2,051 research outputs found

    Dynamics of the Light-Cone Zero Modes: Theta Vacuum of the Massive Schwinger Model

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    The massive Schwinger model is quantized on the light cone with great care on the bosonic zero modes by putting the system in a finite (light-cone) spatial box. The zero mode of AA_{-} survives Dirac's procedure for the constrained system as a dynamical degree of freedom. After regularization and quantization, we show that the physical space condition is consistently imposed and relates the fermion Fock states to the zero mode of the gauge field. The vacuum is obtained by solving a Schr\"odinger equation in a periodic potential, so that the theta is understood as the Bloch momentum. We also construct a one-meson state in the fermion-antifermion sector and obtained the Schr\"odinger equation for it.Comment: 23 pages, RevTex, no figure

    Zero Mode and Symmetry Breaking on the Light Front

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    We study the zero mode and the spontaneous symmetry breaking on the light front (LF). We use the discretized light-cone quantization (DLCQ) of Maskawa-Yamawaki to treat the zero mode in a clean separation from all other modes. It is then shown that the Nambu-Goldstone (NG) phase can be realized on the trivial LF vacuum only when an explicit symmetry-breaking mass of the NG boson mπm_{\pi} is introduced. The NG-boson zero mode integrated over the LF must exhibit singular behavior 1/mπ2 \sim 1/m_{\pi}^2 in the symmetric limit mπ0m_{\pi}\to 0, which implies that current conservation is violated at zero mode, or equivalently the LF charge is not conserved even in the symmetric limit. We demonstrate this peculiarity in a concrete model, the linear sigma model, where the role of zero-mode constraint is clarified. We further compare our result with the continuum theory. It is shown that in the continuum theory it is difficult to remove the zero mode which is not a single mode with measure zero but the accumulating point causing uncontrollable infrared singularity. A possible way out within the continuum theory is also suggested based on the ``ν\nu theory''. We finally discuss another problem of the zero mode in the continuum theory, i.e., no-go theorem of Nakanishi-Yamawaki on the non-existence of LF quantum field theory within the framework of Wightman axioms, which remains to be a challenge for DLCQ, ``ν\nu theory'' or any other framework of LF theory.Comment: 60 pages, the final section has been expanded. A few minor corrections; version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Series Expansions for the Massive Schwinger Model in Hamiltonian lattice theory

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    It is shown that detailed and accurate information about the mass spectrum of the massive Schwinger model can be obtained using the technique of strong-coupling series expansions. Extended strong-coupling series for the energy eigenvalues are calculated, and extrapolated to the continuum limit by means of integrated differential approximants, which are matched onto a weak-coupling expansion. The numerical estimates are compared with exact results, and with finite-lattice results calculated for an equivalent lattice spin model with long-range interactions. Both the heavy fermion and the light fermion limits of the model are explored in some detail.Comment: RevTeX, 10 figures, add one more referenc

    RPA for Light-Front Hamiltonian Field Theory

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    A self-consistent random phase approximation (RPA) is proposed as an effective Hamiltonian method in Light-Front Field Theory (LFFT). We apply the general idea to the light-front massive Schwinger model to obtain a new bound state equation and solve it numerically.Comment: A major revision in presentation, while the results essentially unchanged. 2 figs. replaced, 1 fig. added, some parts of Sec. V moved to Sec. IV, some wording changed, typos correcte

    Концепція реформування літературної освіти в середній школі (предмет – українська література)

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    This paper provides a technique that minimize the cruise drag (or maximize L/D) fora blended wing body transport with a number of constraints. The wing shape design isdone by splitting the problem into 2D airfoil design and 3D twist optimization with a frozenplanform. A 45% to 50% reduction of inviscid drag is nally obtained, with desired pitchingmoment. The results indicate that further improvement can be obtained by modifying theplanform and varying the camber more aggressively.QC 20121113NOVEMO

    Radiosensitization of mammary carcinoma cells by telomere homolog oligonucleotide pretreatment

