bulletin Hydrographique". We investigate whether these data are relevant for determining low frequency fluctuations of the sea surface salinity. We find many crossing in the 1920s for which salinity is anomalously high compared with the climatology or with other crossings collected on the same ship line. These anomalies are indicative of a contamination of the sample. By examining hydrographic data, reports and recent experience in collectionand storage in sea water, we can attribute these large errors to unclean buckets where salt crystals dissolve into the sample and to breathing of the samples during the storage. Each of these stages contributes in estimating a too large salinity and adds to the scatter of the measurements. (D'après résumé d'auteur

    The North Atlantic subpolar gyre regulates the spawning distribution of blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou Risso)

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    The spawning stock of blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou), an economically important pelagic gadoid in the North Atlantic Ocean, increased threefold after 1995. The reproductive success of the stock is largely determined during the very early stages of life, but little is known about the spawning dynamics of this species. Here we show that the spawning distribution of blue whiting is variable, regulated by the hydrography west of the British Isles. When the North Atlantic subpolar gyre is strong and spreads its cold, fresh water masses east over Rockall Plateau, the spawning is constrained along the European continental slope and in a southerly position near Porcupine Bank. When the gyre is weak and conditions are relatively saline and warm, the spawning distribution moves northwards along the slope and especially westwards covering Rockall Plateau. The apparent link between the spawning distribution and the subpolar gyre is the first step towards understanding the reproduction variability, which currently is the main challenge for appropriate management of the blue whiting stock

    Surface salinity of the North Atlantic : can we reconstruct its fluctuations over the last one hundred years ?

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    Surface samples have been collected in the North Atlantic in the past one hundred years for determining the ocean salinity and its temperature. A large share of the data we have used were collected by merchant vessels of weather ships of European countries and to a large extent are listed in reports, in particular in the "Bulletin Hydrographique". We investigate whether these data are relevant for determining low frequency fluctuations of the sea surface salinity. We find many crossing in the 1920s for which salinity is anomalously high compared with the climatology or with other crossings collected on the same ship line. These anomalies are indicative of a contamination of the sample. By examining hydrographic data, reports and recent experience in collectionand storage in sea water, we can attribute these large errors to unclean buckets where salt crystals dissolve into the sample and to breathing of the samples during the storage. Each of these stages contributes in estimating a too large salinity and adds to the scatter of the measurements. (D'après résumé d'auteur

    Thalassiosira species (Bacillariophyceae) from a Scottish sea-loch

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    During the spring diatom blooms of 1992 and 1993 in Loch Creran, Scotland, regular water column and sediment samples were collected, examined, and species composition of the phytoplankton determined. Thalassiosira species were found to be a major bloom constituent. Species were identified from specimens cultured from sediments and isolated from vertical net hauls, using light and scanning electron microscopy. Of the 17 species positively determined, only Thalassiosira angulata, T. anguste-lineata, T. eccentrica, T. gravida, T. minima, T. nordenskioeldii, T. rotula and T. tenera have been previously reported in Scottish waters. Other species, for example Thalassiosira pseudonana and T. punctigera, have been noted elsewhere in the British Isles but not along the Scottish west coast. Several species, namely Thalassiosira concaviuscula, T. constricta, T. delicatula, T. kuschirensis, T. oceanica, T. pacifica and T. tealata, are new records for the British Isles. One unidentified taxon is illustrated. Descriptions, illustrations and a key are provided for the 18 taxa

    Uveitis in dogs infected with Ehrlichia canis Uveíte em cães infectados com Ehrlichia canis

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    Uveitis is a common disease in dogs with a multitude of causes, one of them being ehrlichiosis. This article reviews several uveitis etiologies, as well as the important aspects of canine ehrlichiosis, including its diagnosis and the main ophthalmic signs presented in these cases. It also reports the therapy that should be used.<br>As uveítes, que se constituem em oftalmopatias comuns entre os cães, decorrem de inúmeras causas. Em nosso meio, destaca-se a erliquiose. Este artigo discute as várias causas da enfermidade ocular, bem como aspectos importantes da enfermidade parasitária, incluindo os sinais, o diagnóstico e o tratamento