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    Introduction: Ionizing radiation (IR) is a widely used approach to cancer therapy, ranking second only to surgery in rate of utilization. Responses of cancer patients to radiotherapy depend in part on the intrinsic radiosensitivity of the tumor cells. Thus, promoting tumor cell sensitivity to IR could significantly enhance the treatment outcome and quality of life for patients. Methods: Mammary tumor cells were treated by a 16-base phosphodiester-linked oligonucleotide homologous to the telomere G-rich sequence TTAGGG (T-oligo: GGTTAGGTGTAGGTTT) or a control-oligo (the partial complement, TAACCCTAACCCTAAC) followed by IR. The inhibition of tumor cell growth in vitro was assessed by cell counting and clonogenic cell survival assay. The tumorigenesis of tumor cells after various treatments was measured by tumor growth in mice. The mechanism underlying the radiosensitization by T-oligo was explored by immunofluorescent determination of phosphorylated histone H2AX (γ\gammaH2AX) foci, β\beta-galactosidase staining, comet and Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP Nick End Labeling (TUNEL) assays. The efficacy of the combined treatment was assessed in a spontaneous murine mammary tumor model. Results: Pretreatment of tumor cells with T-oligo for 24 hours in vitro enhanced both senescence and apoptosis of irradiated tumor cells and reduced clonogenic potential. Radiosensitization by T-oligo was associated with increased formation and/or delayed resolution of γ\gammaH2AX DNA damage foci and fragmented DNA. T-oligo also caused radiosensitization in two in vivo mammary tumor models. Indeed, combined T-oligo and IR-treatment in vivo led to a substantial reduction in tumor growth. Of further significance, treatment with T-oligo and IR led to synergistic inhibition of the growth of spontaneous mammary carcinomas. Despite these profound antitumor properties, T-oligo and IR caused no detectable side effects under our experimental conditions. Conclusions: Pretreatment with T-oligo sensitizes mammary tumor cells to radiation in both in vitro and in vivo settings with minimal or no normal tissue side effects

    The Role of Zero-Modes in the Canonical Quantization of Heavy-Fermion QED in Light-Cone Coordinates

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    Four-dimensional heavy-fermion QED is studied in light-cone coordinates with (anti-)periodic field boundary conditions. We carry out a consistent light-cone canonical quantization of this model using the Dirac algorithm for a system with first- and second-class constraints. To examine the role of the zero modes, we consider the quantization procedure in {the }zero-mode {and the non-zero-mode} sectors separately. In both sectors we obtain the physical variables and their canonical commutation relations. The physical Hamiltonian is constructed via a step-by-step exclusion of the unphysical degrees of freedom. An example using this Hamiltonian in which the zero modes play a role is the verification of the correct Coulomb potential between two heavy fermions.Comment: 22 pages, CWRUTH-93-5 (Latex

    Telomeric DNA induces apoptosis and senescence of human breast carcinoma cells

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    INTRODUCTION: Cancer is a leading cause of death in Americans. We have identified an inducible cancer avoidance mechanism in cells that reduces mutation rate, reduces and delays carcinogenesis after carcinogen exposure, and induces apoptosis and/or senescence of already transformed cells by simultaneously activating multiple overlapping and redundant DNA damage response pathways. METHODS: The human breast carcinoma cell line MCF-7, the adriamycin-resistant MCF-7 (Adr/MCF-7) cell line, as well as normal human mammary epithelial (NME) cells were treated with DNA oligonucleotides homologous to the telomere 3' overhang (T-oligos). SCID mice received intravenous injections of MCF-7 cells followed by intravenous administration of T-oligos. RESULTS: Acting through ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and its downstream effectors, T-oligos induced apoptosis and senescence of MCF-7 cells but not NME cells, in which these signaling pathways were induced to a far lesser extent. In MCF-7 cells, experimental telomere loop disruption caused identical responses, consistent with the hypothesis that T-oligos act by mimicking telomere overhang exposure. In vivo, T-oligos greatly prolonged survival of SCID mice following intravenous injection of human breast carcinoma cells. CONCLUSION: By inducing DNA damage-like responses in MCF-7 cells, T-oligos provide insight into innate cancer avoidance mechanisms and may offer a novel approach to treatment of breast cancer and other malignancies

    The (1+1)-dimensional Massive sine-Gordon Field Theory and the Gaussian Wave-functional Approach

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    The ground, one- and two-particle states of the (1+1)-dimensional massive sine-Gordon field theory are investigated within the framework of the Gaussian wave-functional approach. We demonstrate that for a certain region of the model-parameter space, the vacuum of the field system is asymmetrical. Furthermore, it is shown that two-particle bound state can exist upon the asymmetric vacuum for a part of the aforementioned region. Besides, for the bosonic equivalent to the massive Schwinger model, the masses of the one boson and two-boson bound states agree with the recent second-order results of a fermion-mass perturbation calculation when the fermion mass is small.Comment: Latex, 11 pages, 8 figures (EPS files